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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15668256 No.15668256 [Reply] [Original]

what is the ACTUAL best diet for weight loss?

>> No.15668267

Eating less food.

>> No.15668270

one that results in a caloric deficit

>> No.15668271

Consuming less calories than you burn.

>> No.15668272


>> No.15668278

probably one with higher fat + protein and lower carbs since fats and proteins are more satiating

>> No.15668283

MDMA and cocaine.

>> No.15668288


>> No.15668289

keto + IF + OMAD + c25K

>> No.15668291
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>> No.15668293
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zippy water

>> No.15668295


>> No.15668296

ezz some cigarettes too please

>> No.15668299
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>> No.15668301

>another retarded frogposter
there is no one diet that works the same for everyone
stop oversimplifying things

>> No.15668302

Count calories, simple as. OMAD/IF definitely helps with this.

>> No.15668308


>> No.15668356
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>> No.15668368

Keto allows you to easily transition into water fasting, IF, OMAD, or water fasting seamlessly.

Water fasting is the answer for anyone who isn't an idiot. Look up the Minnesota Starvation Experiment, and realize everything you have ever known about fitness and losing weight is mostly garbage.

>> No.15668391

Low-carb OMAD is relatively easy and never leaves me hungry.

>> No.15668410

OMAD. You only need to eat 1 meal a day. Thats it.

>> No.15668435

"Grazing" as Americans have been encouraged to do never gives your liver a break.

>> No.15668456

Rolling 48hr fast. Go to /fit/ and look for the fasting thread

>> No.15668457

Keto + Intermittent fasting. I lost 20 kg in 4 months lol. Then switched to low carb (50grams more or less) and OMAD or 20-4. Kept the weight off for a year and a half so far.

>> No.15668495

I kekd

>> No.15668503

Keto + intermittent fasting

>> No.15668533
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>> No.15668565
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Amphetamine & methamphetamine actually
>Subscribed Amphetamine for weight loss cause I was a fat cunt
>Lost 10kgs in 15 days
>regained it straight away after I stopped taking the meds due to severe constipation & not being able to sleep

>> No.15668789

Do drugs. Don't eat. Be hungry. Drink water. Move around.

>> No.15668795


>> No.15669543
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>> No.15669555

Don't listen to the CICO retards you'll kill your metabolism and it never works.

>> No.15669560

Depends on YOU. You have to be able to stick with it and your body has to respond to it. For me, it's keto. For my boyfriend it's low carb.

>> No.15669565
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>my boyfriend

>> No.15669575


>> No.15669602

Not eating carbs. Now fuck off

>> No.15669613

I did a six day fast and lost 14lbs. A month later I’m still down 6lbs. You will need to make artificial piss aka snake juice to keep your potassium and sodium levels correct to support your nervous system function. Days one and two are hell on earth, and day three sucked, but by day six, I was thinking of extending it to ten. Ultimately, I did not because my wife wanted to go somewhere to eat. The hardest thing was mealtime because my “dinner” was simply warmed potassium and sodium salts in water, with green onion and seaweed floating on top to make it look like a big bowl of soup. It’s crazy how important simultaneous eating is important to human relations. I didn’t tell her it was zero calorie so she thought it was soup. I even had to pretend like I enjoyed it
>boy that was great
>I’m stuffed
>I got so hungry there, I just had to eat something
Meanwhile my animal brain was running on pure stored fat and I was feeling fucking ruthless. I now fully understand what happens in wars, etc.

>> No.15669619

>breakfast & lunch
two slices of bread, with jam or peanut butter or deli meat
300 to 400g of meat (steak, chicken etc), with some leaf vegetables, maybe some onions, a pickle.
use a tracker like myfitnesspal, don't go over 1600 calories per day, the basic list above shouldn't go over, supplement with boiled eggs, maybe a protein shake.
do a half hour walk every day and consider doing basic gym machines at some point.

>> No.15669880

LOL funny kitties

>> No.15669916

When most people say they want to lose weight, they mean they want to lose fat. There was this study a while back that showed a physically active group consuming high amounts (like 0.8g/lb per day) of protein while on a caloric deficit results in the same weight loss as a regular protein diet on a caloric deficit, but the weight lost on the high protein diet was almost all fat.

>> No.15669961

Interesting. How do you achieve a high protein but caloric deficit diet? Simply replace every meal with protein shakes?

>> No.15669966

Whatever you want, just less of it than what your body is burning.

>> No.15669980
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Alcoholism with hard liquor. Drink til you pass out, wake up, repeat. Hydrate when you feel like death and eat a little something while laying on the floor every few days when your body is too weak to stand on its own.
Whisky and a large jar of pickles will last you longer than you think. Drink the juice as a chaser. You are welcome.

>> No.15669983

to lose the weight
keto, hands down
but to keep the weight off and have a balanced source of nutrition, anything but keto

>> No.15669993
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>set a calorie limit
>reduce added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium
>increase protein and fiber
>get in shape

>> No.15670226

literally anything but processed in less or maintainable, affordable portions

>> No.15670229

salt makes u fat?

>> No.15670246

Eating unprocessed food and not snacking.

>> No.15670379

Fasting and bulimia. I've lost 100lbs since last year doing it.

>> No.15670390


>> No.15670392


>> No.15670394

>Eating less food.
This shit worked for me. I couldn't believe it!

>> No.15670397

A camp in poland

>> No.15670398

This. Have lost 5 kg in one month due to counting calories.

>> No.15670403


A varied diet with plenty of fresh veg and exercise

there are no silver bullets and anyone who claims otherwise is either trying to sell you something or has already drank the silver-bullet-seller's kool-aid

>> No.15670621

water fasting

>> No.15670651

Baked potato diet. Look it up

>> No.15670662

Low carb and sugar, under tdee by about 300-500 cal while lifting.

>> No.15670683
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Eat nothing until your desired weight is achieved.

>> No.15670765

Water fast

>> No.15670787

Lol. Same but instead it wasnt a wife but my mother and paternal uncle. They thought I was crazy for only drinking water and snake juice and they got so worried that they had a family intervention. After making up, I faked eating and continued with the program for 4 weeks whilst in stealth mode. Lost 25 pounds. Maintained that weightloss by starting a new Job at a meat processing factory which was hard labour. This was 3 years ago and Im fitter than ever, and my life is on the right track. I told my uncle I continued with the fast whilst they thought I was eating a year ago. He told me they made a mistake thinking I was a mentally weak future aneroxic and not someone with a plan.

>> No.15670804

How come water fasters like myself who have actually done the work kept off the weight? Water fasting is the silver bullet. Its how our ancestors experienced life when there wasnt bountyful food 80 percent of the time. Our bodies are designed for fasting. It needs fasting to recycle the waste in our bodies. People who fast live longer and have better body functions and even mental performance. The diet industry and doctors whose livelyhood depend on a high obesity rate are parroting the lie that fasting isnt the silver bullet to the obesity crisis and unhealthy when that couldnt be further from the truth

>> No.15670805


>> No.15670815

Veganism if done correctly.

>> No.15670817

1. Intermittent fasting with keto refeeds
2. Intermittent fasting with normie refeeds
3. Keto
4. Low Carb
5. CICO (normal carb)

Insulin response is your enemy.

>> No.15670818

>There was this study I won't link

>> No.15670820

It mainly works as you can't eat a lot of the shit you used to, and stops working as soon as you find something fatty/vegan to shove into your disgusting face. The only adjustment that matters is attitude.

>> No.15670914

im down almost 100 lbs. I rebounded due to drug use and rack of disciprine over the years. but if I can do this shit twice you can do it it once.

cooking helps a fuckload. its way easier to lose weight while taking pride in what you're eating while it being healthier, cheaper, and fucking delicious than it is to try and lose weight on bland ass chicken breasts and rice etc. not necessary.

>tdee calculator
>calories in less than calories out
also a 24-48 hr fast in the beginning will help a fuckload. Your stomach will shrink a lot making you less hungry and require less food when you do eat. If you cant handle it, it will happen over the course of a week or two anyways.

>> No.15670954

If you’re fat you probably are low-key snacking all day on stuff like chips, crackers etc. Just cut out all snacking and you’ll be surprised at the results. After you eat dinner just stop, no desserts or late night binges.

>> No.15671026

every time you feel hungry you suck dick

>> No.15671041

Med diet is best. You don’t feel restricted

>> No.15671048
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eat a big ass steak and nothing else for a month, the more fat the better...and drink water...and get a dog so you are forced to go out and walk everyday you fat fuck, buy knowing you, you would eat your dogs poo so you wouldn't have to take him for a walk..

>> No.15671051

No sugar

>> No.15671334

I lost 90 lbs in a year. I walked 5 times a week for 30-60 minutes. I counted calories and ate under 1900 a day (as a 5'11" man). I ate less carbs and sugar and more vegetables.

It's literally that easy, any diet is a meme.

>> No.15671342 [DELETED] 


eating nothing, retard.

>> No.15671344 [DELETED] 


by assessing the caloric rate of males by their obesity, we can infer that you weighed almost 500 pounds.

you're still a fucking fat monster.

>> No.15671953

the “just draw” equivalent to weight loss
useless answer

>> No.15671967

Adderall diet.

>> No.15672026

Doesn't make it any less true.
Also show belt size.

>> No.15672041

I was 250 and now I'm 160, not sure what numbers you're using faggot.

>> No.15672042

down 5lbs in 2 weeks doing keto, but my body feels like shit.
my leg muscles feel like they want to cramp when i'm standing up.

>> No.15672074

i might have lost more but i'm 5'6" now 127lbs.

>> No.15672805

fattie detected, literally just eat less food fat cunt

>> No.15672953
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The one that gives you a caloric deficit and that you can stick to for long periods of time.
Meme diets like keto can help you lose weight quickly, but once you decide to stop you're at risk of gaining it all back because you didn't learn how to control your intake outside of the context of the meme diet. You should focus on setting reasonable long-term eating habits, e.g. cooking at home, understanding what a good portion looks like, eating a varied diet, cooking with vegetals and legumes.
Protein gets converted into glucose by the liver when they're not being used. May as well just eat carbs at that point.
What happens when you don't get enough sodium or potassium? How do you notice?
>muh ancestors did x
>lose weight with one easy trick!
>the doctors don't want you to know
Ah, the hallmarks of a fad diet.

>> No.15673333

Eat less
cut out carbs, junk food, snacks and anything fatty/sugary
drink water instead of soda/alcohol (this is where most people fuck up)

congrats, you'll shit out 5kg a week.

>> No.15673348
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Thought you said “fisting”

>> No.15673461


>> No.15673557

Starvation, nicotine and acid.

>> No.15673592

Low carb. Even if you're a caloriefag who can't grasp any information beyond in/out, you won't feel like you're staving constantly and you'll actually have energy while maintaining a """caloric deficit"""