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15666212 No.15666212 [Reply] [Original]

Yogurt thread, share your knowledge

>> No.15666331

Good thing Americans dont know foreign languages, otherwise they might realize they're being made fun of and everyone would avoid that brand.

>> No.15666343

Yeah man the word shepherd really affects the way I consume key lime yogurt. Glad you pointed that out

>> No.15666348

>plain yogurt
>mix in protein powder of choice
>nearly 40g of protein per cup
it's great

>> No.15666352

Choban is one if the most common insults in Turkey and Kurdistan (where the founder comes from). The more you know.

>> No.15666382

Is there ANY food that beats non-fat Greek yogurt in terms of protein per calorie (other than protein powder)?

>> No.15666419

Don't think so.
Tuna comes close, but can't beat it.

>> No.15666440

For me it's PB Dream

>> No.15667386
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This shit is amazing. Anyone else?

>> No.15667559
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How do i make more yogurt?
I've heard its as simple as putting yogurt and milk in a crockpot together, is this true? has anyone ever tried it?

>> No.15667638

Quark and Skyr probably.

>> No.15667665

i'm from key west and have never had a key lime pie lol

>> No.15667695

I find mixing yogurt and mashed banana together before adding to the dough makes for a much more silky and smooth texture in banana bread.

>> No.15667701

anything other than plain makes you gay

>> No.15667747

In English, doc.

>> No.15667754

Whole milk and yogurt with active cultures in a crockpot at a low temp for like 12 hours.
Why couldn't you just google it?

>> No.15667854

>just want to eat yogurt
>like 90% of the shit at the store is low fat of fat free or suagar free or non dairy or some other stupidity
>have to triple check every package to make sure I'm not buying some watered down crap
why does this only happen with yogurt? I don't have this problem with any other food I buy.

>> No.15667874

Those are the names i am afraid. Just google it.

>> No.15667884
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I bought picrel today. It was expensive, $3.40 per cup, so I only bought the one and probably won't buy more, but I just had to know what it tastes like. I might eat it later today, so if I do I will update.

Good thing the yogurt isn't called Choban then.

For the price the only one I'll buy regularly is the strawberry rhubarb, but holy shit is it good. Noosa tops all other yogurts in terms of flavor.


>> No.15667906

>Good thing the yogurt isn't called Choban then.
Even worse, chobani is the plural of choban. Imagine eating a yogurt that is called "motherfuckers" or "assholes" or [insert the plural form of the insult of your choice] LMAO.

>> No.15667938

Not an equivalent because the word doesn't mean "motherfuckers" or "assholes," it means "shepherds." It's not any business to me whether turkroaches think being a shepherd is a bad thing or not.
>a variation of the modern Turkish word çoban, from Ottoman Turkish چوبان (čobân); itself derived from Persian چوپان (čupân) meaning 'shepherd'

>> No.15667954
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>went to Aldi
>rushed it and bought 6 low fat greek yogurts by accident
>they taste bad
I have undone myself.

>> No.15667960

Nigga please. Everyone knows that choban is a very common insult among Turks and Kurds. Have you even ever met a Turk or Kurd?

Chobani, thats what Hamdi Ulukaya (as his name indicates, he's a Kurd from Turkey) thinks of his customers, hence why he called his yogurt brand that. He's literally insulting you and laughing all the way to the bank (he's a billionaire).

I'd be funny if it wasn't this sad.

>> No.15667973

Absolutely doubt. I actually had to do a project on him in a marketing class recently, watched a lot of interviews. He's a really good guy and donates a lot of his profits to charities.

>> No.15668001

>Absolutely doubt.
You are clueless my friend but i ascribe that to never having met Turks/Kurds.

Choban is one of the most common insults in that particular community and you can even find articles online about it or Turkish forums where Turks deplore the use of that word as an insult since it technically is a normal job.

Again, everyone that knows Turks or Kurds knows this.

>> No.15668074

Every Brit knows that the word "faggot" is used as a slur against gays but they still call both cigarettes and meatballs by that name.
>Imagine some retarded thirdie not understanding contextual nuance to language!
Oh, it wasn't a stretch of the imagination at all.

>> No.15668089

>contextual nuance
No such thing with Turks and Kurds, believe me.

>> No.15668093
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Brits don't call ciggies "faggots" though.

>> No.15668104

You know very well what was communicated.

>> No.15668175
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Can you judge a yogurt's quality based on how odd the name is?

>> No.15668247

Heat milk to 180F, let cool to <130F, stir in some yogurt, and keep it insulated for 8 to 12 hours. Longer = more tart.

>> No.15668518

>all these children eating sweetened yogurt

>> No.15668827

shut the fuck up turkroach. your country has never been relevant so stop spazzing out about some yogurt name

>> No.15669054

It's always 2/$4 around me. Lemon is the GOAT but apparently people have mango too but I've never seen it

>> No.15669258

>have you ever met a turk or a kurd???
No I live in the first world fuck off

>> No.15669287

Started buying greek yogurt and adding powdered peanut butter. Pure protein you can snack on any time of the day.

>> No.15669408

Making your own is easy.

>> No.15669538

Says fag right on the label
Yeah. Had it once. It's awesome but pricey.
Full fat yogurt with honey is pretty great

>> No.15669546

it's pretty good but not worth the asking price. i think they sell big tubs of it in affluent neighborhood tier costcos and thats more worth it

>> No.15669547

Non fat yogurt with 1 tbsp of pudding mix. Mix slowly and add sweetener. Taste so good

>> No.15669556
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Recently put these in my full fat yogurt. Was pretty good.

>> No.15670015
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Due Cow milk being mostly A1 casein, I've been looking around for A2 casein milk products like yogurts made from Buffalo, Sheep, Goat, even Guernsey Cow milk. They are not that much more expensive than regular cow's milk yogurt either, so I'm never going back to that.


>> No.15670043


>> No.15670059

>contains milk wheat & soy
I'm pretty sure yogurt is only supposed to have milk

>> No.15671301

No has been able to prove any difference in nutrition or disease risk from A1 and A2 casein in 30 years.

>> No.15672478

>an animal not native to europe
>european style

>> No.15672791

This company was founded by a swarthy Turk who proceeded to hire his fellow co-ethnics and other third-worlders (e.g., illegal aliens) for cheap labor and refusing to hire Whites, thereby screwing over the nation to took him in.

>> No.15673415


>> No.15673793

>an animal not native to europe
American education.


>> No.15674710
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Wait you can do this? Is it actually good?

>> No.15674830
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>low fat
I hate that shit.
>tfw it's such a dystopian dead end future with the literal majority of the population having weight problems that the few remaining healthy people have to suffer stores filled with fake food designed to trick fat people into feeling like they ate something

>> No.15674923

why would i, a white man, give a fuck?

>> No.15675050

Yes you can do it. Who would stop you?

>> No.15675171

Noosa is great stuff. I’ve been to the facility. Top notch and a beautiful locale

>> No.15675184

Yeah, no. Sell that nonsense to the tourists

>> No.15675190

Not at all. But good troll, dude. Too bad you hate Kurds. Great people

>> No.15675594


>> No.15675655

Did a Yogurt marinade on chicken for the first time on chicken yesterday (well, I technically marinated it in tzatziki sauce but it's basically yogurt anyway) and holy fuck that shit turned out good. The platter was gone within the first 30 minutes of the party.

>> No.15675910
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I buy this one from Aldi. It's not low fat garbage. Just straight yogurt. I throw some in a bowl, top with granola, then add fruit. Normally blueberries or banana. Dried coconut flakes are good too. And of course I drizzle a good amount of honey on top. My father has kept bees for the past 15 years so I constantly have bottles of all different types of honey on hand.

>> No.15675923

Yogurt in marinades is a game changer for grilled meat. I always do it when I make shish kabobs. So delicious man.

>> No.15676536

Why would you, a white man, support a company that's openly disrespecting you and engaging in anti-white practices?

Literally all of that is true though, dumbshit mutts.

>> No.15676549

"Sheep" is also an insult in America, retard.

>> No.15676553

Too much sugar