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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 625x839, c5c94c289fed6842ad1880a53a0ef2ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15656301 No.15656301 [Reply] [Original]

Post failed foods, doesnt have to be only fast food

>> No.15656320

>ad looks so phresh and inviting
>try to turn over the tomato half
>everything falls down and the hamburger is ruined

Thank you McD for not putting me to work this is why I pay top dollar for my meal to be already cooked

>> No.15656331
File: 57 KB, 500x531, hsotdmicrorave2016-500x531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does microwavable cake even exist anymore

>> No.15656332

Failing isn’t the same thing as being assassinated by eco-hippies.

>> No.15656380
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry my mistake, here you go

Failed so hard they practically gave them away to get rid of any remaining stock

>> No.15656423

for me, it was ashens' video about making and eating one of these with his gay friend

>> No.15656433
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>> No.15656446
File: 86 KB, 488x488, GUEST_4ec93c37-52f8-49ca-9704-9a88399291b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less, they make these things.

>> No.15656467
File: 101 KB, 500x412, C61DDEBF-5B43-4602-9CAC-F5F1635319BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Norway.

>> No.15656502
File: 69 KB, 680x495, wendys salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wendys salad bar and by extension the super bar would never even survive in todays climate, shocked it lasted as long as it did back then

>> No.15656555

mcdonald hot wings in finland are better than kfc i ate in london

>> No.15656575
File: 513 KB, 500x500, IMG_2218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never passed location testing

>> No.15656585

Dave Thomas was an interesting guy - and also kind of an asshole who was absent from his childrens lives - but Wendy's had a lot of cool ideas for a fast casual chain (salad bar, chili, coffee, etc.) when that concept was getting really big.
Nowadays they have to rely on the (admittedly good) gimmick of fresh beef, and so on, as Americans want the McFastFood model less and less, but I still think of Wendys as the "cool third choice" burger joint. Those associations stick, I suppose.

>> No.15656586

lol that's so puny

>> No.15656596

how did this idea even make it that far
one extra long thin ass chicken fry surrounded by too much bread wtf

>> No.15656599
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>> No.15656604

>sour cream & jive
lol, niggas should have this flavor

>> No.15656608

>would never even survive in todays climate,
Why not? Maybe not in shitty neighborhoods, but normal neighborhoods could certainly function with salad bars

>> No.15656618

Veggie burgers/fake meats

>> No.15656619
File: 196 KB, 1200x800, Arthur-Treachers-Nathans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anytime your store was a combo with Arthur Treacher's, they would either remove Arthur's or the store would be changed entirely.

Mine changed into a Subway i think.

>> No.15656631

They were good. At the end they had honey habernero and skinless.

>> No.15656638
File: 42 KB, 605x400, archdeluxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was legit bretty gud. Maybe not a Big Mac, but better then a quarter pounder. If they brought it back limited time it would be another McRib.

>> No.15656649
File: 26 KB, 344x500, 00739510203105-NpxP9S8RcbgAog1-en-US-0_s500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It came and went quicker than the other flavors

>> No.15656665

>cheese on the cool side
why would you want to eat a burger with a cold, unmelted slice of cheese in it

>> No.15656667

Arch deluxes were very good thriw away bottom bun though. Mcdlts were always a gimmick.

>> No.15656839
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, Swedish-Fish-Oreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oreo has a lot of these, someone needs to stop those fucking people

>> No.15656876

These piss me off so much. The whole point of a mug brown is you can throw it together with shit you have on hand.

>> No.15656879

Anon, veggie burgers have been around for ages.

>> No.15656928

you put the meat half on the top and then flip it over. at least that's how they taught me to assemble sandwiches back when I worked in fast food

>> No.15656937

it's essentially the same as using part of the ingredients for a regular batch, only difference is they give you four sachets

>> No.15656945

I think they're pushing lady gaga Oreos right now

>> No.15657023

They put the tomato side first in the ad. Probably so they wont have to tell you you have to do TWO steps because mcd should pay you for doing half the work then

>> No.15657038

man I miss soda shaq, shit was good.

>> No.15657067
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>> No.15657317
File: 327 KB, 665x519, 5AE0383C-D89C-4830-B66E-9304BF0A82CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say this is the worst McDonald’s fail. Started when I worked there in high school only lasted 6 months no one even remembers they existed

>> No.15657326

>Cheese on the cold side

This is why it failed

>> No.15657336

I want these

>> No.15657370

While I never saw anyone do anything disgusting some of that food sat for a long ass time especially the filets and these you would not want them unless they were fresh which they never were

>> No.15657841

>The McPizza
>Held up drive through lines
>Couldn't even get the pizza box through the McDicks window

>> No.15657868

Fuck I remember them rolling out the mighty wings when I worked there. It was a horrible hassle to make, and literally no one bought them lol. Even when they made them 25 cents a wing we were throwing away 5+ pounds of them a day.

>> No.15657887

They still sell it at a couple restaurants so that doesn't count

>> No.15657906
File: 10 KB, 300x168, Royal TS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still have it in some countries.

>> No.15657911

>The soda flavored oreos.

The one good flavor they had was the cinnabon.

They should've kept it.

>> No.15657938

We just love the BBC

>> No.15657944

Super easy to do yourself, mix some flour, cocoa, eggs, sugar, milk, into a mug yourself and microwave for a bit. Look online for a real recipe.

>> No.15657945

>330 calories
Oh my. For a mugs worth of cake?

>> No.15657971
File: 114 KB, 1024x750, mcdonalds-mcsalad-shakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember pic related... got one once. Meh.
Also the terrible McSpaghetti.
Also, when McDonald's restaurants tried being fancy with tablecloths and wait staff that would bring your food to you. I think I even remember a candle being on the table, as well.
My old man remembers the Onion McNuggets, or whatever they were called. Sounds kinda good to me.

>> No.15658024

I love it and miss it to thia day

>> No.15658052

How can you starve in this day and age? Can't you afford a bare minimum of three meals in a local diner? Just uber eats it ffs lazy africans

>> No.15658063

>Try to eat
>Bro, there are TWELVE MILLION Africans starving!
>Ok let's feed them
>20 years later they all have children
>Try to eat

>> No.15658069

That actually sounds kinda good

>> No.15658103

Nothing in all of history has caused more human suffering than feeding, housing, clothing and caring for sick Africans

>> No.15658112
File: 15 KB, 450x450, 483f4309-1375-45b2-937c-e6da0b108641_1.de47b42aa137db9c303bf1b53db9a9b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15658128

Based and catholicpilled

>> No.15658136

Upvoted ;)

>> No.15658138

Why thank you kind stranger ;_;

>> No.15658237

That's what McDonald's also believed. But you don't

>> No.15658242

Just learned that these came in a plastic pyrofoam container, are you hecking kidding me?! This is why we have global warning

>> No.15658277

Even when the variants sell like crap, they still always drag the brand into people's awareness. Even the stupidest idea gets a "hey, have you tried oreo xxx already?". Same as Fanta. They also love their rotating special flavours despite none of them holding a candle to just simple orange.

>> No.15658307
File: 1.86 MB, 1648x2464, ezsquirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what would go GREAT with those cool blue fries

>> No.15658323
File: 65 KB, 304x1024, fanta world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They also love their rotating special flavours despite none of them holding a candle to just simple orange.
Pic related tasted really good. They had plenty special edition for the football world cup 2006 and while all the others were just available for 2 months or so they kept producing the Brazil version the whole year, because it was so popular.

>> No.15658336


>> No.15658919

Holy shit, I remember these, I was talking to my online friend about it a few weeks ago lmao

>> No.15658957
File: 88 KB, 900x717, extreme pulp orange juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15658958
File: 198 KB, 1174x1048, 9E8CA00F-5C56-45FE-A9CB-B0C227F56A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have literally googled it and found the answer in the time it took you to post that.

>> No.15658973

>Arthur Treacher's
he's the constable in disneys mary poppins.

>> No.15658982

Blueberry one was trash, the rest were alright

>> No.15658985
File: 162 KB, 720x561, DA49E100-7649-4504-8B18-BB97023A2728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say black neighborhoods. Be honest with yourself.

>> No.15659500

this was my go-to back in like elementary school, was sad to see it gone.

>> No.15659659

your post made me realize that i subconsciously think of burger king as number 2 despite it having been pure shit for decades. probably because they really committed themselves to the cola wars approach while wendy's chose to remain above the fray but got stuck as #3 as a consequence

>> No.15659685

the arch deluxe is a cautionary tale of the limitations of marketing. it's also emblematic of mcdonald's hubris in the 90's, in no other era would any chain dream of wasting that much money developing a single product just to cancel it that quickly. had the arch deluxe been rolled out to lesser fanfare it would have easily established itself as a menu anchor the way the breakfast burrito did

>> No.15659697

i went to quiz competition once and one of the rounds was identifying different oreo variants by taste

>> No.15659703

never underestimate the buying power of the segment of the population who have both disposable income and an absolute lack of desire and/or ability to do anything for themselves

>> No.15659715
File: 85 KB, 765x765, burger-king-debuts-whopperito-burger-burrito-mash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm kind of impressed that they managed to make this suck

>> No.15659719

What the fuck

>> No.15659736

That actually sounds kinda good, I'm also amazed they managed to make it fail somehow

>> No.15659751

BK always manages to fuck up when they try to veer from their lane. Their wanna-be Jack in the Box tacos are still on their menu in some places, but they're like twice the price and twice as gross. Before the whole Beyond/Impossible thing, they had a veggie patty that looked like prison loaf and smelled fucking rank (I worked there in high school).

Then they get good shit like the Angry Whopper and it disappears without a trace. GOD DAMNIT, BK.

>> No.15659766

This is what diversity robbed us of. We can't have comfy atmospheres or salad bars, we have to have slate Grey everything in perfect flat shapes to make them easier to clean after chimpouts.

>> No.15659775

This. People forget the FoF was the 3rd ever burger (after hb and cb) McD would sell because sales were low on Fridays and during Lent

Dominus vobiscum

>> No.15659779

I hated this shit

>> No.15659807

The BK taco was good af and only 1$

>> No.15659812

Shaq was based.

>> No.15659817

also dont forget 1980s bio terrorists in oregon i wonder if that ever had anything to do with it

>> No.15659840

Looks like Tim Hortons shit.

>> No.15659841

>failed foods
it came on the scene in 84
The company discontinued it between December 1990 and January 1991
the sandwich didn't fail, but the polystyrene packaging container did

>> No.15659854
File: 91 KB, 640x640, 16941024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other than the phillipines and apparently florida i am counting this

>> No.15659869

Can any of you actual boomers just explain why this isn't a quarter pounder with cheese with the cheese in a weird spot?

>> No.15659877

Thats beyond retarded.... Wow..

>> No.15659878

ugh take my upvote and get outta here

>> No.15659895
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>> No.15659965

for me it's go'ghetti

>> No.15659975

How cute the Zs trying to me Ms.

>> No.15659977

whats a pizzo

>> No.15659981
File: 57 KB, 659x439, Onion_Nuggets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno but interjet says ya can get them at a single location in orlando florida

>> No.15660000

Chipotle does worse than that on a daily basis

>> No.15660013
File: 243 KB, 383x269, McHotDog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like your numbers

>> No.15660073

>orlando florida
i called the four listed and one lady hung up when i asked if the were sold
another just wouldn't answer the phone
and the other two listed do not sell them
maybe I need to make them myself

>> No.15660085

you are our only hope anon

>> No.15660088

It was also a matter of not being dominated by technology like today. But yeah, you're totally right, diversity (and tech) destroyed this peculiar comfy atmosphere of the 80s and 90s.

>> No.15660095
File: 2.69 MB, 1400x934, KFC_cheetos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had it one time and got sick from it cause its KFC

Then it dissapeared shortly after

>> No.15660100

>lady hung up
What a cunt.

>> No.15660117

yeah I just figured she got 10 calls before me
but you'r probably right

>> No.15660121

dumb bitch just lost the chance to sell me 20 pizzas

>> No.15660123

put me in the screenshot

>> No.15660132

were talking deep fried onion nugs my negro
I tried the pizza in a west virginia location 30 years ago and it was lame honestly
there's a reason pizza shops exist and it's not to sell hamburgers

>> No.15660143

dude you must be like 3000 years old or some shit what was Ramses the Great really like?

>> No.15660180
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1599318396011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and also Surge. I remember hearing people say that Vault was Surge trying to rebrand. No idea if that's true but both sodas were excellent

>> No.15660206

Grape cream soda was fucking awesome. I would kill any one of you for another sip of that sweet elixir.

>> No.15660218

Mcdonalds coffee is probably the biggest comeback in fast food history

Back in the 90s and early 2000s it was insanely hot swamp water served in Styrofoam cups

>> No.15660243

at least I'm no boomer
genX is alright with me
mcds was my first job. people loved that shit back during those times, also who wants almost hot coffee?. I would grab packs of it for my pops. only time I ever made him smile

>> No.15660280

I'm proud to have wasted them

>> No.15660288

If you're going to post in a thread, at least read the OP.

>> No.15660297

I got a hold of that location that just wouldn't answer the phone and it's a no go there as well
I can't believe the internets would lie to us

>> No.15660303

i blame israel

>> No.15660329

The cool blue gave me weird poo

>> No.15660518

These were actually good.


>> No.15661252
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>> No.15661277

This 100%. Also they could have just used mac sauce instead of rolling out a sweet honey mustard tube gun for just a single product.

>> No.15661509

I remember enjoying these when I was younger, especially the raspberry and orange ones.

>> No.15661537


Eating a hot and cold thing at the same time is a disgusting mouthfeel.

>> No.15661547
File: 299 KB, 549x578, checked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and witnessed

>> No.15661587
File: 71 KB, 840x503, download.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they still make this? I remember it being fucking delicious

>> No.15661645
File: 10 KB, 194x259, Hab Ranch.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss from the mid 2010s when all the fast food joints started moving into "spicier" foods but apparently America isn't ready for anything more spicy than pepper.

>> No.15661660

School food tier

>> No.15661674

White castle has "onion chips" which are essentially the same thing if you're curious. They're just bite sized onion rings so nothing special

>> No.15661779

The one on sand Lake has them. It's the famous 'epic mcDs' that's bigger than normal and tests experimental products

>> No.15662257

Oh man, hard nostalgia. My French Canadian grandmere couldn't cook for shit and used to get these for us when visited.

>> No.15662264
File: 264 KB, 919x1513, Screenshot_20210226-195333_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what you were talking about?

>> No.15662477

god damn and I thought I was old. when I worked there in 95 they were already on the menu
you might be talking about the time they brought them back like 9 or 10 years ago
no one ordered them back in the 90s either. the employees liked them though. fresh out of the fryer, they were pretty alright

>> No.15662490

To be fair, pretty much everything is good straight out of the fryer

>> No.15662495

Some markets still let you order it by name, some have it as a "secret menu item", but most places will just say no. It's a shame, since it was made out of regular menu ingredients and there was zero good reason to cut it.

>> No.15662534

Ok chud

>> No.15662576

>pretty much everything is good straight out of the fryer
they weren't good, just a little better than alright.

>> No.15662681
File: 46 KB, 512x512, 6a837f3830e320075cec64a42dbae2ab_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff was everywhere when i was a kid. i used to get extra lunch money from my parents so i could get one from the vending machine in the cafeteria with lunch. literally everyone drank it and then by the time i was in high school it was gone from the face of the earth.

>> No.15662739

angry whopper still around here. One of the top sellers. My favorite

>> No.15662808

i wish they'd bring it back, it sounds good but i never tried it when it was around. i'll have to stick with la croix's coffee cola flavor

>> No.15662811
File: 188 KB, 1280x1923, blak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image like a retard

>> No.15662835

>Arthur Treacher
Fucking rip, the only place to get drive through funnel cake. Better than long John too

>> No.15662856

You know they've recently made coca cola with coffee

>> No.15662873
File: 56 KB, 594x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not know that. These look kind of good.

>> No.15663023
File: 17 KB, 300x234, Vault-ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd always assumed that this was a advertising psy-op due to the BIG BLACK V "logo" sodomizing the little white v-a "logo"...
It was ostensibly to be competition with the relatively new energy drinks market, but there was nothing new or particularly energy "drinky" about it other than the slightly extra Sweet-Tarts flavor,(...and the unlisted ingredients.)

>> No.15663145
File: 16 KB, 400x600, ci-pabst-blue-ribbon-hard-coffee-be15c8b5b96ff099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't that bad, they just take a little getting used to. Not the first time I've fallen for the coffee branded version before. Pic related is basically alcoholic Yoohoo.

>> No.15663180

>alcoholic Yoohoo
wtf that sounds great

>> No.15663204

they are nearly 50 dollars a 24 pack. enjoy.
oh yeah also 340 caloires a can.

>> No.15663206

What does Lady Gaga taste like?

>> No.15663210

Man I miss that trend. The last “spicy” fast food item I can actually recall was the Ghost Pepper griller from Taco Bell. It wasn’t incredibly spicy, but way above anything I’d had before from a fast food place.

>> No.15663212

>drinking alcohol to be healthy

>> No.15663222

Oh yeah they had those in 2015, I forgot to add, so right in the middle of the 2010’s

>> No.15663304
File: 9 KB, 249x202, 1585633202484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna have to go with Gefilte fish and Sweet-Tarts served up in an old purse with a yeast infection.

>> No.15663319
File: 60 KB, 600x600, flamin-hot-cheetos-thickburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pissed I never got to try this.

>> No.15663326
File: 77 KB, 1024x677, colgate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colgate frozen dinners

>> No.15663328

This was top tier for me.

>> No.15663330

I like them quite a bit, apparently they don't taste like blak though

>> No.15663339
File: 7 KB, 274x184, souper_combo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Campbells souper combo

>> No.15663343
File: 30 KB, 400x179, Panzerschokolade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gone but not forgotten. Will keep you up for days.

>> No.15663396

My fave were the raspberry amphetamine

>> No.15663414
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>> No.15663424

using a packet to make a mug cake is no different than using a mix when you could make a full cake from scratch. Being elitist about it is moronic. People who don't cook as often won't simply have ingredients on hand to throw together.

Besides, you can make those mug cakes in an office break room with the coffee mug you just emptied. That's what they're for.

>> No.15663434

These things were delicious. Maybe they were expensive?

>> No.15663456
File: 487 KB, 1226x1500, Angelo_Bronzino_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they weren't even expensive, retards would forget that they were meant to be refrigerated and people sued over food poisoning. i'm so angry, like 15 years later. if i concentrate really really hard, i can still taste them

>> No.15663467

That really is infuriating.
>if i concentrate really really hard, i can still taste them
I know what you mean. Thankfully, they were not incredibly unique in their flavor. Just strawberry cheesecake. But the snack bar shape was genius.

>> No.15663468

I was just at the world's largest location on Sand Lake road a month back and they still had a pizza oven

>> No.15663476
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why does everything i like turn to ash

>> No.15663480
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>> No.15663490
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>> No.15663944

Know that feel.

The volcano menu really -did- get axed because American consumers were like

>That's toooo spiiiicy! T_T

They even tried throttling it down and it still didn't work.

I honestly think that if it woulda come out a decade later it would have had a better chance. Covid wiped out a lot of the ancient fucksticks who torment their relatives with unseasoned turkey and tuna cassarole. The same Boomers who woulda called up the front office and bitched because 'their food was too spicy'. And they literally did that with the volcano menu. Gladys is gonna give you a piece of her mind. Spices are a COMMUNIST PLOT!

>> No.15663946

Yeah I worked there around 2012-2013. I remember really liking them if they were fresh

>> No.15663962

Perrito means puppy in spanish

>> No.15663993

It's pretty much all them to blame. There's really no excuse these days. Their economies are so dependent on scamming NGO's that it's no wonder China is effectively buying their ruling classes for pennies on the dollar because White governments won't touch Africa with a 10 foot pole. My favorite NPR story of the pandemic was random African towns decaying because White people weren't showing up and handing out money anymore.

>> No.15664047

thats not why it was discontinued libtard

>> No.15664064

>nooooo, not the heckin whop-pupper!!!

>> No.15664066

Some of those were actually okay but nothing to write home about

>> No.15664081

>cold cheese on a burger
Doomed from the start.

>> No.15664087

go back

>> No.15664088

> Also, when McDonald's restaurants tried being fancy with tablecloths and wait staff that would bring your food to you.
This would actually be somewhat appropriate in some foreign countries

>> No.15664101

You need to stop listening to niggers

>> No.15664105

Anon, it's 2021; we're legally required to listen to them or else we risk losing our jobs and families.

>> No.15664114

Only heard good things about this. I think I had it once, but I was pretty young

>> No.15664120

The gym my dad got a family membership to through his job had these fuckers just sitting at the desk free to members above basic. I ate so many of them....

>> No.15664310

Its basically the oreo version of a sugar cookie

>> No.15664316

based and cheesecakepilled

>> No.15664323

This is why it failed, the product offers no added convience.

>> No.15664352

Fuck NGOs and fuck Africa.

>> No.15664655

these are arguably marketed to the cooking illiterate and lazy

>> No.15665304
File: 282 KB, 1644x1093, IMG_20210227_100508~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These exist and might scratch an itch.
They taste alright

>> No.15665317

God this sauce was so fucking good

>> No.15665329

coffee cheetos chicken

>> No.15665527

My issue with Wendy's is that they are always in a shitty location. They always seem to be either at an intersection that is way to busy for me to want to fuck with getting in and out of, or they are way down the end of a main road near the ghetto and away from all the primary shopping centers. McD's, OTOH, is always right by places you are going anyway, like next to a Wal-Mart or a large grocery store. Location! Location! Location! Get your shit together Wendy!

>> No.15665595

Wait those were sold like crazy in slavistan

>> No.15665624
File: 11 KB, 460x259, lady_gaga_oreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665650

>Dominus vobiscum
based and trad pilled

>> No.15665661

>They always seem to be either at an intersection that is way to busy for me to want to fuck with getting in and out of
that's my local wendys, it's not even worth going there

>> No.15665706
File: 21 KB, 536x535, pepsi-natural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this. Back when it was discontinued I found a whole load in a discount store and bought pretty much all of it. The cashier looked at me as if I were a maniac.

>> No.15665709

kek...how true

>> No.15665733

Holy fuck that's actually real lmao

>> No.15665744

>as if I were a maniac.

>> No.15665745


>> No.15665777

fair comment

>> No.15665834
File: 578 KB, 1400x3796, pw_17387_06lovebus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SHAKE YOUR GOO!!!!! ad campaign that was basically "lol you're drinking cum"
>fails abyssmally

>> No.15665857

4 out of 5 dentists recommended it

>> No.15665895

answer his question faggot

>> No.15665909

yeah there's a reason for that lol

>> No.15665949

But they still sell strawberry daiquiri flavor. Just can’t get sobe in the east anymore rip

>> No.15665962

I want to have sex though

>> No.15666028
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This has the work of the Devil about it

>> No.15666031
File: 184 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not discontinued but always difficult to find. I love this stuff so much!

>> No.15666061

I'm sure this stuff is straight fucking poison for you, but I do admit it's pretty tasty.

>> No.15666336

Wendy's came out with that jalapeno cheeseburger thing recently that was pretty good

>> No.15666337


>> No.15666402

fucking repulsive

>> No.15666424

The new mcafrika looks like shit

>> No.15666434

Forgot these existed, I liked them desu

>> No.15666439

no it isn't

>> No.15666451

Raaaaaage. Why won't my local chain bring it back? Fuck.

>> No.15666452

M - ??
C - Cool lettuce
D - delicious?
L - ??
T - tomatoes

Who the fuck thought of this advertisement? At least with 'McBLT' the B could stand for Beef

>> No.15666458

what are you, color blind?
McD - McDonalds
LT - Lettuce & Tomato

>> No.15666475

Where's the beef? (and cheese)
This is just a burger by today's standards. What did puritans in the 80s put on a burger?

>> No.15666749

I remember the orange one had bits floating inside

>> No.15666909

My first job was a hospital cafeteria when this was briefly on the market, I got any food for free, and I seriously loved coke blak. I hope whatever new coke+coffee people are talking about is the same. I'll have to seek it out

>> No.15667010 [DELETED] 

>Wahh! Dem wypeepo couldnt handle da heat!

Fuck off Jamal.
I worked for them when they finally axed it and explained their reasoning above. Sorry you can’t grasp the concept of them removing the volcano menu to increase sales of their new Loco lineup, but everyone already knows you niggers aren’t the brightest.

>> No.15667064

>Gefilte fish

But she's Italian

>> No.15667130

McDonald's Dick-Licking Tongue

>> No.15667256

Vault was ahead of its time, that middle line between energy drink and soda has a bunch of brands in it now

>> No.15667307

Not bad yourself.

>> No.15667308
File: 21 KB, 500x197, B3F556E8-8159-4B0A-9942-D3DFC6F6DEFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these, they ended them pretty quickly cause the universal hatred.
one of the only things I’ve ever got that I just couldn’t push through the nastiness besides checkers philly sandwich. Checkers seasonal fotm philly burgers are The greatest fast food burgers but the sandwich was so terrible I threw it out the window

>> No.15667356
File: 34 KB, 448x280, 85191110-F6A0-4DF0-95F9-D8EB8DF42C78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got trespassed from Taco Bell after a heated argument about this

>I still go back and they never recognize me

>> No.15667473

Ngl if I was Ora-Ida, with the rise in Air Fryers, I’d be bringing these back. You’d probably make a killing

>> No.15667507

They're still around, I live close to one of the last ones in the US, haven't been there in years though.

>> No.15667680

This manages to look less appetizing than a can of chef boyardees

>> No.15667728

They still sometimes sell it here in new zealand, i think there's actually a few. I'm pretty sure one had pineapple.

>> No.15667766

>Cheese is on the cold side

What the fuck?

>> No.15667799

Yep, the food didn't fail the people, the people failed the food.

>> No.15667804


>> No.15667808

This guy here is absolutely fucked.

>> No.15667812

It's basically a white trash cordon bleu.

>> No.15667824

>they took this from you

IDK if it's a regional thing but I miss those over-sugared sobe drinks with the lizards on them

also asbach candy bottles. im sure they make them i just cant find them anywhere

>> No.15667832 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ dude I hate niggers and think the chinks are bugs but you need to take your meds. It's just a logo.
On the same token I loved vault and miss it, surge is disgusting.

>> No.15667837
File: 882 KB, 800x445, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nashville hot burger was on promotion twice before in the UK but hasn't been on the menu for about two years, they bought in nashville hot bites last year but it's not the same

>> No.15667849

Loaded baked potato bar was the best.

>> No.15667856

In France,it comes back once in a while,also got the zinger version

>> No.15667918

All the flavored oreos minus birthday cake and lemon have the same scummy filmy aftertaste and texture.

>> No.15668237 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Cleetus, unlike that anon I'm actually black, and you can go straight to hell.

>> No.15668257

why would the fact that africans are starving invalidate an african themed sandwich anyways.

>> No.15668263

>there was a massive health scare surrounding this at release
Is Big Starch and Sugar controlled by (((them)))?

>> No.15668313

Popeye's Blackened Ranch sauce pretty decent.

>> No.15668366

Fuck, I want this

>> No.15668367

You really don't get why selling an African themed sandwich to one of the richest nations on the planet at a time when millions of actual Africans were struggling with a major famine might come off as insensitive and a bad PR look?

>> No.15668428

Yeah I dont understand the double down hate. If you added a bun no one would have ever found it remarkable enough to comment on.

>> No.15668443

youd eat it at 11 at night if you were plastered do not lie

>> No.15668446

>tfw Oreos are totally pozzed now

>> No.15668451

if only i was there to shoot you in the face in the parking lot so I could take them all for myself

>> No.15668454
File: 73 KB, 679x454, 1325067092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come home white man

>> No.15668499

they do but it's for brownies in mugs from what i've seen

>> No.15668615

Nah Walmart is closer to me than a mcdickz so I'd just as soon run in and get few chef boyardee cans at the self checkout and eat them cold in the parking lot.

>> No.15668769

The gimmick was that the bottom bun and patty came in a separate container from the top bun and lettuce and tomato to keep the bun from getting soggy or something to that effect

>> No.15668782

what an unappealing unappetizing name. i feel like i'm about to ingest giant hydrogen peroxide tabs

>> No.15668866

Nah it's actually good for you.

>> No.15668900

based and not BLACKED

>> No.15668921

Aw man, me too. They're really rare up in Canada and I bet they're not as good as the Carl's Jr. in the states.

>> No.15669310
File: 49 KB, 554x554, images - 2021-02-27T232232.737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute....

>> No.15669318

those look like fig newtons, juan

>> No.15669372

yes it is you insufferable whiny faggot


>> No.15669430

you are a failure

>> No.15669461

Saludos primo

>> No.15669592

mcdoubles or mcchickens? sure. microwaved spaghetti with ketchup slopped into a box? fuck no I can make spaghetti at home in 10 minutes and always have some on hand

>> No.15669595

There are always "millions of starving Africans" at any given time. That's why it's a cliche.

>> No.15669606

man the 80s and 90s were a fucking weird time for international food chains. They seemed to be trying to out gimmick eachother, everything was a gimmick of some sort until it reached its climax somewhere in the late 90s. Most of the new products from these companies from atleast the 2010's until now seem a lot more reasonable and predictable.

>> No.15669625

I don't think Barry is a homosexual anon

>> No.15669628

>literally pure protein
I mean saturated fats aren't the best for ya but if you're lifting weights this is a pretty decent meal. Better sources of energy than simple carbs like white bread

>> No.15669630

>made with real cane sugar
I bet those are good as fuck. Weird name though

>> No.15669690
File: 120 KB, 640x480, c0ec44f09478f8af731ccb33[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter thread
>no one has posted this

you failed me, /ck/

>> No.15669719

I have never seen a place more hit or miss than Checkers. It is such a literal luck of the draw place, I used to love their popcorn chicken especially with how cheap they were but a bad batch ruined it for me.

>> No.15669769
File: 94 KB, 1000x525, Zinger-Pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in Australia they bring it back once or twice a year, sorta like the mcRib. They also released a pie that I don't think anybody bought as it's usually asians that go to KFC here

>> No.15669862

Kinda sad I never tried these. But I guess they failed for a reason.

>> No.15670444

doritos usually kills it with their new product lines too. they are the type to sell whatever is popular though for sure, so must have not sold well. Probably turned your poop green af

>> No.15670480

I loved these.

>> No.15670510


>> No.15670529

I bought the pie once to see what it was like. It was fine that's all I can really call it.

>> No.15670563

fast food and processed foods are the only option. define 'failed'. failed a lot, but not on the scale of millions of dollars of corporate profits.

>> No.15670627
File: 10 KB, 126x300, shreksquirtseasily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for when you want to shit Shrek Green turds

>> No.15670945

Even as a kid I didn't get the point of colored ketchup, actually I was nearly a teen when it came out so

>> No.15670971

God I would fucking wreck that shareable size after a workout

>> No.15670972

Hydrox sounds like a supervillain

>> No.15670979

The bottles were cool and nice to use. The content not so much.

>> No.15670987
File: 60 KB, 531x720, 83e10fdd55ab9cb9abcfe8ddcdafdfe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15670991

they got discontinued across the pond? we still get these here in the UK

>> No.15670996

Carl's has some decent menu items but they hire the worst shitters in the industry and are overpriced so you're basically paying $12 to get food poisoning.

>> No.15671001

Looks radioactive.

>> No.15671074

Burrito means little donkey, yet they still eat it.

>> No.15671608
File: 29 KB, 283x555, pepsi retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we had something similar in Mexico
I miss it so much bros... made with cane sugar and kola fruit too...

>> No.15671617

mexican bottled coke is made with cane sugar

>> No.15671630

I know, but this one had some tangy zesty flavor that coke doesn't have

>> No.15671634

Not really

>> No.15671667
File: 53 KB, 546x700, Orbitzsoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know, these were only ever sold in Canada in the mid/late nineties, and disappeared not long after. Little gelatin balls in non-carbonated flavoured "juices."

>> No.15671670
File: 117 KB, 460x625, God Tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were absolutely perfect.

>> No.15671994

Damn, nice throwback

>> No.15672285

can you not read? they keep them in 2 different boxes so you don't end up with warm lettuce and tomatoes on your burger, you need to put it together.

>> No.15672397

i love you, anon

>> No.15672728
File: 84 KB, 960x640, 1462811402-ectocooler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15672772

Soda shaq was pretty good. Shaq's pretty good about finding decent stuff to put his face on.
I will never forgive them for the loss of my dragon fruit drink.
Used to drink this over almost any soda in highschool. Kinda miss it but it's for the best I can't have any.

>> No.15672851

Drove my wife to a Jollibee yesterday because she wanted flip spaghetti. This looks extremely similar.

>> No.15672888

I remember these from my early childhood. I only have one vague memory of it, but it was just okay.

>> No.15672892

shut the fuck up you mutt, its amazing how le marxist racial politics about spice psy op has fucked your brain this badly

>> No.15672927

No. Should we stop drinking water too? Africa is fucked and it isn't my fault. Not everyone wins. Grow up.

>> No.15672943

We had them in Los Angeles too

>> No.15672948

I can get surge at Burger King here.

>> No.15672951 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 1200x800, Screen_Shot_2018_02_16_at_11.27.48_AM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exemplified by the soon-to-be-demolished "Dave Thomas Circle" in Washington DC, infamous for creating a snare of a traffic triangle around it for years. Even has its own wikipedia page.

>> No.15672952
File: 394 KB, 735x394, 9yDxeQguGKcGpDYl5M6V-hldrqrcw_YeWj7xeIoGdmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss it

>> No.15672954

facts don't care about your feelings wh*to*d

>> No.15672962

mcdonalds introducted spaghetti in the philippines because jollibee did it.

>> No.15673035

I know it's not food, but does anyone remember the Shrek (possibly Shrek 2) chocolate toothpaste? It was brown and the gimmick was supposed to be that it's swamp mud.
I distinctly remember it from when I saw it in a store as a kid and even then I thought to myself "what a stupid idea". It feels like a fever dream though because I can't find a single picture or mention of it online.

>> No.15673040

It didn't fail, it was very popular. Taco Bell are just kikes.

>> No.15673049

Good to know. I don't know why the wife loves the stuff, I think it's just okay, but the spicy chicken from Jolibee was acceptable.

>> No.15673052

Taco Bell lost an exec that was responsible for making them successful with their rotating menu. Then they hired some queer from Chipotle and now they're trying to cut back on the crazy ass menu items that drew in curious people. I've stopped going to Taco Bell entirely. They used to be my 2nd choice for fast food.

>> No.15673095

>now they're trying to cut back on the crazy ass menu items
Yeah it's really stupid. A lot of people really loved stuff like the BCB or volcano menu. I understand wanting to have a "core" menu that isn't confusing, but they can't even accomplish that right because everything has to have a marketing name, and things are categorized in stupid ways. Can't find half the burritos in the burrito category if you order online. Offering fewer options to customers is a dumb move regardless, at least when you have things people want. The chain seems really mismanaged atm. I only go there once in a great while because their breakfast burritos are actually pretty good and very cheap.

>> No.15673174
File: 2.41 MB, 1441x1800, ELS_Guacachip-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually buy these

>> No.15673320
File: 377 KB, 1080x2050, Screenshot_20210226-061114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's benson's