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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15655411 No.15655411 [Reply] [Original]

Whats for dinner tonight /ck/? For me its chicken and andouille sausage gumbo, just another hour of simmering

>> No.15655489

I've never had gumbo, i don't live near any place that serves it. What's it like?

>> No.15655540
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Pretty good. If you can find this try it. The company has been around since the 1880s and makes a decent mix for making gumbo and jambalaya at home. Just follow the instructions.

>> No.15655558
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Last night I made corn fritters. First time, but my wife said they turned out great.

Looking forward to seeing the final product.

>> No.15655659

Honestly never had to describe gumbo, but its a very deep and flavorful stew (at least I think its a stew), despite how little goes into it, thats usually served over rice which complements/balances out the meaty and rich flavor of the gumbo itself. Most recipes are pretty simple and you should be able to find most if not all of what you need a your local grocer and I would highly recommend. Only tough part is making a dark roux but if you just pay attention you should be fine, rest is straight forward

>> No.15655685

Salty and kind of earthy, especially if they use okra. But it's delicious anon.

>> No.15655707
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Mofongo (finished in an air fryer lol) and Sopa de Salchichón. Side of spinach salad of course.

>peel and chop guineítos (green bananas, I used a small type homegrown) into fryable coin sized pieces
>fry until golden brown
>take bacon, onion, sofrito—stir fry until done
>mash fried guineítos with stir fry mix. Knead with hands
>either make shallow balls with it and fry, or as I did, line pot of an air fryer and cook until golden brown and crispy (10-15min)

>> No.15655727

>Last night I made corn fritters. First time, but my wife said they turned out great.
Make the heat is not too high, and that some of the corn kernels in the batter brown on that side, before the flip. It's that caramelization that makes them amazing. Adding vidalia onions, and running your knife backwards over the cobs to get the juicy juices and starch out into the batter as well. You can use frozen though.

>> No.15655758
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For the Sopa de Salchichón—I just stir fried sofrito, ham, salami, onions, etc...then added chopped potato, sweet potato, carrots, and ñame with water and salt and seasoning. Then once it started boiling added angel hair pasta, then boiled low for like 30 minutes. Probably missed a couple steps or ingredients but that should be the main idea

>> No.15655762

Recipe? Never heard of corn fritters before

>> No.15655782

Leftover chicken and andouille gumbo filé

>> No.15655800

Thanks for the tips. I used some frozen corn that had been harvested from my in-laws' fields last summer.

Here's what I used:

3 C corn
1 C flour
1 t baking powder
1/2 C milk
2 eggs
Salt and pepper

Combine everything into a batter as if you were making pancakes. Heat some oil in your pan (enough to cover the bottom) over medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, spoon batter into the pan in 1/4 C or slightly smaller portions. Fry them for four minutes or so, then flip when they are golden.

That is just a basic recipe. I didn't know if my wife would want them sweet or savory so I let her add her own toppings. If savory I'd mix some grated cheddar and onion into the batter; if sweet, maybe a little honey or maple. All the recipes I saw called for 1 T sugar but this corn is so sweet I omitted it.

>> No.15655827

Nothing beats local or homegrown produce. Will try the recipe—sounds good. Will use canned corn because corn doesn’t really grow much here in the tropics

>> No.15655864
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carbs and fat with a side of pork ribs

>> No.15655878
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Chicken, pumpkin, sweet brotatos and broccoli.

>> No.15655905

Canned will suit you fine. Do you eat other types of fritters where you are? Here in the US, a "fritter" usually just means "batter with something mixed in and then fried." Typically (in the Midwest where I live) they are corn or apple. I bet other things would be good too. Can't hurt to try.

Looks good, pal.

How did you prepare the pumpkin? Roasted?

>> No.15656003
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Ask and ye shall receive, one for me and one for the girlfriend, little over salted but still very good, rice makes that negligible

>> No.15656027

Looks great. I would love a bowl.

>> No.15656030

Well I would happily trade a bowl for some of those corn fritters lol, they're next on my list of new things to make, never had them before

>> No.15656036
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I made an empanada, what you guys think?

>> No.15656042

It's a deal. I have been lax in taking pictures of what I've cooked lately. I'll have to get back to it. Now that the snow is melting I'll be out back on the grill as much as possible.

>> No.15656069

Looking pretty tasty, what kind of empanada?
Man I want a grill so bad, currently stuck in a little apartment with no balcony, also to be fair I only take pics for /ck/ threads lol

>> No.15656086
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Made some chicken lo mein.

>> No.15656087

It’s a pizza empanada, which isn’t traditional but we made them as kids so whatever.

>> No.15656091
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Turned out delicious.

>> No.15656105

Looks real good. Did you make your own sauce?

Sounds good to me. Cheese, sauce, pepperoni? I haven't had many empanadas but the ones I've had have been shredded chicken.

>> No.15656111

Would consume/10

>> No.15656125

Yep kinda like a little calzone I guess cheese/marinara/pep super basic. Actually made it with left of pie dough after we made a pot pie.

>> No.15656139

Yeah, just simple lo mein sauce. Oyster sauce, soy sauce, and toasted sesame oil, with a little corn starch as a thickener.

>> No.15656156

I can dig it. Always like to use up leftovers. I don't like to waste anything.

I need to buy more oyster sauce. I've been meaning to read up on the best brands for the next time I go to the Asian grocery.

>> No.15656198

Always enjoys going to the local Asian stores around my town, cozy places. One in particular makes an in-house kimchi, another sometimes has home cooked dishes for sale if you show up at certain times.

>> No.15656269
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Yeah, I’m lucky to have an Asian market close by to where I live. Get a lot of ingredients there, including the baby bok choy I used in the lo mein.

And this is the oyster sauce I usually get.

>> No.15656290

Nice. Saved the picture for next time I go. That's a big bottle. The one I have in the fridge is maybe half that size.

>> No.15656408
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Roast veggies and brined baked chicken breast over salad with ginger dressing

>> No.15656639

Well here in Puerto Rico we are basically known and defined by our Frituras which are found literally everywhere in roadside stands—the best ones fried in stands using huge vats of oil warmed by charcoal (don’t see much of those where I’m at since the one I knew closed down post-hurricane). The loose definition of a fritura being something fried and stuffed but there are many species within the genus. The chunky+loose batter fritter type, comparable to yours, really only applies to Bacalaoitos, and apple and corn fritters are something not common here. Common frituras include empanadillas (stuffed with literally anything) alcapurrias (batter made with Plantain) rellenos de papa (stuffed with ground meat) sorullos (sweet corn meal batter stuffed with cheese), etc.....

>> No.15656698

Damn, those sound real good. If I were rich I'd love to travel around the world just to eat in every country I could and check out all the cultures. My mother visited Puerto Rico before I was born, probably 40 years ago or so. Said it was beautiful. I would like to visit one day.

>> No.15656726

Objectively the best oyster sauce

>> No.15656772
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This thread is too polite and wholesome. I don't like it. /pol/ has corrupted me.

>> No.15656795

Welcome to ck, cu/ck/

>> No.15656796
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Yeah would recommend—so much packed into a tiny island with complex geography. However, aside from the street stands, a lot of formal restaurants here honestly suck. It’s the housewives and abuelas where the good food is at. Going hard in the ocean, reefs, state forests (Bosque de Guajataca, Bosque seco de Guanica) then recharging on a roadside stand or truck with Pollo al Carbón and arroz con gandules, or just a fritura or pincho—that’s a legit thing to do. But in my experience I’d caution wasting too much time at a formal restaurant that might suck. Unless you know a good place to go, I’d check reviews before going in to a specific place.
Going past your standard tourist-filled places and checking something off the website “Puerto Rico Daytrips”—this will lead you to natural areas that will probably be empty of people. The coastline will not disappoint. Just took this picture today after a short hike off a major road. Again roadside stands and trucks are my reccomendation

>> No.15656804

I’ve always found that this site has some accurate advice

>> No.15656807

you're free to leave

>> No.15656907

why dont you go back, faggot

>> No.15658342
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i made a classic wiener schnitzel (veal) with potato salad. don't reply to me if you put mayo in your potato salad

>> No.15658552

Looks delicious. I like both German and American potato salad. I love potatoes. You cook it, I'll eat it.

>> No.15660424


>> No.15661728

Alright Fritz. How do you make your Kartoffel Salat?

>> No.15661784

Beef hot dogs, pasta salad from the deli, and a protein bar

>> No.15661796

Do you have a recipe for that gumbo?

>> No.15661815
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