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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15650600 No.15650600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How has covid impacted your grocery stores?

>tfw people are too scared to even interact now

>> No.15650604

op how in the hell were you “interacting” at the grocery store before covid?

>> No.15650606

bout a year late schizo

>> No.15650611

Phone posters should be banned from starting threads or posting images without a Pass. Change my mind.

>> No.15650612

I go in without a mask, get the food, pay for it, then leave. Honestly it hasn't impacted it that much, despite people that watch the news too much being scared of everything.

>> No.15650614

By spitting game at all the bitches there

>> No.15650618

A black security guard yelled at me once but I ignored him. Otherwise same

>> No.15650620

>posting images without a Pass
How would having a pass change this?

>> No.15650626

They would have to pay to continue being fagtrons

>> No.15650631

>no groceries at the grocery store
Every time it's time to go it's a risk: what will be gone today?
Will it be the "completely empty poultry case when I was planning to make cacciatore" episode? Or will it be suddenly all the Pepperidge Farms cookies are gone when I wanted some to go with coffee?
What about the no eggs in the entire store episode?
No sriracha? All forms of frozen potatoes are suddenly MIA when I wanted easy hashbrowns?

Every grocery day is a little gamble.

>> No.15650633

>wahh wahh people do things that I don’t like

Go eat a bullet, faggot

>> No.15650636

>>wahh wahh people do things that I don’t like
Spoken like a redditor

>> No.15650643

Exactly. People this afraid to the point to where they try to dictate your actions when you're not bothering anyone are pathetic. I just want to get my food in peace. The people who yell at you are probably the kind of people who buy nothing but junk food, and would actually be the one's who'd probably fucked up by the virus, if not killed.

>> No.15650647 [DELETED] 

Couldn’t they just then use desktop mode on their phones though?

>> No.15650649

I've only gotten my groceries delivered since March

>> No.15650652

It's made lots of people completely insane. About three weeks ago there was this dude with cerebral palsy or whatever the fuck he had wrong with him screaming about masks in front of the checkouts. By the time I got my shit, the cops were there to escort him out. I've seen at least 4 people have to be forcibly kicked out or denied entry because of their lack of masks.

And yeah, shit disappears off the shelves with no rhyme or reason. I went last Thursday or something, and all of the pickles were gone. Toilet paper never stays in stock unless it's single ply/sandpaper. It takes under 48 hours for their entire stock of LaCroix to disappear.

>> No.15650654

Couldn’t they just then use desktop mode on their phones though?

>> No.15650657
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>> No.15650658

People wear masks but otherwise the same.

>> No.15650663

Takes a redditor to know a redditor, you retard

>> No.15650667

>assumes I am the steriotypical /pol/tard just because I'm not afraid of a bad flu virus
Thanks for proving my point, faggot. I just want people like you to shut the fuck up already, because I'm not changing my life for you.

>> No.15650671

Pickles and sparkling waters/fancy sodas (like San Pellegrino) have been gone for months. Paper plates and dishwasher detergent also usually gone as well as the entire wall of cheap store brand candy. Are they simply not restocking at all, or are they cleared out within a day? No one knows anymore...

>> No.15650672
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>I've only gotten my groceries delivered since March

>> No.15650684

Same because we haven't had the virus here since last April.

>> No.15650686

you people are the most fucking fragile people in the world, i swear to god

>> No.15650688

ITT: third worlders who still have the virus
ITT: third worlders whose shitty country has supply chain issues

>> No.15650690

not at all, i go to the store every other day
central NC, USA

>> No.15650696

true and correct
fuck joggers and fuck old fuckers

>> No.15650699

>Every time it's time to go it's a risk: what will be gone today?
I know, right? One day I go in and all the jalapenos disappeared. Next day no red pepper flakes. Day after that no alfredo sauce. Week later no breakfast sausage.

>> No.15650703

More people have recovered from the bad flu virus vs. dying from it
>"but muh elderly and immuno-compromised!"
If it happens then it happens, who gives a flying fuck.

>> No.15650704

There's technically a requirement where I live, so just I take off my mask after paying at the register. Nobody usually mentions anything. The sikhs working security don't say much more than "have a nice day" if anything.

>> No.15650713

Breakfast sausage or any pork sausage in general is one that's been gone. I also saw no jalapenos the other day when I went to get them, but they were back yesterday. I saw a no onions day a couple weeks ago; what a shitshow...

>> No.15650736

>I saw a no onions day
I went to get an onion at the start of the pandemic and there was a swarm of flies hovering around the three red onions that were in stock.

>> No.15650742

Apparently not, given how you're acting. All we want to do is just shop for our food and shit in peace, but you act like there's a 100 percent chance we're going to kill someone if we don't wear a mask.

Exactly. We quarantine them, protect them as much as possible, but we can't stop the world just for them.

>> No.15650749

Business as usual. They have a mask policy but 3/5 people don't follow it and no one cares. Texas btw

>> No.15650779

I work at Walmart.

>everybody wears a mask
>employees get their temperature checked at the beginning of shift
>carts/baskets get sprayed down with sanitizer
>cashiers wipe down their tills after every customer
>there are some arrows on the floor that nobody gives a shit about
>no more bulk shit

Other than that everything is still the same.

>> No.15650785

Deaths aren't all that matter, and sorry, people who have 20-30 years left on this earth still matter. My roommate lost 3 family members, two who would have lived a lot longer. But you've gotta go shopping or eat your tendies at Applebees, I get it.

>All we want to do is just shop for our food and shit in peace
Fine, shop and shit in peace. Wear a mask. A little piece of cloth isn't a bother unless you're a tremendous fucking baby. This is like asking you to wear a shirt in the store. Do you bitch about that too?

>> No.15650798
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So help me, Sam...

>> No.15650800

Please tell me you're trolling for replies and not actually retarded.

>> No.15650801

Temperature checks are useless and a complete waste of time

>> No.15650833

>people are too scared to even interact now
Let's be honest, nothing walking on two legs with anything resembling a vagina talked to you before covid.

>> No.15650835
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People (even old people) die from more than just one fucking disease. My grandfather died recently from a metical mistake, not covid. And even still you're not even close to guarantied to die if you're over 60 or 70, my grandma and aunt both had covid, both have health issues, and they beat it in a week with not a single trip to the hospital. Also don't you fucking dare tell people to wear a mask, little Mao authoritarian. I have anxiety, and find it hard to breath in those things when I get nervous. Just let people live their lives and go to the grocery store in peace.

>> No.15650836

Masks dont do anything faggot. Oh and btw you're a faggot, faggot.

>> No.15650859

There's a fat guy who hangs around the discounted food items area waiting for the staff to put out discounted sandwiches. He's about the only person who doesn't wear a mask or try to social distance. He goes out of his way to talk people to death with his diatribe about "muh rights" despite not being American.
I wish the security guard would give him a good beating.
Apart from that is pretty good. People are much more civil to each other.

>> No.15650871
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> masks don't inhibit the transmission of airborne viruses

>> No.15650877

Yes, and if you weren't an idiot, you'd realize the mistake you just made.

>> No.15650887
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>> No.15650890
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in scandinavia everyone's a potential murder-rapist until proven otherwise. nothing's changed

>> No.15650895

>There's a fat guy who hangs around the discounted food items area waiting for the staff to put out discounted sandwiches.

Umm... how heavily discounted? I'm asking for a friend. What country is he from? And where are your sandwiches?

>> No.15650905

That poster is right. Most of the studies up until peak clown world showed that masks do fuck all, even in surgical settings. Trust the science.

>> No.15650906

>I have anxiety, and find it hard to breath in those things when I get nervous. Just let people live their lives and go to the grocery store in peace.
Good god. Can't wear a mask because it's too hard and now "muh anxiety?" You're lucky we live in the safest, softest society ever known to man. I can't imagine you living a week if we ever went to war.

Keep being a baby, baby.

>> No.15650907
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Reduced from £2 to around 50p
Pic related

>> No.15650919


>> No.15650926

You need to help yourself. Nobody can do it but you.

>> No.15650928

Some cunt bitched at me for not wearing gloves while I was putting onions in a bag. Fucking gloves to handle dangerous onions. Nobody else was wearing gloves but she decided to bitch at me. I fucking hate Meijer.

>> No.15650934

>mental problems are only okay when they're a select few
>go fuck yourself if you have something like an anxiety disorder
You people are fucking horrible. No wonder you virtue signal, you're so afraid people will see this side of you in real life. I can't help it when my anxiety kicks off for no fucking reason. Eat shit, but considering you're the kind of people who pick up dog feces with your masks and put them back on, you're probably already inhaling it.

>> No.15650949

An employee?
>okay then, will you do it for me?
A customer?
>excuse me, do you work here?

>> No.15650953

If you have an anxiety disorder that completely and totally prevents you from conforming to social expectations you should kill yourself unironically. A person like that is a drain on real and social resources.

>> No.15650955

It was an employee. I told her I never saw anyone in my whole life wear gloves while picking produce and I'm not gonna fucking start now

>> No.15650976

Haha, the crying is awesome. I have anxiety and if I need some air, I walk the fuck outside. You can do the same, princess. You having scary wary time because apparently grocery shopping is just too much for you not to have a panic attack is not worse than someone watching their loved one slip away years early without getting to say goodbye. Seethe harder, fagmo, I'm going to bed.

>> No.15650980

Of all the problems modern 4chan has, your worried about people posting from their phone as if it makes any difference at all

>> No.15650993
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don't say that you're triggering my anxiety

>> No.15650995

Covid gave everyone an excuse to be lazy as fuck.

>> No.15650996

But old people and any person with something that makes them vulnerable to deceases like covid shouldn't kill themselves as well in you're opinion? Fucking hypocrite. They can't conform ether, and drain many resources to keep them living. They deserve to live just as much as anyone.

>> No.15651012

Yes, because old people are literally worth more to society and the economy than someone who let themselves grow all retarded.
I haven't seen any old people bitching about wearing a mask. Just do the right thing and don't be a shitty wastoid like some kind of ethnic minority. It's literally not hard. If you can't go out and be a good person, stay locked inside forever and rot in your cuck closet.

>> No.15651017

Nigga, you should be less anxious. You literally don't have to show your ugly face.

>> No.15651023

How about I don't, and you go fuck yourself. You do not get to decide how other live their lives when they are not going out of their way to bother others.

>> No.15651027

Not at all. side from some retards wearing masks the past couple of months. For most of 2020 I didn't even notice the meme flu at all.

I agree. Permaban anyone who posts with facebook, twitter, tumblr, or reddit cookies in their browser too.

>> No.15651039

>grandpa goes to hospital where everybody wears masks and follows strict guidelines
>still gets covid
>goes home and dies from severe COPD and multiple organs failing
>death listed as COVID

i never wear a mask at the grocery store. never at gym. never anyplace aside from work. you know why i dont do it? because i dont feel like it. shirts keep you warm, shoes protect your feet, masks dont do anything (nothing) and look stupid so fuck em

>> No.15651043

>50 cent lasagna sandwich
This is why I come to this website. KeK.

>> No.15651047

Look at this fuckin dood haha

>> No.15651056

>You do not get to decide how other live their lives when they are not going out of their way to bother others.

You're talking about 'rona like it's an individual risk, like choosing to wear or not wear a motorcycle helmet. Its a collective risk. If you don't take responsibility for yourself, your actions and how they effect others then you need to be shut down.

>> No.15651065

>You do not get to decide how other live their lives
Oh, but we as a society do, and you are subject to the will of the masses, kiddo. Now put on your little mask or you won't be coming into any private places of business. You won't be doing it even after the state mandates are gone! How's that for others deciding how you live your life? Welcome to real life.

In the summer a shirt might make you too hot. But you don't bitch about wearing a shirt inside the McDonald's to go get a soft serve cone. Why?

>> No.15651071

Right wingers are much more likely to listen to anecdotal evidence than objective facts and statistics

>> No.15651075

Call me when people start dropping dead by the hundreds the moment I breath in their direction, just because I didn't wear a mask.

>> No.15651080

Well, half a million people in the US are dead, so...

>> No.15651081

>But you don't bitch about wearing a shirt inside the McDonald's to go get a soft serve cone. Why?
Because you can wear any shirt you want, it's not like McDonald's forces you to wear a long sleeve shirt or a winter coat in the summer or something.

>> No.15651085

All me? Damn I'm good.

>> No.15651146

You can wear any mask you want. Cloth, paper, patterned, plain, even with sequins. I fail to see your point here (because you've failed to make one).

>> No.15651157

And every single one is just as effective as the other?

>> No.15651159

>500,000 covid deaths EXCLUSIVE to covid I swear
>Flu deaths are down by 90%
>Other morbidities are ACKSHULLY covid deaths including cloris leachman dying of a fucking stroke (guess what it was really bat flu that killed her ok sweetie) or dudes in the midwest who died in motorcycle accidents
Ok, retard

>> No.15651161

I've genuinely been tempted to make a mask from panty hose or bug net material since the mandate in my area would technically allow that.

>> No.15651165

Meant for >>15651080

>> No.15651177

Any is more effective than none, but it's quite telling that you'd expend considerable effort and perhaps even money to be a pointed douchebag when you could simply do the right thing with less effort. It boggles the mind that people get raised like this.

Strokes are a significant side effect of COVID, for what it's worth. Even in young people.

>> No.15651196
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>law: wear a mask all the time and never question authority
>chaos: doesn't want anything that may protect people truly vulnerable to viruses
>neutral: just doesn't want to take these extreme measures like wearing a mask everywhere at all times but still wants to take precautions to protect the vulnerable
I want to talk about food and not to sound like a faggot who compares real life to a video game....... but life really has become a bad SMT game in a way, without all the demons.....

>> No.15651209

Publix has a sign outside saying you are “”legally”” required to have a face mask and they’ve been doing it since last year. Absolute bullshit and incredibly irritating because they will use it as an excuse to shit themselves if you’re seen without it. I’m required to do fuck-all, half-wits
Fun story, when this all started going off they fucking put little arrows down the aisle to show which way you can exclusively go, like in a fucking parking lot. I had to go one aisle back to grab olive oil - it was either go down the whole aisle and then turn and go down the other aisle or just dart back - so I went down the adjacent aisle the wrong way and had an old guy start berating me for “not following the rules”

>> No.15651243

If it's a private business you're required to follow their rules (the implicit TOS for use of their services) or they deserve the right to not serve you.
>muh freedom
You will be glad for the freedoms you are allowed, swine.

>> No.15651252

Did you still get to buy your groceries afterwards?

>> No.15651257

>Publix has a sign outside saying you are “”legally”” required to have a face mask and they’ve been doing it since last year
arent all stores required to do this? every store near me has these signs but they never enforce it and half the employees dont wear masks anyways

>> No.15651266

Just tell the old bastard to go fuck himself. It's amazing how quickly boomers will back down and literally cower the moment someone shows that they don't respect or fear them.

>> No.15651286
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>> No.15651289

literally me

>> No.15651295

Why do you get to decide what levels of risk its appropriate to subject other people to? You don't sound particularly well informed or intelligent.

>> No.15651307

I like the idea of chain mail but damn that shit is heavy and the best part is it would count as a facial covering where I live lol

>> No.15651326

not a lot of people

>> No.15651331

Go back to r*ddit chaosfag

>> No.15651349

How does it feel to be a failure of a humam being? All the things your ancestors had to do to survive and you can't handle a thin piece of fabric over your mouth and nose.

>> No.15651356

only noticable difference is that the buffet by the deli in my supermarket has been closed for the past year and was replaced with pre-packaged hot food
and of course some of the cleaning supplies having an item limit per customer
and you know, those stupid arrows on the ground to tell you to only go one direction in an aisle that NO ONE listens to
otherwise nothing else really has changed

>> No.15651370

Okay then I guess all those old people who died in nursing homes under Cuomo is fake news too and the right owes him an apology.

>> No.15651374

>ow does it feel to be a failure of a human being
>all the things your ancestors had to do to survive and you can't handle people not wanting a thin piece of fabric over their mouth and nose

>> No.15651395

I don't have anxiety attacks over people not wearing masks, so no, you didn't fix it because the situation can't be flipped. I will grant you one concession on the typo.

>> No.15651428

With how ungodly angry I've seen people get at others and me for not wearing one everywhere at all times, you could have fooled me. I'll also give you concession on my typo as well.

>> No.15651452
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>only noticable difference is that the buffet by the deli in my supermarket has been closed for the past year and was replaced with pre-packaged hot food
Sorry to hear that anon, I love how convenient those are (I work til 11 pm so having a ready to eat meal is a nice option). Same happened here early on but they've come back. With the regular stores it's the same as they used to be. At the high end grocer they ask that you wear those gloves that school lunch ladies wear. Small price to pay to get my beef stew, beef stroganof, pasta and sausage in tomato cream sauce, fork tender pot roast and last of all (pic related) the turkey breast with sage dressing (and these days roasted green beans) dinners. I call that store my 'Happy Place'.

>> No.15651455
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Wear a mask if you want to, don't wear a mask if you don't want to. However, you're a disgrace if you don't enjoy pizza.

>> No.15651459

They did the same here but the sushibar is still open. Fucking hipsters.

>> No.15651556

Yes, boomers can fuck off and die for selling out future generations so they can buy their third house and get better returns on muh stocks

>> No.15651598
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We need to get some big motherfuckers in the front of stores. You try to walk in without your mask, you get a push and a talking. You try again, you get pimp slapped. You continue, you get clocked until you stop. You call 911, the cops just walk away and ignore your pleas. It'd make for some great public freak-out and WorldStar videos.

It's not hard to wear one. You're just a fucking contrarian. The funny thing is faggots like you wished it was socially acceptable to do this shit before COVID, to walk around covering your face to hide from Facial Recognition botnets and the NSA and shit. Now you people want to not wear it? Yeah. We get it. It's about being different and nothing else. Prove me different.

>> No.15651610

the only thing i got from this is nigger burn everything

>> No.15651612

>authoritarianism is okay when we do it
I just wanted to talk about food.

>> No.15651713
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A good way to start shootings over groceries. If you actually cared about preventing the spread of covid and minimizing your chance of getting it, you would be ordering your groceries online and picking them up curbside, or just having your groceries, or any other product you want, delivered to you. Instead you want to go to be edgy and wish the world to become a little but worse for everyone while you wear a mask that's the equivalent of a fence made out of doorframes in some vain attempt to keep out micro-organisms.

>> No.15651718

>no masks, no distancing, no signs, no worries
Just like before.

>> No.15651720

Instead of having everybody line up on 5 separate and reasonably short lines, they now have everybody line up together on one big long line

You know, for safety

>> No.15651995

I always tell them it only kills jews and italians...

>> No.15652018

I agree. Folks shouldn't be responsible for their own health. That is a dangerous idea rooted in white supremacist patriarchy.

>> No.15652026

at first there was a shortage of vegetables
then everithing were normal again

>> No.15652038

Haven't seen old people bitching about masks? That's the only group that I see bitch about it and genuinely walk without masks. This is beyond ironic.