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15621745 No.15621745 [Reply] [Original]

how do I get *into* liver?

i tried pork liver today and I retched, the taste is so disgustingly strong.

How do i liver??

>> No.15621748

soak it in milk for 1 hour or so before cooking.

>> No.15621759

Chopped and rolled into seasoned flower and fried

>> No.15621806

Lamb liver is quite mild compared to pig and cow. Start there

>> No.15621810

Maybe wait until you're an adult.

>> No.15621825
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The answer is chicken livers as the absolute youngest and and mildest livers. That's how you get your feet wet and where you start until you like the mineral-y blood flavor.

Also, you should just nom nom on it with a fork and plain until you know you love it. Start where it's blended in pate or other ingredients, where you can taste the brandy, the sweet onions, and the butter.

Chopped liver , along the lines of jewish deli style chopped liver spread has a bit of minced hard boiled egg, barely cooked livers in butter or schmalz sweated sweet onions, and pulsed in processing til creamy with a bit of salt, pepper. The flavorful cracker will be half of your enjoyment. It's not vastly different to add some more French elements of brandy and some other herbs and veg.

Pork liver dumplings, slow simmered in Austrian rich and herbal simple broth is comfy. It's half bread in the dumpling, hearty dense crusty and flavorful breads incl rye, lots of parsley, marjoram, lemon zest, bound by milk and egg. Leberknodelsuppe is best made by a video of the technique, not just a written recipe. They freeze well if you want to try a batch for the random mood.

If you really do want to saute livers, try some veal liver, again the younger the liver, the better, and slice it thinly, barely cook it in butter with lots of sweet onions in butter, bit of an herb, deglaze with a favorite alcohol, from vermouth to madeira to brandy, whatever you have. Burned liver can taste bitter, you see. This can be a fork and knife enjoyed dinner, but you'll also some amazing sides, maybe something acidic to cut the fat and also creamy mashed potatoes. People will often alternate bites, or combine items on their fork. Onion with each bite of liver.

Soak cleaned chicken liver lobes in buttermilk (remove connective tissue). Dredge in seasoned cornmeal and flour, and shallow pan fry in a cast iron, til crispy laced edged. Enjoy with nice comfy vegetable selection

>> No.15622029

Just don't. I am not a picky eater by any means but I have never once had fried liver that I enjoyed. The first time I ate it I puked.

I enjoy liver pate. But whole cooked liver, and pretty much that is going to be fried, is disgusting.

>> No.15622039

Chicken livards (everyone calls them gizzards) are a completely different game. They don't taste like cow liver at all. And most people never taste them anyways you eat them like oysters. We used to call them summer oysters when I was a kid. But I truly hated chickens when I was a kid. Because I had to go into the coop and collect eggs b

>> No.15622046

Why do so many people hate liver? While I was growing up my parents were always saying not to eat liver that it's gross, etc. But the first time I tried it I was just like holy shit I've been lied to this is absolutely delicious. I don't even season my liver, just fry it real quick on either side, so it's nice and rare (and the thicker the better). Just absolutely fucking delicious. Probably my favorite "meat".

>> No.15622049

Chicken livers and gizzards are distinctly different items. Both delicious, but they're nothing like each other. Livers are soft and sort of oyster like as you say, gizzards are tough and chewy/crunchy.

>> No.15622298

Simple, do not overcook it. Do soak in water for at least 1 hour, more is better, the whiter it gets the better. Eat milder liver. Gravy, sauces, garlic, herbs, goes too goddamn well with liver. And onions... You can never go wrong with onions in almost any savory, meaty applications. Use it as a side-component to a different dish.

This'd get pricey, but this is ez mode to good livers, get good, freshly sourced liver. Even cow livers taste great if you get a good one. Buy organic liver even, but at that point you might just as well buy some fucking meat.

>> No.15622338

bacon makes everything better!

Do the 60s party appetizer of great acclaim called "rumaki" which has a fusion of some of the fun of Tiki culture by being glazed from their marinade of spiced teriyaki or soy w/pineapple or honey. Bacon wrapped livers might also feature the teriyaki soaked slivers of water chestnuts in there for crunch. That soy w/garlic and other ingredients just changes the flavors. It's great.

>> No.15622358


I'm not a picky eater but the iron taste upsets my stomach.

>> No.15622465

>thinking different organs are the same thing

>> No.15622470

it tastes icky
the taste coats my whole mouth

>> No.15622485

If you don't like the taste of liver, why do you want to eat it?

>> No.15622496

look for "albanian liver". very popular in Turkey. raw onion with sumac is very important.

>> No.15622605

Gizzards and hearts go breddy well together in a long-cooked stew.

>> No.15622885

If you don't like liver then you don't have to eat it, you know.
Poultry liver pate is the best way to eat it, though. Goose is the best, but duck is great too. I'm not sure how it's done, but some restaurants I've been to manage to get it to be fluffy, and it's delicious, especially with some sweet gelatin and berries on top. Serve with a side of good sliced country bread/toast, pickled onions and cornichons.

>> No.15622893

If you are trying it for health just make liverwurst. If you make it yourself you can control the ratio!

>> No.15622898

i hear that fava beans and a nice chianti do the trick

>> No.15622902

Veal liver chopped and with onion
Caramelise the latter if you can't handle it
Duckliver is my go to favourite liver

>> No.15623554

liver is the only thing i've managed to give myself food poisoning with when i cooked it myself, and i did it twice. i just stick to braunschweiger if i want liver these days.