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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15620527 No.15620527 [Reply] [Original]

What are some meals that require little cooking, fill you up, and have low calories so I can lose weight.
Every website acts like I'm a chef when I just know how to use a microwave.

>> No.15620532

3 egg omelettes require little prep, cook fast and fill me up.
t. Fat ass trying to lose weight

>> No.15620539

>get big amount of meat
>fry it
wa la
now you're in ketosis, filled up your protein needs and feel fucking filled

>> No.15620567

bowl of cereal for breakfast
can of soup for lunch
beans/rice for dinner

as much fruit and nuts as you want for snacks between meals

>> No.15620615

Lean cuisines come in a variety of flavors.

>> No.15620685

Chicken breasts cut up with a little salt, maybe some pepper, maybe some Italian or mixed herbs, cook them until they're not pink inside, cook them hotter to get a nice sear.
Probably have some vegetables or rice with it so you don't feel "hungry" when eating only low fat meat

>> No.15620695

Sugar for breakfast is a bad idea, also telling people to go nuts on nuts is a bad idea, not everyone is like you, some of us can finish a whole bag of peanuts in a sitting and that's super high calorie.
Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's healthy. Handfuls of grapes and peanuts will make you as fat as eating Snickers bars.

>> No.15620700
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Fried egg (over easy), toast, peanut butter
Cold cuts(sandwich meat, lettuce, cheese, mayo, mustard)
Marinade chicken with lemon juice, and whatever the hell else you want, roast it in the oven.
Toss some green veggies in olive oil, salt and pepper roast them with the chicken.

Good chicken recipe vid, you can add spices after too, but I do recommend a pre-roast marinade (just use a plastic bag)

Start at about 0:40

>> No.15620703

Salmon and veggies

>> No.15620716

Casseroles with lot of root vegetables, plus meat, fish whatever you want, added. Very easy to make. Lot's of peeling though but that's easy cooking nevertheless. That's my go to when I want healthy food but don't want to follow recipes.

>> No.15620784

>Sugar for breakfast
You know you can get cereals that aren't loaded with sugar right?

>> No.15620801

What snacks you recommend

>> No.15620845

Not him but jerky(turkey or beef) and cucumber is what I like to snack on between meals

>> No.15620851

Anything is good in moderation, nuts are fine but they're calorie dense which is why I got triggered into writing that post.
You can go nuts on carrots and celery and lettuce but that's not very satisfying or tasty in my book.
Have proteins and fats, eggs and bacon isn't that many calories different to cereal and milk. But really at the end of the day, whatever works for you works.

>> No.15620885
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very large soup pot
carton of unsalted chicken broth
about 3 lbs of cubed boneless skinless chicken breasts
half a green cabage all cut up
half a diced up big onion
A cup or so of rice
about a half gallon of water, just enough to cover everything.
Nosalt, pepper, rosemary, thyme,fennel seed, basil, whateveryougot
Bring all that stuff to boil and stir it enough so rice doesnt stick to bottom. Let it simmer a bit.
Throw in a bag of frozen broccoli and a bag of cauliflower and bring to boil again and then turn the shit off and let it sit about 20 minutes.
Need to rapid cool by setting pot in large roaster pan with cold water and lots of ice.
Put in containers in fridge and have 3+days worth of lunches and dinners. Low budget, low carb and fat and dont have to make big ordeal out of meals for a few days.

>> No.15620915

>get pot
>add water
>minced onion peppers tomatoes, cut up carrot and potatoes, a bunch of garlic
>lentils, a pound
>salt and pepper, paprika
>bring to a boil. Once boiling, low fire for 20 minutes

Can be improved infinitely, but it's a great fucking dish when you have no idea how to cook. And very healthy.

Easy improvements:
>spices. Anything you see in a chili, a curry, or Middle East cuisine fits well
>do onions peppers tomatoes first. Then blend together
>roast garlic in oven first

>> No.15620918

fuck off frogposter

>> No.15620924

Oatmeal is pretty good. The old-fashioned variety cooks really fast and is healthy and filling too. Top with fruit or raisins.

>> No.15620928

Boiled potatoes

>> No.15620930
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boil chink noodles
add a can of tuna
add roasted sesame oil and sriracha

wa la

>> No.15620936
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>> No.15620938

Sounds like those pots that sumo wrestlers eat

>> No.15620942


>> No.15620975

A bowl of sultana bran with low fat milk is like 350 calories or some shit. Bacon and eggs is not.

>> No.15621162

who are you quoting brainlet?
>require little cooking, fill you up, and have low calories

>> No.15621284
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Japanese is usually best in my opinion. Not a lot of complex cooking, low in fat and high in fibers and protein, at least if you leave out the rice and most noodles. Lots of stews and hotpots with low-cal stuff like mushrooms and seaweed. But avoid non-fermented soy products.
Okonomiyaki / Cabbage Pancake
Oden or other styles of Nabe / Hotpot
Japanese Curry but leave out the rice
Kinpira (Simmered veggies and seaweed)
Nikujaga (Beef & Potato Stew)
Soba Noodles with Soba Sauce
Konnyaku Noodles

>> No.15621285

Maybe not the bacon (which I believe I was wrong about) but eggs are somewhere under 100 calories each.
I believe you could just use the eye from the bacon and it would be a fair amount of calories for flavour, chicken is around 1g/cal so my guess is bacon without the fat is about 1.25cals/gram

>> No.15621289

Roast a chicken with just salt.