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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 300x196, 300px-Borscht_served.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15619672 No.15619672 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15619709

how many people here have tried it?

>> No.15619713

Fortunately not too many.

>> No.15619722

guess it wasn't good borscht

>> No.15619725

I've had it, I liked it.

>> No.15619749

Borscht is the best vegetable soup. Slav grandmother used to make it. Secret ingredient was fucking ketchup.

>> No.15619779

if you came into my house and put ketchup in borscht I prepared i would kill you immediately

>> No.15619847

Russian here. Borscht is probably 3rd or 4th best thing from Russian cuisine (after olivier, doktorskaya, and maybe pelmeni or schi but it's close).
I was surprised in US they don't eat beets very often. Honestly I think you guys are missing out on a good vegetable. Good vinegret or just plain beetroot salad can taste great despite being so cheap.

>> No.15619984


i have seen beetroot salad on the menu at a couple kind of modern restaurants, i think that root vegetables are making a comeback for chefs who make more seasonal, fresh cooking

>> No.15620081

ok but i mean just in daily diet, Americans don't seem to consume it much. i talked to one guy about it, he laughed off a question about beets because apparently no one eats them in US.
its almost the opposite in Russia. i'd say it's more of a Soviet thing that is slowly starting to go away, as less women bother to cook or just see beets as too old fashioned, but beets used to be a big part of daily diet here. borscht is still a staple soup here, and vinegret is still a staple dish for holidays and maybe sometimes on daily occasions (much like olivier). you can routinely find some sort of beet salads in supermarkets and cantines too. but beside that, other dishes from it seem to lose popularity - i guess some people dont like the taste. which is a shame - much like with buckwheat, it's considered "food for the poor" by some, but it actually tastes pretty nice if you're not a tastelet baby who can't stand any vegetables beside cukes and tomatoes.

>> No.15620134

we only eat vegetables that are part of our proud aryan irish/german/italian heritage

>> No.15620182


>> No.15620216

I've tried it out of the jar and didn't like it. I've made it myself a few times based on an amalgam of recipes I've seen online and I really enjoy it.

>> No.15620243

I have eaten it many times. The beets make the soup taste sweeter. I don't understand why they put sour cream and that leaf thing they always put in everything.

>> No.15620260

Isn't doctor's sausage the same as those cheap generic "vienna" sausages except it's huge?

>> No.15620289

The Polish variety isn't sweet at all. But then, it has only a few pieces of actual beet (or even none) making it more of a beet broth. The taste comes from the way it is spiced and the kind of fat that is added. It can also contain a smaller kind of pierogi, which are actually closer to pelmeni, but even smaller.

>> No.15620304

i can't say for sure because i dont know exact definitions, but it looks similar yes. similar to bologna too.
basically it's like 25% beef, 70% semi-fat pork, rest is eggs, milk, a bit of sugar and cardamom.
probably it's very similar to bologna, but some anons seemed to make a distinction between them.

>> No.15620559

I have. It's delicious. Especially with piorgie

>> No.15620602

> ketchup in бopщ
kys faggot

>> No.15620627

You mean dill? And I use yogurt. As much dill as possible and yogurt.

>> No.15620636

It's just beef stew with beets, for anyone who's wondering.

>> No.15620895

Good stuff

>> No.15620905

Buckwheat really is great. It's not a rush but you don't get tired of it. The texture is satisfying and your body feels good after eating it.

>> No.15620943
File: 254 KB, 1621x746, barszcz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never liked this one for some reason. But the other one, one that we make on christmas eve is great

>> No.15621090
File: 1.04 MB, 2286x1524, Chlodnik (Cold Borscht).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's cold borscht

>> No.15621105

Do Russians call anything in beet water "borscht"?

>> No.15621109

I have no idea, I'm Polish

>> No.15621126

Have you heard this song?


>> No.15621129

any russians have a good borscht recipe?

>> No.15621137

Google "beef stew recipe", cook it according to the directions, then add diced beets towards the end.

>> No.15621144
File: 196 KB, 361x362, 1610684066702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irish/german/italian heritage

>> No.15621183

Nope, sounds a bit like Czech or Slovak language
Or Serbo-Croatian maybe?

>> No.15621574

The only palatable russian food

>> No.15621634

Spasiba, por favor. ;)

>> No.15621639

Based slav

>> No.15621643
File: 44 KB, 750x895, 97f4cxpqbu241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like kotleti. It's a great lazy meal.

>> No.15621702

5 potato
2 large onion
Fresh Dill
2 cans kidney beans
2 large cans sliced beetroot
1 polish sausage
Cream to serve

Separate the beetroot and juice
Julienne the beetroot
Dice potatos, onions, sausage. Add to pot.
Drain beans, add to pot.
Cover with water, bring to boil and simmer until potato and onion are soft.
When potato and onion is soft, add beetroot and beetroot juice.
Simmer for 10 min until done.
Add vinegar to taste, be careful not to use too much vinegar
Serve with a spoonful of cream.

>> No.15621956

Fucking annoying. All the eastern euro people around me are taking all the fucking beets.

>> No.15621993

*dill should be added with beetroot

>> No.15622024

I've made it. It tastes alright and my poop is now red.

>> No.15622027

I made it once

>> No.15622104


>> No.15622518

Barszcz i fucking good, trust me I'm Polish

>> No.15622534
File: 45 KB, 640x533, Polish-White-Borscht-1612.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad makes white barszcz, and it's probably one of the best soups.

It's basically a perfect pairing with the sausage that's in it, because it's sour enough to cut through all the richness.

>> No.15622538

Buckwheat goes great with beef stew

>> No.15622563

It goes great with goulash, but its hard to pair it with anything else. Buckwheat also has this thing where if overcooked even the slightest amount, it tastes like burnt rubber.

>> No.15622577

You're not true /ck/ until you've made a hearty pot of borscht.

>> No.15622578

Andong has a video where he explains the origins of doktorskaya kolbasa.
It was originally a sort of protein-enhanced sausage. Which unfortunately worsened over the years, as producers cheapened out on the recipe.

>> No.15622589

A pity, since beetroot is great. Baked beetroot salad with fresh-grated horseradish is amazing.

>> No.15622593

Beets got a reputation as a disgusting 'health food' in the 90's because it was trendy to buy them pickled and sold in vacuum-packed packages. They were disgusting. Beets are definitely making a comeback though; still as a 'health food' but in dishes that actually taste good this time.
>aryan irish and italian
lmao, you can't even get your wewuzing right you dumb faggot

>> No.15622628

Learned me mum's recipe only last week. She does this weird thing that's supposed to make the beets redder, and you can't read anything about it online.
Pretty good

>> No.15622650
File: 179 KB, 800x600, щи.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virgin borscht vs the chad shchi. all fucking beetfags must fucking hang.

>> No.15622673
File: 30 KB, 400x300, hungarian-lecso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to make some lecsó. I think I'm finally going to do it

>> No.15622813

Looks good but you are also a memespewing retard.
It is simply okay; there are much better magyar dishes and much better takes on stewed vegetables.

>> No.15622903

>much better magyar dishes
Now you made me yearn for a bowl of halaszle.

>> No.15622908

>Looks good but you are also a memespewing retard.

shut up

>> No.15622913

Not the way I make it

>> No.15622918

It was delicious. I don't think there's two many foods that I've tried and didn't like. Kimchi was okay but gave me the shits so bad I had to call out from work the next day.

>> No.15622954

Truly one of the GOAT freshwater fish dishes.
How do you make it?

>> No.15622986


>> No.15623020
File: 277 KB, 1440x1080, Borscht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted not too long ago. Very comfy eating. Most Americans just don't bother with beets. Could probably say the same for turnips.

>> No.15623053

My one objection to borscht is that it lasts forever. Beet butter---add mashed beet to butter with a smashed garlic clove--is excellent. Can be used as butter or added to other dishes. I make a batch and freeze smaller portions of it. Harvard beets used to be very popular in US.

>> No.15623054

Borscht tastes like shit, and more literally, like actual dirt from the ground. If you like it you are either:
>third worldoid who likes eating dirt legitimately
>Larpers, lying normies who are playing along with some kind of mass psychosis meme about this god awful shit
>women (same as above)

Good Borscht does not exist. I keep fucking trying it because "omg this borscht is soooo good you have to try it" and it's cold red fucking dirt water every single god damn time. Post your recipe if you think you're hot shit.

>> No.15623074

what you need is a nice, hot meds soup

>> No.15623086

Yeah maybe it's possible to drug someone into such a fucking stupor that they actually think borscht is palatable. I'd say mental hospital cafeteria is probably about the level of cuisine we're working with here so you may have a point.

>> No.15623178

Yeah my dad’s Russian so I ate it many times. Now occasionally I eat it for nostalgia.

>> No.15623204
File: 522 KB, 936x934, Gnat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. seething cooklet
Lmao... cope harder. Keep relying on others to feed you, little baby. If you can't even make a decent borscht there is no hope for you.

>> No.15623219

>Post your recipe if you think you're hot shit

>> No.15623273

Shut the fuck up adin. Stop larping as a commie and do your homework.

>> No.15623322
File: 56 KB, 480x480, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15624148

Tastiest shit in the universe right here. With boiled potatoes. I WILL CUM. SAY AAAAH.

>> No.15624988

all of those are loan dishes

>> No.15625816

I'll come to your house and kill you then go home and enjoy a nice bowl of borscht