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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15619031 No.15619031 [Reply] [Original]

this board doesn't have a sticky
any beginner guides or resources for getting into cooking?
working on pasta and rice right now, they still taste wrong

>> No.15619035

/ck/ is basically just a food-related /b/ and threw a huge shitfit when a mod suggested making an actually helpful sticky.

>> No.15619049

it's really a food-themed /int/

>> No.15619053
File: 45 KB, 600x600, C278CC4B-6A71-4F6F-A203-9719881A42BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this board doesn't have a sticky
pls spoonfeed me daddies

>> No.15619075

I used Google.

>> No.15619079

What would the sticky have in it that you can't get from two seconds of research? Quit being lazy. The /fit/ sticky is fucking worthless now too. The only one I can think of that's okay is /lit/

>> No.15619082
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This board is not about actual cooking.

It's about bitching, acting superior, mocking those who do not know something, sperging, advertising products you like, vilifying products you do not like, posting pictures unrelated to cooking, Mocking cuisines you have never tasted, mocking people you have never met, and is steeped, dare I say marinated in ultracrepidarianism to the point where you really need to have been here a while to begin to understand it all.

>> No.15619116

Just read 10 fast food tierlists and you'd get the jist of it.

>> No.15619118

mods had a thread for a sticky a few months ago and most people were against it

>> No.15619128

Stickies are awful. Shit just devolves into /fit/ where anyone reasonably asking for advice is just told to "read the sticky" and the thread is over. Fuck a sticky.

>> No.15619188

fuck you, you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.15619190

Watch the entirety of Good Eats with Alton Brown. You better get started now, there are 245 of them. He's generally pretty good about not making really complicated shit with exotic ingredients but he does do that sometimes, it can't all be sloppa shit

Also an option is to watch Foodwishes videos on youtube, picking recipes that sound good to you and just trying them, buying equipment and ingredients as they come up

>> No.15619192
File: 3.59 MB, 2500x1935, tulhvnvfh2921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck of Windmill nigger

>> No.15619211

no one reads stickies, much less noobs.

>> No.15619228
File: 446 KB, 300x186, this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on anon. spot on.

you forgot the posing pretentious pedants.

>> No.15619235

>/lit/ sticky is good
I see, a fellow man of taste

>> No.15619244

90% of the questions asked on this board are thinly veiled trolling, 9% are lazy fucks who can't use google, and only maybe 1% are people who really tried and actually need help.

>> No.15619252

If you have specific questions about a specific dish, take pictures and give a play by play of what you did and you will likely be able to get some help around here that will solve it. This board has some helpful folks, but cooking is largely learned through observational learning and then practice. Sorry your parents didn't teach you how to be an adult

>> No.15619276

standard posting on this board:
>OP gets a wild hair up his ass to cook something (he has no skills, money, or equipment).
>OP posts a vague and badly worded description in new thread.
>Anons see post and are intrigued but doubtful that OP has any ability.
>Anons ask for more info.
>OP gives terse responses or one word answers.
>Anons ask for more info.
>OP rages that no one is helping him, or at any rightly deserved criticism.
>Anons alternate between asking for more info and taking the piss out of OP.
>OP now has 2 choices stop being a dick and answer the questions with useful info or going apeshit and throwing a tantrum.
>Anons help OP or figuratively beat the shit out of him.

>> No.15619372

lol that shit was hilarious

>> No.15619378

>marinated in ultracrepidarianism to the point where you really need to have been here a while to begin to understand it all.
that's the whole damn site

>> No.15620497

The OG /ck/ beginners guide was Good Eats. It's a lot easier to learn from videos than books - let alone youtube crap. The only decent youtuber who gets regularly posted anymore is chef John; don't even bother with all the others you see. They are literally clickbait paid advertising. Cooking with Dog is (was) also great for Japanese home cooking, as is Maangchi for Korean. This board has really gone downhill since ~2014, and turned to complete garbage after moot left and the election happened. "/ck/ was never good" used to be the only /ck/ meme, and now there's almost nobody left who actually cooks and it's all forced memes and e-celeb spam, while the mods actively delete OC threads. It's both ironic and sad.

>> No.15620649

that happened once and only once
t. reddit tourist

>> No.15620931

parallel thinking like this can;t possibly lead you astray OP

>> No.15621022

I'd say it's more like /v/; everyone saying they hate whatever food gets posted, the same webm threads, and eceleb shit.

>> No.15621023

Cooking with Jack has some great videos for beginners

>> No.15621111

Learn to cook from Jack is like learning the art of fine dining from Joey.

>> No.15621334

if you want serious discussion and useful information fuck off to a real cooking website

>> No.15621399

I'm sure your sloppas were actually based and worth sharing with strangers. /s

>> No.15621519

Unironically Reddit. They have threads and shit that cater to the typical “middle aged blogging white woman” or “college student who just moved out and can barely afford ramen.” /ck/ is for alcoholics, fat people who eat fast food all day, new cooks who need advice and have none to offer and people who actually know what they’re doing, so its not really a good place to start. However, YouTube is also great, Cooking With Dog, EmmyMadeInJapan, etc all show how to make good food in an easy to follow maner.

>> No.15621619

OP here
will look at some of the stuff posted, thanks for spooning
also you're right I'm a lazy piece of shit but i'm working on it

>> No.15621910

>/fit/ sticky is worthless now
Ask me how I know YDNFTP

>> No.15621912

What do you need help with? Cooking questions are best asked when being specific. Like, why are my breads coming out dense and aren’t rising properly will get you a few tips while “WHY BRED NO GUD” won’t

>> No.15622147

>threw a huge shitfit when a mod suggested making an actually helpful sticky
Everybody said we don't want or need a sticky - which is what we've always said - and also told the mod clean up the e-celeb spam, which led to the thread being deleted because apparently their only job these days is to babysit the paid advertising youtube threads.

>> No.15622724

Pasta and rice don't go together anon. On a serious note though find some basic recipes and follow them to the letter. You can add variations and experiment yourself once you know how the basic recipe works.

>> No.15622731


>> No.15622750

The comment I expected and enjoyed the most! Spot on,

>> No.15622756

Thanks for noticing. Yes, I can take pride in my heritage as I ride my electric bicycle along the dedicated path, enjoying the nice climate and the fact that I actually had electricity to charge it with all last week.

Can you say the same?

>> No.15623095
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It seems like it would be helpful to have a sticky that addresses the repetitive 'I'm about to run out of money please tell me how not to starve'-type question threads, but can you imagine what would be left after the repetitive good-faith threads are addressed by a sticky? There would probably never be a thread about cooking again, just shitty b8 all the way down.

>> No.15623131

There's nothing about food or cooking that's universal enough to answer that question. The right answer depends entirely on where you are, your culture, your own tastes, etc etc. That would be a pointless sticky.

Watch some basic technique videos for things like cutting vegetables, sweating vegetables, frying meat, stewing meat, then just pick some recipes and have fun. How can pasta "taste wrong"? You moderately boil it for x minutes in salty water then you coat it in sauce and eat it.

>> No.15623151

Idk what that means so I'll just call you a faggot and ask what your lifts are

>> No.15623154


>> No.15623205

What do you need a sticky for? Do you want a tutorial on how to go from boiling water to boiling eggs to boiling potatoes to pasta?

>> No.15623386

>You do not fuck the plates?

>> No.15623530

This is why I don't visit that board anymore

>> No.15623540

hello tourists

>> No.15623579

I think it's something like " you're not doing the program" but I don't know word for word.

>> No.15623608

>mods want to make a sticky
>gives them an excuse to delete 50% of actual food related threads
>on top of the fact they already delete any thread related to waitstaff/restaurants/tipping
>on top of the fact they already delete any thread related to alcohol/tobacco
>on top of the fact that threads pertaining to these topics will be deleted within ~10 posts while BLM posts, pictures of penises, BLACKED threads, etc will stay up for ~50 posts

>they arent even doing their job right
>they just want to delete quality threads
if we create a sticky
>there will be nothing left but fast food, e-celebs, and completely off-topic posts

>> No.15623620

You do not follow the program? Funny enough I've gotten stronger by making my own program vs following others

>> No.15623637

That’s because everyone’s body is different and anyone strictly adhering to an online “program” is going to quickly find that they are not an “average person” as nobody fucking is.
If you want to get more fit, it’s about listening to your body, knowing when to go harder, knowing when to take a break and relax, and (above all) knowing your personal strengths and weaknesses that are identical to nobody else.
“Programs” are for weak-minded, weak-willed individuals who are not able to find these things through their own hard-work and dedication. Truly pathetic.

>> No.15623644

imagine being a regular browser of the fast food board, how pathetic are you?

>> No.15624149

tobacco isn't food, retard

>> No.15625500

Fuck off mod

>> No.15625773

it is delicious flavor for my mouth

>> No.15625860

shut the fuck up jannie