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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15615393 No.15615393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that you don't even like eating meat. There's a reason you dump so many toppings and condiments on it to make it barely edible. And yes, I'm a vegan.

>> No.15615398

I eat chicken breasts plain, Bitch!

>> No.15615401

Cod and Salmon are good raw

>> No.15615402

You know what's a really weird name? Eustice.

>> No.15615408

So Vegans eat boiled potatoes with nothing on it?

>> No.15615409

Plain and dry ass chicken breast cooked in minimal amount of oil is alright so you're wrong.

>> No.15615426

this thread is absolute bullshit

>> No.15615452
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>Friendly reminder that you don't even like eating vegetables. There's a reason you dump so many toppings and condiments on them to make it barely edible. And yes, I'm an omnivore.

>> No.15615456

I don't even cook my fish and beef half the time, much less season. I'm sorry you surround yourself with people who buy shit quality meat.

>> No.15615459

Same could be said about literally any other food.

>> No.15615467

As a vegetarian i must note that for some reason i'm the most sane and happy person of most of my friends.

Here's a rea mental disorder, picky eating.

>> No.15615473
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Yes anon i see you, that's very nice

>> No.15615478

But spices are lacking in things like protein, and meat is cheap and high in protein.

>> No.15615480

Yes, they eat everything plain it seems not even salt

>> No.15615517

Friendly reminder you don't even like eating lentils
There's a reason you dump so many broths and ingredients on it to make it barely edible
And yes, I'm a normal person

>> No.15615525

I love a fresh ground hamburger with just some salt and pepper.
I love a dry aged steak.
I love some god damn homemade chicken stock.
Don't project your shit tier tastebuds into me.

>> No.15615597
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>> No.15615615
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>diseased ascetic nihilist world-denier trying to say anything about the pleasures normal, healthy people do or don't experience

>> No.15615625


friendly reminder that convincing 60% of people to eat less animal products will always be better for the planet then convincing only 20% of them to eat no animal products.

white instagram veganism is just another way that the industrial complex shifts the blame/focus for climate change/ecological destruction/animal welfare issues/etc onto individuals. Eating eggs from a chicken raised a few miles away from you will always be better than consuming vegetables farmed by underpaid migrants and then shipped via fossil fuels half-way across the globe.

>> No.15615627

But you also use spices and other condiments for vegetarian and vegan food. What kinda logic is this? Terrible bait.

>> No.15615638

Well anon, humans shouldn't eat as much meat to begin with (and this is coming from a proud omnivore), so you're not wrong. Pure western style veganism is only properly achievable in Western, specifically white countries among people who can actually afford it. You'll never tell the Masai of Kenya and Tanzania to go vegan or even vegetarian, nor will you convince the Yupik of Alaska and far east Russia.

>> No.15616191


>> No.15616254

mmm char grilled steak..... yummmm

>> No.15616265

Swallowing cum is murder, therefore you should commit delete.

>> No.15616269

Wrong. Objectively wrong. Humans are meant to eat meat.

>> No.15616346

>psycho vegematic tries to convince me that I hate eating meat because he hates eating meat
take your meds and B12, kiddo.

>> No.15616364

just means justice

>> No.15616371

20% is generous too. You'd be lucky to get 5% of people abstain entirely from eating meat for the rest of their lives.

I probably eat less meat than I used to, but it doesn't have anything to do with vegan agitprop and is a result of my grocery shopping habits.

>> No.15616409

My favorite thing about Vegans is how they actually start developing the violent, aggressive, cut throat mental attitudes of starving people, but can't make the correlation in their own heads as to why they've become violent, angry, paranoid subhumans.

>> No.15616430

Friendly reminder that you don't even like to be chemically castrated by soy, yet you do it.

>> No.15616501

>As a vegetarian i must note that for some reason i'm the most sane and happy person of most of my friends.

Here's a rea mental disorder, picky eating.

But you have a superiority complex (mental illness) and you are a picky eater.

>> No.15616510

I've eaten a raw T-bone steak before.

>> No.15616683

Pretty obvious how triggered the carnies are based on the replies. Maybe I'm right?

>> No.15616724
File: 2.31 MB, 1680x2160, c5e11acc34233b483124490d9f55e8c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be you
>be retard
>lol triggered! xDDD
are you from 8 years ago, who says triggered unironically

>> No.15616803

i eat my meat with salt. because its good food.

>> No.15616810

i mean i even enjoy raw fish with no soysauce, how can i not like meat?

>> No.15616830

It takes a lot of willpower to ignore a smelly mustache.

>> No.15616840

I only eat unseasoned raw meat tho

>> No.15618159

Have you not noticed that people do exactly the same thing with vegetables?

>> No.15618192

I love meat it's delicious. Don't eve use condiments just season with salt and pepper but even without that meat is so fucking good.

>> No.15618347
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>> No.15618365
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>make a thread
>nobody agrees with you in the thread
>reply to your own thread for reassurance

>> No.15618482

This isn't true at all. They pour nutritional yeast on fucking everything like a Chinese takeout place uses MSG.

>> No.15618503

lmao nailed it

>> No.15618537
File: 21 KB, 645x973, 1611371755320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like eating unseasoned vegetables either you fucking mong

>> No.15618556

In sharp contrast to tofu without toppings and condiments, which is so full of flavor.

>> No.15618563

>he doesn't enjoy a nice thick juicy NY strip cooked to perfection with only a bit of pepper

>> No.15618601

If you're dumping "so many toppings and condiments on it", it's a bad cut of meat, you absolute fucktard.

Good meat just needs salt, maybe a little pepper.

>> No.15618614

I feel attacked fampai

>> No.15618622

Stopped reading there.

>> No.15618785


>> No.15618912
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Based on what?

>> No.15618982


>> No.15619115

Nope, not getting out of this chair.

>> No.15619251
File: 207 KB, 500x366, lets-take-a-bath-together-the-brave-homocidal-toaster-16274601~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking retarded vegans do everything they can to make their dogshit looking "food" look and taste like real meat. Meanwhile here I am using nothing but a bit of salt and pepper on my tenderloin filet, and this faggot is gonna tell me I don't like eating meat??
Please pic related you insufferable twat.

>> No.15619418
File: 85 KB, 720x1015, Ohmxni8NIglHtGdlqr2sERSoV1qOic7-v57vijQCNSk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15619432

>toppings and condiments
salt and pepper enhance flavors not cover them penis breath.

>> No.15619444
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, DSCF4413-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite vegetable. I never put seasonings on it.

>> No.15619496

>it’s another negroid thinks burgers and fried chicken are the only way to eat food thread

>> No.15619497

I keep one of those Costco $5 rotisserie chickens in my fridge and tear off a chunk when I want a snack.

>> No.15619794


>> No.15619823
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>> No.15619833

Yeah but you know that bait always works on this short bus of a website.

>> No.15619834

Normal steak addons in my house: salt, pepper, butter, garlic. Yes, I am drowning this red meat in toppings to disguise its secret disgustitude. You've found me out, Albert Einstein.

>> No.15619858
File: 388 KB, 854x470, Sabait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly? I just like posting bait pictures where necessary
>you know that bait always works
Aye, Inever take itthough

>> No.15619959

Vegetarianism IS picky eating.

Humans aren't carnivores. We're omnivores.

>> No.15620032

Threadly reminder that vegans are not human beings.

>> No.15620037

Why are people bumping this obvious troll thread?

>> No.15620054

I'm gonna be honest with you. People really used to care more about animals and were more motivated to stop animal publicly broadcasted abuse until vegans came around and started gatekeeping what it meant to love animals. Their desperate attempt to get people to adopt their eating disorder and neuroses bred apathy into the masses. Thanks vegans.

>> No.15620549

>how dare you combine flavors

>> No.15620568

to be honest when I dump on a bunch of breadcrumbs, cheese, herbs it just shows vegetables need help.

>> No.15620651

I reckon a majority of them have a saviour complex but are too bitch to go beyond low hanging fruit. It's like
> be me, absolutely ordinary. would love to do some good for the world... hmm what can I impact?
> well, cbf helping homeless, needy, underprivileged people. they're icky and that's unglamorous for how much sacrifice it'd take
> love food though, i know! let's do gooder with food!@! - not even get-food-to-the-starving or anything like that, but something about changing your diet, yeah, I can do that
> become vegan. but it is not enough, develop need to constantly ping for other vegans so we can wegan together because we need validation like that.

>> No.15620680

I was wondering why there wasn't a vegan thread here the other day. Is there ever a normal thread to discus vegan food here or is it all trolls? I'm vegan BTW

>> No.15620734
File: 52 KB, 640x557, vegan_memes_34[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are billboards near me that say "nut milk is not milk" and dairy farmers are going bankrupt. veganism is the future

>> No.15620997
