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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15615442 No.15615442 [Reply] [Original]

>paper towels

>> No.15615522
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>> No.15615560


>> No.15615569


>> No.15615587
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>> No.15615606

Vinegar and baking soda

>> No.15615666
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>> No.15615904
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>> No.15615923


>> No.15615951

Add "that knows how to prep, store, and cook food" to that and I'd agree 100000%.

Exwife couldn't cook for shit and would buy meme ingredients just to watch them spoil. Pretty much all my girlfriends or female relatives besides my grandma were similar. Current wife is from a village in Eastern Europe, and she used to cook her family's meals most nights wasting absolutely nothing ("I use every part but the soul!"). Fucking amazing to have around

>> No.15616005

>going wife shopping to random 'Eastern European' villages
Sure thing Bob.

>> No.15616018



also steel wool for the really stubborn shit

>> No.15616033

>*is better in every imaginable way in your path*

>> No.15616052
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>> No.15616083


I love side towels but you need paper towels as well at home, specifically for cleaning up especially messy things that you just want to toss anyways.

>> No.15616099

>desperate for redpill bullshit to be true
>LARPing as a successful redpiller
It ain't ever gonna' happen, anon.

>> No.15616123

Cheaper to hire a maid, chef and prostitute. Want kids hire a surrogate.

>> No.15616309
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>> No.15616328
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anyone uses bamboo towels? Been thinking of making the switch and save some money while using it for the kitchen and etc.

>> No.15616339

whats the point of girls with barely any tits

>> No.15616471

they're cute

>> No.15616524
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When you hug them you can feel their heartbeat

>> No.15616535
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>unsung kitchen heroes

>> No.15616574

Based and pettanpilled

>> No.15616783


>> No.15618256

He's an ass guy.

>> No.15618288

>Clack clack.

>> No.15618302
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when will i get over her bros

>> No.15618309
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>> No.15618342

ach, the humble trash can

>> No.15618362


>> No.15618903

Mine is fucking useless in the kitchen. Unironically makes things more difficult for me

>> No.15619021
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>Not posting the Patrician Towel.

Many times tougher than kitchen towels.
They don't unravel like toilet paper.
They hold together even when completely soaked.
You can use them in the sink as a dish rag.
You can literally wring them out, let them dry and use them again. (But why would you? You have a 12 pack in the dry goods cupboard.)

>> No.15619033

Time to return the defective product for a refund.

>> No.15619720

Same. I'm breaking up with my girlfriend of 13 months tomorrow. I just finished packing up her stuff (spare clothes, toothbrush, etc.)
This week she offered to make me a steak medium rare. I had to physically look away and work on my emails to prevent myself from stepping in + giving her advice. She wanted to "help" and take care of me with a dinner. Steak had no crust and it was fucking grey through and through. She also fucked up the mushrooms and asparagus, as she cooked them first and let them come to room temp. Ugh. Partners who cant cook are so unattractive. The effort was nice, but it was still a waste of food and time. Poor thing is going to be crying this time tomorrow.

>> No.15619733

Catastrophically based and Scottpilled.

>> No.15619734

Why don't you teach her?

>> No.15619738
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Use these a lot alongside pic rel because my job gets me covered in oil, they're great

>> No.15619750

This, she's obviously trying to do something good for you, even if it doesn't turn out well. If she's willing to put in the effort to learn help her out, she'll learn to cook well and you'll deepen your bond.

>> No.15619965


Thanks for the responses.
I'm breaking up for more reasons than her lack of cooking skills. I fully admit that someone who is genuine and willing to learn is very valuable and deserves to be appreciated. However, she lacks common sense, and teaching her would be more trouble than its worth. I work more than 40+ hours a week as a full time employee + part time student. Her presence has become a chore.

I did not want to do anything for valentines day, I wasn't in the mood. Despite this, I buckled down to my boyfriend duties, picked her up, and made us dinner. She then wanted to make cheesecake. Making cheesecake was her idea. She wanted to lead but I ended up taking most of the duties as she couldn't be trusted to whisk the mixture with a wooden spoon. She tried to lead with making the cheesecake, then she tried to be a helpful assistant, and by the end she was in the way. She couldn't even make the graham cracker crust (needed more butter to set into the pan). So what now? I have to always be by her side and teach her basic cooking instincts? No.... no. Cooking is fun for me. Please dont ruin the experience. I'm happy in the kitchen despite her being there.

I do lots of things for her. I taught her to ice skate, how to sharpen a knife, how to fire a handgun, I've read poetry to her... And in return, she is just "trying her best." I'm sorry but I bring too much to the relationship to be with someone who is just along for the ride and lacking in initiative. She's like a backpack, she's just there for basic things. She doesn't even do volunteer work, but admires that I do. I'm sorry, but she's basic. I don't think I'm smart, but I do take initiative on a lot of things, and I don't want to have to always be the creative one who puts forward fun ideas, whereas, she's asking "what do you want to do?"

>> No.15620026

I think one of your problems is that your not letting her try then fail.
Like I'm good at cooking only because I have fucked up so many times.
I have under cooked, over cooked and oil logged breaded food many times and now I almost never do because I did it more then once.
Like she doesn't know shit and you tell her how to do it but then instead of correcting her or letting fail you just take over so she learns jack shit.
Also you don't sound like you even like hanging out and doing stuff with her.

>> No.15620057

i don't buy paper towels. I just use my dishrag to clean up any spills or whatever. but I'm pretty clean so I don't even use that much. saves me money and is better for the """""environment""" not that i really care

>> No.15620060 [DELETED] 

>place food on this
>turn heat to molten levels
>take out of oven
>foil is immediately cool to the touch
it's literally witchcraft

>> No.15620140

How much do you charge for wife? I will buy

>> No.15620145

okay but is the pussy game weak or what?

>> No.15620148


>> No.15620151

paper towels are a conspiracy

>> No.15620193

I agree, failing is how you learn. I know how to make creme brulee because I've overcooked it and undercooked it. However, I have corrected her. I will communicate and express the proper technique, but there is too much... if she doesnt know to render the beef fat, and turn the steak's fat-buckle against the side of the pan, I mean, cmon. I'm not teaching an introduction to cooking class. She even used extra virgin olive oil to cook the steak. Fucking goddamnit. Do I have to explain everything? Could she at least be good at something in return?

Nothing to write home about. Headgame was subpar too, and she spoke afterwards like she was doing me a favor.

>> No.15620218

Oh, and during romance she would place her arms against the bed (Imagine telling someone to put their hands in the air).
Members of /CK/, during romance, make use of your hands and put them in your partners hair. Claw their back. Push/pull. Slap. Dont just feign getting pinned down, that is lazy.

>> No.15620446

Thanks for the reminder, Satan

>> No.15620588

I wish you the best in single life brah it would be a lot less grim without covid but the good times are coming soon

>> No.15620617

Do you have to keep reteaching her stuff or does she pick it up after few tries?
I got a guy at work who is semi retarded maybe he won't say and has the memory of a Gold fish so I some times get mad and anything I teach he forgets and he has been working for 3 years.
Is she like that or you just have a complete novice/stubborn girl because she seems to want to cook for you and with you that seems like she's a pretty good girl even if she is slow.