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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 325 KB, 876x400, 40698490586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15613453 No.15613453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm constantly accidentally clicking on this board when I mean to click /cgl/ and today was the first time I actually scrolled through here a bit, I'm surprised that it seems like most of you are men. And I just started wondering if any of you even know about lolita fashion and how it'd be kind of weird for the board adjacent to our board to be full of guys who don't even know what lolita fashion entails and might even think it's a weird fetish (it's not).

Anyway to make this more /ck/ related, do you guys not have a woman to cook for you? Is it your goal to eventually have a woman to cook for you? I expected this board to be full of housewives, that's why I'm asking. Do you want a sweet lolita house waifu?

>> No.15613495

Have sex before coming up with beta male power fantasies.

>> No.15613501
File: 1.51 MB, 2675x4032, 400F9B86-34C4-489B-AA67-867E23278F57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /ck/, faggot; you seem to be confused about the fact that it’s one of multiple boards on a website founded for fans of Ethiopian Flipbooks.

This board is full of weebs, and many of us have been served food/alcohol by much cuter and moe girls than you will ever identify as.

>> No.15613506

Is this a larp?

>> No.15613520

My wife makes good pizzas, I love her. Last night she made this kind of sourdough base pizza with white garlic sauce, red onion, chicken and jalapeno.

>> No.15613565
File: 139 KB, 1202x1049, 20210218_205004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a good one Anon. Nothing better than having a partner who actually enjoys cooking.

I wish my GF did, but she just enjoys eating junk food and dressing up like OP. She would do both if I didnt stop her
>pic related
>this was her dinner for the night, and breakfast
>and she still wanted a Wendy's jr baconator combo for a midnight snack that same night

>> No.15613576

What what a fat pig

>> No.15613603
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Uneducated larp lol. Japanese brand lolita dresses come in one size and that size is catered to small Asian body types, only thin girls can look nice in brand. Some fatties try to squeeze themselves into brand dresses but most of them just resign themselves to wearing the shitty Chinese dresses they can get in custom whale sizes. And either way we make fun of them on /cgl/ for being nasty and fat

>> No.15613616

Just go back to /cgl/ you weirdo pedophile.

>> No.15613622

No, I'm certified adorbs and a skinni smol bean.

>much cuter and moe girls than you

Sorry but that's impossible, I'm the #1 cutie 3.14 princess. But the vast majority of non-Asian lolitas are fat and/or uggo so I see where your sentiment is coming from.

>> No.15613633
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Shes definitely getting soft around the midsection. Thank god she didnt like the deep deep dish. She gave it to me, and ate some last night, let me brother take some for lunch, and warmed up a couple pieces this morning

>fried 2 eggs
>nuked up 2 slices, toasted in pan after eggs done
>topped slices with eggs, pic related, pepper, and some dabs of hot sauce.
>forgot to take pics
>had me burping all day though

>> No.15613651

how many brand dresses does your lady own and what's her favorite brand?

You're a bad bf if you don't know her favorite brand and at least a ballpark of her wardrobe size.

>> No.15613661

Sorry, no girls allowed. I'm saving this spot for a cute twink.

>> No.15613670


>> No.15613678
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 149429672_10165210172800497_8263184532353770476_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fair anon, most twinks are cuter than most girls, I'll definitely give you that.

I wish we could ban fatties from lolita, they really tarnish the image of the handful of super cute girls who wear it.

>> No.15613689
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Why would I know any of that? I'm more concerned about her cholesterol, her bloating gut, and sick of people asking when she is due.

>> No.15613691

She's going to dump you in less than two years, and you'll deserve it. Mark my words.

>> No.15613698

Fuck off with your feverish yellow pedo dreams, scumbag. Cookery is the domain of MEN. Woman can’t cook for a shit.

>> No.15613709
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We are generally better at baking than cooking

Lolita fashion has nothing to do with pedophiles, most underage girls can't afford it anyhow, so most of the girls you see in it are 25-35.

>> No.15613714

cgl cope

>> No.15613718

she can wash the dishes if she wants

>> No.15613730
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Can you explain how that's a cope? Sorry, I'm a dumb slut.

>> No.15613736
File: 145 KB, 909x598, 20210127_203508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. That means I can afford and have time for another project car again, and I dont have to break her heart.
>I miss this lil red sonnuva bitch
>would make delivering food really fun again, using both feet and rowing thru gears again

>> No.15613747

prove it

>> No.15613759

I don't like anyone cooking for me in general since they usually find a way to screw it up. And they're easily avoidable mistakes too like not seasoning anything or not salting pasta water.

>> No.15613764

>Sorry but that's impossible, I'm the #1 cutie 3.14 princess.
Negative, bro.
Allow me to clarify; by “cuter and more moe girls” I mean cuter and more moe girls who were classified as girls at time of birth and recorded as such in a country which recognizes two and exactly two genders.

>> No.15613792
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>> No.15613813

>most twinks are cuter than most girls
>tfw no crossplayer gf(male) to match coords with

>> No.15613825

>not seasoning anything or not salting pasta water
Truly blasphemous, the way basic bitches manage to fuck up the most simple things never ceases to astound me. A girl I knew in HS posted a picture of some soup she made - with unpeeled cloves of garlic. Someone called her out on it and she said, I shit you not, that the recipe didn't say anything about peeling garlic. She's such a nice girl though. I think everyone originally from the midwest may be cursed when it comes to cooking, and have to actively work to life that curse.

I've got a 100% real vagine that I've had since they could tell my gender in the womb. I'm also a camwhore sometimes so I've made decent burando bucks for flashing it. Brand lolita dresses retail for $300+ and like, $150 for stuffed animal bags that barely fit a quarter, gotta make it somehow. But most lolitas are professionals, I get blasted for talking about the camming thing on /cgl/ because most lolitas are pearl-clutchers that REE when you say their clothes are fetishy or have anything to do with being sexual at all. It's a big part of the lolita subculture, separating the fashion from anything sexualized.

>> No.15613875
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You seem kind of like an attention seeker, so show the goods! The coords or the OF pics, your choice.

>> No.15613888


>> No.15613907

I'm a SEA monkee and all the maid cafes here are served by brown ugly used goods, who earn less money than a janny in USA.

>> No.15613909

...Is this the kind of image that's waiting for me just next door?

>> No.15613922


>> No.15613927
File: 57 KB, 600x750, KingOfShotguns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'gratz on having something you enjoy, Anonette, and not letting the autist get to you. I'm sure theres the same kind of enjoyment and autism in /cgl/, as any other board on here. But its 4chan, what can you do? Do what you love now, since we're all gonna die eventually .

>> No.15613972
File: 185 KB, 1000x1334, 1613622665231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will 1000% post myself all over everywhere if the lolita community ever figures out who I am and links my camming persona to my actual self. I'd rather remain in the closet regarding my attention whoring and just have them think I'm a weird larper anon for now.

Not usually, that's "ero" lolita which is a rarely worn substyle, because it's rarely done well. That was an example of the elusive, actually good ero coord.

>> No.15613979


>> No.15613985

I love my girlfriend but I am a far better cook than her, and enjoy doing it as a hobby

>> No.15613989
File: 148 KB, 900x1200, 1613622244941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw thanks my man. I have a history of posting to /b/ and even got doxxed way way a long time ago by /b/ so dealing with 4chin autists comes naturally to me, and I find it pretty entertaining. That was before I ever did sex stuff online, so there was less dirt to be found on me. I wouldn't do anything like that nowadays.

Getting doxxed was a trip. I even had somebody actually buy me a pizza delivered to my house. That was wild. What is /ck/'s fave chain pizza?

>> No.15614010

>What is /ck/'s fave chain pizza?
Pizza Hut. And Canackistan 2 for 1. Now post bobs and vegana with a banana.

>> No.15614020

Go get him, anon :)

>> No.15614071
File: 1.14 MB, 1400x933, 2013-02-13 at 19-32-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem lolitanon. I guess I'm getting into oldfag territory now too, after more than decade since I started coming here. I'd rather be cool, than be some stalker schizo.

At least you got some free pizza out of that ordeal you typed out. Nothing better than that.

As for pizza chain, Marco's is pretty for what it's worth, and seems to be consistantly good out here where I'm at.

If it's a single joint, I use to go here a lot with my lady pre-covid. Village Pizzaria was always good, and the owner was always chill and fun to chat with

>> No.15614074

what the fuck is this retarded post

>> No.15614095

Why are you bothering reading it?
Look at this smooth mothafukka right here >>15614071 >>15613927 and take notes.

>> No.15614114

I just gave /cgl/ a browse, after about 13 years on this site surprisingly I've never gone on there before. Is it actually a mostly female board, or are they mostly just men pretending to be women? Do most people actually wear that stuff in public or do they just like looking at the pictures? Are most posters actually any good or do they just wear ill-fitting costume tier shit made of that cheap satin material? What does "brand" mean, is it a specific brand or are they talking about dresses that are from known brands as opposed to knockoffs?

>> No.15614152

>Lolita fashion has nothing to do with little girls
It's literally named after a novella about a young girl fucking an adult. It may be preferred by legal age women, but the goal is ape to look of a young girl.

>> No.15614159

it's women and they're all fucking deranged. this is all you need to know. never go back there.

>> No.15614166
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I'm not smooth. I just treat everyone the same, and I wanna chat with my fellow sane anons, laugh at funny pics, and share cool shit without having to sign into another website to do it

>> No.15614182

Boards for autistic women are fucking weird man. First time I ever saw it was browsing lolcow. Somehow it's exactly what you'd expect their board culture to be yet still something you'd never think you'd see

>> No.15614195

I don't know about the lolita types, but the cosplayer chicks I know are perfectly fine with wearing cosplay in public.

>> No.15614211
File: 72 KB, 960x960, 1613614678205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not correct, the name originated in Japan and it was just because they thought the word was cute. It's been a thing since the 1970s but didn't become very recognizable until the mid-late 1990s. And even then, that's considered old school and it's own substyle nowadays. Modern lolita you can see emerge around 2006ish.

Yes it's mostly females, not larpers. We have some annoying scrotes and coomers from /r9k/ that like to be annoying though, they don't usually larp as women.

Yes we wear this in public. I'm a daily lolita, so I wear lolita most everyday I actually leave the house (not that often now cause plague) as long as I'm not doing something dirty or super active. But for errands like grocery shopping I def wear lolita. I own about 60 brand dresses and a lot of brand accessories/shoes/etc.

Most posters own a lot of brand and are at least decently dressed.

Brand refers to the major Japanese lolita brand labels - Angelic Pretty, Baby the stars shine bright, metamorphose, moi-meme-moitie and a few others fall under this category but those are the main ones.

>> No.15614219
File: 577 KB, 1200x675, 776DD4A3-B3E7-4E31-B7FC-347044911B27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chick larps as a BPD camwhore on /cgl/ but you scrotes would never know the amount of bait and shitposting she does. stop looking for male validation and come back home, gull. we miss you

>> No.15614232

No my girlfriend wants to cook for me but I always insist I do it because she sucks.
>slow as fuck doing anything
>makes a mess
>uses shit processed ingredients instead of natural raw shit because "it's how my mom made it"
Miss me with the velveeta cheese mac n cheese with extra shredded cheese from a bag because "that's the secret" just awful shit. I'm showing her a whole new world of flavor and cooking and she's catching on but doubt she'll ever fix the being slow and messy shit.

>> No.15614244

Lolita was published in 1955, but checking what you said provides some interesting info. Did not realize the weird ass culture story behind it.

>> No.15614247
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Extremely accurate we're all fucking psychos and I think most farmers/gulls have at least two mental illnesses. I have, I think 6 at this point, officially diagnosed mental illnesses.

Lolcow makes cgl look sane though.

Forgot to respond to the main core of your comment in my last post, because I'm retarded. The goal isn't too look like a little girl. Liking childish looking things does not equate to looking like a child or trying to. Have you seen many kids wearing anything like pic related in the 21st century? I haven't.

>> No.15614250
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>and it was just because they thought the word was cute
this is your brain on estrogen

>> No.15614255
File: 186 KB, 540x540, 1609944556201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw thanks anon. I'm glad to finally be recognized. I really am a camwhore with BPD though but you fine ladies thinking it's a larp will help conceal my true identity for longer than if you didn't think so.

I'll come home soon I promise. Before the streetlights come on, is that okay uwu?

>> No.15614264
File: 211 KB, 801x518, pfft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are some men allergic to google and assume they know better

>> No.15614338

The word Lolita was invented by an author. Not japanese.

>> No.15614349
File: 65 KB, 300x533, 1611621429799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita has been an actual given name and a nickname for Dolores way before 1955 though.

>> No.15614356

Imagine the smell of his smegma

>> No.15614359

>literally not an argument
this is your brain on bpd. to think that the term lolita has nothing to do with the nabokov book and that the nips just made it up out of thin air is fucking retarded. go back to cgl. mods are fucking simp cocksuckers to allow this thread.

>> No.15614389

Dominoes is a greasy mess and pizza hut is flavorless. For me, it's grotto pizza. The best chain pizza.

>> No.15614393
File: 1.22 MB, 1078x1150, 1609543471227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, doubling down on your retardation, touché. Can't argue with that.

>> No.15614400

Grotto Pizza doesn't exist where I'm from.

I have horrible taste in pizza and usually order papa john's if I'm resigning myself to chain slop

mom and pop restaurants are either way way better than chains, or way way worse, no inbetween it seems

>> No.15614401

all of the resources point to a magazine that used the term in 1987, so short of asking the author what they based that on the rest is literally just "we don't know" cope. the otome-kei stylization was based on maids and prairie design elements before moving into what it is now. to think the nips picked the name lolita out of the multitude of names that exist because it "sounded cute" and not because it was associated with little girls is deranged. keep coping.

>> No.15614417

>do you guys not have a woman to cook for you?
No. I started cooking before I moved out of my parents' place (and my dad and my mom both cooked). None of my past girlfriends knew how to cook. My roommate doesn't either, I'm the one that cooks in the house. And I enjoy it, which is why I do it.

>Is it your goal to eventually have a woman to cook for you?
Nah? I mean, having someone cook for me is nice and I like it, but I also like cooking. If anything I'd like to have someone to cook with, not for.

>Do you want a sweet lolita house waifu?
That'd be nice.

>> No.15614442
File: 92 KB, 553x920, da303d540c9f764d895aa9a5c2c63578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cherry-picking data to suit your paradigm is pretty cool I guess.

>If anything I'd like to have someone to cook with, not for.

That's really sweet anon, I hope you get that someday soon.

>> No.15614450

literally from the same sauce as your screencap

>> No.15614458

dude i just want to learn how to bake a danish.

>> No.15614465
File: 51 KB, 550x413, photo0jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, where I'm at in SoCal, the lockdown messed with a bunch of them local joints.
That muthfugga, Steve, was always cool and cared about good pizza.

He almost kicked his actual son ass in front of the sidewalk, when his boy dropped some plates next to me and my lady. Splashed her with marinara. He was always a bro, and I hope he makes thru the lockdown.

>pic related
>18' pepperoni from Village Pizzaria


>> No.15614466

i think /cgl/ is the fujoshi hq of 4chan

>> No.15614469

It's nice to know that you don't wear classic

>> No.15614475

>using Wikipedia as a source
is that where you get your recipes and cooking advice too?

that's /y/

>> No.15614478

wtf is this thread
wtf is that bullshit

>> No.15614480

the chick ITT is tokimeki.bunny on insta, she recently began camming and stopped posting photos in lolita. she thinks we don't know who she is but we do. you're dumb kiddo

>> No.15614481

simp harder

>> No.15614488

thanks. ugly face but at least i can jerk to her armpits.

>> No.15614493

She has BPD?

>> No.15614496
File: 800 KB, 600x748, Screenshot_2021-02-20 Bunny ( tokimeki bunny) • Instagram photos and videos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that man jaw lmao

>> No.15614500

Am I wrong?

>> No.15614506

>That's really sweet anon, I hope you get that someday soon.
I do have a girlfriend as of right now, she can't cook for shit and she's a bit of a picky eater, though. I don't think I'll be able to share my food-related autism (not the picky eater type of autism, if anything it's the opposite) with anyone, and I don't really expect that at this point - at least not without giving up some other aspect of the relationship by jumping ship to a girl who does. It's really why I say I want someone to cook with - I like cooking and making cocktails (in the very "classic" cocktail sense), and I want to share that with people in more than just "hey, here's food, enjoy it", which is what happens with my roommate right now. I can't bounce ideas off of him, but he's a great dude, he's fine with doing the dishes, and he pays the bills on time, so that's fine. I just wish I had someone that I could bounce thoughts back and forth regarding cooking, because that's the one hobby I have that's currently unfulfilled in that sense.

Whatever, this is a rant.

>> No.15614511

You still cherry picked it though? The generally accepted view is that it emerged from the gothic lolitas which was pretty much the main style at the time. The point was to look like sad, tragic dolls. Dolores means "sorrows" and by extension so does lolita, which also being a cute word, they picked it up.

And if you choose to believe otherwise, it all boils down to the fact that not everything's in a name. The point of lolita is to look like a doll for some, and assert the fact that women have the autonomy to dress however they like, and don't have to dress to fit into society's or men's standards of what's socially acceptable for them to wear. Exact same ethos as punk and goth, minus the doll part.

>> No.15614514


>> No.15614516

Why the hell are you using a attempt at a ero cord as a example of lolita. Seeing how your using images already on the board, I'm assuming your just another larper making fun of fat girls and the sexy baby on the ita thread. Most embarrassing behavior

>> No.15614520

thank you based seagull

>> No.15614522
File: 57 KB, 488x650, 1611625801216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw I'm really fucking sad that she's gonna get the heat for my insane antics. I'm not popular at all and started camming years ago. I'm a literal nobody and definitely not her, keep digging gulls.

>> No.15614533

Nah, all she's getting is the $$$
Post your handle if you want some

>> No.15614534
File: 192 KB, 536x800, 1611635137775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nuts and would be a terrible gf for 99.99999% of dudes but I'm a pretty good friend, wish we could sperg about cooking together anon.

>> No.15614538
File: 469 KB, 1241x2024, 1613635516621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting bloated corpse-chan for the keks

>> No.15614545
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>Brazil nut chad
I kneel.

>> No.15614548
File: 570 KB, 768x1024, 1611636861000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't want that kind of attention, I stay purposefully lowkey about my online presence, including lewds.

I like attention more than I like money anyway. Just not super negative attention with my actual identity linked, that shit stresses me out. Negative attention while anon though? Chef's motherfucking kiss.

>> No.15614566

This guy is definitely not smooth bro. Have you ever got a bitch on your dick?

>> No.15614575

What does girl butthole smell like?

>> No.15614582

like your best friend's

>> No.15614593

Lolita fashion can be very cute, but the only people I've met irl that are into it are either self deprecating depressed autists that constantly point out their own flaws or as another anon pointed out, landwhales/aesthetically unattractive people that don't put in the effort to look attractive first and just try to ride the cute aspect instead.

>Anyway to make this more /ck/ related, do you guys not have a woman to cook for you? Is it your goal to eventually have a woman to cook for you?
No, cooking for friends/family/myself is my goal
>I expected this board to be full of housewives, that's why I'm asking.
There are girls but why do you think some of the most popular youtube channels are male? We like cooking.
>Do you want a sweet lolita house waifu?
Sure, but issues from above still stand

>> No.15614596

I dont have any friends =( . Will you be my best friend? And let me smell your butthole?

>> No.15614606

I'm curious, what's the average jap size/BMI? I mean, they have womanlets on average not even 1,55m tall. The average over here in poland is like 1,70m for women (RIP amerimutt men). Not fitting in jap cloths is really no surprise when you're basically trying on cloths the size of elementary school aged kids.

>> No.15614617
File: 383 KB, 600x900, 1611686241160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self deprecating depressed autists that constantly point out their own flaws
Yeah that's pretty much me irl. Being hyper aware of your flaws is stressful.

>There are girls but why do you think some of the most popular youtube channels are male? We like cooking.
You're right, idk why there was such a disconnect in my head.

>> No.15614621

Why the fuck is this thread on /ck/

>> No.15614628

That'd be nice.

>> No.15614630
File: 36 KB, 740x415, 13631472_268333776883347_2788416886635446081_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because a woman found out that she gets more attention on a non-sexual board when posting her fetish. She probably needs more camwhore shekels and tries to get a new audience.

>> No.15614637
File: 47 KB, 479x640, 1611686366160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

72% of Japanese women are within the normal BMI range and the average height is 155-163 cm. I am 160 cm and my BMI usually fluctuates between 17.5 and 18 depending on if I've been binge eating lately or not.

>> No.15614649

>That's pretty much me
Exactly what I mean, like who gives a shit about your flaws, aim to improve and talk about that

Better than threads about that fat mentally ill slob

>> No.15614650
File: 260 KB, 665x1000, 1611784865342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can assure you that I'd an hero way before I'd ever selfpost my lewd shit to an imageboard.

>> No.15614663

not until you learn to befriend yourself

>> No.15614664

>be woman
>i dont want to be a attentionwhore
>but i take lewds of myself
>and won't post them
>not an attentionwhore guise i swear

>> No.15614669

bmi is a scam, the inventor made it up for statistical reasons and distances himself from it. it doesn't account for so many things it's absolutely ridiculous that it's still used today.

>> No.15614673

>Better than threads about that fat mentally ill slob
Ok you're not wrong, I'd rather this

>> No.15614698

Shut the fuck up, fat. If you're not a hobbit, pregnant, amputee or roiding muscles like a bodybuilder the BMI is a good enougth representation of your body.

>> No.15614700
File: 49 KB, 151x166, 1607462715894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be "woman"
>think cooking board is mostly women
>ignore board
>find out its mostly MEN
>make a thread to attention-whore yourself out
Get the fuck out of here there is no food discussion going on in this thread. Cue the white knights.

>> No.15614703

Hey bitch answer my question. What does your butthole smell like

>> No.15614709
File: 370 KB, 350x591, 1611786350215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My camwhore persona is almost entirely divorced from my actual self and I like it that way. Only my closest friends know about it.

What's your favorite thing to cook, anon?

>> No.15614711
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Whores on the pyke

>> No.15614713
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Wash your butthole with some peach scented soap and then rub your finger on your butthole and then sniff your finger. Probably something like that assuming nothing is the matter with your butthole and you're not disgusting.

>> No.15614729

>Peach scented butthole
Yup you just passed my homo detection test. Homosexual man Found. Everyone pack it up, just another tranny thread.

>> No.15614746
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>> No.15614800

Do women like the smell of men's musky balls as much as men love (their own) ball smell?

>> No.15614815

Since when do girls not use peach scented soap?

>> No.15614875
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Yes my wife cooks for me. After I take the pills she disappears somewhere and I'm not sure where.

>> No.15614880

Only homos care about what their buttoned smell like. Straight men and women are content with it smelling like nothing.

>> No.15614888


>> No.15614916

did /cgl/ still seething at keekihime now?

>> No.15614985

I would wreck that sexy little fat bitch