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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 212 KB, 978x1558, mustafa fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15604940 No.15604940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Simply based.

>> No.15604946


Was there anything they did like?

>> No.15604947

based on what?

>> No.15604967

he's my favorite. Based grampa

>> No.15604971

how does he know what a book is

>> No.15605045

The absolute unit of a man. Based beyond human comprehension.

>> No.15605052

they thought the fish fillet was the best food they had ever tasted and many of them started crying when they had to go back to their village because they knew they would never get to eat it again

>> No.15605067

*grubby tribal fingers reaching through the ether*

>> No.15605075

>be native mountain people
>eat subpar particle fish filet as the first one from your family tree for since the great flood
Imagine if they gave them real nice fatty fried or smoked salmon. So at least it's settled. Its better to have never loved than to love and break up.

>> No.15605086

He's constantly trolling the shit out of those shows
>they serve him burger after burger and he only nibbles some of the bread

>> No.15605104

the cheeky bastard knows he hit the gravy train and is milking it for all its worth

>> No.15605112

He literally has sex with goats

>> No.15605127

You get fast food in your life and he gets goat pussy. You can't have everything. It's fair.

>> No.15605144

I mean the tribeswomen look alright but I can guarantee it ain't the GOAT

>> No.15605148

You people are the most racist bastards the world has ever seen.

>> No.15605158

Option A
>marry trad tribeswoman and live on a farm

Option B
>marry a slut from california who makes you a cuckold so she can fuck tyrone

I mean... I would choose option A, all day.

>> No.15605170

you get french fries with B tho

>> No.15605171

Dont call your mother that

>> No.15605189

so being rich and gluttonous is worth having your penis in a chastity cage?

(btw, you can grow your own potatoes on a farm and make french fries from scratch)

>> No.15605203

based islamophile

>> No.15605261

>having your penis in a chastity cage
you are so cucked you think your wife can cheat on you but you can´t cheat on her, what the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking cuck, behave like a fucking man!!! you can cheat with a lot of whores if you like, what are you, a fag?

>> No.15605318

Because they don't have ipads where he's from.

>> No.15605349

whether its the man cheating or the woman cheating, they're both evil. why would you try to make an excuse for one side?

>> No.15605356

>how could you possibly respond to my created scenario??
so it's autistic faggot then

>> No.15605379

Well the man is supposed to be more protective of his woman than a woman is to be protective of her man. Thats usually how things are or were, but due to the rise of feminism and the decline in masculinity, men are becoming less protective of their women.

>> No.15605394

let me guess another transphobic muslim this shithole website worships?

>> No.15605446

They should have provided cases of frozen white castle along with those stinger missiles to these Allahu Akbars faggots - just give them the whole Freedom package

>> No.15605485

What is this image from?

>> No.15605591
File: 131 KB, 1296x837, pakistani villager btfo japanese food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15605596
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>> No.15605609


>> No.15605661

Why would the opinions of an undeveloped countryman sway anybody, especially one from the cultures they're reviewing?

A small village resident will not understand the culture of a wildly different place, nor have any effect over the people living somewhere where sashimi, etc. is widely consumed.

If anything, the people in a high-tech society would look at him, think 'your loss', enjoy their meal and continue on living in their advanced civilization.

>> No.15605664
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>> No.15605746

because his instincts haven't been cucked by the industrial revolution

>> No.15605760

Humans are meant to evolve, anon. The natural progression of a civilization is to become better.

>> No.15605785

Are those french toast sticks? Yeah no thanks. Only thing good at McDonald's is a well-made double cheeseburger.

>> No.15605801

>my culture
>some shitty fast food

>> No.15605930 [DELETED] 

The topic is concerning sashimi, ya slowbeef.
It is comparatively simple to make, but it is still a unique delecacy that uncultured muslims just will not appreciate.


These are not humans you would want to have influence over creative aspects, nor are they able to view anything outside of an islamic viewpoint. They are withdrawn, fearful, and quite primitive by comparison.

>> No.15605969

Until it starts degenerating then collapses to be rebuilt by the barbarians

>> No.15605980

>engaging in immorality
stooping to the level of an animal is beneath you anon. you are better than that.

>> No.15606001
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>progress, without exception, equals good

>> No.15606021

Improvement is. Advancements in technology and society will provide that.

>> No.15606029

>raw fish

they have a point, sashimi's appreciation is only based on hype and soyboys. but i guess that can be said for any east asian food.

>> No.15606038

>obsessed with nogs

>> No.15606087

Well, go get some salmon sashimi from a reputable place. All you need is a little bit of s.oysauce to maximize the flavor.

>> No.15606137
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>> No.15606150

>All you need is a little bit of s.oysauce to maximize the flavor.

ever since i became redpilled, i simply cannot eat chinese/japanese/korean food anymore due to the absolute crazy levels of soy in their food in addition to the soy sauce itself.

>> No.15606151

soy isn't filtered on the food board you dumb newfag

>> No.15606163
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>> No.15606281
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>> No.15606287

Eat shit you neoliberal pile of sticks

>> No.15606348

Tonight, a local brainstub short circuits upon attempting to comprehend an idea.

>> No.15606367

I don't hear you eating shit, neolib. I don't need your brain microchips and bug paste, go kill yourself immediately and in front of your family.

>> No.15606404

It's not meant to sway opinions retard its meant to show a unique perspective.

>> No.15606415

Oh yeah, I'm sure your redpills have made you very informed. Wait until you discover that soysauce doesn't even have the same chemical make up that causes increased estrogen.


You aren't able to think effectively, are you? You've already laid on your own conclusions based on what you want to think.
If I told you I was registered republican your head might explode, so think this in your mind slowly.

>> No.15606425

you've clearly never had a fish fillet, shut up faggot.

my grandparents who are 85 years old and grew on a working farm in the Midwest and ate fresh fried fish old country style and fucking hate everything new think Fillet of Fish are good.

McDonalds isn't the great but they work supply chain miracles and those are how cheap their beef is and how good their fish sandwich is everywhere.

>> No.15606470

this, fast food should be appreciated for what its good at, which is (some some exceptions, eg panera) giving people food that mightve been once a month things 300 years ago for the price of half an hour at mimimum wage

>> No.15606501

Reminder for newfags, this has been shilled for no less than two years. Ignore this shit and bump threads of real people cooking.

>> No.15606511

if that is so true, then why do east asian men have such low testosterone?

>> No.15606518

no other cuisine on planet earth uses as much soy as they do, then you understand why the males are so feminine.

>> No.15606520

they don't

>> No.15606524

also fish filet is so good because since they're not a popular item, whenever you order it, mcdonald's has to make your order fresh.

>> No.15606583

They don't, bro.

Do you live around many asians? Old chinese/japanese guys are the most bitter, weather-beaten people you'll probably meet.
I would consider hispanics and pacific islanders as most feminine, just watch their mannerisms and soft faces.

>> No.15606594

idk, maybe i've only seen rich asians.

>> No.15606598

that's because they're fat and fat makes you gay

>> No.15606630

>If I told you I was registered republican your head might explode, so think this in your mind slowly.

"Neoliberal" doesn't mean what you think it means, dunce.

>> No.15606643

You realise testosterone doesn't literally make you into a stereotypical chiseled chad right?

>> No.15606725

i know that obviously...

>> No.15607834

They always compare everything to roti is that the only thing Pakis eat

>> No.15607877

Mustafa is beyond based. He only likes foods that are pure. May God bless him, and those who cook the foods he will not eat. And only God knows where he is walking to now.

>> No.15607880

I think people assume they've only consumed a few different dishes their entire lives so it's interesting seeing them try something new

>> No.15607882

>He literally has sex with goats
And when comparing sex lives, he's a couple of levels above you.

>> No.15607897

Can't go wrong with doritos.

>> No.15607907

Lmao, oh the irony of this post. You're like a fat useless fuck who sits in his parents house typing away on his computer, jerking off to anime, playing video games in his spare time, all the while everything you do including the free-time you have to do it, was given to you by the "industrial revolution". You are not only the epitome of backwards mongoloid thinking, you create a further benchmark for society to know and look down upon with you in disdain as your brain has regressed so far back that you are incapable even offering up the most meager of services to the world, not even ditch digging being an acceptable profession for such a waste of a turd such as yourself.

Congrats anon, you made me laugh.

>> No.15607914

>Look at how long my sentence is, that means I'm smart!

>> No.15607922

>amerimutt with a stated history of tastelet heritage tries argues that fish fillet is the best thing since sliced wonderbread
Ay lmao, you people are probably living a lifetime away from an actual clean water source never having eaten real fresh fish outside some tilapia and mud carp.

>> No.15607923

>reply to pasta
Seethe harder, retard.

>> No.15607927

>retard doesn't know the difference between a sentence and a paragraph


>> No.15607931

Lol. Newfag

>> No.15607932

Post face.

>> No.15607936


>> No.15607997
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>post face

>> No.15608066

Compare them to average european farmer in middle-ages, most of the diet was based around grain of some kind.

>> No.15608069

But its not the middle ages

>> No.15608168

It might as well be in rural Afghanistan

>> No.15608231

Jesus Fuck, shut the fuck up. During the middle ages people, as in he working plebs, ate more varied diets tha moderns do. Especially the nutritionally very beneficial salmon and other fresh waer fish on a nearly daily basis (to a degree where poorfags complained to their lords that they please not get so much fish every week). Add to this fresh herbs and vegetables, whole grain fermented bread, eggs on mass and fresh dairy products. Regularly there was pork and even beef on the menue due to the near 30% of the year being feasts. Even the poorer folks ate their meals with a variety of spices, the richer the more of it. Meanwhile most of /ck/ lives off actually denaturated grains, grain feed meat products and skimmed dairy, if not "dairy alternatives" aka industrial food waste fried in a shitton of more industrial waste called rapeseed oil.

I hate when people revomit the jewish "brown sloppa" propaganda. What's next, they all wore brown and full of mud cloths like something out of a 80s Robin Hood movie? Fucking illiterate mongoloids.

>> No.15608297

>salmon & freshwater fish
Regional thing dumbass. Sure as hell did not Czech or South German peasant eat salmon and fishing was done by fishermen, no time for that when you gotta tend the field.
Beef was not common either other than in rare cases. Cows were more valuable as milk and poop machines (fertiliser).
Pork was more common but that's due to pigs eating everything and requiring next to nothing to raise I'll give you that.
Dairy was basically based on wealth. Cows were expensive and to maintain them you had to have dedicated field just for grass/hay, something that's off from your grainfields.
And even that milk or whatever dairy produce you made you'd rather to acquire some extra money.
Your reeks some sad tradcel cope.

>> No.15608328

you're obsessed
just admit that our country is superior already

>> No.15608338

It's crazy how you can tell who the self hating whites/angry changs are by the nonsense they spit out just to prevent any criticism towards Pakistani farmers.

>> No.15608352

>implying bavaria or czechoslovakia have no rivers
>implying it took a fucking fishermen to fish in a fucking river
>n-nooo they didn't eat this or that THAT often
As I already said, shut the fuck up. Even today rural poorfags eat a similar diet, which outside of western sponsored degenerated food chains makes animal protein and fat the main driving force not some grey sludge. I know, because I lived on such a farm for a couple years and ate better with those people which couldn't even affort shoes for their small kids than living in one of the biggest western cities.

It takes far more energy and support for grain to grow and be harvested than for grassing animals to feed themselves on free grass making them nicely fat.

>> No.15608366

They ate more actual beef than the average normie today does.

>> No.15608370

Look at this dishonest piece of shit and laugh

>> No.15608442

>England, England, England, England, England, here's France for bit of extra flavour and Barcelona as a spice
Real fucking representative.

>> No.15608445


>> No.15608464

link it

>> No.15608473

>England, France, Spain widely different geography, culture and politics
You just have to pick up a book on medieval cooking in your country. I have dozens on those of german monks and plebs. There you can easily see that your delusional idea of "they were only eating grains!" is jewish propaganda. Plus, continental europe was pretty similar, give or take a couple specific ways of preparation or local flora and fauna, which rarely was a staple. The most differences you ill see are between coast and inlands, both still didn't eat the trash you think they did.

>> No.15608477

>England, France, Italy and Iberia
Come back with German region, Baltic states, Slavlands and Scandinavia/Nordic countries.
Now that is as concise as saying China is not a shithole just because Hong Kong and Macao are nice places.

>> No.15608483

Cookbooks tell what was possible to make. Show proof that majority of those were eaten by plebs.
Aristocrats and nobles had all the time and money to spent on elaborate dishes all they wanted.

>> No.15608497

Are you a toddler, you braindead buffoon?

>> No.15608508

Anon you compared all of europe to Pakistan and multiple people gave you multiple European countries to refute you. You lost.

>> No.15608513

>german region
Feel free to buy thte following books and read it up yourself, you fucking moron:
>Wie man eyn teutsches Mannsbild bei Kräften hält
>Buch von guter Spise
For Poland you want to check out books like
>Altpolnische Küche
But I am sure they too have polish books more on topic.
And scandies? They basically had a coastal cuisine full of fatty fish, regional deer and what not in abundance as well due to necessity as they burned soo much during harsh winters.

But I am sure you will now come up with some more obscure places to act as if that's still not representative.

>> No.15608529

>show proof
Ah yes, cookbooks were just an invention of the elites. Ya fucking mong, the rich fucks had heir personal chefs, which were more autistic about keeping their recipe secret than you are about not loosing face when clearly in the wrong. Most of those recipes you can find in monastery cookery or even common people booklets was jus like Grimms Tales what people verbally have given on for generations, finally collected by some dude.

If you think cooking a cows head in a stew is some aristocratic delicacy, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about and should shut your filthy kikel mouth.

>> No.15608534

Yea tell me when you can prove Croatia and Slovenia ate that way then maybe you have an argument

>> No.15608539

This is getting sad.

>> No.15608541

I accept your concession

>> No.15608542

>yet more obscure countries despite the obvious geopolitical as well as religious similarities
For all I care for, you people ate gypsies since time immemorial. Now sht the fuck up and stop trying to move those fucking goal posts. Croats and other Slavs ate a diet similar to their western relatives with the addition of steppe stuff like buckwheat. You just have to look at modern traditional local cuisine to see what people ate and still do. Mostly grilled meat, dairy from their sheep, fishies from whatever carp water dump they could find or birds like pigeons (Duvecots) which too were a staple in the medievals diet, to a degre where we exterminated some of their breeds.

>> No.15608544


>> No.15608560

You have a couple more European countries to go

>> No.15608564

>wow cow head stew for five days two times a year
>they sure at a lot of meat back then

>> No.15608576
File: 244 KB, 460x361, 9652356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so salty about the fact that your jewish indoctrination into a starvation diet as "traditionally european" has been shown to be false. The seeth is tangible.

>> No.15608591

bro, croatia had a naval empire similar to venice. i'm sure they ate well.
you're retreating further and further from your original point and keep getting btfo

>> No.15608599

I don't care what you think you are wrong and you know it

>> No.15608609

So that's the power or projection. I'm just curious why you are so set to make your medieval ancestors look like shit. Are you some kind of vegan trying to justify his eating disorder by claiming that we were nevere supposed to eat "that much" meat as we do today? Because if that's the case I have real horrible news for you, frendo.

>> No.15608611

“Northern Hunter Gatherer carb intake less than 15% of total energy, varies racially”
>In this study, it was hypothesized that diets of modern hunter-gatherers vary in their carbohydrate content depending on ecoenvironments. Thus, using data of plant-to-animal subsistence ratios, we calculated the carbohydrate intake (percentage of the total energy) in 229 hunter-gatherer diets throughout the world and determined how differences in ecological environments altered carbohydrate intake. We found a wide range of carbohydrate intake (≈3%-50% of the total energy intake; median and mode, 16%-22% of the total energy). Hunter-gatherer diets were characterized by an identical carbohydrate intake (30%-35% of the total energy) over a wide range of latitude intervals (11°-40° north or south of the equator). However, with increasing latitude intervals from 41° to greater than 60°, carbohydrate intake decreased markedly from approximately equal to 20% to 9% or less of the total energy. Hunter-gatherers living in desert and tropical grasslands consumed the most carbohydrates (≈29%-34% of the total energy). Diets of hunter-gatherers living in northern areas (tundra and northern coniferous forest) contained a very low carbohydrate content (≤15% of the total energy). In conclusion, diets of hunter-gatherers showed substantial variation in their carbohydrate content. Independent of the local environment, however, the range of energy intake from carbohydrates in the diets of most hunter-gatherer societies was markedly different (lower) from the amounts currently recommended for healthy humans.

>> No.15608613

“Hunter Gatherers got 68% of their calories from animal products, seasonally resp. more”
>In this review we have analyzed the 13 known quantitative dietary studies of HG and demonstrate that animal food actually provided the dominant (65%) energy source, while gathered plant foods comprised the remainder (35%). This data is consistent with a more recent, comprehensive review of the entire ethnographic data (n=229HG societies) that showed the mean subsistence dependence upon gathered plant foods was 32%, whereas it was 68% for animal foods. Other evidence, including isotopic analyses of Paleolithic hominid collagen tissue, reductions in hominid gut size, low activity levels of certain enzymes, and optimal foraging data all point toward a long history of meat-based diets in our species.

>> No.15608614

I don't have to justify myself to dishonest, gaslighting racists.

>> No.15608616
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>> No.15608674

That Barcelona example is plain idiotic.
One citys meat consumption is noy same as lets say whole Iberian peninsulas.
Cities by design need to fed from surrounding areas. Why is so much meat then eaten there?
Simple, big concetration of people is directly related to more sales and more profits. Just because every sheep hearder brought their flocks to cities to get a pretty penny does not mean rural folks themselves enjoyed much of that.

>> No.15608685

>naval empire similar to Venice
Bullshit they were basically just pirates that were hiding in the many uslands and gulfs of the dalmatian coast, just ambushing ships

>> No.15608697

Anon, there is a reason why the rural poor have always been considered better off than the city poor. When the folks in a city ate so much meat, you can be sure as fuck that the herders ate at least as much. It really takes a city fag to think that country people are some 1930s poverty striken anorectics.

Plus the medieval population density allowed fo much more herding than todays envoirement. Herding which was basically free of charge as long as you had some grass growing there. Even IF all those herders were selling their meat to the city folks, you can be certain that theyused that money to buy even better cuts of different animals, otherwise they wouldn't sell in the first place. Let alone that if you have a herd there will always be animals which need to be culled, and later eaten by yourself.

That's how we got Goulash, an actual sheep herders dish.
>The word gulya means 'herd of cattle' in Hungarian, and gulyás means 'herdsman' or 'cowboy'.

>> No.15608702

eeeh, that's true to an extent but they also behaved like a merchant state (i mistakenly used the word empire), engaging in lots of trade, including spice trade and had consulates in many places in europe and the mediterranean. they weren't lacking for a variety of foods is my point.

>> No.15608713

what the fuck are you retards arguing about

>> No.15608714

They weren't lacking spices because they were close to the Italian Maritimes and the Ottoman empire I would argue but yeah I agree they were quite visible

>> No.15608715

wow so you were lying see I knew it!

>> No.15608718

So anon made a slight passing comment about how the pakistanis compare everything to their native dish and his liberal delusion kicked in and started attacking Europeans for no reason

>> No.15608719

knowing that they throw away burgers that are more than 10 min old that's a pretty retarded argument
again a shitty argument since any once a month item 300 years ago can be had cheap nowadays, not just at mcdonald.

>> No.15608721

Not even him, but jesus christ, can you be retarded somewhere else?

>> No.15608722

>better to have never loved
>than to love and break up

hahaha get dumped over the phone and then desperately try to get closure 5 years later so you can propose to now wife before her father dies of cancer

mission failed

>> No.15608730

Pretty sure you can grow potatoes on your farm and buy oil or save beef fat to fry them in in option A.

>> No.15608741

>If I told you I was registered republican your head might explode
That just confirms you're a neolib so I don't see how that's so shocking

>> No.15608870

I heard fish fillet is one of the least profitable items for mcdonalds and they sell it almost at a loss, just to cater to vegetarians

>> No.15608963
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You are a disgusting aphantasiac bugman who eagerly trades happiness and fulfillment for illusory comfort because you have no understanding of either. You will never know true love or friendship or belonging or purpose but hey you get to watch VR porn in 4K and eat pink slime burgers alone in your apartment while filling the empty void in yourself with alcohol and Twitter likes WHAT A LIFE! You will never say anything worth listening to. You will never make anything beautiful, including children. You will never have a soul. You deserve this world.

>> No.15608967
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Thank yhou, Holy fucking based.

>> No.15609832
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>> No.15609852

>camel fucker acts all wise about diets and life
>dies from tetanus because of unwashed hands and not being vaccinated

Wow reaaally wise old man lol what he needs is a 1000-pounder courtesy of Uncle Sam's Navy. Boom inbred nigga

>> No.15609880

hey soyboy, what makes you seethe so much from a 6 second video?

>> No.15609882

I feel sorry for them. Is their fish such poor quality that they can't fillet them?


>> No.15609892

That's not how you get tetanus, retard. Plus there are cases of long-term contact immunities in twins, which makes it possible that people which regularly encounter tetanus in small doses might get tithers similar to vaccinations. But even if not, you only get it if you have a deep wound which gets sealed air tight (think dirty nail deep inside your foot), not by superficial wounds, as tetanus bacteria are aerophob.

>> No.15609905
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