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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 1080x1080, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15599682 No.15599682 [Reply] [Original]

How much milk do you drink daily?

>> No.15599684

Probably an average of 350ml my dude

>> No.15599687

None, milk is nasty.

>> No.15599698

none. only time i buy milk is for cooking

>> No.15599708

1 liter
Will I make it?

>> No.15599813

>no milk
>probably bone structure of 5 year old girl

GOMAD is what the alpha does (gallon of milk a day)

>> No.15599822

Half a gallon.

>> No.15599831

>took the /fit/sticky/ pill
>now have gyno
inb4 someone makes it about race, I'm white
>drinking estrogen slurries

>> No.15599842

I just take calcium supplements milk is disgusting on its own not worth it

>> No.15599851

A glass with dinner.

>> No.15599860

so much dude

>> No.15599928

Pint of it, with a scoop of protein powder.

>> No.15599933

does cum count? I'm gay if that matters

>> No.15599996

I’m on GOMAD so 1 gallon of whole milk a day

>> No.15600032

None. Human milk is for humans. Cow milk is for calves

>> No.15600034

can I have some of your human milk?

>> No.15600139

Around 3 litres

>> No.15600153

3-4 cups a day. I love that shit.

>> No.15600167

Probably a cup and a half. I could drink a half gallon a day if I was able.

>> No.15600284
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1/2 to 1 cup a day because I buy the expensive stuff, no I don't care about the animal treatment scandal.
Oh nononono...
>milk is disgusting on its own

>> No.15600298


>> No.15600317

a splash in the morning coffee is usually all. maybe 1 cup if it's mixed in with a smoothie. i usually dont drink it straight but i will if the jug is about to go bad to avoid wasting the food

>> No.15600475

On average probably a cup. I get on milk kicks though, where I drink a few pints a day, then I back off and don't drink much for weeks.

>> No.15600518

Just in my coffee and if I'm cooking. I don't like it on its own anymore. As a teen, I could drink half a gallon/day.

>> No.15600541

This shit is some of the best milk I've tasted. The fact that it lasts over a week and a half on it's own is worth the full price if I can't find it on sale somewhere.
Oberweis is really good too.

>> No.15600550

0 (zero) millilitres

>> No.15600581

2 gallons

>> No.15600613

1 gallon

>> No.15600634

about 1 to 2 gallons per week.

>> No.15600673
File: 2.01 MB, 1024x768, B2EC839D-9519-4FDB-A86F-D7D65F031CA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to but I developed lactose intolerance and now I only use it for cooking.
Fuck I miss it.

>> No.15600769

As a teen, I could put away 3 gallons a week easy. But now I don't drink it much because it's too many calories

>> No.15601309

Half gallon a week.

>> No.15601316
File: 122 KB, 584x433, 1613473336107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't drank milk in over 4+ years AMA

>> No.15601337

1 or 2 cups of milk kefir a day with breakfast.

>> No.15601354

About the same as >>15599684 but I hardly ever drink it if it's not flavored. Its plain flavor is not bad, just boring.

>> No.15601371

None. Milk is for developing children who cannot yet eat solid foods. To drink it like a beverage as an adult is weird. Probably part of your brain failed to develop, leaving you in a child like state.
But, its a necessary part of many recipes and of course cheese. Which is why adults still support the dairy industry.

>> No.15601390

Less than half a cup, if that
I do eat cheese though

>> No.15601421

You're a gay homo.

>> No.15601429

At least a glass sometimes 2 or 3.

>> No.15601436

it has a very complete nutrition profile. grass fed milk is incredibly healthy if it isn't highly pasteurized.

>> No.15601447

Not enough.

>> No.15601499

Awwww does someone have lactose intolerance? :''''''''{

>> No.15601603

Used to drin a liter a day. Pretty sure it gave me gynecomastia.

>> No.15601613

Anon, you know that the vitamins in milk come from supplements, right?
Antibiotics too.

>> No.15601626
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Two gallons.

>> No.15601638
File: 90 KB, 1300x866, 83090452-kefir-grains-on-a-wooden-spoon-above-a-jar-of-homemade-milk-kefir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i do this also. 3 cups per day . 1 1/2 cups fermented kefir every 12 hours after it is ready to be strained. probably around 2 gallons per week

>> No.15601763

20% of a gallon a day about.

>> No.15601771

Usually 125ml
Plus around 50g of pot-set yoghurt
And 30g of whey-protein isolate

>> No.15601840

None. America Indian here and thus lactose intolerant af.

>> No.15601842
File: 19 KB, 400x407, uwotm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20% of a gallon
but whats that in metric?

>> No.15601877

GOMAD is the only correct answer

>> No.15601949

friend you are wrong
2GOMAD is also correct

>> No.15601987

Have fun with your mantits.

>> No.15602099

>being so low T that you'd grow tits from a little milk

>> No.15602104

just under a quart

>> No.15602108

Started making kefir with 1 gallon bottles, I drink from a pint to a liter in a day. Takes 24-48 hours to make though.

>> No.15602113

I had to stop drinking milk cause I noticed it was fucking up my skin. Like a direct correlation between drinking whole milk and getting acne on my scalp. Sucks because milk tastes great and is a cheap food source.

>> No.15602121

I heard you're not supposed to give milk to autists and I don't know why

>> No.15602303

>a gallon of estrogen-ridden cowtit juice
>a little
Bet you shun tofu like the plague.

>> No.15602324

not gonna lie man that milk gives me a really weird aftertaste

>> No.15602336
File: 161 KB, 1421x519, gomad, no food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15602437

6 to 8 pints depending on how thirsty I am. I've replaced all my liquid consumption with milk, so it's pretty stable between days.

>> No.15602444

On average a glass every other day. But it's mostly in cappucinos and smoothies.

>> No.15602455

Its funny but fake.
A liquid diet does NOT cause liquid shits.
Thats not how the body works.

>> No.15602458

Somewhere around a liter a week.

>> No.15602591

Milk drinkers are more likely to get bone fractures.

>> No.15602592

rip to your gains bro

>> No.15602595

No, someone has adulthood.

>> No.15602599

None, I find milk gross.

>> No.15602620

Lactose intolerance does.

>> No.15602861

Isnt Milk inflammatory ?

>> No.15602880

About half a gallon I'd say. There are some days when I drink less, but I usually fill up from the tank about twice/three times a week. I am the nephew of a dairy farmer.

>> No.15603390
File: 51 KB, 640x640, 1612928036825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gallon of raw milk

>> No.15603458

I only drink 100 to 200 ml with my nespresso in the morning.

It is an indulgence, milk is not good for me.

>> No.15603474

pregnant asf rn (28wks) and literally drink a gallon or more a day

>> No.15603476

post pics :3

>> No.15603525

You must look like a tiny little twink man

>> No.15603557

as long as you are getting enough calcium. it's not a meme that you need it for your body.

>> No.15603589

>No, someone has adulthood.
Its okay anon, we all cope in different ways about various things. No need to get emotional about it.