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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15597600 No.15597600 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Australians, how do I cook your national dish, fairy bread?

>> No.15597615

get lovingly plowed in the ass first and it'll come naturally

>> No.15597617

make sure you use margerine not butter and the shittest bread available

>> No.15597619

any bread that you bake would be fairy bread, you fucking poofter cunt

>> No.15597633
File: 126 KB, 995x802, australian cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Untoasted white bread with margarine on it. Sprinkled with hundreds of thousands

>> No.15597644

Tiptop & medow lea is the official recipe.

>> No.15597661

Spread marmite on a toast and add sprinkles over it.

>> No.15598898

I know unitaskers are a meme here but get a fairy press.
Makes perfect fairy bread every time

>> No.15598904

Hundreds of thousands of what?

>> No.15598914

I think he accidently the ingredients

>> No.15598918

Hundreds of thousands of hundreds and thousands

>> No.15598938

I don't think I have a bread slice big enough to accommodate thousands of millions.

>> No.15598948


>> No.15598978


Is it just bread and sprinkles or is there more to this than i'm not aware of?

When I was a kid in the 90s i made sugar toast with butter and white sugar.

>> No.15598981

You will never figure it out unless you go to the Land of Plenty.

>> No.15598982


>> No.15599046

i thought this was a meme

>> No.15599212

>When I was a kid in the 90s i made sugar toast with butter and white sugar.
Based. I did the same thing as a kid, sometimes I'd add cinnamon on it as well.

>> No.15599964

He typo'd, so I can understand the confusion.
Hundreds and Thousands.

>> No.15599971

>or is there more to this than i'm not aware of
There are a people. A culture. A national pride about local dishes.

>> No.15600010

I haven't had fairy bread in ages, might make some tonight

>> No.15600064
File: 26 KB, 235x234, party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your more modernist inner city mother will probably do carrot stick in kale dip or some shit but if you go to a normal kids birthday party, fairy bread is a top tier food along side, mini sausagerolls, patry pies and those little red weiner-things you slather in tomato sauce.

Not healthy but you can eat all that crap as a kid.

>> No.15600074

>Buy cheapest white bread available
>Spread with cheap margarine
>Sprinkle with hundreds and thousands
>Make 2 cuts diagonally to make 4 small triangle
>Bone apple teeth

>> No.15600080

Based and povertypilled.

>> No.15600131

>little red weiner-things

they're called saveloys m8

>> No.15600453

i used to do similiar to this with my little brother
we invented a dish called 'icing sandwiches' after watching people make cakes on tv
often there'd be no real food in the house for dinner, and we'd go next door and steal a lemon from our neighbours tree, and mix that with icing sugar, and spread it on bread, then have half each for dinner and pretend it was a cake and take turns reviewing each other and we always gave good reviews and like described it in funny ways.
I still eat it sometimes out of habit and my brother od and died a few years ago and i've been taking icing sandwiches to his grave and eat half and leave half for him.

>> No.15600765
File: 26 KB, 704x396, 1588794041103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fairy press?
fuck i didnt realise those existed.
where'd you buy yours, aliexpress or gumtree?

>> No.15600870

Only kids eat this trash at birthday parties and school things. And stupid Reddit faggots. Nobody over 12 eats this trash.

>> No.15600880

the fuck did you just call me?

>> No.15600887

>butter instead of frosting
What the fuck aussies

>> No.15601149

sometimes I wonder if there's any country dumber than America and then I remember the shithole that is Australia

>> No.15601227

Margarine is fine. Fairy bread now has; bread(carbs), margarine (oils/fats), HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS (sugar)

frosting is too much. Diabetes is not a hobby.

>> No.15601323
File: 499 KB, 480x228, 099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Kek!