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15594325 No.15594325 [Reply] [Original]

why don't europeans refrigerate their beer in grocery stores? every time i go to europe, they have their beer on normal shelves which means if i want to bring some bottles back to the hotel i have to chill them for 4 fucking hours before they're drinkable.
so far i've been to
at least italy knew how to refrigerate the piss that is moretti
every time i see a travel channel person drinking a local/regional beer, it's always fresh off the warm shelf. warm beer is gross, just why?

>> No.15594335

because good beer doesn't have to be cold

>> No.15594346

Then get some red wine you pathetic birch

>> No.15594349
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i've had premium ales in england slightly colder than room temperature and they could've been 10 degrees cooler for optimal taste. they even keep their shitty beers at room temp, i just don't get it

>> No.15594357

red wine is fucking disgusting you cretin

>> No.15594359

just put it on ice. in before fagoid Epic Craft Beer guys come out of the woodwork to tell me that it's illegal to dilute your beer by 0.5% to make it cold instantly.

>> No.15594363

Red wine is beautiful and requires no refrigeration you tastelet

>> No.15594371

>bitter and not in a good way like beer
>full of tannins that make you sick the next day
it's only useful for sangria, fuck red wine
rosé all day baby
when i was in budapest two winters ago i left my beers on the ledge outside my hotel window because i had no mini fridge, actually worked quite well

>> No.15594377

they usually put it in the microwave before they drink it anyway so it's pretty pointless to keep it cool in the store.

>> No.15594381
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>> No.15594430

>4 hours

Ever heard of a freezer?

Samefag + I don't get it

>> No.15594433

most hotels don't come with freezers

>> No.15594542
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>> No.15594561

ok here's the real answer. europoors literally don't own refrigerators and the stores want to save money. they're used to having everything room temp so it's completely normal to them and would be a waste for the store anyway to keep it cold then send it to get warm on some poverty stricken italian's countertop.

>> No.15594581

Sad! but true. Was served so much fucking room temperature beer in Poland

>> No.15594587

Bros my life is garbage I need to numb it. What's the best routine-dosage to be perma numb without fucking up my health too much?

>> No.15594595

too poor lol

>> No.15594616
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why do i feel like this is true

>> No.15594652

This is pretty much true, and that's coming from a European. It's always kind of boggled my mind to think about every single household and store in America had at least one refrigerator.

>> No.15594656

Because you’re a suggestible moron

>> No.15594702

>Retarded amerimutt generalizing as always
Just because the few stores you've visited have kept it that way doesn't mean all of Europe doesn't have stores with beer on fridges, the supermarket down my house has beer and other types of drinks both in fridges and shelves.
Besides, I bet you're retarded enough to have missed the fridges with the cold beer and you just thought there wasn't any

>> No.15594710

it's amazing how long this open secret has managed to fly under the radar in america desu. refrigerators are an upper middle class thing in most of europe.

>> No.15594715

This is still me btw, from what I'm seeing from others on this thread, it's all either the same amerimutt or just various ones pretending to be European.
I live in fucking Albania and every fucking house, market, bar, no matter how small it is, has at least one fridge

>> No.15594763

yuropoor shill force right on time lul

>> No.15594782

i've been to a dozen different shops in all of my original post, all the beers were on room temp shelves.
>albanian has refrigerated beer
i'll tattoo this on my ribs if you can prove this

>> No.15594803

i made the mistake of getting drunk when euros wake up, but since they're seething i guess it's a happy accident

>> No.15594854

It's recommended to drink American beer ice cold so you can't taste it.
Then Americans go out to the rest of the world and become totally baffled that the world does not drink it ice cold

>> No.15594862

literally all I have to do is go downstairs when the store opens in a few hours and take a picture of the fridges with the beer, don't make claims you won't hold amerimutt

>> No.15594872

fuckin bet, i'll get the tattoo as long as you can go 6 months without committing a crime in western yurop.
american beer is ass made from corn and rice, but is easily drinkable when ice cold

>> No.15594909

Because you're used to shitty american beer that has to be super-cold so you don't taste it.

Most of the beer here in stores in BC isn't in fridges.

I guess you've gone all those places without learning anything because the retards from your shithole country aren't able to learn from anyone else.

>> No.15594937

>reddit spacing with zero argument
whatever third world country you're from i appreciate your culture, anon. i was just wondering why you don't refrigerate your beers because warm beer is gross.
also get fucked

>> No.15595106

seethe more Sanjey

>> No.15595167

A one that is not cold is scarcely a one at all.

>> No.15595307
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>> No.15595357

Do you have severe mental deficiency? Try to keep up when the adults are talking.

>> No.15595361

>full of tannins
Join the new world friend.

>> No.15595365

You thought the "Europoor" thing was just a meme?
You can argue quality of life differences, but 80% of the EU (besides a few countries like Germany or Luxembourg or some shit) are literally broke as fuck. There's a reason Brexit succeeded, and it wasn't because of "muh racism" or something like that, but because UK was sick of propping up shitholes like Greece or Romania.

>> No.15595370

so brexit is the cause of warm beer even though i had warm beer across europe years before?
red wine is gross there's no use pretending online that you like it

>> No.15595373

this. When I went to Germany I was genuinely surprised at how people essentially live like peasants.
>manually boil water on the stove to make coffee
>showers can barely fit a fully grown adult
>room temperature beverages
>eating fucking cabbage for dinner

>> No.15595381

european kitchens are usually as big as a bathroom stall in school.

>> No.15595390

No, you retard. Your reading comprehension is in the toilet. I said Brexit is because every EU country outside of 3 or 4 are dirt poor, and UK is relatively wealthy and was tired of footing the bill for shitholes like Lithuania who have no GDP and only export laborers.

Your beer is warm because you were in a shithole country like I mentioned. You can also try asking for a soft drink with ice and see how they react. Most restaurants will treat you like you asked for them to unsalt your ham.

>> No.15595392

>whatever third world country you're from

Wow, they're too fucking stupid to locate a piece of land bigger than texas on the continent they live on.

Ameritards really are fucking dumber than rocks.

>> No.15595400

tl;dr, lithuania is based because i had two housekeepers from there
>you were in a shithole country
i was in some of the best countries in europe and they all had beer on shelves instead of in the fridge. you suck.

>> No.15595403
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>Literally have had refrigerator and chest freezer in every house growing up
>Had mini refrigerator in room in high school
>First house where I just have a refrigerator until I move.
>Even garage refrigerators are common for beer and soft drinks

>> No.15595405
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>reddit spacing
lol didn't read

>> No.15595413

Cold beer is fuckin nasty unless its cheap shit like natty

>> No.15595430

Imagine being europoop and not cooling your beer

>> No.15595434

>45 replies
>23 posters
based schizo

>> No.15595438

having a fridge is looked down upon by the european leftist crowd. they look at it like east coast liberals look at gun-toting texans.

>> No.15595439

3 grams of shrooms daily

>> No.15595451

The "best" countries in Europe are being drained of their wealth by the shittier countries, so it doesn't really matter. Things like having a washer/dryer or central heating/air is still a "luxury" in these places, whereas they're pretyy commonplace in the US. Refrigerated beverages are no exception.

>> No.15595471
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I got some of this stuff cold at a grocery store just like in the USA

>> No.15595476

Because e u r o p e
Is p o o r
They can't afford refrigeration

>> No.15595513

i spent a week in angelholm sweden and the homeowner had not only a fridge, but a freezer which had some frozen lemon custard
i was shocked

>> No.15595523

Very few have refrigerators in Europe due to them being prohibitively expensive here. It's usually like this everywhere on the old continent, except for the major cities. Hotels usually have them.

>> No.15595539

so it's custom for most euros to drink beer that's fucking 28 degrees celcius?

>> No.15595576

Americans are cucks who get arrested for drinking in public.
Only White people know the joy of buying an ice cold beer and a sandwich at the supermarket and drinking in the park.

>> No.15595585

Is this an elaborate samefag?

>> No.15595589
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>ice cold beer
haha no

>> No.15595598

Most households don't have refrigerators, so yes. Google it. We usually dunk our cans in some tap water to make it colder.

>> No.15595617


>> No.15595632

If you can't find a cold beer in Europe you're a faggot.
Is it your first week backpacking?
Supermarkets in Europe are allowed to sell liquor, but the only reason people would buy it there is because it's cheap- thus they don't fridge it, power is very expensive in many countries.
Typically there are other stores that sell it chilled- typically corner stores.

But many supermarkets do in fact sell chilled beer- it's in the ready to eat section with the sandwiches.
T. /trv/

>> No.15595645

i can find shit beer like budweiser and heineken in european refrigerators but all your good beers are stocked on shelves. been to yurop a dozen times, definitely not my first time backpacking. Beer is not liquor.
Corner stores also mostly sell shit like Budweiser and Heineken. All your good shit is lukewarm shelf.

>> No.15595691


>> No.15595742

>go to park
>covid police rush you with batons and knightsticks
>try to flee down an alley to avoid 17 years in jail and a 650,000$ fine for being out in public
>get lost dodging a gypsey shitting in a bucket while on her stolen phone posting a do americans really thread on an imageboard for autists
>accidentally wander into sharia zone
>get my arms chopped off because I forgot to ditch the beer
>die from blood loss and they behead me as the police arrive
>they leave a ticket for being in public during a pandemic on my corpse
>the guardian writes an article about islamophobia

>> No.15595748

the good beer moves to slow to justify refrigerating it, euros cant afford their own beer they shill and will buy macrobrews just like your average blue collar worker in the US

>> No.15595795
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>why don't europeans refrigerate their beer in grocery stores?
>i can find shit beer like budweiser and heineken in european refrigerators

>> No.15595802

you know what i mean. you queers only refrigerate awful international beers and keep your drinkable stuff on shelves. you can't deny this. bud and heinke are awful.

>> No.15595837

Ok, consider how much beer there is in European stores and how much beer there is in American stores. That's A LOT of refrigeration. Even the beer store (canadian) doesn't keep all it's beer in the fridge because that would be prohibitively expensive. They sometimes have a cold room in the back and just conveyor belt it out to the front, but that's cuz a cold room is much more efficient than those shelf fridges.

>> No.15595846


I don't know but if you wrap them in damp paper towels and put them in the freezer with space for the air to circulate around them they will cool down much faster.

>> No.15595852

fill a bowl with cold water, ice, salt, and beer cans
stir for 5-10 minutes
you now have cold beer

>> No.15595858

because fridge space is an incredibly competitive spot and they rather save that spot for actual frozen goods

>> No.15595861

>fridges are too expensive for poor widde yuropoors
europeans confirmed dirt farming peasants

>> No.15595867

It's not that 4-5 fridges for a store are too expensive, it's that 14-15 are.

>> No.15595872

a quarter of Americans live below the poverty line, you just don't know them.

>> No.15595894

why not just go to a pub?

>> No.15596101

Fridges are expensive, you could buy a cow instead and help feed your family. This is why we're not used to cold drinks. After a day of work in the field even a warm beer hits the spot.

>> No.15596195

In Germany you can get cooled beer. It's mostly cans though, because that's what people rather buy if they're on the run.

>> No.15596212

Because it is meant for home use not to sit in the park like a fucking hobo

>> No.15596227

Smells like it, yes
Kinda sad if you think about it, all that effort for one shitpost

>> No.15596257

room temperature in europe is fridge temperature in the good parts of the world

why bother

>> No.15596352

I'm in England and the Sainsbury's near me has beers and ales both in and out of the fridge. The ones in the fridge seem to cost more, I suppose it's because of the cost of refrigeration and the fact that it holds less booze in the same area. I go for refrigerated only if I know I'll be drinking it right after. I'd rather buy a large volume and just chill however many I'm going to drink as needed.

As for pubs, the booze there is slightly cool, but not cold. Given how cold and wet it can be outside sometimes, the temperature right off the tap is alright, but can depend on the pub. A lot of places now have superchilled taps for Guinness and the like, which are served much colder.

One thing for sure is that it's way easier to knock back multiple pints in less time if they aren't too cold. As to who that benefits, you decide.

>> No.15596361

Cold larger is for faggots, women and children. Which one are you?

>> No.15596499

Yes I made a dozen posts replying to myself from various vpn's just to dunk on euros, because it's very important for me to let everyone know how inferior their selection of home appliances are.

>> No.15596543
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>beer should be ICE COLD. i need my beer to be heckin' freezin' before i drink it. Warm beer is icky! There's nothing better than cracking open a COLD ONE

May as well just buy a fucking lemonade you manchildren

>> No.15596553

Because we do our shopping during the daytime and we don't drink alcohol during the daytime

>> No.15596594

Maybe the real ones were the friends we made along the way

>> No.15596944





>> No.15596968
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I think it's mostly a Western/Central Europe thing. In Lithuania, however, warm beer is a travesty, therefore you will ALWAYS find beer refrigerated.

>> No.15596978

>showers can barely fit a fully grown adult
mommies big boy goes to Europe

>> No.15596993
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here in Indiana, groceries are only allowed to sell cider cold
if you want cold beer you have to go to a liquor store

the state is controlled by religious lobbyists who only within the last year or two allowed sunday sales to be legalized

>> No.15596994

Yes, half the thread is samefag by a mentally unwell American. Imagine not being able to find a fridge with beer in any store lmao, even kiosks have refrigerators for beverages. Never seen a house without a fridge despite having been to Latvia, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, France and UK.

>> No.15597000

If you actually enjoy the taste of beer, you dont drink it cold, just slightly chilled.

>> No.15597005

If you can't drink your beer at room temp it's a bad beer

>> No.15597008

This. If it is too cold it kills the taste. There's a reason why Americans can't fanthom drinking beer that isn't almost ice-cold: shit pisswater back home that isn't bearable unless almost frozen.

>> No.15597009

nah, horrible take.
t. euro

>> No.15597014

It should be chilled. If your beer needs to be cold, you're drinking pisswater or something that tastes bad. Even most commercial beers are ideally chilled, not ice-cold.

>> No.15597064

In Poland, UK and Germany most stores tend to go with the system of putting most of the beer on shelves just like the remaining wares. However there is almost always a large fridge close to the cash registers where most popular beer is stored in large quantities to go. Cooling all of the shit in store seems excessive if the products don’t need it. Probably has to do with costs and regulations but I have no idea why there is a stereotype of euros not having coolers/fridges in their households, I don’t get it. Air conditioning is something that a lot of people’s places lack though

>> No.15597082

it's not for degenerates to buy and drink on the spot
its for responsible home owners to stock up on for when they have guests

if you have to be a faggot, just put in in the freezer
neck yourself

>> No.15597170

All those places have cheap readily available beer within walking distance of a hotel.

>> No.15597179

socialism is the short answer. They also don't have ICE because energy costs are sooo high.

>> No.15597307

Frankly, memes apart, here in Italy most of the stores has a fridge were you can take cold beverages... especially in the summer.

I also don't think they charge more for the cool bottle (same barcode I believe).

>> No.15597554

I can't believe I never knew europoors lived like this. Why do we send aid to Africa and Israel when most of Europe has never tasted a cold one?

>> No.15597591

Do people not keep beer steins in their freezer?

>> No.15597599

A basic refrigerator costs around $5000 in my country and even more to run it. Fuck you decadent American pigs for taking your privilege for granted.

>> No.15597608

Might be a semantics issue, but I consider chilled and cold more or less the same

>> No.15597630

To be fair the national poverty line is pretty disingenuous. I lived much more comfortably at $24k/year in a small rural town than I did at $50k/year in a decent sized city. Just like how now $70k is well off by any metric in most of the states, but an increasing number of locales is basically dirt poor.

>> No.15597640

What shithole are you in? What’s basic for you?

>> No.15597647

The amount of unironic yous this samefag is getting is hilarious

>> No.15597672

I live in france and i fucking agree. Sometimes a few bottles are refrigerated though but I just can't wrap my head around it

>> No.15597674

America was the first country to have refrigeration,...it's also related to why Americans prefer ice in their soft drinks.

its been 100 years and euros still don't get it lmao

>> No.15597682

clearly depends on where you live i'm pretty lower class desu and everyone has a refregirator here

>> No.15597693

where do you live wtf

>> No.15597736

Why the fuck would you refrigerate a hundred thousand cans/bottles of beer when you can keep cold just a thousand and customers will still be happy?

>> No.15597740

just drop some ice in them, wala!

>> No.15597809

Makes sense, np.

>> No.15597812

No one mentioning the obvious: Europeans are poor. They can't afford to have large refrigerated aisles either from an initial cost or a power/maintenance perspective.

The USA is simply better.

>> No.15597833

I don't care if this thread is getting samefagged. I choose to believe that most Europeans don't have refrigerators. I will be repeating this fact in other threads. Good luck eurocucks

>> No.15597838

expensive meme beers usually seem to be in refrigerator

>> No.15597882

*gets shots*
*breaks an ankle*
*kneels to BLM*

>> No.15597891
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t. seething warmbeer

>> No.15597903

At least I don't live in a third wolrd ghetto that is USA LOL.
Imagine having literal shootouts in the streets and being coerced by corporations to kneel for BLM.

>> No.15597915

It's a nightmare, even the frozen food aisles in Europe are room temperature. Nothing is cold there.

>> No.15597920

Your IQ is room temperature.

>> No.15598034

Because us Anglos prefer to drink heartily, but we also prefer to be warm. Having a couple of pints at room after a cold, wet day gets some warmth into ya and doesn't ruin the flavour like boiling them would.

>> No.15598053

I can tell you about austria and germany they have cold beer in every grocery store for sure, just mostly cans.

>> No.15598061
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We need to liberate Europe! ...again.

>> No.15598072

Where im from we have alot of crates of 24 beers and they take up alot of space so you just make sure you buy them and chill them at your own home, same with six packs.
Cans are often cooled because thats what people on the go grab.

>> No.15598093

don't know what they're up to on the continent.
t. finn

>> No.15598131

On several occasions I politely requested ice for my drink and they were taken aback as if they thought I was scamming them. Its just ice wtf. At one place I was asked to leave because of this.

>> No.15598155

Damn, American pizza looks like THAT? Us Europeans are required by law to put the cheese on top of the sauce, just one of the many draconic and unnecessary EU regulations. Although even if we could that style would not take off here, I mean that looks way too huge for one person (Europeans have genetically evolved to require significantly reduced caloric intake due to generations of poverty and starvation) and since we have no refrigerators we would just have to trash the leftovers.

>> No.15598180

I know this is bait but hell, I'll bite anyway.
We buy way too much beer for it to be practical to refrigerate all of it - it is assumed you're mostly buying beer to take it home anyway. Besides, if you go to a smaller shop, there is always at least one beer fridge, I don't know what you're on about. Even the supermarkets usually have some beer chilled for immediate consumption, unless you're in some backwater Norma or something.

>> No.15598186 [DELETED] 

try finding a second-hand one. you'll save a lot and it might be enough to justify the purchase in the first place.

>> No.15598206
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lol Yuropoors can't afford air conditioners either. Whenever it gets a little warm, they just start keeling over by the thousands.

>> No.15598230

damn thats pretty crazy actually. you go to the ghettoest nigged out project housing unit in detroit and even them niggaz got a microwave and a fridge

>> No.15598246

>Corner stores also mostly sell shit like Budweiser and Heineken
Have you tried stepping out of the tourist trap city centres?

>> No.15598329

The money spent on purchasing, installing and operating the beer fridges gets taxed from the business to pay for healthcare, actually good infrastructure relative to the national wealth, and other public services

>> No.15598590

Noticed this too when I was in the Netherlands. It pissed me off one night and I just ended up drinking the beer warm. The worst part about that country were the bathrooms. Absolute cuck shit.

>> No.15598596
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ITT: Americans pretending their refrigerated piss is actually beer

>> No.15598717

Beer has more flavor warm, seethe tastlet

>> No.15598724

so you're saying steel reserve tastes better warm?

>> No.15598728

they did a study and they found out european men have bigger pps than amreicans on average, ergo the gun coping and all other nonsense

>> No.15598730

What if I have no interest in recieving corporate welfare and prefer to support myself?

>> No.15598737

Move to Congo or osme shit.

>> No.15598784
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Speaking for German supermarkets:
Refrigerators and electricity are quite expensive here. Even the biggest supermarkets only have 1 fridge with some of their beers. In Germany its normal to just buy a full cage of beer every week and have it cold at home already.

>> No.15598802

>Wet a tea towel
>Wrap around beer
>Put in freezer
>Beer is icy cold in under 5min

>> No.15598832


>> No.15598839

Stop samefagging you mutt

>> No.15598993

Steel reserve isn't beer though. It's shitty malt liquor. Agree that its better chilled than room temperature though

>> No.15599029

Firstly, this: >>15594335

Secondly, here in Britain there is usually a fridge for some bottles of beer, but yes most of the stuff will be on the shelves

>> No.15599079

Good looking pizza

>> No.15599085

>Malt liquor, in North America, is beer with high alcohol content.

>> No.15599140

What the fuck i went to go visit my literal junkie mate in the netherlands and even she had a fridge. Who the hell is agreeing with this post?

>> No.15599167

Samefagging turd of a "human" aka American.

>> No.15599436

Now THAT'S how you za! You payin attention Eye-talians?

>> No.15599455

Some do
Some don't
The one I worked at didn't refrigerate beer as it didn't want to attract alcoholics.

>> No.15599472

It's true. Kasten are always cheaper and easier to handle.

>> No.15599476
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There's separate fridges for alcoholics like you retarded Mutt

>> No.15599692

I agree that the Netherlands is an exceptionally cheap ass shithole in this regard but supermarkets in other all countries have beer fridges since we have the freedom to drink beer in public here in Europe and so people like to get one for the walk or bring a cold 6-pack directly to the park. Obviously not every beer in the store is refrigerates, that would be a an immensely stupid waste of resources and you are lying if you're trying to convince us that's the case in burgerland.

>> No.15599786
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Once you get used to the higher amount of flavor nuances in warm beer you no longer yearn for a refrigerator.

>> No.15599802

>admitting to never boiling a stovepot of water before to make coffee
>admitting to being a fatty
>not liking cabbage
1 for 4. Maybe you'll make the Big Leagues someday champ.

>> No.15599803

Go to a corner store (which ironically aren't always on the corner) and their shitty beer will be cold.

>> No.15600009

No this is fucking wrong what the fuck, I've NEVER FUCKING EVER met anyone who doesn't own a damn fridge, even ruralfags

>> No.15600226

Yeah but the refrigeration preserves the beer. If they keep it cold in the store then it'll take longer for it to skunk. I think of it as: 1 minute unrefrigerated = 1 hr refrigerated

>> No.15600306

Save money, live better, shit pant

>> No.15601398

germanboi mad

>> No.15601431

>in Europe

>> No.15601437

I lived in Denmark and the beer was always cold in Netto.
Every beer I was served off tap was cold. The only beer I had warm was when I bought a local brewery beer.
A family friend owned a brewery and the beer he served literally out of the cask was cold.
Maybe it’s a central/Southern Europe thing to serve it warm?

>> No.15601444
File: 69 KB, 300x600, Sundial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Though you may wanna adjust the dosage and/or frequency a bit unless you're growing a decent amount at home, both for tolerance and supply reasons.

>> No.15601472

Normalfags enjoy that flavor in their beer.

>> No.15601506

Huh? I'm just saying that in the liquor store they should keep it cold, so that it keeps. Why would I want to buy beer that's been sitting unrefrigerated for a few days? That just means it'll spoil faster. When it's beer time I just leave some out on the table to warm up a little

>> No.15601686

>That just means it'll spoil faster.
Who gives a shit? Do Americans buy beer 5 years in advance or something?

>> No.15602017

it's to combat alcoholism

>> No.15602025

Why are europeans such pathetic faggots? Why do so many of them still not own fridges literally 150 years after they were invented?

Even the fucking poorest north americans at least own a fridge.

>> No.15602040

And even the poorest Europeans have healthcare. What's your point?

>> No.15602049

>muh whataboutism
Nice argument you poor cunt. I'm gonna go get a cold drink from my fridge. Enjoy your room temperature tap water.

>> No.15602066

Look, there's trade-offs between living in any part of the world, and that point goes double for any Europeans as well. I'm sure you realize that and are just having a fun time shitposting, though. FWIW I'm a flyover American.

>> No.15602075

I'm from Canada and have both healthcare and a fridge. Doesn't change the fact that tons of Europeans in supposed first world countries don't have a fucking fridge.

>> No.15602087

Do Americans really think people in Europe don't have fridges?

>> No.15602110

We usually have a small refrigirated shelf for single beers in Germany for the alcholics who cant even wait one hour for their beer to get cool in their fridge or who need to drink beer "on the go".

>> No.15602117

I've never seen a house without a fridge in Europe. Not even in the poorest parts. Stop samefagging and LARPing you pathethic fat c*ck.

>> No.15602129

The same ones, who pretend that not all Americans live in trailer parks.

>> No.15602132

In many cases, the lack of things that we find indisposable isn't because the people in question are poor or backward, but because those things are not indisposable to them. Many people in Europe (broadly generalizing here) have easy access (within walking distance) to stores that offer fresh food that they'll prepare daily, making a source of constant refrigeration unnecessary. This also means many of them will not own vehicles, and yet the income of most Europeans is equal to the income of most North Americans. It's not a poverty issue, but a societal difference.

>> No.15602139

super elaborate samefag, ignore comments supporting this

>> No.15602157

>Americans think people in Europe don't own cars or refrigerators

>> No.15602164
File: 44 KB, 1144x377, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking out of your own arse. I've travelled and lived in countless European countries. I've literally NEVER seen a house without a fridge. Most people own a car, or use a shared car within the family. Currently I am in Italy, and it is almost impossible to live without a car unless you live in a big city like Milan, Rome, et al. Closest shops I have are at least 40 minutes walk. Nearest shop that sells anything is a bakery and a pasticceria. I think they also do gelate. While the bakery sells cured meats and some cheeses, I need to drive 20 mins from here to a commercial area full of bigger supermarkets when doing shopping in bulk. The Europeans don't own/use cars is a massive meme by people who literally don't know what they are talking about or intentional bait.
Pic related for Italy. I can guarantee that the 20% who don't """own""" a car drive someone else's (on paper) as it costs way more than rest of EU to transfer ownership: it can be up to 400€ with our useless bureaucracy. Why are Americans so uneducated about "Europe"? Stop repeating bait as if it were fact. Funny story: my gf was driving her grandparents car for a long time as it was their gift. The car was technically theirs, but they obviously avoided the ownership fee. They were quite old and passed away, but the car stayed on their name. She drove that car for nearly two years AFTER until they had to change the ownership of it for whatever reasons.

>> No.15602171

By nearest shop I mean a supermarket. The bakery and the pastry shop are more like 15 mins walk. But you can't buy everything there, and the local town's fruit and vegetable market isn't always open, and I only use them semi-regularly. 80% of my groceries are brought at bulk from large supermarket chains for reference.

>> No.15602208

>drinking beer
You invited suffering upon yourself.

>> No.15602220

It's because during the war they didn't have proper access to refrigeration

>> No.15602419

In Germany our supermarkets sell most beer by room temperature. That's because you're meant to buy it beforehand, and you can cool it at home. You can also buy single bottles and cans of beer cooled, if you want to drink them right away. We don't sell whole cases of beer, because if you are not alcoholic scum, theres no point in summer where you will think "fuck I need a cool case of bee right now!".
The cheapest of the cheapest shit like Aldi and Lidl have no cooled beer at all I think. Probably OP only went there because he is a fucking poorfag.

>> No.15602483

This, it's the same in NL. Normal people have a special beer fridge in the garage, basement or garden shed and a FIFO system to guarantee cold beer when drinking.

>> No.15602498

>aldi and lidl like a poorfag
no. sort your shit out, kraut. learn to chill your beer. if you can keep your reisling cold, you can chill your beer. no excuses.

>> No.15602544

>they have their beer on normal shelves which means if i want to bring some bottles back to the hotel i have to chill them for 4 fucking hours before they're drinkable.

also means its skunked and ruined

>> No.15602547

I don't even get what you mean. Do you really think Germans don't drink their beer cold? They do. And Riesling isn't chilled in Lidl or Aldi either.

>> No.15602606

>not chilling 2€ riesling for alcoholics in supermarkets

>> No.15602633

The alcohol companies will also pay for certain space in fridges.

>> No.15602646

>red wine is fucking disgusting
hoooooly fuck you are a massive fag lmao

>> No.15602824
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do yuropoors actually?>>15594561

>> No.15602971

I heard some households even have more than one television. in colour !

>> No.15602987

That´s what they made the idiot part of their populace believe, yes. And then they did not have enough polish nurses during the pandemic and the produce rotted on the fields because noone would wanted to pick it for a minimum wage or could bear the hard work if they tried.
Real reason is the rich elite does not want to live with the new european anti money laundering legislature.

>> No.15602990

>i have to chill them for 4 fucking hours

>take your ice bucket
>fill it half way with cold water
>dump in some salt and mix
>put your beer in
>fill it up the rest of the way with beer
>wait 30 minutes
>perfectly chilled beer

>> No.15602995

Texas doen´t even have elctricity atm >>> calling other countrys third world. LOL
At least you don´t really NEED a working refrigerator right while freezing to death.

>> No.15602996

>fill it up the rest of the way with beer
ice, not beer. Ice. Fill the ice bucket with ice. Unless you like really salty beer.

>> No.15602998

hey at least we're not boese, and circumcised
*opens beer from the refrigerator*

>> No.15603011

every real supermarket has cold beer here.
amerimutt probaly tried to buy plastic bottled beer in a fucking LIDL or ALDI.
That´s really the only options i now about without cold drinks around here.

>> No.15603148

>i have to chill them for 4 fucking hours
more like half a fucking hour
only shitty beer needs to be ice cold to mask the flavor, same as with any alcohol really

>> No.15603174

>super elaborate samefag, ignore comments supporting this
>super elaborate samefag
Take your meds.

>> No.15603199

Yes it is. Its the same person that had been spamming the same pasta for months.
Probably some ameripoor being jealous

>> No.15603207

Europe is richer than the u.s.
Far higher standards of living

>> No.15603229

See >>15603199

>> No.15603235

You take your meds, spammer.

>> No.15603240

You faggots prefer warm beer. Don't speak.

>> No.15603261

Germany, yes.
a) it would be a huge effort to cool literal warehouses full of beer
b) there's usually always a fridge somewhere with single bottles
c) you're obviously a faggot who can't plan ahead even a second

>> No.15603310

Mad that multiple people are calling you out? Stay schizo, nigger

>> No.15603462

>schizoid screams "take your meds" while shitposting 24/7 and spamming his bait non-stop

>> No.15603477

Have sex numale, stop thinking in reddit memes too

>> No.15603650

I honestly prefer even pisswater at room temp. I’m not sure if the habit started before or after I broke a bunch of teeth and got extreme sensitivity to cold, but I’m not going back now.

>> No.15603665

mental illness

>> No.15603727

>i've been to a dozen different shops in all of my original post, all the beers were on room temp shelves.
Do euros have weird alcohol laws that vary by area? In my home state grocery stores can’t sell anything but warm beer and wine, gas stations have no cold beer but can have cold wine, stupid shit like that. Megamarts seem to get an exception for some reason.

>> No.15603745

Europe is 2nd world at best wow...

>> No.15603756
File: 58 KB, 800x800, 1613426214366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived 20 years in yurup and never had a warm beer.
OP outing himself as a dumb tourist who didnt ask the shopkeeper for a cold one and settled for shelf piss.
Lmaoing at your sad life kiddo

>> No.15603784

Most americans are barely scraping past poverty tier purely because we’re perfecting the debt slavery mode of living, don’t kid yourself.

>> No.15603792

i once knew someone who would just bring a chilled 12 pack of shitty domestic beer to their room and just drink out of the box all night instead of keeping it chilled and getting up and grabbing one or two when they wanted more. it seemed very sadistic and tasteless to me.

>> No.15603802

Yes, leftists who routinely dismiss observable realities like those are mentally ill.

>> No.15603828

>reads /pol/ once

>> No.15603967

>visits 4chan once

>> No.15603971

That "once" was 10 year ago.

>> No.15604033

We can tell, thweety.

>> No.15604041

euro here, please help and get me the fuck out here

>> No.15604186

This, but it's more them serving the warm beer to tourists so they can piss off while the locals enjoy the coldskis.

>> No.15604300

Seethe harder, ameripoor

>> No.15604444

Only Scandis have stupid laws like Americans when it comes to alcohol. In most countries alcohol can be sold everywhere at every time. many countries even have legal drinking ages at 16 for either non distilled alcohol or alcohol that is under 15% or things like that.

>> No.15604472

macrobreweries always pasteurize their beer, refrigerated or not, the expiration date is always the same.

>> No.15604494


>> No.15604984

You don't chill ales, you donut

>> No.15605633

yes you do

>> No.15605697
File: 85 KB, 550x413, il-nostro-bancone-bar[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why don't europeans refrigerate their beer in grocery stores?
Because it's not considered normal or acceptable for people to just buy six packs to guzzle right out of the store.
You'll easily find refrigerated bottles in every bar or snack shop, but not in groceries.

>> No.15606699

GuZzLe OuTsIdE tHe StOrE
like i said in my OP, i wanted to bring some back to the hotel.
apparently euros can't into refrigeration OR reading comprehension

>> No.15607169


>> No.15607827

You've been proven wrong like 200 posts earlier, so why insist on larping fridges are some rare occurrence in Europe?

>> No.15608314

He's been doing it for years. Literal schizo patient

>> No.15608575

you're either trolling or mentally retarded. I'm Hungarian and there's a beer fridge in the overwhelming majority of food stores, even in the tiniest gypsy-infested shitholes

>> No.15608582

pfft the "warm beer, cold food" meme is real

>> No.15608587

food doesn't have to be piping hot to be tasty you absolute manchild, why don't you learn how to cook properly

>> No.15608597

There's seperate coolers for alcoholics on the go. Look at the cold drinks section.

>> No.15608661

there are no cold drinks sections in european grocery stores, dipshit

>> No.15608665

There are, you samefagging retard.

>> No.15608669

Supermarkets here used to have a few fridges with drinks but they seem to have all died out.

>> No.15608676

Schizoid at work. Makes a retarded claim, pretends to be from Europe and replies to himself with an even more retarded, false claim.

>> No.15608682

there's a cooler for autists and americans

>> No.15608758

Wrong. I should know, I'm an Euro. Get the fuck out of my continent tourist.

>> No.15608764

buy the beer 4 hours earlier then?
or just add ice?

>> No.15608765

That's a lie. Yes, Most of it is not refrigerated. But there also ist Always some to find which ja refrigerated. Stupid nigga, fuck Off with your racebaiting /pol/ bait.

>> No.15608766

it's been established in this thread that you continentals don't have ice

>> No.15608767

Imagine being this guy

>> No.15608768

>I'm an Euro
Nice try.

>> No.15608773

This 99%

>> No.15608854
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>> No.15609974

Tbh I prefer warm beer
>nb4 I'm American

>> No.15610149

ok amerishill

>> No.15610347

Masterclass of zero effort trolling by schizo OP

>> No.15612403

>go to 5+ countries
>none of their stores have cold beer, can only get it in bars or restaurants
seething yurocuck

>> No.15612478

haven't read the thread, but it's because they're too poor. Compare GDP per capita of shithole states like Arkansas with european countries

>> No.15612982
File: 3.00 MB, 960x540, poor_starving_kids_in_a_shithole_country.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15613048

Obtuse exaggeration playing off the noticeable retail purchase power inferiority of all Europeans.
British and Germans especially are rapidly being relegated to miniature refrigerators (like one you have in college), making them more dependent on takeaway and dining out, making them poorer.
There's simply not enough space and capital for a billion people in Europe to live like Americans when you refuse to extract natural resources because fags and bugmen.

>> No.15613807

I mean in the store. In a small town you don't know how long it's been out especially if you're buying microbrew stuff

>> No.15613820

It would be hard to believe they actually think this way if I couldn't see it for myself on this site

>> No.15613854

I don't buy macrobrews

>> No.15614368

Schizoid OP keeps bumping this and a few other butthurt threads about Europe everytime they reach the page 10. Half of the replies in this post alone are the OP.
Here >>15613048

>> No.15615233
File: 182 KB, 1104x788, 836156468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's Nipkow discs in color?!?

>> No.15615323

You don't find them in the fridge department because you're supposed to put them in YOUR fridge
If you want it cold italian stores have a mini freezer near the exit

>> No.15615800

Why can americans only drink beer that is so cold that you can barely taste it at all?
It's like a step above becomming a slushice. And the fuck is up with those retarded coozies or whatever theyre called? What, you cant drink your bottles of thin piss water kif it gets just a single degree above freezing?

>> No.15615814

because they're a store, not a restaurant. you refrigerate them yourself

>> No.15616275

neither of those are me, retard

>> No.15616281
File: 209 KB, 600x616, 1612013127350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop drinking warm beer

>> No.15616361

But they are refrigerated in most stores? Were you living in some absolutely shit part of the city or something anon? Even if, the shelves are not heated up or anything, the beer is already cold from it, how damn cold do you want your beers?

>> No.15616373

from countryside towns to major cities i never see beer in stores under 30 celcius. fridge your shit.

>> No.15616392

Damn, that's depressing. I'm sorry you guys have to live like that.

>> No.15616495

You are either just lying or your luck is 0%. Any grocery store here has a fridge for beer, even a small one, and if not, the beer off a shelf is like 15 degrees C.

>> No.15616565

my experiences in germany (combined 3 months, stayed with a working class retired couple + upper-middle class family) were that beer is sold unrefrigerated because the tendency is for people to just have a constant supply of beer. so by the time you go and buy more (returning your bottles in the crate when you do so) you still have a crate at home. ppl often leave the crate unrefrigerated and just refrigerate a few at a time, once again rotating in new bottles as you drink the already refrigerated ones.

basically it's taken for granted that you have already have a supply of refrigerated beer by the time you go buy more

>> No.15616578

also if you're just trying to get "a" beer or two you can go to one of the mini marts and buy them refrigerated.

>> No.15616738

if you read the thread, you'll see that i said they only keep shitty beer like heineken in the fridges and no good local brews.

>> No.15616740

drinking on the way home from aldi

>> No.15616856

lol poor

>> No.15618135

>page 9
cheeky bump

>> No.15618181

Go back to drinking bud light, yank

>> No.15618190

learn to cool your beer, tommy

>> No.15618211

that's entirely untrue. Stop talking out of your ass retard.

>> No.15618236

prove to me that your grocery stores refrigerate their beers
protip, you can't. dilate.

>> No.15618242

it depends on the store, most of them have both refridgeated and shelf beer

>> No.15618399

Whatever retard. I have been living in Germany all my life. No need to proof anything to a tourist shizo tranny poster. have sex.

>> No.15618407
File: 288 KB, 801x814, 1612980686582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething kraut with warm beer

>> No.15618574

t. amerifat who lives in a wooden cardboard house

>> No.15618585

Replies 290
Posters 168

>> No.15618658


>> No.15619042

Replies 293
Posters 170
getting up there, we can reach 300 easy

>> No.15619173

I lived in Europe more than ten years ago and every single person I came into contact with in Germany, France, Switzerland, and Austria owned a fridge.

>> No.15619174

doubt it

>> No.15619267

the liquor store by me does this and it drives me nuts, but their selection is unbeatable so I just cope

>> No.15619333
File: 58 KB, 639x426, typical euro kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Euros usually only have small dormroom type mini-fridges.

>> No.15619346

That's a complete lie

>> No.15619348
File: 70 KB, 600x900, TWO-REFRIGERATORS-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's always kind of boggled my mind to think about every single household and store in America had at least one refrigerator.

If they have kids, it's almost guaranteed they have a 2nd full-size fridge either in the basement or garage and many Americans have a 2nd fridge even if they don't have kids.

>> No.15619383
File: 113 KB, 887x370, typical American home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most americans are barely scraping past poverty tier

Even an American living in poverty has a fridge, a car and a home or apartment (without three generations of relatives crammed in with them).

>> No.15619411

>fill a bowl with ice

From the frigerator you don't have because you life in medieval Europe?

>> No.15619433
File: 313 KB, 1680x1200, Bell's Double Two Hearted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the state is controlled by religious lobbyists who only within the last year or two allowed sunday sales to be legalized

I believe you still have to wait until noon to buy alcohol on a Sunday in Michigan?

>> No.15619437

This. It's always funny to me that yuros don't know this.

>> No.15619442
File: 218 KB, 1364x728, Beer Breweries 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


America has the widest selection of beer on the planet and yes, ALL beer should be cold.

>> No.15619470
File: 130 KB, 1026x1344, Downton Abbey kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There’s a scene in Downton Abbey, which is set in the 1920s, where the American relatives comes to visit and the butler is annoyed at having to go downstairs to get ice for the American’s drink. Later in the series, the manor gets a frigerator and the (American born) lady of the manor has to convince the cook to use it.

>> No.15619491

There's usually some "little refrigerators" around with cold beer, sodas, energy-drinks, etc.
At least in my country.

>> No.15619498

>The money spent on purchasing, installing and operating the beer fridges gets taxed from the business to pay for welfare for the ravening hordes of foreign migrants.


>> No.15620185

Better than wageslaving for Israel. All your tax money goes to Israel while you get no healthcare

>> No.15620282

Euros are too poor to have ice though

>> No.15620833

>America has the widest selection of beer

>> No.15620879

We do though.