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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 257 KB, 1080x608, liquor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15594072 No.15594072[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We are buried under ten inches of snow, so you can no longer buy liquor on Mondays.

>> No.15594076

Poor Texan.

>> No.15594086

Hah, I knew you were a pussy faggot. No wonder you fucking whine so much. Must be a Cali-tranpslant in urban Texas.

>> No.15594110

It only snows on Sunday nights?

>> No.15594130


>> No.15594198

Global warming is a sham.
the earth's tilt is changing so the seasons are coming later and later.

>> No.15594221

>10 inches
Do americans really freak out about a little pile of snow?

>> No.15594233

no, but fresh snow is hard to drive on with summer tires that should have been changed 2 years ago.

>> No.15594237

After shoveling eight inches of snow off the drive and deck in shorts and a hoodie, I walked down to the corner package store and scored a fifth of 90 proof Evan Williams, a lottery ticket, and a pack of squares.

>> No.15594258

Looks like OPs in Canada.

>> No.15594259
File: 352 KB, 630x472, 1613358436810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15594263

No, he just posts that stock photo every whine thread he makes.
>nnnoooooo, you can't heckin buy boozerino today! I'm a judgemental bitch who whines about everything that happens on my joooob!!!!!

>> No.15594373

Haha got ya. Thanks.

>> No.15594402

fossil fuels are plant matters.
Old plants carbonized by pressure and time.

>> No.15594458


>> No.15594533

>10 inches
We're at like 3 feet so far I think.

>> No.15594811

10 inches

>> No.15594847

liquor store faggot

>> No.15594868
File: 30 KB, 642x644, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me, I'm in Houston and it's 19 fucking degrees. Never usually hits below 30 and is 90 to 100 in the summers, kill me

>> No.15594891

>tfw leaflard
>38degF, warming up to 44degF later this week
How do you guys deal with these heatwaves? Men were not meant to live on the surface of the fucking sun.

>> No.15594893

hey mate got any blantons?

>> No.15594972

They will circle back to warning of an impending ice age soon enough.

>> No.15595004

ive lived in houston and 30 miles from the saskatchewan border i'll take the cold every time

>> No.15595123

I hate you. if I knew where your dumb store was I would go there and break all the bottles

>> No.15595154

i'd go there and shit on the floor pretending to be retarded

>> No.15595155

Idk what you're talking about, it's a nice 33C summer day, we have not had an inch of snow in your lifetime.

>> No.15595160


>> No.15595263
File: 99 KB, 700x686, q4EoKio.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gonna be 42F tomorrow
It's shorts day, baby!

>> No.15595317
File: 83 KB, 774x596, 1543678369274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your bangladeshi boss would make you get the mop and clean up my shit. you're literally the liquor store janny.

>> No.15595348

Most liquor stores keep weapons dude, you'd probably just be shot dead if you tried it.

>> No.15595450

Hey man, you got that Crown Royal Peach?

>> No.15595614

That's quite a selection of bee butts.

>> No.15595631
File: 172 KB, 791x721, 1613156353728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually mostly dead trees and ferns

>> No.15595653

Anyone with a functioning brain stocked up over the weekend. I'm sitting on 17 cans of 4 Loko (14%), a handle of Smirnoff, a fifth of Svedka, and a case of Budweiser. My particular county is expected to be one of the hardest hit in all the land. There's already 1 foot of snow here. This should last me until Wednesday.

>> No.15596099
File: 65 KB, 735x510, i-didnt-believe-it-when-they-said-we-already-had-8-inches-of-snow-hat-to-check-for-myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15596902

I wish you were my neighbor

>> No.15597055

>someone comments on the cold/snow
>Canadian redditfags appear from nowhere
>'that's nothing! Its colder here! Hey everyone, it gets much colder here!'
Every time

>> No.15597105

posts like these are gayer than what you're complaining about lol

>> No.15597150
File: 6 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get it delivered to your h- oh wait.
>mfw Texans believe they are free

>> No.15597182 [DELETED] 

10 inches isn't much. Plus, shouldn't you always have like a few months supply? I buy a case of Bacardi Silver every two weeks.

Do you live in a shoebox or something?

Same with toilet paper... I got enough of that shit for years... Who wants to go out and buy paper products every two or three weeks when they go to a grocery store?

>> No.15597234

When it comes to dickwaving about snow, most Canadians have nothing on the faggots from Michigan and Wisconsin. Those guys will turn any conversation about weather into "that one time we got ten feet of snow and still made it in to work on time".

>> No.15598105

Due to continuing weather challenges and our snow plows being lazy shits that haven't cleared our neighborhood, you will not be able to purchase liquor on Tuesdays either.

>> No.15598315

haha cocks