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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.54 MB, 2969x3993, DEENZ17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15591784 No.15591784 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss canned fish
Continued from >>15548576

>> No.15591813

i can't find any seasoning on kippers i like other than black pepper
and recommendations /deenz/

>> No.15591936

Deenz are pretty gud late night drunchies

>> No.15591938

Why would you want other seasonings than smoke and salt on the kippers?
I mean, black pepper is ok, but don't gild the lily.

>> No.15592470
File: 94 KB, 569x758, deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you think of these deenz? They're the only types my local store has. They seem decent but hey have "the oil" though...

>> No.15592488

they have these at the indian market by my house, if you get them let me know how they are

>> No.15593310
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Deenz n' sardeenz

>> No.15593401


>> No.15593700
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I thought you fuckers were just memeing and overhyping king oscar as someone who has had bad experiences with canned fish.

Theyre so damn good especially in a sandwich, what the hell.

>> No.15593717

If they came from anywhere near the Indian Ocean or South China Sea then I'd be worried about heavy metals and VOCs. If they're in soybean oil then I'd avoid them. Awful taste.

>> No.15593812

got some cheap deenz in tomato sauce, never tried the tomato sauce has anyone else : )?

>> No.15594149

KO is current goat. Just wish my store carried the tomato and basil variety

>> No.15594586

Did you know that deenz is sneed backwards?

>> No.15594755

the fuck is this fish thread

>> No.15594837

I don’t get it

>> No.15594987
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I think its a joke idk

>> No.15595024
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I actually did get the joke, but I said I didn’t so somebody would explain it. It’s my version of the bamboozle.

Anyways, I’m thinking bout the deenz.

I feed the boneless skinless to my cats and they are freaking nuts after a deenz session. Visibly more energized and thankful.

>> No.15595038


>> No.15595044
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>Mogs your deenz

>> No.15595145

just had some smoked rainbow trout

>> No.15595159

What are the meditteranean style like? I assume they're tomato sauce or possibly olive oil with peppers?

>> No.15595189

Any good recipes guys? The only way my mom knows how to cook sardines is just dumping the whole can with the tomato sauce in it and frying it with some onions and curry leafs. Tastes fine, but eating that constantly gets boring pretty fast and is hell for my teeth

>> No.15595201

very argumentative and hot headed

>> No.15595280

Looks like a 90s microwave cookbook

>> No.15595659

Damn, those look really good

>> No.15596411
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recently switched to these they're cheap and not bad

>> No.15596604

Canned deenz just need olive oil and that's it, I don't get why'd you want any other flavour.

>> No.15596674

>"Fish she is very small"
Can someone explain this grammatical oddity?

>> No.15597713

Just had some La Comtesse deenz
How is your evening going, frens?

>> No.15597727

I just bought a bunch of sardines in sunflower oil... I hope I'll be alright...

>> No.15598215
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>> No.15598321

can you make tuna salad with sardines instead

>> No.15598343

pretty much any cooked-to-a-mush fish will work for tuna salad it will just be more sardiney

>> No.15598578

They are unbelievably good anon. All you have to do is dump them on rice or potatoes or w/e and you have a good meal. Only costs $1.50 too

>> No.15598617
File: 3.08 MB, 4032x3024, 20210216_124620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the korean market and saw some interesting cans, are there any asian brands that are top tier?

>> No.15598786

i don't know but i inherently trust japanese manufacturing and fish processing more than most other races who make canned fish, so i say go!

>> No.15598840

How much were those a piece?

>> No.15599271

Nissui deenz taste good but their texture is on the mushier side. I haven't tried J-Basket, and the bottom right brand looks Chinese (the writing isn't Japanese) so who knows what's actually in the can.

>> No.15599293

Those are some fat fuckin deenz
I want to get mackerel but it's too expensive where I am at $4 a can
The one's on the right are chinese

>> No.15599302

How cheap?
I'm a fan of the cheap flip deenz like Ligo.
Also get mwPolar in the oval can. 99 cents for a 7.5 oz can, but half the can is sauce.

Tomato compliments the fish very nicely. Some of the rich fish oil blends with the sauce, imparting a luxurious texture and savory taste.

In general, the taste of the sardines is mildly subdued, but the tomato sauce is good stuff. I like to toss a long pasta with the sauce, and lay the deenz on top for a few minutes to allow them to warm.

Very nice. Don't let the oilpack purists scare you off.

>> No.15599487
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, 20210216_174556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashed deenz with diced pickles, green onion, garlic mayo and hot sauce. So good bros

>> No.15599509


>> No.15599660

>in oil
Stop eating PUFA

>> No.15599738

Never ate canned herring, so I will just give it the benefit of the doubt...

But I guess we can all agree than Tuna is ultimately the inferior canned fish that is worse than all other canned fishes.

Deenz are the best I have tasted so far.

And seriously, care to explain how come curry and mango are somehow considered authentic German food? Both of these sounds so foreign to Germany that I really do not see the connection, at least from the point of view of a foreigner I suppose!

>> No.15599784

ETERNAL 1-deenz in oil
1.5-deenz in water
2-deenz in hot sauce
3-deenz in tomato sauce
4-deenz in mustard
5-mediterranean deenz

>> No.15599861
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>> No.15599871

>german bleached horse meat

>> No.15599872
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>> No.15600052

>the oil
>can't figure out where they're from
>figure out they're from africa
ummm... proceed with caution and report back

>> No.15600065

mmm i gotta start mashing my deenz, never done that

>> No.15600079

i mean just look at the chad on the front

>> No.15600123

>Roman emperor on can
>made in west Africa
at leas they know their branding I guess

>> No.15600133

It's like superior tuna! I recommend it.

>> No.15600271

deenz are great but if you pay any more than $4 USD for a single can, you're a fucking retarded elitist who should reexamine your values and think about the things that make you feel important and content. the "luxury deen market" is just ridiculous

>> No.15600332

Where on earth are there $4 cans of deenz? Even here in expensive ass Boston KO is only $3 a can. Your post seems to criticize something nonexistent

>> No.15600367

unfortunately not non-existent anon. "Jose Gourmet", as well as some other brand, are shilled on deenz threads semi-regularly, I suspect by the same opulent loser.


It's hard to imagine who buys this shit. Maybe one 4chan autist is all it takes to keep them in business

>> No.15600392

The fuck. I mean if some rich anon here wants to buy them that's his thing I guess. I don't really notice it, since any of that is drowned out by KO posting

>> No.15600398

Mediterranean king Oscar deenz are so fucking good. THE BEST sandwiches especially with a slice of kosher dill pickle.

>> No.15600404

You guys are slowly convincing me to buy a can of sardines to try, but I think I might not like the saltiness, is that common or just a shitty sardine's thing

>> No.15600419

No usually you want to add some salt

Only if something is fundamentally wrong with you will you reject the deenz. It doesnt mean you are a fully lost soul but you should dedicate your life to service of those who appreciate deenz if you really cannot.

>> No.15600434

if it's too salty or fishy you can eat it with non-salty things like bread and a bit of lemon juice

>> No.15600486

sounds good, any recommendations for a /deenz/ newcomer, since I'm going to Wally World tomorrow.

>> No.15600535
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>KO is current goat
Not so fast kiddo

>> No.15600558

They're not salty at all unless you get them in a really salty sauce or whatever. Normal deenz in oil aren't salty and if you don't get cheap shit they aren't very fishy either.

>> No.15600560

>being this easily influenced
hey its kind of an insiders secret for those in the know, but I'll let you in. before and deenz enthusiast eats their deenz, first we go outside and play chicken with a bus. off you go champ!

>> No.15600563

King Oscar in olive oil is about the best you'll do with pleb deenz, but the crown prince kippers are a notch above if they have them.
Nuri deenz are head and shoulders above the rest but it would be difficult to go back to something basic like King Oscar afterwards so that's the downside

>> No.15600564

the only time I ever had sardines was on pizza and they were literally like blocks of salt so I was worried about that, but it seems that isn't always the case based on what you guys have been saying

>> No.15600567

King Oscar in olive oil is a good starter deenz. Stay away from Bumble Bee and anything that uses farmed fish. Put them on crackers of your choice, saltines or water crackers or ritz crackers. If you want, add a dash of lemon juice or vinegar-based hot sauce.

>> No.15600576

>eats pizza
>is surprised that it's salty

>> No.15600577

I already eat tuna regularly, and quite enjoy canned salmon fillets, so I was considering buying some sardines.
>easily influenced
neck yourself

>> No.15600582

fair point
sounds good thanks for the recommendations

>> No.15600583

>the only time I ever had sardines was on pizza and they were literally like blocks of salt
those were anchovies. I'm 100% positive and they are very different. anchovies are extremely salty and are an option as a topping on pizza while deenz are not salty and I have yet to see them as an option for pizza

>> No.15600588
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Bit pricey, but extremely good.

>> No.15600591

the ones are pizza are most commonly salt packed not oil, and ya they are salt bombs. usually anchovies anyway.
they're not the same as retail can sardines in oil.

>> No.15600595

probably correct, didn't think about that

>> No.15600596

already tried, turns out I'm invincible.
>You guys are slowly convincing me to buy a can of sardines to try
you gullible, easily led faggot. deenz are shit and these threads are troll threads

>> No.15600603

>posting in a thread you don't like
>opening a thread you don't like

>> No.15600617

nothing you can do about it. seethe more

>> No.15600621

alright man, you do you
going to get some King Oscar deenz tomorrow thanks everyone for the recommendations, I will report back

>> No.15600626

>King oscar
enjoy the worst deenz brand as skilled by faceless faggots. fishy hunks of shit

>> No.15600631

I will see

>> No.15600645

dilate, tranny

>> No.15600646

Get a tin of crown prince kippers in case you dont like King Oscar and you will guarantee it wasnt a wasted trip

>> No.15600653

get some fucking sprats or smoked herring fillets at least. these deenz fags are fucking retarded and don't know shit aboit shit

>> No.15600660
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>der! dilate tranny!

>> No.15600669
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>buys quality sardines
>actually tastes like sardines

>> No.15600683

faggot have you ever had a fresh grilled sardine? didn't think so. now shut your stupid hole while your betters are talking

>> No.15600712

I've tried smoked herring and like it quite a lot, but don't buy it very often. Looking to try new things more. Also, does walmart sell sprats?

>> No.15600719
File: 131 KB, 1400x1010, judgment_compress92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canned fish general
>being this illiterate on top of having poor taste
>pic related

>> No.15600777
File: 113 KB, 654x642, 1612173305920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HUR! how DARE you say something bad about my favourite canned fish!
>i'm so upset im going to post a WOJAK!
nigger king oscar deenz are the blandest shits there are. if you've never had a fresh sardine, you have no baseline to compare to. you must be a flyover to be this wilfully ignorant

>> No.15600793
File: 36 KB, 536x634, fatlaugh_compress92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an absolute waste of digits.

>> No.15600802
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cope: The Post

>> No.15600803

>you must be a flyover to be this wilfully ignorant
are you faggots really using that as a noun now? imagine being this much of a stuck up white-hating faggot

>> No.15600813

spoken like a true outraged flyover

>> No.15600827

wow, deenzfags are a touchy bunch, aren't they? say one bad word about their favourite snack and their autism explodes

>> No.15600828

you'll never be a woman, also you will never have a backyard

>> No.15600847
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>> No.15600854
File: 129 KB, 1300x990, brainjack_compress32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets assblasted over a standard brainlet meme
>gets called out multiple times for autistically hyperfocusing on an irrelevant topic
Here, midwit. Enjoy another.

>> No.15600863

Anyone recommendations for a bitch with an aversion to fish taste? Whole canned fish are kino yet the taste, at least with I tried, isn't doing it for me.

>> No.15600999

>boohoo wahhhh don't say mean things about canned fish

>> No.15601003
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>aversion to fish taste
>'teehee which canned fish should I get?'

>> No.15601004

yall stfu and discuss deenz

>> No.15601035

Yes, I do not like fish that tastes like fish. The very process of eating canned fish is appealing to me. I'll typically fuck with salmon and tuna only and only when I prepare it in a specific manner.

>> No.15601044

sardines are less fishy compared to salmon, salmon is a super fishy fish

>> No.15601046
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Opinion discarded faggot.

>> No.15601056
File: 26 KB, 500x500, poopee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you fagger. its the most efficient expression to use in this scenario. the fuck you want me to say? "you all"? "you guys"? sounds like something an inefficient BITCH would say.

>> No.15601079

Get crown prince kippers or tinned mackerel. I dont even buy king oscar anymore because they're too fishy tasting even though they're considered the most mild.

>> No.15601107
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>wastes time posting whiny, effeminate reply
>accomplishes nothing
>cites efficiency as the inspiration
OHHH!!... got us a real deal brainiac ova hea!

>> No.15601133

man its late at night and we're both on 4chan. its not like either one of us has something better to do

>> No.15601159
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been in a rut of just eating Wild Planet and Seasons deenz from costco, overseas shipping been a fuck, but went to some fancier grocery stores today to try and find some variety. Really surprised I found the Porthos in a brick and mortar store.

>> No.15601166
File: 7 KB, 188x268, 1613366599918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time is meaningless
>efficiency is key
Holy shit lol... are you even sentient?

>> No.15601181
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sure thing anon. hope your dinner is tasty and your night is pleasant :)

>> No.15601250

Maybe 2$ a can, worth it for the novelty, the eel was actually amazing, the other 2 were fairly average

>> No.15601307

Why does red salmon have to be so expensive brehs. It's a lot better than pink but worth ten dollars a can??? I don't know.

>> No.15601345

Try kipper snacks.
They do taste fishy, but the smoke and salt are the more forward tastes.

And stop being such a little bitch.

>> No.15601392

>soybean oil
just lol

>> No.15601973
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Did some Angelo Parodi's tonight.

>> No.15602476

Riga gold master race

>> No.15602963

checked the trips on the can

>> No.15603114

Just make sure the door is locked so no one walks in on you. Unfortunately I've made the mistake of forgetting to do that before...

>> No.15603119 [DELETED] 

Hey I recognize those from aldi. Good shit.

>> No.15603151

i live alone so i just do it in the kitchen

>> No.15603336

you are very lucky

>> No.15603353

He's right. Please cherish how lucky you are to be able to do that every day out in the open without a care.

>> No.15603833

I like to use lettuce, onions, a bit of mayo and a good bit of mustard. You could also put on other veggies like cucumbers or tomatoes if you wish. Toast the bread too, and throw some salt and pepper on there and you got a good sandwich

>> No.15603877

Wish I could find some canned smoked oysters in water that aren't from China or $40/can PNW bullshit

>> No.15604418

Thank you for the kind and well thought out response. However it turns out that it is not others that scare me off, but my own experience. I’m not sure what brand they were, but the sauce was the worst tomato sauce I’ve ever had and it made me nauseous and never wanting to eat sardines ever again

>> No.15604612
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I went to Walmart and got some deenz and an now reporting back like I said I would last night, about to eat the king Oscar’s (mobile posting now because of the camera)

>> No.15604621

holy fuck I'm pleasantly surprised, they are actually pretty good. Way better than tuna IMO

>> No.15604623

>king oscar
very nice

>> No.15604633

yeah that's what I got recommended last night, pretty damn good for my first can of sardines, the flavor is light and I like it more than tuna which is my usual fishy protein

>> No.15604642
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polished off the deenz, am an official convert

>> No.15604715

ya i used to eat canned tuna but after eating deenz, tuna is dry and bland
i really think those salt-cured anchovies, and they way they were pushed by commercial pizza chains, really killed sardines by association in the minds of a generation of american children.
just like those awful canned black olives...

>> No.15604826

Not to mention mushrooms. Why is big pizza against all these great foods?
I still think tuna, especially albacore, in oil is really good but chunk light is cat food at best.

>> No.15604864

because big pizza as an industry is about selling unhealthy things to children and addicts by manipulating them with propaganda marketing and food engineering.
basically, greed.

>> No.15605057

imo deenz are closer to salmon than tuna

>> No.15605083
File: 224 KB, 1500x1109, ko mediterranian deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think those are good? wait til you try pic related.

>> No.15605092

man that sounds good

>> No.15605103

I’ve got some canned oysters, any dishes you guys usually use those in?

>> No.15605160
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They are good. I also reccomend Polar sardines, they're smoked but have a really nice taste.

>> No.15605283

put those bad boys on a bowl of white rice and eat it some kimchi my dude.
>t. korean

>> No.15605314

These are on sale for like 99 cents a can near me.
Unbelievably good.

>> No.15605369
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They're great but I get tired of them quickly if eaten often. I also notice they are less firm and fall apart easier than the olive oil variety. The flavored types in general tend to fare similarly. For these reasons I prefer to just buy the olive oil ones as a base and add my own seasonings, condiments, etc.

>> No.15605414

You lucky bastard. I have to order them in bulk on Amazon.

>> No.15605424

similar flavor but salmon is super fishy where the deenz are kind of in the middle
I wanted to get some but my walmart was out of stock of them, so maybe next trip I will get some.
also noted for the next deenz run

>> No.15605441

Best of luck to you, then.
Maybe taste the sauce first.
If it doesn't pass the sniff test, feed it to the cat or dump it in the bin.

Kipper snacks shouldn't put you off. Almost never in tomato sauce, and it's herring, not deenz.

>> No.15605459

Seconding the kipper snacks recomendation. By far the best canned seafood, even slightly better than deenz imo.

>> No.15605522
File: 1.92 MB, 1256x745, Deenz_One.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried these new deenz for lunch today. Damn good

Back of packaging said "Product of King Oscar"

>> No.15605530
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>> No.15605619

Those tiny deenz look so funny next to the full size crackers

>> No.15605656

lol agreed. They are about the same size as King Oscar I think. There are brands with bigger deenz like Bar Harbor. But KO still has the best tasting

>> No.15605686
File: 7 KB, 230x230, bela deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, so far the biggest deenz I've seen are the Bela brand, but I didn't like those at all. I find KO has the best size to quality ratio.

>> No.15606178
File: 1.87 MB, 3024x4032, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I can tell Tiny Tots are exactly the same as King Oscar double layer brislings in olive oil, just with different packaging.

>> No.15606224

The herring will stink up the whole house but got damn its good.

>> No.15606381

My family banned me from eating sardines because of the smell.

>> No.15606387

>Not having a deenz station in your garage

>> No.15606515

Do you guys eat the tail of the deenz?

>> No.15606516

Herring is 4X by comparison and technically not deenz, let em have it.

>> No.15606565

Did you like the kippers or the deenz better? I kept shilling kippers last night

>> No.15606618

Yes, you eat the whole thing.

>> No.15606650

Just picked up 10 cans of Kang Oscars Mediterranean style deenz, the patricians choice

>> No.15606660

Is this with bones?

>> No.15606775

I've had kippers before, but was my first time with sardines. I like them about the same.

>> No.15606780

I had already had herring and got it on the run in-case I didn't like the deenz. Oh boy are you right, shit smells but tastes amazing.

>> No.15606918

>Tiny Tots are exactly the same as King Oscar
Yeah back of Tots said it was product of KO. Not sure why they would switch branding if they are same product

>> No.15606940

not who you're asking, but i strongly prefer sardines. Kippers are pretty good, but I think they work better as an ingredient instead of a straight snack. Drier, less fatty, and you're not getting that bone calcium.

>> No.15606948

Alright then. When you're ready to step your deenz game up to world class level, you can get these on Amazon for about $5 a tin. Pricey for deenz, but once you try these, theres no turning back

>> No.15608257


>> No.15608265

i am proud of you my sons

>> No.15608287

thanks anon

>> No.15608416 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 960x540, C5C2FAD5-6628-47BB-A713-54993A8D677E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this with bones?

>> No.15609103

Sounds good. I'll keep it in mind the next time I'm making a deenz sandwich

>> No.15609226

Is it bad that I kind of enjoy Bumble Bee deenz? They are always half the price if not even cheaper than getting King Oscar or that HQ equivalent. I get the ones in hotsauce and eat them with eggs and toast in the morning. I do eat King Oscars occasionaly but I have come to associate deenz with frugality and spending 2$+ for a tiny can seems wasteful when I could get chicken or pork for that price and they are much more flexible proteins.

>> No.15609746

anything is enjoyable with enough hot sauce, whether that's a good thing or a degenerate thing is all up to you so just stop being such a faggot.

and ya pricey deenz are only worth it if you're a true connoisseur of deenz and appreciate the finer points, otherwise it's like giving fine wine to kids, ya it's good wine but you could've spent less and the result would be the same.

>> No.15609998


>> No.15610008


>> No.15610054
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Had mine with a little bit of lemon juice

>> No.15610133
File: 1.59 MB, 1500x1500, jap deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo /deenz/ bros. I'm stuck at home and got hungry, so I dug through my pantry and fridge and tried to get creative. I made a spicy sardine pasta dish, sort of stole it from Ramsey but didn't have all the ingredients.

Sautéed some chopped hot pickled garlic (no fresh garlic on hand) and an old (not rotten) serrano pepper in a pan with the oil from the sardines. cooked for a bit, added the sardines, cooked some more, reduced heat then added the pasta to the pan with some butter and this tiny bit of pesto I had sitting in the fridge. Heated it up and plated it with some grated parmesan. Pretty good IMO for throwing shit together, how did I do?

>> No.15610276

How do you combat the smell they leave behind?

>> No.15610313
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I usually put them in the outside trashcan right after I'm done. If you live in an apartment I dont know what u would do

>> No.15610365

like all oil from food or cooking, you pour it down the kitchen sink in your apartment. let the landlord figure out what to do with it, you don't work there.

>> No.15610448

I'll pour the oil down the sink and throw the tin in the trash outside. Thanks.

>> No.15610535

you did more with your deenz than 99% of people here, so that's pretty good, but you didn't take a picture of it with /ck/ and the date written on a piece of paper so i'm going to have to give a C-minus.

>> No.15610728

Thanks man. It was delicious. Hit it with some lemon juice

>> No.15610877

Have you tried not being a pussy?

>> No.15611008
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Just got pic related. What am I in for?

>> No.15611117

>soybean oil

>> No.15611177
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>tfw my local store never has deenz in mustard

>> No.15611388

no idea but i bet that would be delicious on a cracker with some pickles and a caper or two

>> No.15611543

Haha haven't heard that one before!

>> No.15611725

>They are always half the price if not even cheaper
You like? Great.
If the good stuff goes on sale, don't be afraid to treat yourself.

mwPolar smoked brislings were on sale for less than Beach Cliff on my last store run, so you're damn right I did.
Too luxurious for every day, for my simple tastes, but I did enjoy.
Check out the kipper snacks, too. They need no hot sauce, and go well with eggs.

>> No.15611739

That is an instant sandwich.
Layer on some lightly toasted (warm, barely golden) bread, enjoy.

>> No.15612388

Sounds fuckin tasty man. All I ever do with my deenz is throw em on pasta but your post makes me want to do more with them

>> No.15612470
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>tfw snow storm hit louisiana
>dish washer busted and flooded house, soaking carpet
>maintenance wont be here till next week and no water so no clean utensils
eating olive oil oscar deenz with saltine crackers has genuinely been the highlight of this week guys

>> No.15612475

deenz can brighten up any situation!

>> No.15612635
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 4022ACA1-1862-4781-8678-717EF7724924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to have some Mediterranean KO.

>> No.15612654

Same anon. It's all olive oil or water baka

>> No.15612760

Kippers are smoked herring deenz are sprats, pickled herrings like rollmops ftw.

>> No.15612850

hey thanks man. it was actually pretty good. i added pickled garlic because i did not have fresh garlic, and that was a mistake. if i could have, i would have used fresh garlic and added capers at the end as a cheap garnish.

i try to contribute to these threads and i never get any response. i don't care in terms of pride, but i feel like for all the /deenz/ threads on a cooking board people seem pretty uninterested in talking about sardines. i've been actually trying to cook with them and its been pretty interesting. i've posted in 2-3 different /deenz/ threads asking for advice when i had never had them before, and what to do with them, and nothing

i get that there is a lot of ironic sardine posting, but its a legit food

>> No.15612934

I'm probably guilty of not replying to you but your efforts are appreciated. I don't usually cook with them aside from fisherman's eggs or occasionally adding some to pasta, so I can't contribute much to that discussion. Maybe I'll do something new with them when I get some time.

>> No.15612965

Deenz n sardeenz is a comfy combo

>> No.15613010

Yeah you probably have seen a few of my posts because lord knows I've made enough of them, without a single response (again not a pride thing).

I got interested in sardines because i saw this shit https://youtu.be/jpTwHAt0Zxw.. So I jumped on /ck/ (had been here a while) to see what people had to say before I placed an expensive order on Amazon to get what was in the "documentary". I started browsing, and then posting asking for advice saying "i just bought a can, any good ideas for a beginner?", and realized these threads are mostly just retards who couldn't taste the difference between a bowl of dried cum and a fresh hollandaise sauce

>> No.15613079

I don't know if I can ever go back to non-special-royal-permission deenz, guys

>> No.15613096

>I placed an expensive order on Amazon
Were they okay the ones you got from amazon? Every time i order from there I get fake or expired products

>> No.15613116

>before I placed an expensive order on Amazon
>I placed an expensive order on Amazon
not the same thing. i hesitated because of the sort of quality control you just mentioned. i was looking for advice on /deenz/ but fuck if they can be bothered

if i ever order i'll post about my results, the cost just doesn't seem worth it at the moment - even if the product is genuine

>> No.15613140

Ah I misread. Yeah let us know how they turn out. Wonder if you can order direct from supplier?

>> No.15613148

no idea, but thanks for the replies. you actually made my evening. i've had a rough one today. you're a good guy

>> No.15613203

Got some sprats on my weekly canned fish shopping trip today, anyone had some before how do they compare?

>> No.15613242

Fuck it, it's a privilege now
Royal authority
Hand over all your olive oil deenz

>> No.15613264

i just ordered the $30 variety pack of nuri from
i don't know what's going to happen but i will post it

>> No.15613278

lol np. Although i'm a different dude than the one you were talking to just before. We almost need ids in this place

>> No.15613284

i know it's weird not having ids after getting used to biz and pol
posts feel disembodied, it's hard to have a long thread

>> No.15613493
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Favorite deenz YT?

>> No.15613728

I just had deenz today and they tasted just like tuna. Only thing I didn't like about them was they stank like actual shit. Still tasted good with hot sauce.

>> No.15614179

Congrats anon. Your officially on your way to healthier eating's

>> No.15614334
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You can season to taste
You can eat these dudes plain
You know the fish is safe 'cause it's low on the food chain
You might have your own way, of gettin' omega 3s
>But for me
It's all about them /deenz/

>> No.15614352

dangerously based

>> No.15614769
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Stop repeating catchphrases like a mindless drone. Ray Peat explicitly says that olive and coconut oil are safe

>> No.15614788

How do you get the scales off and debone them before chowing down on deenz? new fag here.

>> No.15614791

>get the scales off and debone them
Very good bait, I'm feeling an 8/10

>> No.15614799

are you seriously supposed to eat the scales and the bones? wtf

>> No.15614809
File: 182 KB, 1500x987, season deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, nice digits.
Second off, it's not like eating chicken wings where the bones are hard as a rock. With deenz the bones are extremely small, have no taste, and are so soft you don't even notice them. The the skin is very soft also. You could buy skinless and boneless sardines, but the bones are not noticeable at all and have tons of calcium. If you want skinless I recommend, pic related, if not get King Oscar.

>> No.15614811

oops, forgot to quoute the post.

>> No.15614857

goodnight deenzbros see u tommorow

>> No.15615144

i keep getting t heese reccommended deens in these threads but theyre always full of brains and intestines and black ruby red internal organs very sticky, and sharp bones like metal

>> No.15615157

it sounds like that's what he's trying to accomplish, by removing the fishy odor from his domicile

>> No.15615704

This. Dig at one with your fork and break it up, you will see how soft it is. Just put some in your mouth and think about the taste, not how they look. You will get used to it quick, and you'll want to eat more.

>> No.15615980
File: 2.18 MB, 480x360, endless deenz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think about the taste, not how they look
i've always loved how they look, actually.
all sparkly with their scales. not many sparkly snack foods.

>> No.15616012

Med style is pretty bland.

>> No.15616041

Drain the oil down the kitchen sink and then I normally bag the can and lid in a plastic grocery bag and throw it in the trash. I have way too many anyways.

>> No.15616067
File: 127 KB, 657x527, magnumfier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya, isn't olive oil ok to put down the drain?
i thought that problem was only for solid oils like butter/baconfat that solidify in the drain....

>> No.15616232

bruh i needs that

>> No.15616290

Yes, it is. The problem is what you said.

>> No.15616308

king oscar spanish style and mediterranean style are god tier

>> No.15616426

There are so many threads about putting olive oil down the drain that there should be a general for it. Really, it seems like there is a group of people dedicated to doing it just to spite landlords.

>> No.15617116

too salty

>> No.15617208

U realize it's a meme to get (you)s

>> No.15617304

fuck that looks good

>> No.15617334

Sneeds deens n beens

>> No.15617547

good morning deenzbros

>> No.15617826

What are some deenz for poorfags like me?
I want to fall for the meme

>> No.15617855

Brunswick is not too bad.

>> No.15617904

just try to get olive oil ones not soy

>> No.15617929

Seconding this. Also avoid water or cottonseed oil.

>> No.15618072

Polar is you can find them are probably the best budget deenz.

>> No.15618701

What can I eat with sardines? I usually just eat them out of the tin.
Are pickles any good with sardines

>> No.15618711

also, fellow brits, what are the best deenz you can get here? Ive just been eating tesco deenz in tomato sauce, cheap as fuck, caught in the central eastern atlantic idk if thats good or bad

>> No.15618721

I put dijon mustard on mine.

>> No.15618731

i put a bit of worcestershire sauce on mine

>> No.15618743
File: 55 KB, 960x1280, 1607834109087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just had some deenz with a lemon piece in the olive oil. They were great can wholeheartedly recommend if you can get some.

>> No.15618821
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>lemon piece in the olive oil
Been meaning to try lemon

>> No.15619193

Buy moroccan sardine in olive oil. I get them at my local import store, they are so fucking good, best deenz ive ever had

>> No.15619415
File: 978 KB, 1025x748, lemons1877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sliced lemon is the official answer, because an old book says so, pic related.

if you want something interesting with deenz, help dig into these old books in this other thread:

>> No.15619438

thanks for the link will check it out
it goes so well together definitely go for it

>> No.15619564

I prefer admiral sardines

>> No.15619818

deenz on jacket potato (•̀ᴗ•́)

>> No.15619849

I don't think anyone truly hates deenz in tomato sauce.
Even the low tier ones are OK; the complaints are generally about a particular brand's sauce, not the fish.

If you're not afraid of Asian saury, and can get either Young's Town or Ligo, grab a can or two. These are skinny round cans.
Most of the oval can deenz in tomato sauce are OK, although there are a few to avoid. Polar and La Sirena are usually good; you may need to split with a fren because oval cans are 2-4x the size of a common flat rectangular deenzcan. Even with them swimming in sauce, that's a lot.

As much as people trash talk the low stuff, Beach Cliff is ok. A little soft, but decent. If you lean towards hot sauce, you'll probably be ok.
Northern Catch (Aldi US) in mustard sauce is good. Their oil pack is... ok; can't recall what minor issue annoyed me. These are likely the cheapest you will find.

I have found all of these for $1 or less. (15 oz ovalcan exception; $1.59)
If your store is charging drastically more, move (or change stores) - you can't afford to be poor there.

>> No.15620535
File: 810 KB, 979x719, deenz1901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK Anons
Solid gold 120 year old deenz instructions
Save em'

>> No.15620704

>Price 1.20 Postpaid
In this economy!?

>> No.15622191


>> No.15622842
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>be me
>eat deenz
>next dump i take is the darkest, hardest shit I've ever taken in my life
>almost completely black stool
>tear my asshole forcing the massive, rock-hard dookie out

>> No.15622854
File: 167 KB, 1200x503, 8363c411635003.560faeb8095de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just eaten the first deenz of my life, tasted like tuna just slightly less smelly, i made the switch.

>> No.15622973
File: 89 KB, 800x800, SpicedMackerelPate_1.95.jpg.webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this today, was fucking delicious

>> No.15623001

You gotta try Portuguese deenz
Nuri, Minerva, Pinhais etc

>> No.15623024


>> No.15623087

I doubt that's related to the fish but next time just grab it and wiggle until it dislodges.

>> No.15624828

Imperial remains I guess from the time of colonial rule

didnt germany keep any of its colony territories? must suck to lose those world wars I guess they were forced to give up everything

like France still has a fucking island east of africa, Reunion, thats literally just a piece of France

>> No.15624896
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Rate my light deenz dinner

>> No.15624903

>You gotta try Portuguese deenz
Just going have to order them some day. Local store doesn't carry them

>> No.15624915
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>> No.15624935


>> No.15624996

fr*gg off BRO... cringe??? bro... h*cking DARN bro...

>> No.15625001


>> No.15625054

I've had some success with putting them into soups. The fish kind of came apart with all the stirring, which thickened the broth a bit and made it so much more satisfying to eat.

Experiment, of course. It's hard to really screw up, but I'd use it in a soup you're making from scratch that needs an extra hit or two of protein and a broth thickener of some kind.

>> No.15625135
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>anchovies ... are an option as a topping on pizza
Really? Where? I haven't seen anchovies as a pizza option in around a decade.

>> No.15625203

It wasn't, store bought jalapeno not spicy
It was good but missing something, I don't know what.

>> No.15625233

saw this thread and it inspired me to grab a can of king oscar and I sprung for deenz in water. had em with some kettle cooked chips with sea salt and it was fucking tasty, but somehow my craving for tasty fish hasn't been totally sated
fuck you /deenz/

>> No.15625256

Got my fuckin' 12 pack in the mail with special royal permission.
Pretty hype, gonna tuck into some deenz + buttercrisp crackers tomorrow.
You know how it go.

>> No.15625615

Honestly the best meal Ive had in two months gonna eat it for the next few weeks repeatedly

>> No.15625944

I like fish and routinely have salmon, ahi, and halibut as part of my diet. I'd like to get into canned fish, but I hate bones. Where should I start?

>> No.15625989
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The bones are so soft and small you won't even notice them, but try pic related or crown prince brand if you need them skinless.

>> No.15626277

I've now eaten every single one of these cans. Short reviews for each, starting cheapest to most expensive.

Matiz in olive oil, pretty good can, I got these for $2.30 and I felt they punch way above that. I'd say a tad dry, but only when comparing to more premium brands. Flavor good, no scales.

Matiz spicy, pretty much the same, typical spice level for sardines, these were straight pepper in oil not 'spiced' like the portuegese cans usually are with other stuff.

Bar Harbor Kippers, big, a little dry, much stronger fishy taste than deenz. I ate half of one and realized I had some leftover shortgrain rice in the fridge so I warmed it up, dipped these in kabayaki and had a little kipper-don. Fine, but more of an ingredient than straight snack, imo.

Bela, I liked these a lot. Really solid Portuegese style sardine. I felt texture, oil, and seasoning all around was just a little better than the Matiz.

Bela lemon, fuck these, honestly. I've had sardines packed with lemon slices and thought those were delightful, this had some sort of lemon oil added to the oo or something. I found it really unpleasant.

Bela spicy, Bela but spicy. So you know, better.

Now for the big boy, the $8 can of spiced Porthos, and you know what...not great to me, honestly. TONS OF SCALES, and they had this super strong woody flavor from the THREE WHOLE CLOVES at the bottom. Oil quality seemed good, fish itself good, but...lots of fully developed scales, and one wasn't fully cleaned stomach wise. Super disappointing.

>> No.15626570

>Bar Harbor Kippers, big, a little dry, much stronger fishy taste than deenz.

Ive had the Bar Harbor deenz. I really liked how much larger the deenz were compared to KO, its really a full meal. But the taste was meh and according to some friends it stunk to high heaven.

>> No.15626594
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Tonight's selection: SSK Mackerel in Soy Sauce, $3.99. Unlike some cheaper Japanese brands, these mackerel were harvested in Japanese waters (国内水揚げ) so I was curious to see if there is a difference. The can contained five cross-sections of mackerel and the liquid was filled with globules of fatty scraps, but because I had stored the can upside down prior to consumption, a bit of a mushy sediment had formed on the surface of the mackerel, making it look like a real sloppa. The soy sauce was not as sweet as some of the others I've tried and really allowed the natural flavor of the mackerel to shine through, while the fish itself was firm and succulent. Quite good overall.

>> No.15626925
File: 262 KB, 1068x1205, Screenshot_20210220-224253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some deenz dip today.

>1 can deenz (safe catch cuz low mercury)
>1/2 cup or less avocado mayo
>Splash of ACV

Eat with tortilla chips. Delicious.

>> No.15627010

Tomatoes came from the american content, yet are synonymous with italian cooking now

Potatoes likewise, yet we stereotype irish as only eating them

>> No.15627392

>deenz in water
>fuck you, /deenz/

Nailed it.
Satiety here comes from oil.

>> No.15627409

this sounds alright, but seems like it is missing something. recommendations?

>> No.15627475

Tuna is superior

>> No.15627522

Who are your favourite deentubers? For me, it's Experiencing Matthew Carlson


>> No.15627641

not the same guy, but some build-your-own-pizza places will provide anchovies as a topping

>> No.15627659

recommendations on both tuna and anchovies for a salad nicoise?

>> No.15627776

Thanks for the reviews. At what stores did you find them?