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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15589726 No.15589726 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw induction cucks cannot enjoy this

>> No.15589731

Fuck cleaning gas stoves. I worked in a kitchen as a teen and cleaning them was awful. Induction is the way to go.

>> No.15589738

>Cancer on a stick
No thank you

>> No.15589779
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No problem, as it comes with an electrically heated oven.

>> No.15589784


>> No.15589790

induction is the future, open fire cooking is the primal, satisfying past
gas is a compromise that doesnt have the best qualities of either

>> No.15589792

Induction requires special cooking equipment. Imagine even your stove is botnet.

>> No.15589793

Induction is the best but cooking with gas is more fun.

>> No.15589795

Gas is superior... it allows for instant control of heat, and yes you can char shit.

>> No.15589796

induction is quicker than gas, its traditional electric stoves that are slow and shitty

>> No.15589797

induction has instant control of heat as well

>> No.15589800

Only if you use the right pot or pan. Most now days are for induction I suppose tho. Either way, the open flame aspect is the winning factor.

>> No.15589832

>not having a fireplace on your property

>> No.15589910

Most people who prefer gas are either chefs or don't have to clean up their own mess.

>> No.15590072

>he doesnt have a cast iron stove

>> No.15590091

>Only if you use the right pot or pan.
I have yet to come across a pan that doesn't work perfectly on my induction stove, and I tried a lot, including old ones from before induction was even invented. I guess there are definitely some pans that won't work on induction but they're so uncommon that's it's not an issue in practice.

>> No.15590097

>roasting a loofah
Wow I’m sure missing out.

>> No.15590104

I clean my stove twice a week it takes 10minutes
Anybody who chooses electric over gas is just fucking lazy

>> No.15590113

y'know I love my induction hobs, but I did watch a video of someone who made tacos by shoving a block of manchego inside a poblano pepper, roasting it on a gas stove, dicing it, and grilling it. and it did look crazy good. probably the only thing I really really miss.
this makes the far-bigger difference in my daytoday life, though.

>> No.15590126

>twice a week
gross af dude

>> No.15590127

>Anybody who chooses electric over gas is just fucking lazy
That would be true if the ease of cleaning was the only advantage. But in fact everything is superior with induction. It works best, it is faster, more responsive, it doesn't waste energy by heating your whole kitchen, it's safer, it doesn't destroy houses or whole neighborhoods, it can be made into compact but powerful portable stoves, it' modular, it's convenient, it makes American seethe... What else to ask for?

>> No.15590129
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>he's never had roasted loofah

>> No.15590137

Also it doesn't slowly destroy your pans /make them ugly

>> No.15590163
File: 14 KB, 400x400, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every American criticizing induction actually can't make the difference between induction and old resistance-powered electric stoves (that apparently are still a thing in the US).
I bet if they tried induction they would be like 'wtf is that shit, this is so fast'. They would then quickly regain their composure and pretend it's shit in order not to lose face.

>> No.15590173

in your autistic mind, is 'fast' codeword for 'slow'? that's the only way your post makes any sense

>> No.15590189

Exactly what I was talking about. He is completely oblivious to the fact that induction is much faster than gas.

>> No.15590272
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Properly cooked food that you didn't fuck up with a meme stove. Thats all I ask. We've been managing it for centuries now.

>> No.15590364

I do it like once a year...

>> No.15590417

i do this when making flatbreads, it makes them puff up massively.

>> No.15590424


>> No.15590450

Why would I care? It's just carbonized stuff, I just do it for aesthetic purpose.

>> No.15590474

It's fucking disgusting man. It's unhygienic as fuck considering you cook food there.

>> No.15590489

>considering you cook food there.
No, I cook food in pans and such, which I wash everytime.

>> No.15590526

unless all you do is boil eggs, you'll spill food

>> No.15590576

Yes and? There is grease and food particles everywhere, but it's no like I lick the stove anyway.

>> No.15590606

Americans are too stupid to use induction. Stick with your gas.

>> No.15590617

>can't smoke hash oil off an induction stove
Ball's in your court, inductionfags.

>> No.15590621 [DELETED] 

I volunteered to cook at my friends house warming party, and mother fucker had one of those electric things disguised as a stove. I mean I made it work, but fuck that shit.

>> No.15590632

Yeah when you invite dumb people/Americans to cook for you you should have tools for retards.
For anyone else that likes cooking, induction is best.

>> No.15590649 [DELETED] 

How the fuck are you supposed to put a wok on one of them things? That's like one of my favorite things to cook in.

>> No.15590667

>again the wok meme
Induction works perfectly fine with woks, I use my wok at least 3 to 4 times a week. Whatever ideas you have in your mind about woks that would not work on induction are pure fantasies.

>> No.15590671

Literally the only advantage of gas is in frying an egg. That's it.

>> No.15590672

Or they're not retards and don't make a mess in the first place.

>> No.15590676 [DELETED] 

Do you have a ring or something you rest on the glass, or is it one of those flat bottomed things retards call a wok?

>> No.15590680

>is it one of those flat bottomed things retards call a wok?
Ok you have no idea what a good wok is. I mean with arrogant fuck like you one can't have a proper discussion.

>> No.15590745 [DELETED] 

Well I'm sorry you were dropped on your head. It's the only logical explanation for your preference of induction to gas.

>> No.15590760

I'm not that guy, but I do have induction, tell me more. I don't see you having much of a "proper discussion" either, just being vague and beating around the bush. Be specific, what's your wok, how do you use it, tell me more.

>> No.15590765

I wouldn't expect a namefag to be anything else but a gas stove user.

>> No.15590771

There are plenty of induction compatible wok just look up with Google if you're interested. They work just as fine as woks that are specifically designed for flames. Anyone saying anything else never tried both types.

>> No.15590809

With this kind of wok you'll do awesome dishes : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00063RXQK?tag=bhomesquad-20&th=1&psc=1&geniuslink=true
And there is no issue resting it on a flattop. The fact that there is a flat part below the curve doesn't matter for induction, it still heating the whole bottom and up to about 10 cm on the sides.

>> No.15590848

>those flat bottomed things retards call a wok?
Induction works by vibrating the pan. So the fact there is a flat bottom below a regular wok doesn't matter that much, the heat doesn't come from proximity transfer but from the pan itself.

>> No.15590865
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>>mfw induction cucks cannot enjoy this
Man I feel awful now ...

... I will never be able to enjoy pic related either

>> No.15590872

>Induction requires special cooking equipment
Pretty much all halfway decent cookware is induction compatible nowadays

>> No.15590878

Why are gas stoves fags so desperate to prove that induction is shit?
A bit cringe to be honest.

>> No.15590884 [DELETED] 

Wait so you can't even use a copper pan on these fucking things?

>> No.15590890

My dude even a shitty 2000W portable induction hob is minimum twice as fast as a normal gas burner. With the 230V system in Europe we can plug a portable 3500W hob into most normal outlets.

>> No.15590892

>Induction works by vibrating the pan
I'm pretty sure that's not how it works

>> No.15590899

There is a range of copper pans that works on induction. They have a stainless steel bottom, that is indirectly heating the copper layer. It stills is much better than copper pans on a regular gas stove.
But copper pans are a meme anyway, so...

>> No.15590901

Hey when did you take a pic of my kitchen?

>> No.15590903

apparently this is fine if you just don't lick it

>> No.15590912

>Induction works by vibrating the pan

>> No.15590931

>Induction works by vibrating the pan
Dear god the American school system must be even worse than I ever imagined.

Induction works with a powerful electromagnetic field that induces eddy currents in the metal in the bottom of the pan. Hence the name induction.
Basically the hob gnereates gigantic currents in your pan that are forced to run in circles by the electromagnetic field until the resistance of the metal kills them off and turns all their energy into heat. Basically a permanent short circuit.

>> No.15590939

if you google for "induction wok" you find a bunch of flat-bottomed woks and special hobs with a concave top.

>> No.15590948

i mean people literally, genuinely believe the 5G radio waves causes a virus and that you can inject nanoscale microchips suspended in vaccine, expecting a basic comprehension of electricity is a lot to ask for.

>> No.15590956

Does it really matter if the pan vibrates or not? He was right about the fact that the heat comes from the pan itself, and that was the whole point.

>> No.15590958

I live with my parents, we probably clean our gas stove twice a year; barring any major spills or shit boiling out of pots, theres not much mess besides oil splatter, so unless you're just throwing food all over the place you won't have much cleanup. I don't think we've ever let it get >>15590865 that bad. Also, our stove is designed with removable trays around the burner for easy cleaning.

>> No.15590978

>eddy currents in the metal in the bottom of the pan
And how many times a second does the alternative current switch direction? That's exactly what vibration is. The pan is absolutely vibrating on an induction cooktop and you can even feel it with your hands, and hear it. Heat itself is coming from the vibrations of atoms and molecules that is induced by the electric current generated by the magnetic field, hence the word induction... Did you miss a few physics lessons?

>> No.15590988

i literally do not spill food unless i'm cooking drunk what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.15590998
File: 320 KB, 1469x549, gtfrdesz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh but he was right, that's exactly how it works.


>> No.15591001

Unless you never cook anything with moisture, let alone sauces this isn't happening. Also, just because it looks 'clean', doesn't mean it is.

>> No.15591008

Heat isn't really "vibration", that's just a primary school analogy. Vibration implies coherent pressure waves, not atoms randomly jiggling. The vibration you feel is a side-effect cause by magnetostriction and is not the main source of heat. If it were, 3kW of vibrations would be deafening at the 20kHz or whatever the switching frequency is.

>> No.15591025

>Heat isn't really "vibration", that's just a primary school analogy.
No its not kek. You're in full damage control.
Temperature itself is defined by how much particle vibrates. This is not 'analogy' this is just basic physics.
The definition of vibration doesn't contain the word 'pressure waves', you're making things up, probably confusing with the definition of a sound.

>> No.15591028

>grease is food
i cannot handle you mutts

>> No.15591031

> That magnetic field causes electrons in your cookware to vibrate, which generates heat.
It's not "vibration" in any practical sense of the word implying physical movement of an object.
Also using chefscornerstore.com as a physics textbook is just dumb.

>> No.15591036

>Temperature itself is defined by how much particle vibrates.
no you impossible faggot, temperature is defined by the amount of kinetic energy a set of particles has
a particle does not have to "vibrate" to have kinetic energy

>> No.15591040

"I learned heat is vibration in 2nd grade and dammit I'm sticking to it"
> Vibration is a mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations occur about an equilibrium point. The oscillations may be periodic, such as the motion of a pendulum—or random, such as the movement of a tire on a gravel road.
> mechanical

>> No.15591041

Look at that cope... That's what happens when someone who think he is really smart is proven wrong.

>> No.15591118

seriously though, can you use a real wok on a normal induction top or do you need a crazy expensive wok shaped one and a matching wok? and are the woks that match non-stick, because I don't want that cancerous shit.

>> No.15591139

>230V system in Europe
We can't do more than 1800W at 120V AC here in the US

>> No.15591170

Can you get a 240V supply put in?

>> No.15591184

Apparently he would rather put a gas line that is likely to explode at some point over its lifetime.

>> No.15591185

At least in theory, but the 200+ voltage lines are generally for like, electric dryers.

>> No.15591188

all your larger appliances (electric stove, washer, dryer) use "220V" in the US, which is really more like 240 anyways. Theres two 120V lines coming into every house as the "mains"

>> No.15591190

> likely to explode at some point over its lifetime.
I mean, that's a gross misstatement of the risks of a gas supply, or every neighborhood would have a gas explosion every week or so.

>> No.15591195

This thread is full of children lol

>> No.15591208

do ovens not also use that supply? My ovens are nearly 8kW in total. Not that I ever use them all at the same time.

>> No.15591209

Yes the whole website is. It says much about you by the way, what are you doing here discussing with children?

>> No.15591215

i mean "OP" said "cuck", so yeah...

>> No.15591270

I suffer from some pretty severe arrested development

>> No.15591271

There is one gas explosion every two days in the US. It's like a death lottery.

>> No.15591347

Wtf are you even talking about

>> No.15591364

and one electrocution per day and 70-ish electrical house fires.

>> No.15591431
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>what are you doing here discussing with children?
I just like them.

>> No.15592531

Love gas stoves. Had one in college and it changed my life.
This is a game changer

>> No.15592783

because sometimes I need to cook in kitchens other than my own

yeah me too

>> No.15592808

it's what my apartment came with, but the induction is easy to clean up which is a plus. I love my mother's gas stove/oven though.

>> No.15593299
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>> No.15593342

You cant simmer with an induction. Boom checkmate
And dont give me any shit saying you can, NO YOU CAN NOT DO A TRUE SIMMER

>> No.15593430
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stop it. we're expecting an ice storm

>> No.15593472

that was ethan's video. I tried making them and theyre really good. Had this girl make quac for them too and it was actually amazing.

>> No.15593503

These are great for keeping grilled cheese sandwiches warm when I'm trying to pop a bunch out for family and guests.

>> No.15593819

I use induction at work because of the physical constraints of the building and good god I fucking hate it
It's instantly warm but takes ages to get actually hot, and the shitty mechanism inside the cooktop makes this awful nails-on-a-chalkboard magnetic high-pitched whirring sound while it's getting hot that is just fucking horrible

Not to mention they break easily, you have to have certain types of pans, heat control is slow to change, and there's no fire for roasting things that benefit from it like peppers or tortillas.

>faster than gas
To do what? Burn your fucking food because the control isn't nuanced?
Gas = hot now, cold now
Nothing faster than immediately.

>> No.15593962

heat literally is vibration my man

>> No.15594081

The last generation we're raised by helicopter parents who ingrained an insane fear of the natural world into them. They grew up in a bubble afraid of everything dirty. Hence the rise of allergies that were almost never a thing in the past. Kids don't develop immune systems anymore by playing outside and they don't develop the cognitive agility to distinguish something truly dangerous like raw meat touching raw veggies that aren't going to be cooked and carbonized burnt atoms stuck to your stovetop that have no ability to sustain or grow bacteria and no ability to come in contact with your food unless you literally slap your steak across the surface of your oven after cooking.

It's absolute madness but too many people have had the logical thinking side of their brain numbed you can't even reason with them. They just scream ITS DIRTY just like seeing a 17years 364 day old female makes them scream PEDO. Just shrug and move on there is nothing you can do to convince them otherwise.

>> No.15594090

Based. I only bother cleaning the shit I slop around the burners if it builds up enough that it starts smoking. The flame dries it out real quick so it's not like it's gonna stink unless it burns so who cares.

>> No.15594104

Damn, that would be pretty gross if people ate off of that surface.

>> No.15594120

Yeah I'm sure the cooktop stays nice and cool with a hot fucking pan pressed against it.

>> No.15594160

>pre seasoned
>no ability to move the pan while cooking you must push your food around solely with your spatula
You can keep your meme tech I'll stick with the tried and true.

>> No.15594201

dunno about that. maybe get a butane torch and rig like a normal person?

>> No.15594210

Am I being memed? No matter how hard you scrub induction ovens, there is always some light baked on film that won't come the fuck off.

>> No.15594216

Isn't that what oven cleaner is for?

>> No.15594228

my flame is so huge that all fallen debris turns into coal when I'm done cooking

>> No.15594243

>accidentally spill egg on stove
>take rack off burner
>sop up egg with piece of bread
>turn burner on, toast bread
>eat while cooking the rest of my eggs
I feel bad for zoomies who are deprived of such animal joys as this.
P.S. let your kid eat dirt, otherwise he'll develop a nut allergy.

>> No.15594246

I don't use any cleaning chemical on my stove that I don't want to aerosolize and breathe in by mistake.

>> No.15595214

i read every reply to op and every post without a post link and i still have no idea what op is cooking
>i don't believe it's a loofah

>> No.15595275


>> No.15595306

ah, gonna put anything in it?

>> No.15595379

I cook on induction everyday, it's an annoying technology that is only better than old electric burner stoves because it's faster. I haven't used gas in nearly a decade--my grandmother had a gas stove; gas is superior and always will be.
Induction is a piece of shit that malforms the bottoms of skillets. I hate using induction. I unironically wish I had a coil-top stove instead.

>> No.15595429
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>cookware containing at least one layer of ferromagnetic metal
>special cooking equipment

>> No.15595485
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I'm not OP, I just know a charred baguette when I see one.

>> No.15596002

Gas > induction >>>>>>>>> electric

>> No.15596016

Induction >>>>>>>>>>>> Horse shit >>>>>>>>>>> Cat shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> American food >>>>>>>>>>>> Gas stove

>> No.15596077

This. God it's so easy to wipe this after use.

>> No.15596085

an oscillation of the parts of a fluid or an elastic solid whose equilibrium has been disturbed, or of an electromagnetic wave.

Not that anon, but you're wrong and a fucking retard for trying so desperately to find a definition that involved the word "mechanical" so you could argue on a very narrow semantic window.

>> No.15596093

>semantic window.
Why do you retards have to bring the Jews into everything?

>> No.15596109

The high vibration speed needed to produce a useful cooking heat within the cookware requires a very high rate of change in the magnetic field and, consequently, a high frequency of alternating current flowing through the induction coil.

ITT retards who desperately sought a definition that included "mechanical" so they could argue semantics.

>> No.15596112

This is like trying to argue whether or not infinity is a number, none of you are experts and you're seeking very narrow definitions to desperately defend your ego on an anonymous forum.

inb4 "it is/its not", doctors have argued for and against it being a number; and in some specialties it is considered a number, hence the argument as to why it's a number.

>> No.15596113

>Theres two 120V lines coming into every house as the "mains"
why is even electricity in america jewed?

>> No.15596158

All this pointless debate because some retard amerimutt couldn't accept that woks can work on an induction cooktop.
You got to love /ck/ autism

>> No.15596160

No. Induction is shit. It's perfect for meme suburban women who think cooking is just placing ingredients in a pan and stirring. It's just not the same as cooking on fire.

>> No.15596173


You're not half as smart as you think you are

>> No.15596180

You never used induction anyway. I know.

>> No.15596186

Lol what, just take off the racks and the burners, throw some scrubbing powder on it, scrub with a scouring sponge, mop off with water and dry with a cloth. Replace burners and racks and you're done. 3 minute job tops.

>> No.15596197

>just take off the racks and the burners, throw some scrubbing powder on it, scrub with a scouring sponge, mop off with water and dry with a cloth. Replace burners and racks and you're done. 3 minute job tops
Sounds more like a 15 minutes job. And anyway you can't fight against a flattop on this one (just a sweep of a sponge). Stop fighting lost battles.

>> No.15596268

Enjoy having to buy a new stove every 5 years because the power supply suffocated in its own waste heat, I'll keep my gas stove that can virtually last forever

>> No.15596272

>euros don't have gas and are cucked to use induction in their commieblocks
oh no no no no no

>> No.15596279

>I'll keep my gas stove that can virtually last forever
until it explodes

>> No.15596290

If you're a dumbass maybe.
Which you most likely are because you so willingly subscribe to planned obsolescence schemes

>> No.15596304

My mum has had the same induction stove for 15 years. I bet it will still work when you'll have to change your death trap because it has become a fire hazard or when you'll die in its explosion.

>> No.15596306

>induction only lasts 5 years
Thats blatantly untrue.

>> No.15596317

Even the best caps have a 10k hour mtbf at 105°C so as soon as the fan in your actively cooled stove (lol) croaks due to grease and dust buildup of being in a kitchen it's only a matter of time.
That is, unless the stove thermal throttles itself in which case OMEGALUL

>> No.15596358

Imagine being scared of a kitchen appliance. Sad.

>> No.15596393

Aluminium, which is virtually every nonstick and all of the good quality ones, copper, and terracotta. These aren't uncommon if you're not a cooklet.

>> No.15596586

>You cant simmer with an induction. Boom checkmate
>And dont give me any shit saying you can, NO YOU CAN NOT DO A TRUE SIMMER
As a proponent of induction that is indeed my biggest gripe with the current devices. It has nothing to do with the principle of induction though, that issue only exists because the engineers and designers cheap out on, or get lazy with the electronic controls and circuitry.

Like, WHY THE FUCK do most induction hobs have 300W or 400W as a minimum setting? With the efficiency of induction that is enough to keep a two gallon pot of potatoes at a rolling boil, once the potatoes have warmed fully through. Forget about simmering a stock for six hours, nothing would be left of those two gallons afterwards, they would all have boiled off.

And why the fuck is the cycling speed of the pulsed power regulation at those low wattages so slow?! Twenty seconds nothing, then ten seconds full power and boom, your sauce has burned or the pasta water has boiled over. Make it like four seconds nothing, then two seconds of full power and all would be fine. But no, that seems to be beyond those guys. I just dont get it.

The only portable induction hob nowadys that has a halfway usable low power/simmer setting is the IKEA Tillreda hob, with a 100W minimum setting.

>> No.15596602

>No matter how hard you scrub induction ovens, there is always some light baked on film that won't come the fuck off.
I think you are confusing induction with glass top electric stoves. That baked on film happens with glass top stoves where the burner gets even hotter than the pan. It has never happened with my induction hob, where the surface is always a good deal cooler than the pan.

Btw. if you want to get rid of that burnt in layer try rubber foam sanding blocks like these here, iin medium or fine grit, used with water and soome dish soap on the glass. Absolute miracle stuff and I dont say that easily.


>> No.15596609

>Induction is a piece of shit that malforms the bottoms of skillets.
Buy better cookware, and dont heat it up at full power when empty. Gas and normal electric would warp your shitty cookware just as much if they were able to transfer power as quickly.

>> No.15596611

>World's heaviest wok
No thanks

>> No.15596644

>I think you are confusing induction with glass top electric stoves.
They all do. No matters how many times you tell them, you still have 90% of American posts on these threads that confuse induction with electric coil stoves that poor people have in the US. I think that's why induction has a bad rep in America. Ignorance.

>> No.15596648

>>And dont give me any shit saying you can, NO YOU CAN NOT DO A TRUE SIMMER
That's only with cheap inductions stoves though. Mine works perfectly for simmering.

>> No.15596697

Oh shit, never considered that before. I'm fucking stealing that and claiming I figured it out years ago.

>> No.15596749
File: 132 KB, 508x339, aerial7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be American
>both parents died in gas explosions
>lost his first house to a gas explosion
>son is disabled because of third degree burns due to a gas explosion
>has more than a million bucks in medical debt due to a bunch of gas explosions
>still want a gas line to his house
Why are Americans like that?

>> No.15596761

ln what deluded fantasy is this a common occurrence to you?

>> No.15596763

>Mine works perfectly for simmering
May I ask do you have a portable hob or a real built in range?

How does the power regulation work for really low settings? Can you tell whether it works by pulsing power (just very rapidly maybe) or whether it runs continuously at low power settings?

My IKEA hob seems to run continuously down to level five and begins to pulse power below that

>> No.15596784

>gas flavored cancer bread
no thanks

>> No.15596897

It only does the pulsing thing at level 1 out of 9.
Level 2-3 are continuous, and perfect for simmering on low temp.
It's a built in range. The brand is Miele, not sure if you can find it in your country.

>> No.15597044

Instant control is definitely something that induction or electric don't have.

>You can char
You can do this with a broiler in a non gas oven.

>> No.15597084

>Instant control is definitely something that induction or electric don't have.
I really don't understand why some people keep saying this... how is induction less instantaneous than gas?

>> No.15597201

>instant control of heat
Fuck off mate.
You have instant control of fuck all.
The heat is the same regardless of how high you have the dial. All you control is how much area the heat covers.
A PWM electric stove is far superior in regard of temperature control. Its not even fucking close.

>> No.15597787

>how is induction less instantaneous than gas?
Not that guy but he has a minor point. The glass top on which the pan rests will have more or less the same temperature as the pan and therefore basically adds thermal mass to the pan. It should be a pretty minor effect though, especially when you compare it to gas. You normally dont turn the gas off, you just reduce it to the smallest flame possible. I bet that keeps adding just as much heat or more than the hot glass top.

>> No.15597985

kek what a load of bullshit

>> No.15599573

I wouldn't mind induction if they came with a simple dial like a gas ring, My grans induction hob has annoying touch screen style controls that are akward to use if your hands are wet/sticky/floury etc and it takes multiple presses to change the temp rather than just spinning a dial.

>> No.15599596
File: 59 KB, 460x680, induction-hob-belling-pbi60r-control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many models with physical dials.

>> No.15599662
File: 105 KB, 1010x929, cuisinière à bois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not cooking on a cuisinière à bois
zoomers are a cancer

>> No.15599923
File: 9 KB, 283x178, transferir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do everyday cooking on induction and still have a portable stove for these kinds of dishes, anon.

>> No.15600117


>> No.15600136

Or more sensibly the other way around, since electric is only good for boiling water.

>> No.15600141

Adams seethe is reason enough to have a gas stovetop

>> No.15600162

Might as well just buy an electric kettle at that point

>> No.15601579

Looks like it belongs in a doll's house

>> No.15601662
File: 258 KB, 1876x816, asfdjhasdiof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew chef john was lurking here

>> No.15601678
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Yeah or you know if you insist on grilling food on open flame like a savage you can buy a blow torch, it will do the job best.
Seriously Americans look more and more like cavemen. They used to be technologically more advanced than the rest of the world, now it's the opposite. Even in so called developing countries induction is replacing archaic methods like gas burning and coil heating.

>> No.15601709
File: 129 KB, 1024x512, inductiontop-2x1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


None of the so called 'defaults' of induction are anywhere close to be real as far as modern induction cooktop as concerned.
I believe that because America is so adverse to new things in general, and specifically to induction, the only induction stoves available there are old models that we stopped using in Europe 10 or 15 years ago.

>> No.15601743
File: 352 KB, 918x665, vtfcrdesz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only if you use the right pot or pan.
>Aluminium, which is virtually every nonstick and all of the good quality ones, copper, and terracotta.
That's not true anymore, cavemen

>> No.15601765
File: 76 KB, 733x327, ygtfrdesz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works in Japan though...

>> No.15601768

So what?

>> No.15601789

So 'induction doesn't work with non magnetic pan' is a meme. Just buy a good model, instead of spending thousands of dollars into a glorified campfire.

>> No.15601898
File: 85 KB, 465x417, 1475389055259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need that

>> No.15601923

>inject microchips suspended in vaccine
Is not difficult. There are microchips smaller than a grain of sand.

>> No.15601945

And so there is a huge conspiracy at Pfizer to secretly and massively manufacture these state-of-the art microchips and insert them into their vaccine, and of course none of the tens of thousands of workers/scientists that must be involved in this massive and evil plot leaked anything about it, voluntarily or not?
I feel like the pandemic has hugely increased the amount of nutties. People putting forward these widely dumb theories used to be ridiculed, now it's almost normal.

>> No.15601950

microchips smaller than a grain of sand are not state-of-the-art.
Theyve been around for 10 years.

>> No.15601956

Seriously, for your own sake, get help.

>> No.15601966

i actually voluntarily injected a chip in me arm.

>> No.15601968

its a seething euro, they all live in a fantasy world where every inch of the US is covered in gun violence and deep fried butter.

>> No.15601992


No need for a microchip when everyone has a smartphone, computer, and social media profile

>> No.15602296

If you showed this to someone 500 years ago you would be a wizard in the kings court

>> No.15602332

why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?

>> No.15602333


>> No.15602353
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 1588123166391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electric stove cope

>> No.15602400


>> No.15602424

Looks like an S&M dungeon.

>> No.15602507

>slow response
>no fire

If I want to warm up some sloppa I'll use a microwave. Incucktion is made for soccer mom ''cooking''.

>> No.15602517

This. I've always hated that shitty argument.

>muh incucktion plate stays cool
so put your hand on it
>nooooo i would burn my hand

>> No.15602540

Nobody ever said it stays cool apart from ignorant Americans. You misunderstand on purpose.

>> No.15602574

gas stove tops are superior because i can just allah ackbar my studio apartment when i finally decide its time to catch the bus

>> No.15602580

Sorry but your argument falls flat since I'm not american, and if they're so good as you say then why do they require active cooling? Truth of the matter is their power supplies aren't particularly efficient so even for a 2000W unit you'd be looking at 100W+ of waste heat. So as soon as the fan becomes gunned up with dust and grease, which it will since it's a kitchen, it becomes a matter of time before the electrolytic capacitors they use for filtering dries up and you get a very expensive paperweight

>> No.15602626

>Truth of the matter is their power supplies aren't particularly efficient so even for a 2000W unit you'd be looking at 100W+ of waste heat.
A bit of a retarded argument since induction will always be vastly more efficient than gas. If you're looking for a 100% efficient stove then you'll have to wait a few decades/centuries and it won't be with an open flame.
>it becomes a matter of time before the electrolytic capacitors they use for filtering dries up and you get a very expensive paperweight
Purely theoretical, and empirically inaccurate.
First you don't have any statistics on the supposed lack of reliability of quality induction stoves. And then if you were familiar with induction you would know that a lot of installations are now 10+ years old and works just as fine as before. Stop if you have to get wild theories out of your ass to justify your prejudice against the technology then I guess it's a good indication that it is indeed superior.

>> No.15602656

Gastards are ridiculous with their pathetic arguments against inductions. It's like if people of the last century were complaining about the end of horse carried cars because they can't talk to their horses anymore, or stroke their balls. It's obviously an inconvenience but... ahah come on.

>> No.15602686

What happens after a few years if you never clean your gas stove?
I rest my case.

>> No.15602741

Difference is you don't have to open your gas stove to clean it, and the positive pressure gradient means food doesn't get inside the gas nozzle.

Sure it can even last more than 10years if you rarely use it. Most sources I can find list them as having a 2.5k~10k hour lifespan for consumer units, so at best the 10 year mark is already nearing the end of its lifespan of you cook regularly and maintain it well.

>> No.15602745

Are you literally an induction stove?

>> No.15602767

>Most sources I can find list them as having a 2.5k~10k hour lifespan for consumer units, so at best the 10 year mark is already nearing the end of its lifespan of you cook regularly and maintain it well.
Still more baseless ass-pulled theories... A by the way gas stoves are supposed to last maximum 15 years, the same ratings as most induction stoves. You can't argue that what manufacturers says is pessimistic without admitting it is likely the same for induction. In any cases your argument get weaker and weaker. I can picture you trying to find reliability statistics on google, I know that's what you did. How about you stop spreading lies and things that come from your imagination?

>> No.15602770

I actually work for a gas stove company but I can't stay silent in front of the obvious superiority of induction.

>> No.15602778


Which is a vibration you uneducated retard

>> No.15602783


Heat IS physical motion you fucking naked voodoo nigger savage

>> No.15602806
File: 79 KB, 768x515, f769b5e9fa84083d32dc83c17db5019e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cover the bottom with foil and change it every 3-5 days

>> No.15602852

I miss my gas burners, I got a new build house that came with induction burners, need to save up and change them out.

>> No.15603598

op there are other sources of fire in the world you know

>> No.15603608

>special cooking equipment
it LITERALLY just needs to be steel or iron. stop cooking with poorfag nonstick aluminum

>> No.15603623
File: 353 KB, 1200x1200, 0081174702118_0_A1C1_1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15603760

Put foil over it, change once a fortnight.
Easy as fuck.

>> No.15603770 [DELETED] 

Lazy spic detected

>> No.15603777

Tacky as shit what an eyesore. Wtf are you (obviously Mexicans) cooking that splatters so much and how lazy are you that you cant just wipe it down after you finish?

>> No.15603874

what they mean is that is stays cool enough not to burn shit to hell and stink up the whole house when the pasta water, potato water or milk boils over, unlike gas or electric coil or even glass top electric.

With induction I just lift the pot off the stove surface for a couple of seconds, wipe the surface of the stove/hob, wipe the bottom of the pot and continue cooking. No bad smells, no smoke, nothing burnt in or on.

>> No.15603899

Were you the dumb cockholster who claimed he "could actually feel the vibration [of the electrons]" when he put his hand on the pan?

>> No.15603955
File: 71 KB, 600x600, KZ-YP77S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Yamada Denki to buy a new Panasonic, but it was too expensive and I gave up.
And the fish grill is too small.

>> No.15603999

No it's me that you're talking about and I didn't say that retard. You can't read properly. Obviously I know that it's not the electrons that I feel vibrating, stop being such an arrogant fucker and maybe be a bit more humble. You're the one who didn't know the difference between a sound wave and a vibration.

>> No.15604106

this really

>> No.15604182

Its almost like technology's value isn't from it being purely more high tech/advanced/modern than other tools

>> No.15604296

Are you making burgers 3 times a day or something?
For normal meals, cleaning a stove will take 30 seconds at most