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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15580584 No.15580584 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize your parents couldn't cook?

>> No.15580596

When I used to hate steak for my parents over cooking it only to order it medium one day at some shitty diner and it blowing everything I had before away.

>> No.15580634

I thought burgers sucked. I was never allowed to have a medium burger until junior year of high school.

>> No.15580802

When their restaurant went under.

>> No.15580807
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I didn't because my parents are actually great cooks, both of them. Sucks to be you OP.

>> No.15580818

Ma used to burn hamburger helper on the bottom of the pan.

>> No.15580829

I remember when my mom realized that I realized that she's not so bright. It made her cry. It still makes me sad when I think about it.

>> No.15580838

Once I started to see the 4chan memes about "wypipo food" I realized that my family's cooking met every single stereotype and I felt great shame.

>> No.15580855

It's just so lucky that America has been so welcoming of world cuisines to liven up its food scene. I don't want to eat meat loaf every day of my life.

>> No.15580865 [DELETED] 

lucky you
i'm so envious, that if ever met you, i might slit your throat
you might not wanna brag too much about this in public
you never know who is motivated enough to eliminate you

>> No.15580870

Why come Australia has blatant Irish people?

>> No.15580871

my mom is a great cook so i assumed when i was a kid that all mothers should know how to cook. that is until i visited a friend of mine and i realized how horrendous his mother's cooking was.
i would commit suicide if i had to eat that mess daily.
love you mum.

>> No.15580877

>closed off from society as a kid
>very picky growing up, only ate chips and take out because I thought "real food" was gross
>go to friends house
>"anon its still early, my mom can make you breakfast? "
>too polite to say no, but dreading having to eat eggs because I thought they were super disgusting
>friends mom makes eggs, they're good. Pancakes aren't burnt, sausage isn't undercooked
>go to friends house almost every week for 2 years

>> No.15580945

When I started getting into cooking and working in restaurants

>> No.15581076

When I grew up and realized I couldn't cook either. :)

>> No.15581261

Years ago. They're extremely lazy, yet extremely cheap, so they won't even go out to eat or order in. They buy the cheapest shit the grocery stores can legally call food, and make insanely large amounts of slop so they only need to cook once every few days. For the majority of my life, I thought it was normal to eat only leftovers almost every day. and it wasn't like they didn't have time, since they spent hours everyday drinking and watching tv. It wasn't until my later teen years when I started to make some friends that I realized it wasn't normal to live like that. They also know nothing about nutrition I'm grateful they fed me and my brother, but they really should've put more effort into it.

>> No.15581312

mom always made the simple stuff. beef stew, shepards pie, roasted chicken & potatoes, pasta and meatballs, meatloaf, chicken soup, london broil steak. pretty sure we rotated this menu on the regular

>> No.15581440

13 years old, after discovering the food networking and trying to make things out of boredom. It's not like they were BAD, but like everything came from a box or a jar. Nothing from scratch, except like cookies.

>> No.15581594

They won’t give me medium rare steak and dad fucked up the GLUTEN FREE lasagna by severely undercooking the noodles and not having a ricotta/cottage cheese layer. They’re both mediocre cooks and have never improved.

>> No.15581667

Eh, at least she gave a bit of variety that seemed mostly balanced and healthy. Better than box dinners or burning the fuck out of meat every night, right? She gets a gold star for trying in my book.

>> No.15581674

My mother is a decent cook my father however not so much.

>> No.15581733


>> No.15581781

I knew it some time ago. Maybe 9 or 10 years old. I figured it out when my brother and I could make certain dishes better than her. I made French Toast. My brother, once he was older, did BBQ. My mom was a teacher back then and had next to no time to actually cook, so most of our meals were just canned stuff reheated. I think she knew. Frankly, it always seemed like me and my brother weren't planned, and she'd never really had the mindset of being a 'mom', but she did everything she could. We joke with her now that her best recipe was the 'number to Domino's'. Me and my brother both learned how to cook by ourselves, and we do different things. I do cakes/breads, etc. My brother does meat dishes. Not that we like or dislike one over the other, it's just what we're good at. Once the COOF is done, I'm going to visit her again and have a really nice dinner with her and my brother, just to say thanks.

>> No.15581836

Around the same time I realized I was poor. I still enjoyed my Mother's cooking though, she's my Mother after all.

>> No.15581880

My mom mostly cooked with pre-made sauce mixes from knorr and the like. I always wondered how to make sauces like these from scratch, asked my mom about it and she had no idea, literally. Then after a few more years of not giving a fuck I started to learn about having a fond, deglazing, reducing, binding sauces, and most importantly seasoning because my mom can't season for shit. Now I could do sauces all day, tastes awesome and makes me feel like a kitchen PRO

>> No.15581882

>won't even go out to eat or order in. They buy the cheapest shit the grocery stores can legally call food, and make insanely large amounts of slop so they only need to cook once every few days
Unless the slop was actually bad, that sounds pretty based and timesaving pilled. Fuck pansies that complain about eating leftovers, if food tastes bad reheated either it was bad to begin with, or you deal with everything by nuking it on 100%

>> No.15581889

When I fucking hated lasagna but all of my friends talked about it like it was amazing at age 10

>> No.15581896

I moved in with my dad and my step mom. My dad was pretty good but my step mom was afraid of spices or something, it was always bland af.

Anyway my first week there I noticed my half siblings, 6 and 8 years old, would wait till the coast was clear and sneak to the kitchen and would put food in a plastic cup and then shove all the way to the bottom of the trash

>> No.15582036

When I was left hungry and started eating bark and leaves and some cop saw me and took me to a roy rogers and then to the station and I actually never saw my mother again because she died from a overdose. I think when I was a kid there someone must have called the cop but I am not sure.

>> No.15582129
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Your mother is a fucking dirtbag, anon. I'm glad you're okay.

>> No.15582167

After moving out. Dad never liked or seemed to cook much growing up. Mum had her midwest staples/easy meals she could make after working all day. I don't blame her for not cooking much, she never had any time. But I will say that there's a soft spot for the weird cubed steaks and gravy she would make. Crave them every now and then.

>> No.15582265

Does she know ur a fag

>> No.15582272


>> No.15582277

What happened?

>> No.15582281

When I first cooked chicken breast for myself. I double checked it with a meat thermometer to make sure it was at a safe temperature before eating it. To my surprise you didn't need to blacken and dry it out for it to be safe to eat. My mom had always cooked chicken to a terrible crisp.

>> No.15582658

I was like nine or ten and we ended up going to thanksgiving early. People were still cooking and being busy in the kitchen and just thought they were retarded. All you have to do is read the box and put it in the microwave. I don't think I saw someone cook in person before that.

>> No.15582694

Both mom and dad were decent to good cooks
only likely to fuck up they stray out of their comfort zones(usually trying out a different cuisine) or try out an untested method(usually mom does this), but even then, it'll still be edible

>> No.15582843

My dad is a great cook, my mom would be good but shes just so fucking lazy and the shortcuts ruin the dishes alot. Like you cook 5 times a year do it properly...

>> No.15582915
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I grew up poor so a lot of our meals came from canned goods, off brand foods, and cheap meat. My parents did little to try to spruce things up. It wasn't until I moved out at the age of 20 when I realized that I didn't have to buy the things they bought and make the things they made that I realized just how bad my parents' cooking was.

>> No.15582924

Fortunately, mine can.
Sucks to be you.

>> No.15582928

forever because i thought i just didnt like soups or vegetables, consciously since i started cooking for myself at 14

>> No.15582929

When dad burnt some bacon he forgot about in the kitchen when I was 19. When mom started combining alcohol and prescription drugs when I was 16.
They know how to cook, but they've just fallen off the boat in recent years when they realized I was a fully functioning adult who didn't need his hand held.
Plus they've got the money to not have to worry about cooking.

>> No.15582961

When I saw them cook rice and they didn't wash it.

>> No.15583007

There is American cuisine outside of the Midwest

>> No.15583080

My mom is like that. She ends up burning everything because she is to lazy to watch the food for more than five minutes. She will also buy that pre mixed waffle flour that only calls for water, eggs, and oil and fuck it up because she is to lazy to add the goddamn egg and oil. Other than that she is a good person tho and I like cooking for us so it doesn't really matter. I mostly ate my grandma's food as a child and she was an amazing southern cook. 90 years old and she was still frying chicken, making up to four side dishes from scratch and baking multiple pies for dessert. I really miss her

>> No.15583083

Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 6 months: 6 MONTHS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to traps or whatever gay shit you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're "epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use 4chan). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.

>> No.15583099

When I started cooking and realised chicken breast doesn't have to be dry, it's easy to cook a steak medium-rare and the vegetables I thought were terrible are actually delicious.

>> No.15583103

How long had your mother been dead when you resorted to eating bark and leaves?

>> No.15583116

I don't know, I can't eat even really delicious food for more than a day. I get menu fatigue really easily. I guess I'm one of those pansies.

>> No.15583121

first (You) pin my comment pls

>> No.15583145

welcome to 4chan. this site's been like this since before the universe was created. you can hate it but you can't change it, homo

>> No.15583252

Sounds pretty gay

>> No.15583320

The opposite, actually. For the longest time I thought my parent's couldn't cook because they only fed me cheap meat sandwiches or boiled eggs or cereal and milk. Later when I was ~15 I found out they were making separate meals for themselves and just didn't want to make an extra portion.

>> No.15583330

When I was losing weight, I realized it was easy when I cut my white rice intake. My parents don't season their food and drown it in oil, so as a kid, I'd eat like 2-3 servings of rice to mask the tiny bit of their food I picked off. Now that I work from home at their place, I have to drastically limit how much of their food I eat and they get offended if I don't eat what they cook. Ironically, eating out or some frozen shit from Costco is usually the better and healthier option.

>> No.15583331

Ok chud

>> No.15583361

When I blew anything they ever made for me outta the water with the first meal I cooked without help. And then did it again multiple times. I'm greatful they tried but some stuff they made was really fucking nasty

>> No.15583432

what did the tree taste like?

>> No.15583438

you are a fucking faggot. Kill yourself tranny

>> No.15583591

The meatloaf was just meat, salt, pepper, and onion powder, dude. Nothing else. The quiche was baked in an 11x16 glass tray. rubber outsides, water insides.

>> No.15583676


>generic american cuisine bad
>generic indian/asian/etc cuisine good

Even the most mediocre aspects of american food, such as the dreaded unseasoned chicken, beats out much of the shit found in japanese cuisine.

>> No.15583688


I wouldn't really consider that "the basics" at all, unless you grew to eat from a french kitchen every single day.

>> No.15583783

Is this fresh pasta

>> No.15584256


1st grade.
The fuckers insisted on keeping whole grain bread in the freezer.

>> No.15584361

japanese cuisine is shit compared to most asian cuisine though.

>> No.15584529

My mom always wants poultry cooked to 170. I've tried to explain to her that carry over exists, but she doesn't want to eat poultry that is less than 165 or 170.

>> No.15584530

You should keep bread in freezer. Lasts longer and because your diet should be 85% meat, you shouldn't need it very much.

>> No.15584531

I love fresh pasta. You're autistic enough to be one of us

>> No.15584536

She wasn't dead at the time. She just didn't feed us.

>> No.15584731


>> No.15584890
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>> No.15585158

My mom is actually pretty good at cooking. My dad is the classic midwestern casserole type but has some gems of recipes in his cookbook. Lucked out as a kid desu

>> No.15585603

Sometimes it pays to be a "minimal" parent. The kids always step right up and become what they need. Wouldn't recommend on a daily basis, but occasional is a good shake up for everyone.

>> No.15585655

Oh my..

>> No.15585668

My mother tried her best but the results were mediocre at best. I blame my Grandma for not teaching her well.
Having YouTube at your disposal is a huge fucking help these days. Everyone can archive professional results with some effort now.

>> No.15585691

I'm not sure I've ever seen my dad cook, but my mom did alright. She never cooked a meal that I'd consider "fine dining" or restaurant quality but she did care enough to make sure that most meals were made at home (even if it was just opening up a soup can) and we rarely ate out.

>> No.15585726

I asked my mother if she seasoned the meat and she said no, pulling a face like I asked if I could dunk my balls in her water

>> No.15585793

When I started cooking and was better than them in like 3 months

>> No.15585900

Move out already

>> No.15585919

Wasn’t ready for these feels

>> No.15585980

>implying raw meat tastes good

>> No.15586054

You're here to stay, faggot.

>> No.15586167

My mom knows how to cook and my dad is bretty gud on the grill. My problem with my mom's food is that she likes vegetables in EVERYTHING.

>Puts onions in her burgers when she makes them
>She's tricked me as a kid with okra and squash dishes knowing that my stomach rejects okra and squash
>Made some disgusting cornbread with broccoli dish
>Puts onions in salmon
She makes a GOAT quiche though.

>> No.15586331
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>american "cuisine"

>> No.15586898
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At some point I realized that my mother doesn't seem to feel the urge to take in moisture like a typical living creature would. Every meat-based meal she cooked for us as kids was dry as a bone and spiced to hell, making me think I didn't like chicken or pork until I left home, she eats popcorn, candy, and rock-hard cookies constantly, and never eats vegetables unless they're completely DRENCHED in olive oil. The only beverages I've ever seen her drink are black coffee and white wine. She claims that she "doesn't like water", and she's got a chronic smoker's cough despite not smoking.

>> No.15586910

Roy Rogers is trash, you should have kept eating the tree

>> No.15587635

She sounds based.

>> No.15587656

My parents can cook

>> No.15587720

I will once they start bringing us back into the office, which will probably be in 2022 at this rate.