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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15574809 No.15574809 [Reply] [Original]

I worked at a taco bell in high school for a few months back in the 90s and personally saw three people get fired because they took longer than 90 seconds to prepare an order. Sure, even then you'd have shitheads sitting at the intercom for 10 minutes deciding what they wanted, but the service itself was always fast regardless of restaurant. I swear I haven't managed to go through a drive through in less than 20 minutes for years now. Doesn't matter if it's a massive line of cars or just a few or if it's burger king, wendy's, kfc, mcdonald's, it always takes fucking ages.

The sole point of fast food was that it was fast and now you could pay less and eat faster if you just go to a fucking diner.

>> No.15574813

i want to wear this fat whore's panties the day after she's worn them

>> No.15574822
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Nice bait. This is old hasn't been posted in a while but this is copy-pasted.

>> No.15574837

If it's pasta it's a coincidence, because I'm asking it genuinely. Did my state just suddenly lose the ability to make the food quickly? Seems unlikely with how important consistency is for fast food.

>> No.15574934

Fast is anything faster than 30 minutes because you're gonna spend at least that long at a sit-down restaurant or cooking your own meal at home.

>> No.15575075

The quality of people who work fast food "as a career" is lower than it has ever been. For them it's ground hog day - like in the movie. They are too poor to quit, not paid enough to be motivated, listen to endless complaints and see a stream of people better off than they are cruising through the place, or past the drive through.

Would that make you happy to go to work, say after 3 years or so?

>> No.15575100

Doesn't change the fact that fast food is much slower than it used to be. Even if you had 20 cars in front of you at McDonald's you'd have your food in 5 minutes. Now it'll take 20 minutes even if there's 3 cars ahead of you.

>> No.15575110

In my experience of working fast food things seemed to take longer because we made things to order and had fewer prepared food sitting under heat lamps.

Though I'll be fair and say I worked fried chicken which has to take X amount of time or you'll get quite literally sick as a dog but still we could prep a lot ahead of time but then it would be sitting under heat lamps which had to be rotated out every half hour if we didn't sell something. So I imagine the health standards have gone up across all the types of fast food joints and they don't keep as much prepared food ready to go.

>> No.15575141 [DELETED] 

I see the jew in your pic

>> No.15575187

Food safety standards haven't changed at all since the 90s though.

>> No.15575241

Not him, but "customer expectations" have. I put that in quotes because I think companies put too much stock into social media instead of sales, but now it's all about promoting shit that's fresh, never frozen, and made to order.

My buddy owns a McDonald's franchise, and the switch to fresh Quarter Pounders ended up adding a ton of time to each order. It's like this everywhere, for better or worse. Quality or speed, can't have both.

>> No.15575265

because they realized it's better to focus on profitability rather than shaving off seconds on an order.
the mouthbreathers waiting for their shitty burgers can wait 5 minutes, they're not doing anything important.

>> No.15575282
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Drive-thru is single-threaded. They have no idea what to make until someone places an order, and even if each order/pull up/pay/get food cycle takes only 90s., it's not the same kind of traffic as 4+ cashiers taking 4+ orders at the same time, then letting that person stand off to the side & taking the next round of 4+ orders.

A proper, 1980s-90s-style McDs could literally take 8 orders in dining room in 90s., while drive-thru would have taken but 1-2 in that time.

Now, drive-thru has taken over fast food. I once overheard a manager interviewing an applicant in the dining room of a McDonald's. He said, "Drive thru is 80% of our business, so we put a priority on that." And that was about 10 years ago; I'm sure it's more than 80% today. These days, dining rooms are never near capacity like they were 25-30 years ago, but there's always a line in drive-thru.

So it would make sense that their internal processes revolve more and more around an ordering model that still only lets you take max. 1 order every 90s. Eventually you stop cooking so much food in advance that you can just hand over to the next customer and instead make orders as they come.

>> No.15575291

I think it's like >>15575110 says, more things are made to order and not pre-made. In the 80s and 90s if you went to McDonald's and ordered a Big Mac they'd literally just toss a Big Mac they already made and wrapped into a bag and hand it to you, and you weren't allowed to customize items. Now everything is constructed only when you order it, everything can be customized, and the menus have like 5x the number of items that they did 20 years ago in addition to a lot of them being a lot more complex as well. And OP is absolutely correct about fast food being less about speed. Over the last 10-15 years there actually has been a push in fast food restaurants to increase accuracy and (relative) quality in favor of speed. Speed is still an important metric, but the speed requirements have lowered to accommodate customization and accuracy.

>> No.15575342
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>> No.15575588

This, but after she worked out in 100 degree weather for 8 hours

>> No.15575619

bro, she works in a kitchen 10-12 hours per day.
Lots of heat, lots of steam, lots of grease.
Doesn't have to be "out in 100 degree weather".

>> No.15575783

Kitchens are definitely a hot environment to work in, but she's not a fucking line cook. She makes videos and writes. Guaranteed she spends no more than 3 hours a day in a kitchen. Maybe 5 if she's actively shooting a video.

>> No.15575999
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I can make borgar in 12 minutes. The only thing fast food is impressively fast at is deep frying shit, for the reason everyone in this thread is talking about. They don't wait for you to order fries or nuggets Your Way TM and then start up the deep fryer, they crank the shit out all day long in big interchangeable batches.
I used to take advantage of this at an insanely crowded In-N-Out near my college with 30 minute wait times, I'd walk in and order fries and soda only and be served almost instantly. That trick doesn't work with all restaurants, though.
If we had menus like pic related and no customization all fast food could be truly fast.

>> No.15576183


>> No.15576216

Is brain dead. Claire is intelligent and actually has some cushion. Enjoy your wet towel filled with bones.

>> No.15576296

she's a sizable plonker.
i want to feed her.

>> No.15576690

The grocery store that I go to shares its parking lot with a Chick-fil-A. Every time I go there, the line for the drive-thru winds its way through the parking lot with that line being somewhere around thirty cars if I had to guess. They send employees out to get people's orders, I think, but I can't imagine sitting there that long for a fast food chicken sandwich. It's bizarre.

>> No.15577344
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Because we're all 16-21 and we don't care. Give the owner your money, we'll make you a sandwich, and save the best service for last when we make our food and go home at 10:30.

>> No.15577458

>imagine caring about a ba fag's opinion on anything, even something as "low" as fast food

>> No.15577589

On your face, right? Yeah, me too.

>> No.15577592

I'm 34. What? Please go back to r*ddit.

>> No.15577702

Getting a kebab is faster than most fast food and they don't wait for you to pay to tell you you'll have to wait

>> No.15577730

The speed aspect was a pure gimmick originally. What does it actually matter if you need to wait a little bit? You got deals to close, mister big-shot?

>> No.15578780

He was referring to fast food workers, not the population of 4chan. If you're 34 and still working at fast food you should probably just kill yourself.