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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 304 KB, 777x752, yueng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15561286 No.15561286 [Reply] [Original]

Whoever is in charge of Yuengling beer's social media is one of us. Show yourself.

>> No.15561295

nah, these memes are super popular on normie media

>> No.15561299

What is a mango beer?

>> No.15561303

I actually laughed at this

>> No.15561317

Yuengling is based and redpilled

>> No.15561319

this just goes to show how even you aren't safe from big corporations, they know all about your epic little memes and once it becomes federally accepted and profitable to talk like that then they will absolutely do it and you will see BP oil execs telling you how based they are for saving the nature by slapping green stickers into their products.

>> No.15561336
File: 255 KB, 1400x1400, Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09.20_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme game is incredibly important if you want to market to zoomers.

>> No.15561337

Real talk for 20 years I thought Yuengling was Chinese beer

>> No.15561368

Exactly how fucking old are you?

>> No.15561369

>epic little memes
this meme was taken over for a while now. its the natural course of things.

>> No.15561398

Lemme guess... you?

>> No.15561404

so fucking tired of soijack retards, this site has turned into reddit and i hate all of you

>> No.15561427

you are just out of touch with reality grandpa, grow the fuck up

>> No.15561432

not that guy but shut the fuck up

>> No.15561444

Q: What's the difference between two dicks and a joke? A: You can't take a joke

>> No.15561447

It does have a chinese name

>> No.15561455

Americas oldest brewery dude

>> No.15561461


>> No.15561491 [DELETED] 

>doesn't know how the meme world

legit boomer

>> No.15561499
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I get all my memes from reddit and 420chan now. 4chin doesn't produce. Too many newfags from 2015/16 killed the culture.

>> No.15561506

>ITT: Literal boomers

>> No.15561511
File: 199 KB, 1314x376, 267F738E-0363-4CD0-A4D7-6E5583D8CCC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15561512

>one of us.
no that meme has been "mainstream internet funzies" for quiet some time now. Try Reddit, perhaps that is more your speed

>> No.15561814

This might surprise you but literally anyone can browse this website. There is no secret entrance, or a password. It hasn't been obscure since 10+ years

>> No.15562097

4chan does produce. It's other websites (twitter, reddit) that take what we make and churn out a gorillion soulless derivatives like OP's pic.

>> No.15562188
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>> No.15562229


>> No.15562348

Just wait for the twatter shit storm once they get told its an "alt-right" meme

>> No.15562362

Y memes always include serious Jewish death threats in minecraft and prominent use of swastikas. The media will never be safe from me.

>> No.15562426

wine cooler for guys

>> No.15562461

shut up newfag

>> No.15562489

I've been here since before you were able to drive, I'd bet.

>> No.15562499

>Ying a ring

>> No.15562504

>thu furst tiem i saw the meemee it was on 4chan....therfore it was produced by 4chan.

I'm old as fuck, newbuddy

>> No.15562524

If you're seriously gonna ACKSHUALLY at me and say Wojak came from Krautchat, you're a nigger.

>> No.15562568


>> No.15562596

suck my unwashed, uncircumcised, miniscule schlong you newfag zoomer.

>> No.15562623

It turns out the best bait right now is pretending youre an insufferable redditor. The evolution of this site is really something

>> No.15562792

Corporations are not your friend retard

>> No.15562831

Its literally a 200 year old rickety brewery in a poverty stricken area in rural Pennsylvania. I visited it there is not even a Starbucks in the town

>> No.15562960

lmao me too, i was so confused when I found out that it was from Pennsylvania with their chingchong ass name

>> No.15562973

Obama ran his first campaign on him being a "Yuengling kinda guy"

>> No.15562985

it came from krautchan.
4chan never had produced good memes retard.

>> No.15563046
File: 34 KB, 720x720, typical plebeian reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you discount 4chan's extreme influence on memes which are now squarely mainstream (wojak and pepe, for example), to say it has produced zero memes is retarded. The best memes this place has created don't have dumb catchy names, they're esoteric shitposts which are funny solely in their absurdity, or as in-jokes towards other esoteric, absurd in-jokes.

Now stop bumping this fucking thread when you aren't making a post pertaining to OP's topic.

>> No.15563088

The owner is literally a union busting billionaire.

>> No.15563139

If you haven't started saving for retirement before 29 then you may be retarded

>> No.15563143

>they're esoteric shitposts which are funny solely in their absurdity, or as in-jokes towards other esoteric, absurd in-jokes
Do you need a flashlight to find your way back out of your own ass, or are you comfortable in the dark?

>> No.15563241

This meme format has been stale as fuck for over a year

>> No.15563259

Based. Still doesn't make it a corporation

>> No.15563262

Imagine being this naive.

>> No.15563267

Retard alert.

>> No.15563275

>making money is bad
>kicking out leeching unions is bad
top kek

>> No.15563283

Sounds pretty gay to me.
>you will never be a real women.

>> No.15563299

Kicking out union scum is pretty based and redpilled

>> No.15563318

>Enjoy Responsibly. © 2021 D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
>D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc.
People like you are why FaceBerg will own us in a few years.

>> No.15563360

Lol my dad has a LLC too for his apartment he rents out is he a corporation too you dumb fuck?

>> No.15563390

No, he's a member of an LLC and people like you are why FaceBerg will own us in a few years.

>> No.15563413

Go back to /pol/ you racist loser

>> No.15563455

That's not very based and redpilled of you.

>> No.15563475

Let me guess. You blame DA JOOS for being an incel correct?

>> No.15563544

No, I had sex in high school and college. I didn't turn into a loser until ~25 and that's on me. What does that have to do with you not knowing what a corporation is?

>> No.15563559

Lol incel you wish. When did da joos become the fault of everything in your life?

>> No.15563607

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.15563635

A schizo would be someone who bitches and whines about Jews

>> No.15563710
File: 814 KB, 400x300, 1611632011862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc

>> No.15563847

At this point you've been going on about /pol/ stuff more than I did.

>> No.15563878

You are the one who went out of his way not once but twice to whine about the Jews during our discussion when it was uncalled for.......

>> No.15563905

All I did was call FaceBook Faceberg, an homage to its founder Mark and its current COO Sheryl. If you saw anything racist there then maybe you have some things to work through :^)

>> No.15563912

Yes you called facebook faceberg twice you retarded /pol/ anti semite. Now you are so angry that you were called out you are using emoticons.

>> No.15563919

Beer, probably a lager, with mango juice added.

>> No.15563933

>you called facebook faceberg twice
Yes, I said, that. I said that I said that in the post you're replying to.

>> No.15563946

Yes you brought up snarky anti semitism twice when we were talking about something then whine when I call you out on it. Go back to /pol/ and take the L. You are done here.

>> No.15563951

thats literally a reddit meme, idiot
actually, props for not knowing that.

>> No.15563971

Did it not occur to you when you were considering this avenue of attack that you took the wind out of your own sails by being a snarky shit while being entirely incorrect? You and I both know that you're not really even offended.
>Muh based union scum busters
>Muh redpilled trust fund billionaire
Get a grip, fag.

>> No.15563976

the fucking talent of some of you

>> No.15563986

Didn't read your whiny post. Take the L /pol/ loser

>> No.15563993
File: 2.18 MB, 350x273, nice:.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was actually really well made.

>> No.15563995
File: 31 KB, 602x244, Screenshot 2021-02-10 220134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15564022
File: 15 KB, 508x491, 1554221603188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who was objectively wrong about something but whatever. I'm done here.

>> No.15564026

I accept your concession.

>> No.15564098


>> No.15564115

>Soulless corporate Wojak posting on normie social media
Also mango beer sounds like shit. I'm down with fruit beers but their site says
>made with natural mango flavor
which screams syrup to me.

>> No.15564144

No one has pointed out yet that you can have a Roth 401(k)? That these aren't mutually exclusive?

You guys deserve to be the butt of this meme. Embarrassing.

>> No.15564160

>be company
>we need to appeal to the younger and newer generation of customers
>we need some fresh blood in marketing
>*ring ring*
>"hello? is this the local community college that shares a parking lot with the cricket wireless and unrenovated burger king?"
>"perfect- we're needing some marketing majors and we're hoping you could recommend some of your most promising students. We're looking for someone who went to high school within 4 miles of your campus, lists "social media" as one of their skills, and has almost an inch of root showing through their faded red box dye"
>"oh, she sounds perfect, send over her resume. Oh, she doesn't have a resume? She only has a link to her tiktok account? I guess that will do"

"everybody deserves to earn $100k minimum per year doing fuck all"

>> No.15564249

The bowling strike animations are getting really strange.

>> No.15564299
File: 140 KB, 683x1024, 1596510053764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brand product uses meme

>''omg they're one of us guys!! lets buy their shit now!''

>> No.15564304

Do people actually like this type of advertising? It just makes me want to never buy anything from that company ever again.

>> No.15564314

4chan is low iq and only good at popularizing unsavory memes.

>> No.15564482


>> No.15564542

>Raging Eagle Mango Beer
Sounds like something to get wasted on in a Florida beach

>> No.15564593

I hate it when the Nordic guy speaks more than a single word. Totally missed the point of the meme.

>> No.15564625

Sorry, the only Chinese beer I drink is Tsingtao

>> No.15564645

you know some kids and redditors do

>> No.15564808
File: 996 KB, 500x278, aidan gillen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up Heath? :)

>> No.15564881

Not the Jew but you sound like a fat fuck. You a fat fuck?

>> No.15564946

It died when normies took it and made it not racist.
Next up is BOOBA, and probably keyed. PewDiePie already normified booba.

>> No.15565024

anyone who finds memes funny just because they recognise the format is going to be shittershattered by corporations learning how to use mspaint, but being genuinely funny will usually make someone boycott you, so they won't come up with anything good

even this is treading dangerously close to referencing alcoholism, which a brewer really doesn't want to do

>> No.15565054

That explains why I saw a screenshot of booba as a twitch emote.

>> No.15565055

I blame /pol/ and /r9k/ for popularizing and normalizing 4chan

>> No.15565072

Fucking kek

>> No.15565093

At least you'll be able to post forgotten memes from a decade ago like the TEH REI cock or the sinks that used to contain hidden CP, and leave everyone wondering if you're gay and/or mentally disabled.

Even the /ck/ abominations like Weber Cooks or aunt Myrna's unholy depradations are too depressing for corporations to use.

>> No.15565733

/mu/ is also a pretty normal place now thanks to certain memes crossing over and people wanting to get in on the latest trends

>> No.15565822

absolute fucking retard.
pepe was popular on tumblr and reddit made wojak big.
how about you leave your littler circle jerk for once.

>> No.15565860
File: 72 KB, 969x1024, 1611998386354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mango beer
Sub-Saharan African IQ
>Yuengling summer shandy
>100 IQ
>German grapefruit beer
>130 IQ
>666 IQ

>> No.15565879

>german grapefruit beer
are you talking about schöfferhofer?

>> No.15565887
File: 112 KB, 500x785, yuenglings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15565908

Nein. Stiegl Radler.

>> No.15565911

>putting the "for me" at the end
Not one of us. That's a fucking tiktok meme.

>> No.15565916

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.15565956

Stiegl is Austrian.

>> No.15566011

took me a second
holy kek

>> No.15566013

Austrians are German

>> No.15566022
File: 1.38 MB, 935x935, y you too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gook beer

>> No.15566058

american education

>> No.15566077

>facebook tier rageface meme
go back

>> No.15566095


>> No.15566113

Yes. The kind of person that meme is trying to appeal to does not, but yes. It's literally the reason why Che Guevara shirts exist. Hell, it's half the reason why Woke Capital is a thing at all. The intersection of Progressivism/Social-Justice and Liberalism/Capitalism wrapped up in Imperialism is part of it, but really, putting rainbow flags on things does make freaks buy a lot fucking more of it, and putting Rick and Morty on random products does make redditors buy a lot fucking more of them.

There's an effect generated by college education wherein intelligence and virtue are thought of as ability to recognize information and references. A brand ~referencing things you understand~ literally becomes virtue and connection. They ~understand you~.

>> No.15566128

>a women
Are you a fucking idiot?

>> No.15566499

What have these Amerimutts done to my language?

>> No.15566515

>Whoever is in charge of Yuengling beer's social media is one of us.
I think you mean they're a Redditor.

>> No.15566521

Wait, it isn't?

>> No.15566586

>"How Boomers destroyed the west"
>describes the Greatest Generation
Does this poster not realize that baby boomers were BORN POST-WW2? The final point mentions Marxism in schools in the 1960s, at which time the baby boomers would have been 10-15 years old.

>> No.15566602

>implying 90% of this board isn’t already redditfags

>> No.15566607
File: 197 KB, 675x900, 1586113088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a name, not a word

>> No.15566610

LLCs are not corporations, dumbfuck.

>> No.15566650

>Equating an INCORPORATED (Inc) organization to a Limited Liability COMPANY(LLC)
you are literally retarded

>> No.15566681

It's the German surname "Jüngling", but stupid mutts didn't know how to write it. Like changing "Eisenhauer" to "Eisenhower"

>> No.15566719


>> No.15566739

>using satanic genocidal Eisenhower as an example
Names are almost always changed between languages for phonetics. German versions of foreign names typically change from their original spelling too. I don't know what you're expecting.

>> No.15566787

Eurotards do this shit constantly. They take things that they do in their own culture/language, see Americans do it, and then pretend like it's some horrible offense that only Americans do while turning a blind eye to the fact that they do it, too. It's literally schizoid obsessive behavior programmed into them by government propaganda.

>> No.15567373
File: 69 KB, 735x516, 1612404072010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15567495

Yuengling is an American company. It's literally the oldest brewery in the country retard

>> No.15567646

>normie memes
>one of us

Been here since 05 and memes have reached a point of over saturation that they actually fatigue and irritate me now.

>> No.15568520

More likely a redditor, and probably a woman.

I'll believe it when the Yuengling page starts deenzposting.