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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15564692 No.15564692 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck can you stand drinking soda?
The second it touches my tongue I recoil from the sheer carbonation burning my tongue. I can't even taste the fucking sugar through this.
I just drink water or coffee instead. How the fuck do you sodafags do it?

>> No.15564698

by not being a pussy

>> No.15564712
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>drinking chemical waste from my favorite brands makes me a manly boy!

>> No.15564731

goes well with alcohol and drugs

>> No.15564737

if you're looking to destroy yourself, sure thing

>> No.15564779
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>complaining like a manbaby about something I don't like makes me a manly boy!
I can do it too, shitbag. Fuck off.

>> No.15564856

>no u
good god is it summer already?
thanks for the image though i was looking for that one

>> No.15564862

>le can of cope
Stay mad, fatty.

>> No.15564878

prove it

>> No.15565277

Ive been drinking it like my whole life

>> No.15565305

you sound like you've just tried soda for the first time in your life

>> No.15565417

>carbonated water is chemical waste

>> No.15565622

stop taking pharmaceutical meth

>> No.15565623

I prefer to sit, OP

>> No.15565671

can't even imagine how much it takes to be a castrated bitch like op

>> No.15565964
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>> No.15565976
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>> No.15566055
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>> No.15566076

MUH edges

>> No.15567462

reply to the wrong post? i'm the OP that hates soda here

>> No.15567523

The trick is to pour it into a glass full of ice

>> No.15567535

Wait mr triangle star poster explain the allergies thing

>> No.15568148

Take your meds, schizo fat ass.

>> No.15568667

Based. Disregard the maximum coping from the man-children enslaved to their 200 calorie sugar water.

>> No.15568798
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Sip it, don't skull it. Ice can burn off a lot of the carbonation.

It's water and sugar anon. Don't be retarded.

>> No.15569911

Pop hurts my tongue, so if i drink i just take little sips. But yes, it burns my mouth too. And i eat insanely spicy foods. I didn't drink it growing up, wasn't really allowed.

>> No.15570068

Be honest. This was an attempted humblebrag wasn't it? "Geez guys, I wish I weren't so manly so I could drink this stuff."

>> No.15570101

its a fine humble brag, pop is absolutely terrible. The only good pops are sprite, cream soda, iced tea, grape, ect. Cola and root beer is fucking terrible and i only drink it to cover the taste of alcohol.

>> No.15570281

>intentionally mentioning iced tea as opposed to simply saying tea
You have absolutely never been to flavortown you backassward cum-guzzling cockwhore of a peasant, may god have mercy on what's left of your soul. Get the fuck out of here and don't come back

>> No.15570294

The gaslighting jews that think appeal to shame with masculinity sure have been a lot more active lately.

>> No.15571256

because iced tea and regular tea is fucking different? i might be confused as to what you're actually saying because you couldn't be that stupid to think iced tea and steeped tea is the same thing

>> No.15572171

> carbon dioxide causes me intense agony

Fragile little daisy, aren't you?

>> No.15573173

>iced tea
>hot tea
I bet you're confused with a lot more than just a fucking temperature difference cunt. With what wizarding world faggot alchemy does black tea change into when it cools down? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you meant SWEET tea, so I can call you the inbred banjo-humping fucknugget of a Maury TV show special not safe for broadcast chugjug of jenkum your two daddies think is the best thing they've ever done as brothers. GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD

>> No.15573945

You're complaining about carbonated water you absolute faggot

>> No.15574814

It's literally just carbonated juice.

>> No.15575280

>burns my tongue
This /ck/ is why you shouldn’t listen to other peoples opinions

>> No.15575294

>I recoil from the sheer carbonation burning my tongue
You are weak.
I suggest eating raw garlic cloves to build some character.

>> No.15575298

Dang dude, youre so anti establishment that you refuse to drink bubbly sugar water? That’s hardcore as fuck my man

>> No.15575306

The carbonation feels like masturbating my brain.

>> No.15575307
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>How the fuck do you sodafags do it?
You have an immature palate or you're on the spectrum. Water it down with ice I suppose. Stay away froom Vernors! I bet you'd cough up a lung.

>> No.15575429

I just like the carbonation. On the other hand commericial sodas are way too sweet. Try brands that don't use as much carbonation, e.g. coca cola uses less than sprite.

>> No.15575448

Soda is trash.

Carbonated water on the other hand... Now that's some good shit.

>> No.15575503

Felt the same way when I tried it as a kid, just didn't bother. I'm sure I could get used to it now but why would I deliberately wean myself onto diabetes water at this point? I consider this a dodged bullet, it makes dieting so much easier.

>> No.15575668

>The second it touches my tongue I recoil from the sheer carbonation burning my tongue.
This is not a normal reaction.

>> No.15575685
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A nice cold, regular Mountain Dew from the bottle is the best.

>> No.15576340

its not called sweet tea everywhere on the globe ameri-fag. in canada its called iced tea. Imagine not understanding this and thinking you've actually got the upper hand on someone ahahaha

>> No.15577015

I don’t drink very much soda, but the problem is the sugar not the carbonation. I drink club soda and seltzer by the liter.

>> No.15578171


>> No.15579505

It's sweet, it's happenin, it's the choice of a new generation

>> No.15579666
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For me, its Topo Chico

>> No.15579688

Sounds like carbonation grimace. You might have schizophrenia.

>> No.15579699
File: 368 KB, 572x814, Dumaresq_Perfil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
