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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 960x761, 1612961467687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15562611 No.15562611 [Reply] [Original]

Foods you will never eat

>> No.15562615

Kek same. Seems like food poisoning waiting to happen

>> No.15562679

Kebab meat is fucking delicious

>> No.15562696

>"Greek" food

>> No.15562748

Never saw the appeal.

Shellfish, never mind the fact that I'm allergic to it, it also just looks plain disgusting.

>> No.15562842

people don’t like kebab/gyro meat?
It’s really good. great drinking food

>> No.15562848
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Sorry you simply cannot convince me this isnt icky

>> No.15562850

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.15562855
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>> No.15562864

Tendies and ketchup are more your speed

>> No.15562868

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.15562874

This but unironically. Fuck vegetables.

>> No.15562876

Get it fresh and don't boil it to mush. Bacon grease goes a long way in adding flavor with a minimal addition of calories, though you seem like the type to slather everything in ketchup

>> No.15562878
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>> No.15562880

I understand. by itself, yeah it's not great. but as a component it can add color, texture and a slight leafy green note.
I suspect most of your conditioning is just from the childhood you haven't grown out of yet

>> No.15562886
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>> No.15562891

Looks like a legit eating disorder. They know it's ridiculous, but something in their brain triggers the "don't fucking eat that thing it'll kill you!" response and turns eating simple things into mental torture.

Though she could just be fat and dramatic.

>> No.15562897

so this pic is disgusting, but looking at a cooked pic it looks fucking based

>> No.15562913
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Mmmm yeah it looks so delicious cooked

>> No.15562917

I would eat that in one bite.

>> No.15562929

looks amazing tbqh familam

>> No.15562931
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>> No.15562938

It was the same childish thing that made Guy Fieri hate eggs. Their parents made them eat them. and they still haven grown past it as human beings.

>> No.15562939

How do you know you're allergic if you've never eaten it? Idiot

>> No.15562948

It's just what he's got to tell himself to live with his disability.

>> No.15562951


>> No.15562966

I still can't bring myself to eat rice to this day. The only memory I have of eating it is my parents literally wrestling me to the ground and shoving it into my mouth and forcing me to swallow it. Trying to eat it triggers my gag reflexes hard and I can't get past it.

>> No.15562972

My wife is the same with eggs. Fried, scrambled, hard-boiled, doesn't matter she nopes right the fuck out. In her case though I think it's from the army rather than parents

>> No.15562976

i know of at least three instances of this in my group of friends
for me it was fruit
i finally got over it, but it took like 25 years

>> No.15562980

it's ok. It tales time and practice to overcome mental conditioning, IF you want to

>> No.15562986
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You have serious mental illnes if you think this tastes good.

>> No.15562989
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>> No.15562990
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At some point in time I was shown uncooked shrimp, thought it looked like a grubworm and now I got a mental block of the stuff.

>> No.15562996

Burger king lettuce

>> No.15562999

The fuck is it?

>> No.15563000

You can get tested for allergies. Plus, different foods have shellfish in it in different forms, like powdered flavoring or shells in fish stock. Friend got tested for it after he became violently ill from eating thai food that contained fish paste made with shellfish.

>> No.15563003

Cold slices are awesome. We have a bar here in Plattsburgh NY that serves some of the best cold slices. Perfect for those drunk walks home. Scalding hot yet freezing cold at the same time. Its magic.

>> No.15563005

>masks brocolli with bacon grease and probably adds cheese.
It's so good goys

>> No.15563008

They are literally sea insects. Eat the bugs.

>> No.15563022

>paying restaurant prices for uncooked food
But why?

>> No.15563025

I'm good with shrimp unless you give me one not devained.

>> No.15563026

hey, if spiders tasted like shrimp, they would all be extinct.

>> No.15563029
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>> No.15563030
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I still want to know what caused the olives lady such mental trauma.

>> No.15563037

>Bacon grease
Do you think before you post?

>> No.15563060
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>> No.15563061

get better reading comprehension. It IS cooked. The cheese on top is just cool to make it easier to eat the superheated pizza

>> No.15563072

Forgive me, the idea of a "cold slice" is 100% foreign to me so I have no idea. Still seems weird, honestly.

>> No.15563082
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>> No.15563089

u guys sure do like to miss out on true yumtastic tasty meat.

>> No.15563095
File: 657 KB, 2448x3264, C4FD233D-00EE-4F72-BFF0-B0B9A9C9EEDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try to think of a cold slice as the sushi of pizza

>> No.15563101

I would unironically eat that.

>> No.15563129
File: 241 KB, 960x872, oysters-21016d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.15563176

I fucking love kebabs, when I was living in France I ate kebabs like every other day. Unfortunately, one day I got such bad food poisoning that I had to go to the hospital, lost 25 pounds, and missed 2 weeks of my classes.

>> No.15563285
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I bet it tastes vile. I looked it up expecting to be surprised at how benign it was, but nope, it’s far more disgusting than I expected.
>aroma of decay

>> No.15563307

i eat offal occasionally so this doesn't weird me out at all. there's really nothing more based than tripe tacos. the only thing that would put me off is if it was excessively chewy

>> No.15563310

they're great :'(

>> No.15563312

Durians are the tits. They sell them with reduced smell for babby's like you

>> No.15563325
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>Swine intestine wrapped up in pigs colon
I wouldn’t feed this to my neighbors pit bull whom I hate. I thought the French were supposed to be good at food

>> No.15563330

Heart, liver, even brains I can understand. A pigs fart box is off limits for me.

>> No.15563347
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>> No.15563354


>> No.15563367

It makes sense now why the gas station that sells chitterlings near my home has such a vile stench. It also makes sense why the chitterlings are so chewy.

>> No.15563372

I fuckin love broccoli, even as a kid I'd just eat the big stalks we just got at the market

>> No.15563376
File: 25 KB, 600x436, 3CCA81E3-D16D-4E55-B4F0-4BDCD9CAF89A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor olive loaf. The incel of cold cuts

>> No.15563379

it's just chicken thighs and breasts piled onto the skewer. it only looks weird because of how they trim shavings off it
dunno what goes on the beef or lamb ones tbf tho

>> No.15563380

Dunno what kind of sausage that is but it looks gross

>> No.15563389

Which one? I'll stop in next time I'm up from albany

>> No.15563395

>it also just looks plain disgusting
What a manchild take.

>> No.15563400
File: 574 KB, 2048x1536, 90B11543-5652-4FDF-BE01-EF439BB86859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood sausage. In Bulgaria, where I grew up, for breakfast we would have blood sausage and a potato. If we were lucky we’d also get an onion

>> No.15563403
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, jelliedeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jellied eels. How on earth does anyone stomach this?

>> No.15563406

Monopole. It's hidden away in an alley but its been the same bar for the last 60 years

>> No.15563416

Used to get these when I lived in Central NY

>> No.15563432

Olives are kinda gross but goddamn what the hell is her problem

>> No.15563434

Taste good

>> No.15563440

how do you eat clams? what do you eat them with?

>> No.15563441

It's made of intestines which are delicious. Why wouldn't you eat it?

>> No.15563462

Where in CNY? Been trying to look for a place in Syracuse that does it. I got them from Sals in Oneonta before.

>> No.15563484

I don’t always eat pig intestines but when I do they are full of poop

>> No.15563485

Kebabs are tasty

>> No.15563494

Those are oysters bro, and with some hot sauce and a lemon wedge

>> No.15563497

>I'm good with shrimp unless you give me one not devained.
Why? What is wrong with it?

>> No.15563502

The vein is literally poop.

>> No.15563505

oh, but thanks anyway

>> No.15563518

>Those are oysters bro
What's the difference? I always thought they were just regional names for the same animal.

>> No.15563523

Thats two potate you decadent capitalist bourgeoise

>> No.15563524


>> No.15563527

Oysters are delicious

>> No.15563532

Not him but I had friends at Sony Oneonta while I was going to Binghamton. Sal's was awesome after a night of drinking. There was a place in Binghamton too but can't remember the name.

>> No.15563533

They clean it you goof

>> No.15563540

Chocolate and marshmalow

>> No.15563543

That looks tasty, why would you not eat it?

>> No.15563550

Yeah I'm not a fan of shrimp.

Olives are tasty.

>> No.15563555
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You know what's in them.

>> No.15563557

>aroma of decay
Ah yes, just what I'm looking for in my food.

>> No.15563560

Went to Bing too, maybe you’re talking about NY pizzeria near Lupos? That place and Michaelangelos had some of the best pizza in that area. Probs Cortese too but I never had their pizza, only their main dishes.

>> No.15563563

God I love Sals. That was the last thing I ate after I left that awful glacier of a town.

>> No.15563575
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>> No.15563586
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Aspic is something that I always thought looked pretty disgusting

>> No.15563590
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The vein in a shrimp’s back is literally its poop tube

>> No.15563598

I've tried them every conceivable way, but I just can't get past the texture or appearance.
Clams? Great.
Mussels? Delicious.
Oysters? Nope.

>> No.15563614

I can't tell if you're being serious. Clams oysters and mussels are all different

>> No.15563617

I didn’t mind it desu, Cooperstown provided a nice getaway

>> No.15563618

WILL never eat, not HAVE never eaten

>> No.15563637

100% serious. I also have always lived in landlocked middle America so I don't get much exposure to seafood in the first place.

>> No.15563656
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the 1970s were fucking weird

>> No.15563665
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>> No.15563677

doesnt all the cheese just fall off?

>> No.15563690

In the 50s, the chicken would be in the jello

>> No.15563783

Enough of it melts to the hot pizza, and there’s some that falls off but if you eat it right you don’t let it happen

>> No.15563785
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>> No.15563792

based and ibs-pilled

>> No.15563799

For me it's the mc shitken

>> No.15563800

that honestly sounds decent

>> No.15563908

>I thought the French were supposed to be good at food
The French told you that. They also eat horses, frogs and snails.

>> No.15563911

Eat ur fuckin vegatals

>> No.15563972

Thinking all jews abstain from pork is your first mistake.

>> No.15564093

Kebab is great faggot

>> No.15564106

>not eating horse

>> No.15564111

This disorder is called being a spoiled little fuck and never being told "no". Your parents should have hit you all harder.

>> No.15564136

I know you've been raised in a happy perfect little bubble, but not everyone gets that luxury. You'll understand when you're older and experience the world.

>> No.15564156
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>> No.15564164

canned silkworm pupae.

truly a sin against god

>> No.15564166

>refuse to eat a food
>parents tag team you into the fucking ground and force-feed you the food while you scream and cry and they pin you to the floor and force you to swallow the food
>"The problem is you were a spoiled little fuck who was never told no!"
You have to be 18 or older to post here.

>> No.15564170

To be fair brussel sprouts smell and taste like ass.

>> No.15564172


>> No.15564177

Ive seen so.e at the asian supermarket but frozen. What insectoid race eats it?

>> No.15564181

Welcome back, anon.

>> No.15564184

I like greens, but yeah fuck broccoli. They stink like hell

>> No.15564211

french cuisine is a meme. Your average frenchie just poorly replicates whatever the italians, spanish and germans eat

>> No.15564222

only beasts
i've tried a lot of rancid shit, didn't enjoy all of it but at least tried it. I've unironically eaten fresh bugs before and they're nothing fancy, but jesus fucking christ the canned brined silkworm pupae was the most absurd and incomprehensible piece of shit ive ever bit into.

I cant even put into words how "incorrect" everything about them is. I would sooner eat an entire chinese blow torched dog than fuck with silkworm pupae again

>> No.15564230


It's delicious you trogs.

>> No.15564235

So what race are you?

>> No.15564240


>> No.15564250

Ze bugs

>> No.15564282

It's the smelliest, shittiest part.

>> No.15564306

Not if they're prepared right. A bit charred on the bottom, tender but still firm all the way through.

>> No.15564313


>> No.15564335

Because you refuse to eat it or because you never see yourself i na scenario where you'd have the opportunity?

>> No.15564346

Deviled eggs, even if Patrick chugging them from a piñata made me laugh.

>> No.15564376

Paid actress

>> No.15564446

Literally every sausage
The pic is just gross though

>> No.15564512

probably, definitely the flesh of dissident journalists

>> No.15564516

>ITT: nooooo thats icky!

>> No.15564550

>farmed salmon

refuse to eat that shite. would also never eat any other farmed fish, including shrimp. not poisoning my body with that filth

>> No.15564583

>ITT: tastelets

>> No.15564590
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>> No.15564606 [DELETED] 

Trump lost

>> No.15564665

go back

>> No.15564843

Redpill me

>> No.15564859


I'm from Hungary and that sounds like a pretty fucking cool breakfast to me.

>> No.15564912

I think thats the point of the image.

>> No.15564981

I liked broccoli from a young age. They're like sauce/broth sponges. Never understood the hate, never understood why people associated hate with age.

>> No.15565103

>not eating something
How cab americans be so gross and so childish about food at the same time?
Unless it's something deeply upsetting like eating live bugs, rotten meat, fetuses or monkey's brains the thought process that makes people think it's not embarrassing to never try something is a mystery to me.

>> No.15565323

Lobster tail and king crab with a side of butter is heavenly

>> No.15565348
File: 53 KB, 338x550, 714ElJ4bIHL._SY550_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix frozen broccoli with some of this shit

>> No.15565374

Bell peppers. Even the scent bothers me.
My university (and so far, only my university) manages to cook this in a way I actually really like.

>> No.15565413

pussy lol

>> No.15565444
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>> No.15565448

It doesn't taste much.

>> No.15565467
File: 1.15 MB, 3648x2736, bab0d590ea6a11fc10d2d9831afe6541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aspic done right is amazing. It's just concentrated meat broth with a bit of gelatine added (if your cuts contain enough collagen, you can even achieve it without adding store bought gelatine)

>> No.15565494

You're missing out

>> No.15565514

what do you have against melty cheese?

>> No.15565526

its good on toast hawai and decent in ramen as a thickener that adds a bit of cheese taste. but you are not missing out on much by any means.

>> No.15565643

>factory garloids
nothing beats home grown

>> No.15565706

The ones that call others "gentiles", rub their hands and bask in your financial ineptitude usually don't go anywhere near pork.

>> No.15565709

I love olive loaf

>> No.15565712
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>> No.15565731

Is that a gun? Is someone trying to rob that thing?

>> No.15565882

don't be sad olive loaf
I like you

>> No.15565957

You mean you don't like processed imitation cheese product?

>> No.15565968

>meat super cooked for hours is dangerous!

>> No.15565974

OP is truly degenerate. This is NOT a food. It is a TECHNIQUE. And a very good one for achieving moist meat for a long time.

>> No.15565975

this is a 18+ website, toddler

>> No.15566116

I would unironically use this to make a chicken broth

>> No.15566122

Londoners are subhuman even to the normal Anglo

>> No.15566152

why did you put footage of someone talking in a video with no sound

>> No.15566158

Turks mad

>> No.15566165

was my first thought too. i doubt the meat would have any sort of tolerable texture tho.

>> No.15566188

Unroasted brocoli is a sin.

>> No.15566207

I fucking hate this board

>> No.15566211

When are they never?

>> No.15566214

Your mom cooked them like shit

>> No.15566219

I don't think I can eat chicken foetuses, Filipino and possibly Malaysian anons.

>> No.15566226

None of what you described sounds bad.

>> No.15566230

Everything the Japanese do with eels is pure culinary sex.

The Brits on the other hand... no.

>> No.15566236

It's funny because Koreans will use this in some recipes.

So even if you hate it with every fiber of your being, it still has an audience outside Burgerland.

>> No.15566258
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>> No.15566295

Chinchulines are delightful, you queer.

>> No.15566303
File: 685 KB, 1320x1180, Screenshot-2019-11-12-at-20.39.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually delicious in either the lamb, pork or chicken variants.

>> No.15566420
File: 1021 KB, 1080x1080, Himmel-un-Aed_featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German style black pudding w/ decent amounts of fat. Ingredient of a typical dish from the German Rhineland called Himmel un Ääd (heaven and earth), which is fried black pudding served with mashed potatoes, fried onions and fried apples or apple sauce.

Pic related

>> No.15566493
File: 725 KB, 1860x1433, Sülze001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head Cheese. No thanks

>> No.15566528

You are a fucking child

>> No.15566545

>can’t get black pudding in the US but our supermarkets have 400 kinds of cereal
:( why God

>> No.15566577

>beef small intestine
Sounds marginally better than pig “intestine” (not small, just intestine broadly) wrapped in the literal fucking colon

>> No.15566605

Tlačenka is based

>> No.15566626

>trying to get someone to eat vegetables that doesn't like them
>give them single piece of probably cold steamed brussel sprout
both of these people are retarded

>> No.15566641

A kebab is ground meat on a stick fuckface.

>> No.15566644

You probably hate brocolli because you boil it into mush. Get an $8 steamer basket/pot set from walmart and lightly season with salt and pepper for best results
I've noticed that the pre-cut broccoli is the kind that stinks. Getting a big fresh stalk from the supermarket and carving it into smaller florets yourself stinks much less

>> No.15566646

No it isn't

>> No.15566649

I was about to type that I would basically try everything once but then I got reminded that balut exists. No thanks.

>> No.15566666

you're thinking of shawarma or gyros. a kebap (like cevapi, its long lost brother) is tube shaped ground meat

>> No.15566678

makes for entertaining tv

>> No.15566687


> In North America, a kebab is commonly the classic shish kebab or shashlik – small cubes of meat cooked on a skewer[3][4] – or, outside of North America where it is better known as gyros,[5] the more recent and now-ubiquitous fast-food doner kebab.[4][6]

>> No.15566693


>> No.15566711

window licker

>> No.15566731

This disorder is called being a Wahhabist Saudi Arabian, or an American. Apologetics of child abuse always baffle. I could make an effective argument for infant circumcision out of your premise.

>You can ensure that your offspring will behave appropriately at all times, in all situations. You just have to make sure their abuse trauma is severe enough. Get started before they even leave the hospital!

>> No.15566812

Would you eat a woman's asshole just because she cleaned it first?

>> No.15566925
File: 62 KB, 387x291, tommy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you should clean her asshole first before eating it

>> No.15566931


>> No.15566936

>kebab is ground meat
>shish kebab is meat shavings, americans call it kebab though
ok retard

>> No.15566951

kek more for me dumb faggot with weak genetics

>> No.15567107

sits in a window for hours if not days covered in flies maintained by the filthy... il pass.

>> No.15567150
File: 132 KB, 900x675, 65e73c7e5ec3437d0b58f6cf2b0077a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it must be full of germs

>> No.15567153

Eat some germs, they're good for you

>> No.15567172


>> No.15567455
File: 69 KB, 640x640, 1610467663558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step 1: get fresh broccoli, break into florets
>step 2: coat in olive oil, lemon juice, good paprika if you please
>step 3: sprinkle in sliced garlic and salt
>step 4: roast until there's some good browning going on
>step 5: finish with pepper
wa la, you have a simple and tasty recipe for any given vegetable. I don't know how so many "people" manage to fuck them up.

>> No.15567475

thats a lot of work to make shit taste good...

>> No.15567483

Two possible explanations:
1. They're stereotypically white and don't season thier food
2. They only know how to cook in a microwave

>> No.15567485

>the simplest conceivable recipe is too much work
post bicep

>> No.15567489

Your parents failed you

>> No.15567494

I love sushi, and I'd even try live octopus but... balut? eh...

>> No.15567499

I'm allergic anyway but they aren't bad
Though they ARE the cockroaches of the sea

>> No.15567526


>> No.15567539

That's why you have to sterilse you guts with insane amounts of alcohol first and only buy the kabab for consumption on the journey home from the pub. No-one eats one while sober.

>> No.15567566

ITT children

>> No.15567606


>> No.15567616

This. Most of the foods in this thread have more soul than the whole last year of meals of the posters here combined.

>> No.15567622

Being this American

>> No.15567626

Americans generally like kebabs, even the mayonnaise americans

>> No.15567644

Halal meat is rather popular here actually
Most people associate it with Gyros but generally it's some of the most popular street food I see in nyc.

I really can't think of a meat product that wouldn't sell in the us, I mean we kinda invented and then fueled entirely independently the market for spam, there isn't really any going back from that.

>> No.15567663
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>> No.15567671

raw land bugs have slime on the inside but shrimps have a tender piece of meat inside the shell

>> No.15567675
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I've eaten almost ever picrel in this thread. Balut, olive loaf, intestines, head cheese, oysters, olives, pickled eggs. All good eating. I draw the line at bugs.

>> No.15567746

I'll never try it. Looks like rank pussy.

>> No.15567747

he's allergic precisely because he's never eaten it
like how parents never give their kids peanuts for fear they might be allergic and instead end up giving them the peanut allergy themselves

>> No.15567789

crustaceans and insects are as far apart taxonomically as mammals and sea squirts

>> No.15567823

you know what sausages are cased in right?

>> No.15567827

Do you blanch before roasting?

>> No.15567849

I think he experienced the opposite you dolt

>no spanking
>no "to bed with you"
yeah if your parents are willing to do all that shit instead of spanking your ass with a belt or sending you to your room because you're a child saying "no" then you ARE spoiled. Your parents are weird and your weirder for faking some ptsd for being force fed rice

It's called discipline Mr.Child Psychiatrist. No one is talking about having your kid stand in the snow barefoot. You don't wanna eat your veggies? Then go to bed. Simple as

There's nothing wrong with disliking certain foods. I don't like squash nor boiled cabbage, but if push came to shove you can be sure that I'd be willing to survive off those two things alone because I'm an Adult

>> No.15567896

don't be dramatic, I was forced to eat stuff that I found disgusting as a child but now I can't get enough of them

>> No.15567905

>child abuse is the same as being told you need to eat your veggies to watch tv

>> No.15567911

>child abuse is the same as being told you need to eat your rice to watch tv

>> No.15567912

They grow on you
I like mine with vinegar and white pepper and a ginger beer

>> No.15567913

we're gonna need you to man up, dude.

>> No.15567915

>>no spanking
>>no "to bed with you"
My parents did spank me, and ground me to my room, and make me sit at the dining room table in front of my food until bed time if I didn't eat everything on my plate. Once they even said if I didn't eat everything on my plate they would put my plate in the fridge and serve it to me for every single meal until I ate it, which they gave up on after I went nearly 2 weeks without food. I got punished plenty, in a variety of ways, but I was also a stubborn little autist in an age before kids got sent to psychiatrists and loaded full of mind-altering drugs until they comply.

>> No.15567922

>hitting somebody who can't defend themselves in order to control them
Literally ooga booga tier.

>> No.15567934

I'm not being dramatic, it's a literal summary of what happened. My parents came over to me in my chair, my dad held down my arms, my mom tried to force the fork of rice into my mouth. When I kept struggling and wouldn't open my mouth, my dad called my older brother over and together they forced me down to the ground, chair and all, head hit the ground with a thud, and someone shoved their fingers in my mouth until it opened wide enough to fit in the fork. Once the rice was in, they held my mouth and lips shut until I swallowed, like how you give pills to a fucking cat.

>> No.15567945
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>> No.15567971
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Was forced to eat this at a vietnamese feast. Everyone there made a big deal out of the fact that that the white boy was gonna try the duck fetus. It was honestly awful. Not the flavor but the texture. It tasted pretty much like a boiled egg, but I could feel the bones and the beaks crunching, and the feathers too.

>> No.15567983

could it be mostly swallowed whole?

>> No.15567989

>after I went 2 weeks without food
Then you're obviously mentally challenged. Why respond with your shitty anecdote that's the equivalent of "I'm allergic". If you have mental issues then obviously spanking or grounding you wouldn't work and that guys post wasn't meant for people like you.

>Hitting someone to physically harm them is literally ooga booga tier
I literally agree, racist
>Hitting someone on a cushioned body part at 30% strength to encourage certain behavior is using the human psyche to your advantage
Once you have kids, maybe you'll understand that sometimes trying to explain the benefits of something, especially eating certain foods, to a literal child who can't even say their abcs is a little less effective than 2-3 spanks on the behind. You can put it under whatever bad light you want, but that's how the world was and still is. Now take your literal speaking ass back to r/parenting

>> No.15567997

based and carnivorepilled

>> No.15568035

what's your sexual orientation?

>> No.15568041


>> No.15568059
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I didn't give it much thought at the time. And besides, have you ever tried to swallow a boiled egg whole? What are you a fucking monitor lizard?

>> No.15568071

bros... why is he using a sander on the meat pile?

>> No.15568085


>> No.15568122

I'm a straight male. Why?

>> No.15568164

satanic quints confirm

>> No.15568176

your bf will never be satisfied

>> No.15568188

16.50 a kilo? that's a bit pricey. I'd eat it, but not at those prices.

>> No.15568203

My only complaint with olive loaf is the olives. I get sick as fuck eating olives.

>> No.15568211

Such a waste of good eels. They are much better filleted and grilled.

>> No.15568263

>hot sauce
Just lime and salt is needed you faggot

>> No.15568388

Unpopular opinion :picky eaters should stfu and grow up

>> No.15568646

Nah, I'll take my "feminine" steak over your "manly" sea boogers.

>> No.15568768

Death to America

>> No.15568861


>> No.15568884
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Never actually eaten that, but I twice cracked a chicken fetus into the pan

>> No.15568897

cause im not gay

>> No.15568941

what are you, some kind of rapist?

>> No.15569034

Small intestines I can understand, but the large intestine and colon is literally the shit factory. That sausage isn’t even just encased in intestine.

It is LARGE INTESTINE encased in the COLON. Literally the two shittiest parts of any animals body. The fucking google front page says it carries the odor of decay on it. That’s fucking nasty on a whole different level.

>> No.15569036

OP's pic related, organ meats, and food that comes from restaurants run by sketchy looking people.

>> No.15569044

What dumbass farmer would keep roosters where they could fertilize eggs that are meant to be sold as food?

>> No.15569104

Ya got me.

>> No.15569219

>doesn't partake in a lil' shit once in a while
c'mon buddy

>> No.15569294

Wouldn't this just be soup if you heated it up?

>> No.15569312

>when me and the boys drive to the filipino superstore
I remember it tasting like bloody egg yolk

>> No.15569334
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>for breakfast we would have blood sausage and a potato
>If we were lucky we'd also get an onion

>> No.15569375

not the same guy but a lot of farm fish is fed a mixture of byproduct filler and literal chicken shit, because the farms also raise chickens on top of the fish tank

>> No.15569393
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Please don't get imitation cheese mixed up with american slices. Imitation is some low shit, it's fake fake cheese made out of water and oil. American singles are good on burgers or maybe a 2 am grilled cheese sandwich, but the smell of imitation cheese alone is enough to induce vomiting.

>> No.15569712
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>> No.15569751
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Try pistachio loaf

>> No.15569825
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I just can't fucking do it. I even bought some at a flip shop and just stared at it until I threw it away.

>> No.15569878

i tried a tiny bit of guinea pig in peru, id never eat it again. The meat itself wasn't bad, not great, but just i dont want to eat it ever again. Too weird to enjoy, too gross.

>> No.15569915
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This abomination

>> No.15570398

This is fucking retarded

Cant you just go to Little Caesars an put shredded in cheese on top? What's so special about the NY stuff

>> No.15570412


>> No.15570641

What's wrong with that? You know you don't eat the heads right? They're there to impart flavour and as decoration, it's just a fish pie otherwise.

>> No.15570740

It tastes great. But yes, you’ll suffer, the toilet will suffer, and everyone near the restroom will suffer.

>> No.15570743

USA gets a lot of its culinary customs from de chozen pebul, and, in their culture, blood is treyf.
That's not to say you can't get blut sosig, but you need to live in an area which is/was traditionally either Cajun or German.

>> No.15570884

Not true. How and why you do it matters. If you get mad at and hit your kids you're retarded. If your children are disobedient and refusing to be controlled via verbal direction, and physically blocking any attempt to correct their course (tantrums, flailing around, etc.) then the only thing they will understand is physical discipline. Young humans are like small animals. You will not reason with your dog if it's shitting inside the house and via a dialectic discussion awake within your dog the enlightened idea that perhaps he should shit outside. You shout NO! You rub his face in it and swat him with a rolled up newspaper. Then you reward him when he does well. Children are the same. You don't want to resort to physical correction, but sometimes when they're being really fucking bad and really pushing boundaries (especially early on) the only thing that will cut through their brains and set them straight is a brisk spanking. Then once you've cut through the interference you explain to them why it happened and what you expect of them, then give them hugs and cheer them up. They will forget all about it and go about their day. More often then not in future instances the mere threat of a spanking is then enough to keep them in line. Not always, but frequently. Spare the rod and spoil the child is an age old phrase for a reason. It's easy to not want to hurt your children. It really does hurt inside the first time you have to give your little kid a spanking for misbehaving, nobody wants to inflict pain on their kids. The bottom line is that if you leave them alone to never have those boundaries and let them walk all over you, the end result is children at an even older age who are even worse behaved, more disrespectful, and harder to control than they should be.

>> No.15570920

Sea bugs. Like shrimp and shit. Disgusting.

>> No.15570922

people with autism should not be allowed on /ck/. on the rest of 4chan it's funny but here's it's just annoying. no, i dont care that /ck/ will become /po/-tier slow
OP, please learn to enjoy food

>> No.15570927
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>Sorry you simply cannot convince me this isnt icky

>> No.15570939

In my head, spanking is completely inseparable from sex. I literally can't ever spank a child, since it'd be like raping them as far as I'm concerned. Besides, (((psychologists))) say that it fucks up your child, so I'd probably be doing a good thing by not spanking them when I become a father.
Everybody on this website has autism, including you.

>> No.15570993

3rd worlders

>> No.15571056

Based. Same with gluten free faggots

>> No.15571071

M8, you haven't lived. Went to a good restaurant and they had oysters the shell with some spicy sauce with bacon bits. Was the fucking tits.

>> No.15571079

Yeah man, but don’t you think it looks kinda creepy?

>> No.15571089

Roast them with a bit of oil, pepper, and parmesan cheese and they're godly

>> No.15571163
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>anons describing abuse

>> No.15571175

Your loss

>> No.15571194

What sauce would you recommend? I've tried the generic red pepper vinegar stuff like tabasco and crystal

>> No.15571213

Horse is delicious, it taste like beef but stronger

>> No.15571221

Honestly no idea, but its been a long time since it happened last, guessing tech solved that problem.
Sweden btw

>> No.15571358

Gays are notoriously finicky

>> No.15571366

its german

>> No.15571372

fisting your parents

>> No.15571379

gays eat good

>> No.15571453

It walks a fine line especially depending on how it's prepared.

>> No.15571498

Jesus christ, eating one of these (that had likely been under a heat lamp for hours) cured me if any fear of new foods forever. The smell alone was so vile no one else at the table understood how i managed.

>> No.15571772

This sounds amazing. I want to try it sometime.

>> No.15571820

Don't be a fucking faggot bitch and you won't have to be treated like a misbehaving animal.

>> No.15571831

based retard using arbitrary destinctions made up by fake scientists

>> No.15571832

>I literally can't ever spank a child, since it'd be like raping them as far as I'm concerned.
No offense but you're just a weird fucker. I'd spank my kid but not my girlfriend. The butt's supposed to be the safest place to hit them or something. Hitting their palms and arms with a ruler is probably harmless but it leaves marks for other people to see, which causes psychological damage. It has to be a spanking if you want a physical punishment.