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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15561435 No.15561435 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing all things potato, because potatoes are fucking amazing.

>> No.15561451

I have Irish friends I visited ages ago. We went to their grandmothers house and she made all sorts with potatoes. Some sort of mashed spring onionm thing in particular. Fucking delicious

>> No.15561503 [DELETED] 

Left over mashed potatoes.
Can of corn
Can of creamed corn
Cooked shredded chicken
Milk or half and half
Salt or knorr chicken stock pot if your name is Marco.
white pepper

Mashed potatoes into pot. Add canned goods. Drain the can of corn. Stir and add milk or half and half til you get the consistency you like. Warm gently to avoid burning the bottom. Stir every few min or so. Dice the chicken. Add to pot. Add salt and pepper (Or stockpot, Marco) to taste. When warmed fully, add the butter and stir it in.

Into a bowl, eat with buttered toast, warmed bun or as a last resort, crackers.

>> No.15561518

It's called champ. You simmer butter and scallions in milk then use that milk for the mashed potatoes.

>> No.15561541

When I was growing up, my mom would always use an electric beater to make mashed potatoes, and I never cared for them because the texture always felt a little gluey. When I moved out, I started using a hand masher. It did a great job, but sometimes if I was in a hurry or wasn't very thorough, there could be lumps in it.

A couple of months ago I picked up a ricer, and holy shit. It changes the game. I still use a hand-masher for when I leave the skins on, but if I want a really fluffy mash or if I'm making a topping for a cottage pie, the ricer is such an incredible tool. It comes out super fluffy and all you need to use to stir in your butter, milk, and seasoning is a spoon. I've also heard you can use them to make cauliflower or carrot mash, as well as use a large setting to make spatzle.

Also, parboiled baby (new) potatoes that are lightly smashed until the skins pop (but the filling doesn't come oozing out), that are then baked or fried are amazing. Love the crispy exterior and the creamy insides with some flaked salt.

>> No.15561942

I agree.

They are amazing.

Truly golden earth nuggets.

A present to us all.

>> No.15562005
File: 27 KB, 640x502, 8541349c319d30a3bea3c00a5acf14d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you slice off an inch of every potato you're going to cook and plant it, you have infinite potatoes.

>> No.15562008
File: 11 KB, 227x222, 1563527792714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is an "inch"?

>> No.15562015

The correct way to measure things, foreigner.

>> No.15562023

tips on making hashbrowns?
i usually use a mandolin but i think it makes the strands too thin, making the texture not how i prefer.

>> No.15562035

Use a box grater and collect them in a kitchen towel. Wring the everloving fuck out of them through the towel to expel excess moisture. Don't fuck with them as they brown.

>> No.15562063
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>MFW you can basically live off nothing but potatos, some greens and a bit of meat

How is this possible??

>> No.15562081

can you do this but with plant-based potatoes?

>> No.15562083

Potatoes are reported to have more vitamin C than oranges.

>> No.15562134
File: 41 KB, 600x600, french.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supplement meat with lentils.

You could make lentil stew with a shit load of potatoes and add in broccoli, Chia seed or Flaxseeds to get your Omega 3.

I'd wager that you could live off that the rest of your life... If you didn't want to enjoy it.

>> No.15562137
File: 68 KB, 480x480, traditional-british-dishes-lancashire-hotpot-royalty-free-image-1575038557[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when they're ontop of a hotpot and are steam cooked with all the juices of the meat and vegetables.

>> No.15562147
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Every time I've tried to cook potatoes for something like a breakfast hash, I've ended up having them stick like hell to the pan no matter how much oil I use. What do, potatobros?

>> No.15562180

Use a properly seasoned cast iron pan for starters. And stop trying to flip food before it's ready. When it needs to be flipped it will release itself.

>> No.15562193

Vinegar on boiled potatoes that you mash a little with your fork is delicious (can add butter but not completely necessary). It used to be standard fare but we have forgotten.

>> No.15562206

The ones that survived the Potato Famine in Ireland got by on even less than that, often just potatoes and a bit of dairy from cows or goats. It's often overlooked that the disease only affected potatoes and big businesses were still exporting a lot of their usual stuff, but the lowest classes were stuck with "poor people food," potatoes. And there simply wasn't enough, but the government and businesses didn't care to halt exports enough to save their own citizens.

>> No.15562223

Use a non-stick pan with a lid. Brown your meat (sausage, corned beef, bacon, whatever), remove and set aside. Cube your potatoes, slice onions and peppers thinly, throw it into a pre-heated pan with hot oil all in at once. Lid on, stirring occassionally, until almost tender. Re-add meat and stir well, break a couple of eggs over the top, and lid back on until eggs are at your desired doneness and veggies are fully tender.

>> No.15562409

How do i make a nice twice baked potato
I really liked the one at a restaurant i went to but i forgot the restaurants name and now can only think about it. Im not even sure it was a twice baked potato, might have just been a nice cheesey potato mash

>> No.15562417

The width of your thumb. Bodily approximations, just as god intended

>> No.15562445

When the day comes that you are blessed to have goose fat to cook with, your sticking problem days are over

>> No.15562466

Botanically speaking, potatoes are technically a fruit!

>> No.15563165

Use a cheese grater and try to get as much moisture out of the potato as you can. Then put it in the pan and flatten it out, wait for one side to get brown and crispy, then flip.

>> No.15563174

will this make them crispy on the outside but fluffy on the inside? my issue is them being crispy but not fluffy.