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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15558298 No.15558298 [Reply] [Original]

Do you drink water?

>> No.15558318

Kinda have to.

>> No.15558332
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I drank this kind

>> No.15558341
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I only drink pee i harvest from public urinals

>> No.15558342

Great thread OP

>> No.15559407

probably the most healthy way to get hydrated and strengthen your immune system

>> No.15559411


>> No.15559412

I pretty much only drink water and clear liquor.

>> No.15559442

Drank about 2 gallons yesterday and will probably today when I get to work. The water dispenser is triple filtered. Best water I ever had.

>> No.15559560

>hydrogen and oxygen
not a fan

>> No.15559667
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>> No.15559712

>water with extra oxygen
I would honestly be scared to drink that

>> No.15559736

t. dehydrated

>> No.15560213

Yes more than I want to, but that's life.

>> No.15560230

like once a month

>> No.15560255


>> No.15560297

The tap water where I live is excellent quality, so yes, I drink a lot of it. Unless I have excess beer around, in which case all I drink is beer.

>> No.15560362

>live out in the country
>have well water
feels good

>> No.15560381

thread theme:

>> No.15560390
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(Check all that apply)
[ ] americans
[ ] europeans
[ ] britbongs
[ ] asians
[ ] africans
[ ] antipodeans

really do this???

>> No.15560392

Everyday, I feel like Im in my prime

>> No.15560468


>> No.15560486

for me, it's WATER

>> No.15560678
File: 96 KB, 735x1103, lemon-iced-tea-20-735x1103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink superior water.

>> No.15561264

Only when I'm at work.

>> No.15561302

Some. I drink about a gallon of tea everyday and usually a can of seltzer

>> No.15561346

Almost exclusively. I also drink milk when the itch strikes. Coffee if I need caffeine.

>> No.15562027

I honestly need to cut down on tea, i'm drinking at least 2L a day at current rates.

>> No.15562072

My well water is so rusty that it dyes everything it touches orange and tastes like blood. Sometimes iron eating bacteria get into it and it turns black. Plus there's a chemical dump located above our aquifer. So yeah we don't drink it.

>> No.15562127

Ah, a refreshing glass of long island iced tea

>> No.15562150

You'd think because tea is mostly water that it's fine, but it's pretty high in oxalates. If you have spinach, nuts, and/or chocolate on top of all that tea, you're putting yourself at high risk for kidney stones. Having recently gone through a pretty painful bout (they had to give me fentanyl in the hospital), I'd urge you to cut back. I admittedly had an uncommonly large stone actually make its way into my ureter, but I've never felt pain like that in my life. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

>> No.15562551

lul so randumb xD

>> No.15562983
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>Is water good for you

>> No.15563160

Water is like anything in this universe - the more you look into it the more complex you realize it is. Distilled water for me, the 2nd purest and safest water. The ultimate water is the endogenous water created in own bodies during dry fasting when hydrogen extracted from our body fat is combined with oxygen from our breath to create the H20 we can't get from externally sourced water.

>> No.15563286

H2O2? You'd be drinking hydrogen peroxide

>> No.15563328

Nah just Pepsi. If a place doesn't have Pepsi I leave.

>> No.15563338

the golden source

>> No.15563353
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>drink lots of water from moment I wake up till moment I finish work
>drink lots of alcohol after work until I sleep
the duality of man

>> No.15563581

I do but i hate the fact that there is estrogen in the water. I dont know how to setup filters or shit like that. Im literally trannying my body by drinking tap water

>> No.15563953

>but it's pretty high in oxalates.
>putting yourself at high risk for kidney stones
I'm well aware, its primarily why I want to cut back.

>> No.15564212
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>> No.15564293

Nah, never.

>> No.15564365


>> No.15565043

Based. I drink 1-2 gallons a day. I work out rigorously every day so it is a necessity for me.

>> No.15565048

If anything I probably drink more than I need to. I'm a sweaty fat bastard. maybe If just lost some weight I wouldn't sweat it out so fucking fast.

>> No.15566089

With lemon juice. Water and lemon juice are all i drink. And milk. With cereal some times. But never let lemon juice sit with water for more than 1 day

>> No.15566291
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>> No.15566311

I drink so much water.
My pee is very light

>> No.15566320
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Only by cupping a little in my hand when i have to wash down a pill.

>> No.15566325

This is reddit tier shit. Fuck off.

>> No.15566952

No, that's disgusting!

>> No.15566998
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Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream.

>> No.15567052

If it's in the water it's already in the food anyway anon. Just except the femboy pill already.

>> No.15567059
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Fuck off nazi.

>> No.15567091

No. Fish fuck in it.

>> No.15567121
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fuck yes

>> No.15567185
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Humans are made of 75% water.
if you dont drink it you get headaches, dry saggy skin and all kinds of bad shit.

Drink water or die slow and painfully. there used to be PSA's about this shit.

>> No.15567315

Literally all of humanity drinks water, we just don't make a fuss about it because it's the most basic of tasks for survival.
How much of a lardass must you be to think drinking water is some form of achievement you need to tell everyone unrequestedly about?

>> No.15567335

No, it's too spicy for me.

>> No.15567365

Recall there was a stupid astroturfed meme right here by (((journalist))) Will Sommer where people would post very smugly about eating raw onion like it made them gigachads

>> No.15567895

every time I enter the kitchen I drink half a glass

>> No.15567904
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of course

>> No.15567960

I only dink soda

>> No.15567986

Yes but I prefer to drink my wife's piss. She thankfully drinks a lot of water so her urine has a really wonderful pleasant mild taste. Which is another reason to drink water, it gives you great tasting refreshing urine!

>> No.15568863

Water is leddit

>> No.15568912


>> No.15568917

See >>15568912

>> No.15568932


>> No.15569268

The 5 core necessities

and pH+ too!

>> No.15569449


>> No.15570344

my man right here

>> No.15570419
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>> No.15571390

water is like the flour of beverages, it really shouldn't be consumed by itself and is the groundwork for actual things like juice or pop

>> No.15571450

YOU DON'T HAVE TO DRINK WATER you don't have to drink water
They lied to you! 8 glasses of water a day is supplied by the food you eat. What do you think lettuce is made of, fool? Anything extra is just piss.

>> No.15571477



>> No.15571486


Nope. Low sugar juice. Blood. Raw Milk.

>> No.15571543
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>[X] americans
>[X ] europeans
>[X ] britbongs
>[X ] asians
>[ ] africans
>[ X] antipodeans

>> No.15571546

tea til midday, water till 4pm, liquor till sleep

>> No.15571555
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>> No.15571558

Go back

>> No.15571579

its my gf

>> No.15571632

>pH 9 water
almost like drinking my favorite sink declogger

>> No.15572338
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>> No.15573895

Water is the only thing I drink

>> No.15573897

nope. never

>> No.15574963

by your powers combined, I am...?

>> No.15574976

it's very expensive, Douglath!

>> No.15574984

yes. keeps away the hunger, kind of

>> No.15574993
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>So a chemist and a mathematician are sitting at a bar

>> No.15575153

drank a lot of shit back when i was a kid
but then i started drinking more water
now all i drink is water
it makes me feel right
thank you water

>> No.15575189

A lot more since the dentist told me fizzy drinks were killing my teeth. Apparently my saliva isn't strong enough to resist the acid because of a genetic defect. So I had to go cold turkey and replace with water or I'd be a gummy joe

>> No.15575218
File: 320 KB, 639x529, 4chan Watchlist - Thanks Water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.15575230

obviously. who doesn't?

>> No.15575491
