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15552119 No.15552119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

should tipping be mandatory ?

>> No.15552123

Women were a mistake.

>> No.15552135

No. Get a proper job, if you want more cash, leech.

>> No.15552142
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Only when the server earns it.

>> No.15552148

Uhh, sanitation department?

>> No.15552150

Her tits look like a butt but no poopoo = no fun

>> No.15552151

waiting is a proper job, you dolt. But tipping should still be illegal.

>> No.15552158
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>> No.15552160
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titcow tipping

>> No.15552165

No, it should be eliminated. It's a way that restaurants get away with underpaying their employees and disguising the actual costs customers will likely be paying. It's an egregious symptom of the American brand of capitalism.

>> No.15552172

If you don't think a job is a "proper job", you don't deserve to have the benefits of someone doing that job for you. Why should someone take your order and bring you food if that's not a "proper" job?

>> No.15552175
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>restaurant employees

I thought all the waitresses have been pour of a job for 10 months now.

>> No.15552180
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>pour of a job

>> No.15552186
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Listen, retard, just because you failed your life and work full time in a job which is primarly for young people to supplement their allowances and students, it is not the obligation of our society to now pay you more than your shitty work ethics would call for. And do you know ho I know your work ethic is shitty? I've been waiter uring my teen years as well and the only ones complaining about the money where unpleasant old fucks which think they should be able to feed a family and pay fo a house on a fucking waiter salary. Maybe don't be such a opinionated and smug fuck, put on a amn smile and you'll bet your socially pressured gibs. In the end tipping is you getting something EXTRA for being nicer and more accomodating than would be expected.

Try to not become a failure the next time you respawn.

>> No.15552191

is this a copypasta? this sucks

>> No.15552195

>Why should someone take your order and bring you food if that's not a "proper" job?
Because I pay him for what he agreed to work, that being the amount his chef pays him. I'm not gonna pay a >tip< when the service is just so or even subpar. Tipping is me aknowledging that your work has been above what should be expected from you. If you going to bitch to me that you should get something extra just for doing your work, I'll spit in your face.

Thank god I don't need to tolerate you scum in my life.

>> No.15552206

You're right that invisible fees are dumb and outside of the work-service contract, but that doesn't have shit to do with what he asked you. You haven't answered why you think it's not a "proper" job. In fact, you actually explained why you do think it's a proper job.

>> No.15552213
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>that much of an intellectual failure that he can't fathom someone writing sentances on a topic without it being a pasta

>> No.15552221
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It's not a proper job, because a fucking mongoloid can do it. It's like cutting pickles at McDonalds or cutting grass for your neightboor. It's supposed to be something for teens and tweens to supplement their allowances, not for grown ass human beans to live off it till they retire.

>> No.15552223

No, it absolutely should not be mandatory. Tipping should be based on excellent food or excellent service. I even get slightly irked by the fact that many restaurants will add an automatic gratuity (the percentage differs from place to place) to groups of customers over a certain size. While I understand the reason, it still bugs me.
>t. career cook/chef

>> No.15552234

Why can fucking mongoloids and teens not have a "proper" job? When I was a teen I could edit video, install electronics systems such as security and home theaters, build computers, and write. My brother learned how to code when he was in elementary school. Are those not "proper" jobs? What the fuck do you do that makes you think you and you exclusively work a proper job?

>> No.15552236

>Because I pay him for what he agreed to work
No? You pay the company and they issue wages based on what they can get people to work for. You really think these guys are getting rewarded equivalent to what they're providing for you?

>> No.15552240

Imagine pooping on top of her boobs. They would act like a poop plate hahahaha looool xD

>> No.15552243
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Sanotation department here.
Ma'am I'm gonna need those butt cheeks spread for a thorough inspection

>> No.15552247

>It's like cutting pickles at McDonalds or cutting grass for your neightboor. It's supposed to be something for teens and tweens to supplement their allowances,
Yes, working minimum wage at McDonalds is meant to be for teenagers to supplement their allowances, which is why the all-day shifts don't actually work with a high school schedule, and most of the people in these jobs are adults. You're repeating propaganda promoted by these companies because they don't want to pay people more.

>> No.15552255

>James Squire Fifty Lashes
>Carlton Dry
Which fuckin bar is this? I want her arse to pour me a frothy

>> No.15552272

What a manchild

>> No.15552273
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>> No.15552277

I only tip men.

>> No.15552278

Nah, those aint proper jobs as long as you don't get paid accordingly. Gardening is a proper job as well, cutting the grass and bushes of your milf neightboor isn't. It's not supposed to be, as is clearly indicated by the payment. The expectation which is laid on you, is that one would on a teen. If you want to get a proper waiter position you have to expect to actually work hard for that and apply in restaurants which offer a higher service. If you bitch about tips I can garantee that you work in a "non job" job.
And even than you should be able to make cash money by being nicer than to your grandma. But you clearly aren't, rather being smug to your customer becase of a meme.

>You really think these guys are getting rewarded equivalent to what they're providing for you?
No, I think they are much overpaid for what they do. Usually the more entitled the staff is, the worse the service.

And with all that said, I'm one of those people which, when thy get real good service or unexpected nice waiters, pay real good tips, no matter if it's a waiter, a taxi driver or a mechanic. Getting paid 30% (when we're talking 200-300 shekels) extra for going out of you way to please a customer is not uncommon. But there is no more disgusting behaviour than entitlement to the money of other people.

>> No.15552284

>which is why the all-day shifts don't actually work with a high school schedule, and most of the people in these jobs are adults
That's because the current age has produced enought retards and failures which will work for that kidn of money because they don't get any other job. Of course the market will use that. Doesn't change the fact that you're getting paid to do teen work. It's on you for being a failure and being unemployable anywhere else. hy should anybody pay more to supplement your retardation? It's enought that we pay you peopl gibs and stamps.

>> No.15552285

>if you get paid enough for a job it's proper
>jobs don't deserve to get paid enough unless they're proper
circular logic lol. I guess boomers really don't have enough brain cells for these kinds of discussions.

>> No.15552292

Not paying a living wage should be illegal. Tipping should be optional once the previous has been achieved.

>> No.15552294

>No, I think they are much overpaid for what they do.
It's an integral part of the sit-down restaurant experience to have someone take your order, bring your food, and bus your table. Why is a basic wage that someone can live on to continue performing that task overpaid?

>> No.15552298

>Because I pay him for what he agreed to work,
What if he agreed to work for $2 an hour plus tips? WHAT THEN FUCKFACE?

>> No.15552299

>Doesn't change the fact that you're getting paid to do teen work.
There's no such thing as teen work, you're projecting a false version of reality onto the real economy, and demanding reality adjust itself to your hierarchy.

>> No.15552301

Exactly this. Most people who make the argument that a "living wage isn't a right because I only make $xx" should be asking themselves why they feel like they aren't being paid their worth.

>> No.15552312

No, you're just retarded.
Your pay is usually dependant on the amount of physical or mental rsponsibility. If you're just cutting pickles you pay will be lower than if you're cutting highly sensitive bonsei trees. Further the more people are ble to do your job, the lower the pay will be. Everyone can cut a pickle, including the mentally retarded, not everbody can cut a century old bonsei without fucking it up beyond repair.

If you don't like your wage, go and get a better job. If you can't get a better job, that sucks, but ou can't expect to do a job which even a unironic rtard can do and gt paid lik you're working in some michelin restaurant where you need to look and bhave proper as well as know what you're serving.

>> No.15552315

>another coomer thread

>> No.15552317

Found the American.

>> No.15552325


tipping is a band-aid, paying people a living wage should be mandatory

>> No.15552328

none of that explains why you think a job is "proper" or it isn't. You don't even know what you said, because now you're ignoring your previous point and changing it out. Suddenly a specialized field like video editing is as retarded as cutting pickles because someone told you a teen can do it.

Why don't you go on and tell us your job, Grandpa? I'm sure it's not a job that a robot could do, that you're allowed to do because the boss would feel ashamed firing someone so near pension.

>> No.15552329

>It's like cutting pickles at McDonalds
Imagine thinking Macdonald's pays an employee to cut pickles. Jesus, give me a break. They come in tubs, pre-sliced at their various factories.

>> No.15552331

>Why is a basic wage that someone can live on to continue performing that task overpaid?
See >>15552312 . It's retarded and entitled teen logik to think that every job need to be a living wage. I can sew you a evening gown worth tousands in materials costing me hundreds of work hours. But if that a skill basically everyone else can do, nobody will pay me what I expect to be a living wage for the time spend. I either increase my quality above that of the competition and get paid extra for that, I suck it up and deal with what I get moving to a cheaper envoirement or I look for a different job. Sadly for waiters, 95% of thos employed there are replacable by teens and straight otta prison people.

>> No.15552335

Dear lord, if you can't fathom the difference between the two you don't deserve more pay for your pickles. Responsibility and competition. Look up those two words and ponder their meaning.