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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15549440 No.15549440 [Reply] [Original]

If I hear the phrase plant-based again I'm going to burn down a hospital.
>Plant-based butter
>Plant-based "milk"
>Plant-based schmeat
>Plant-based cosmetics
>Plant-based dildos
Fuck thus plant-based clown world.

>> No.15549451

You do realize that you’re plant based as well, right? Follow the food chain.

>> No.15549466

ITT: triggered manbaby general

>> No.15549479

If you really wanna get technical we are shit based.

Or maybe sun based? Water based?

>> No.15549489

Sun Based. It all comes from the sun. and not just "our" sun.

>> No.15549490

star dust. Life as we know it could not exist if not for the corpses of stars.

>> No.15549494

plant based car
. . . plant based gf

>> No.15549496

Could you be more of a snowflake

>> No.15549664

No u

>> No.15549673

Ok le based black man, here's your updoots and plebbit gold

>> No.15549963

plant based snowflake

>> No.15549976
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where can i buy meat-based vegetables?

>> No.15549990 [DELETED] 

Translation: Monsanto soy and corn

>> No.15550010
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>Meat-based butter
>Meat-based "milk"
bull cum
>Meat-based schmeat
>Meat-based cosmetics
>Meat-based dildos

>> No.15550035

Wrong nigger. Christ created man in his image, we are human based not some gay plant shit

>> No.15550039

They really seem to be gearing up to have us not eat meat.

>> No.15550045

if you're going to christianpost, at least don't be a retard and say Jesus was the creator.

>> No.15550078

We're more likely fungus-based considering the similarities between fungal neural structures and animal neural structures.

>> No.15550109

It was Sagan not Tyson that popularized the whole we're all made of stardust line. Fucking kids.

>> No.15550403

Retarded carnist opinion discarded

>> No.15550416

I actually agree. I find it super annoying they won't use the word vegan and I go out of my way to avoid vegan restaurants no matter what.

Veganism isn't novel, it is much cheaper for a restaurant to not serve dairy or meat, so really it is all just positive spin to justify serving ingredients that have a much higher profit margin.

>> No.15550426
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I agree opie! I would like to shove the base of a plant up their asses.

>> No.15550434

>using carnist as an insult
I'll never understand this, it sounds metal as fuck. How would anyone feel insulted or derided being called something that cool?

>> No.15550468

I really like plant based vegetables. They've got something good going on with that idea.

>> No.15550574


isn't like the term herbivore male used to explain why people in japan are mostly virgins?

What is a carnivore man?

>> No.15550604

Plant based /cuck/

>> No.15550664
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Challenge to the haters: Show me a religious cult in the 20th century that was not vegan or vegitarian.
> Protip: You can't

>> No.15550680
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It makes me sick to think about it. I've lost so much weight and I feel so good eating a diet that is 85% animal products.

>> No.15550706
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>> No.15550716

Good one! I'll look into it and what ol' L Ron Habembe required of his followers at the start. Also, most hollywood fags are vegan anyway. Still, good thinking.

>> No.15550746

Dude shrooms lmao

>> No.15550767

If we consider cows as machines then every milk product is plant based
Plants go in, milk comes out

>> No.15550777

Isn't everything plant based? Some of it just gets more based through somethings else's based digestive syatem.

>> No.15550848

Whatever, they're both idiots who can't even prove how stars are made, let alone intelligent life.

>> No.15550862

plant based isn't based

>> No.15550876
File: 31 KB, 1357x628, Commonwealth_of_Australia_-_Map_of_extradition_treaties_by_countrie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really quite funny how amerisharts manage to take the most trivial of things (eating) and turn them into an identity where you either eat zero animal flesh at all, or you have to eat beef every single day, and anything in between those two things means you're either a murderer or a communist

>> No.15550889
File: 414 KB, 438x577, pol poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Veganism isn't novel, it is much cheaper for a restaurant to not serve dairy or meat, so really it is all just positive spin to justify serving ingredients that have a much higher profit margin.
don't care about veganism
ordering expensive items is dumb because they just lightly grill it in a way that even a 5 year old could manage
I will only ever order vegetarian items, sausages, or desserts from a restaurant because I don't wanna pay $50 for a $20 steak + 5 minutes of work

fuck wiggers, fuck kikes, fuck jannies

>> No.15551562

I mean the whole branding of it is tiring but is it really something worthy of note? "Plant-based meat" just means "this new food we invented that's made of beans/mushrooms/plants" and it's often tasty if you eat it for what it is.

For some vegetarians, especially the non retards, it also has the advantage that they get to go out ofr burgers with friends and eat a sandwhich, so I appreciate the branding on that end. At the end of the day, if you have to sell the fantasy that it's "just like meat" to tastlets so they'll put the thing up of the sandwhich shop that's fine, I'm here to eat good stuff, not to wage war on everything I see as idiotic.

>> No.15551611

I just wish they'd cut it with the meat substitute angle. Just make good veggie/bean/mushroom patties and sell them on their own merits. Stop with the "IMPOSSIBLE BURGER TASTES JUST LIKE THE REAL THING." I don't mind at all for a burger place to sell a black bean burger or tofu burger or whatever else because they don't pretend to be something they're not. I just wish more vegetarians and vegans could approach their own diet with more honesty.

It's not just the vegetarians and vegans, either. Keto people who constantly eat bread/pasta/cake substitutes instead of approaching keto with a mind to just eat actual, real keto-friendly food bug me, too. It's fine to have an exclusionary diet, but just fucking ACCEPT that's what you're doing and stop trying to make sugar-free cookie substitutes full of processed garbage to get your sweet tooth fix.

>> No.15551635


>> No.15551718

100% with you, it truly gets tiring when dealing with people who honestly [have] to believe that kind of idiocy. What ended up working for me with dealing with acquaintances who act like it is frequenting them less and overall just picking my battles. Someone who convinced themselves that a mix of nuts and cheese is the same as a piece of fine sourdough is so far gone that it's not worth it gir me to challenge.

I hope my point didn't make me sound like I endorsed believing the drag they put plants in, it's more of an acceptance that some people will pay for that angle and since that's the case, we can only make the best of it since it's not going away even if we don't touch the stuff

>> No.15551727

What are some good examples of plant based weaponry?

>> No.15551742

I hit someone in the face with a branch in kindergarten once.

>> No.15551749

It's the branding that troubles me.

>> No.15552011

Vegans deserve scorn for going against society's cultural values. I've never met a vegan who wasn't brainwashed by MSM. If they love nature why do they live in cities exclusively? We need to recognize vegans are the enemies of good people. They're the foot soldiers of globalists, the ones who will force-feed bugs to your children in the re-education camp two decades from now.

>> No.15552467
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Get used to it flesh-eater, it's literally the future.

>> No.15552509

Remember to always eat prior to taking your meds

>> No.15552706


>> No.15552719

Plant based pocket pussy are kinda nice still

>> No.15552779

>Vegans deserve scorn for going against society's cultural values. I've never met a vegan who wasn't brainwashed by MSM.
these are contradictory sentences.

>> No.15553008

MSM doesn't represent traditional values, it's part of the breakaway civilization

>> No.15553031
File: 39 KB, 680x635, e84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck thus plant-based clown world.
imagine being this fragile

>> No.15553106

normal adults don't make value judgements based on how "cool" something sounds. only manchildren do.

>> No.15553125

wait is this chudjak or the guy crying at the star wars trailer

>> No.15553139


>> No.15553145

He lost. Have sex, incel

>> No.15553146

Fuck off commie

>> No.15553167

Zoom zoom zoom

>> No.15553172

this. it's quite pathetic

>> No.15553176

That is the sole and absolute reason Warhammer 40k has lasted this long.

>> No.15553178

most cosmetics are made form powered dead baby's

>> No.15553461

based and plantpilled