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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15542633 No.15542633 [Reply] [Original]

Prior to Covid have you ever eaten second hand food? Like if someone leaves a few wings left at the bar etc....

>> No.15542658


>> No.15542671
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No.... No, man...Shit, no man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked doing somethin like that, man.

>> No.15542674

yeah, i ate burritos out of the beachside trash a few times when i was living out of a van
one time i was going for it- carne asada burrito, half eaten. There was dog shit under it. Hard times.

>> No.15542678

Based Lawrence poster

>> No.15542683

No. I have enough money, have always had enough money, to avoid having to forage.

>> No.15542699

Mr Money bags here

>> No.15542704

Hmmm. No. Not food but I have
>drink half finished drinks at parties
>smoke cigarettes I found on the street
>smoke blunt roaches I found on the street
>did coke I found in a filthy dive bar stall
>smoked a bag of weed I found outside of a Chinese restaurant
>ate 2 loose Vicodin I found under a bench in a park
>ate Klonopin I found in a shopping bag a homeless person dropped

>> No.15542715

oh hell yeah

>> No.15542719
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>> No.15542877

dishwashers in my kitchen frequently eat food off the plates the servers bring back or the dishes they take from my bus tubs. makes me want to throw up, it's really weird considering they know by now I will happily make them fresh food, whatever they want for free

>> No.15542888

They're dishwashers for a reason, anon.

>> No.15542897

check'd and yeah they are borderline retarded, a few single digits in IQ above it barely, but still. One of them frequently wears a filthy teddy bear onesie to work and always keeps a katana on his backpack. Listens to Drum n Bass remixes of Metallica and shit, weird as fuck.

>> No.15542898

In highschool at a football game once I found a full and unmolested looking container of nachos just chilling behind the bleachers, you best believe I took it and ate them

>> No.15542904

black hands typed this

>> No.15542956

No, but I've smoked secondhand cigarettes when I was a broke college kid. Friends of mine in high school would drink second-hand drinks when they were servers in a Mexican restaurant.

>> No.15542960

that's totally different, there are obvious pros to doing those things, you get high. I can see only cons eating discarded food.

>> No.15542967

That’s not food. That’s litter.

>> No.15542972

you're one lucky motherfucker I tell you whut

>> No.15542973

what? lmao no fucking way someone is employed doing what you described

>> No.15542980

When I ate your mom’s pussy it felt like I wasn’t the first.

>> No.15542983

when i was in college i had a job that had a public food court in the same building. I was broke as fuck and would often snatch some food that people didnt finish fairly regularly. Id even stash some for later

>> No.15542992

Yeah once when I was living paycheck to paycheck and had some unexpected expenses so I literally had to choose between gas to go to work and food, I remember I was so fucking hungry I ate a half eaten brownie and hot dog I found in the trash at work.

I almost didn't eat the brownie because I remember thinking "who the fuck throws out a brownie?" and also what if it was a pot brownie (I hate weed) but then figured no one would throw out a pot brownie, and was so hungry that I just ate it.

>> No.15543009

Did any of these make you sick? Particularly, the coke? Just because it's so easy for a random white powder to be something else

>> No.15543119

I swear to god bro. Dude is an asshole tweaker and not very good at his job otherwise he'd be more entertaining

>> No.15543147

Ive definately grazed some fries or finger food at a bar when a table of drunk people leave. Not like take the plate back to my table, but more snatch a mozz stick on the way to the bathroom.

>> No.15543188

At college I would polish off some half-drunk mixed drinks. Now that I think about it, its a good thing I never got a second hand roofie.

>> No.15543509

Nothing's changed, you can't catch viruses. But no, I wouldn't eat food left out unless I was broke.

>> No.15543573

There used to be this pizza place near me that put out multiple uneaten pizzas at the end of the day for homeless people to grab. I’ve drunkenly taken a few slices if I get to it first.

>> No.15543685

You've never worked in a restaurant have you? Unless it's some michelin star place the backroom staff always has at least a few complete fucking freaks.

>> No.15543782


>> No.15543800

american.. right?

>> No.15543825

I worked at a hotel and guests would often give me their leftovers from dinner. Sometimes Michelin starred meals they just didn't happen to finish. Fuck yeah I'm eating that.

>> No.15543851

I've done it at a bar I'm a regular at. But its from an order being messed up one of the other regulars offering a wing or something.

>> No.15543855

Oh shit I read that as diet coke in a bar stall which I thought was the weirdest one.

>> No.15544172

When I was a degenerate spending all my money at the bar, I would sneak leftover breakfast wraps from the dashboard of the work truck when I was hungry at work.

>> No.15544232

Man I worked in the industry for 6 years, I was a dishwasher for 2 of them. I've never seen someplace allow a coworker to wear a katana into the building. Sure I've worked with weirdos but that's just silly

>> No.15544260

How do you fuck up in life so hard and not even smoke weed.

>> No.15544304


>> No.15544633

I like going dumpster diving during the winter, does that count?

>> No.15544803
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when I was poor working in a restaurant I'd cop any returned/uneaten shit on the tables I served. I was low key about it by putting in with my shift meal plate. No one ever caught on except one of the hispanic linecooks and and he did the "huh, whatever" shrug.

whats was way less sanitary about that place and most places was how they would try to get servers to come in when they were minorly sick.

Stopped when I had money for better food. Got a better job soon after too.

>> No.15544812
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our king has arrived

>> No.15544830

In college my roommate and I were drinking at a bar where some local company had a catered event. When they left we just started grabbing foil trays to take out to the car and the other students present quickly followed suit. We ended up with two caterer trays of ribs that fed us for a week.

>> No.15544886

Nah, never got sick. The coke baggie was tied up and a full gram so a drunk dealer or a drunk who bought multiple bags had probably dropped it. I already had coke so I didn’t do it right away. Went home and weighed it, opened it, and smelled and tasted it, and it was obviously coke.
I got a few more
>found an old soapstone pipe on a dirty river bank that had moldy weed packed in it. Smoked it.
>drank a can of Fosters I found on a park bench
>drank a few cans of Natty Ice I found in a gutter
>weed dealer gave me a gram of weed for free that was wet with black mold because he “know you be a fiend”. Dried and smoked it
>accidentally drank from an ash tray beer can when I was finishing abandoned beers at a party
>found one of those two piece screw together bullet pipes with weed in it. Smoked it out the dirty pipe.
>found like 10-15 loose Vyvanse pills on a basketball court in a playground. Ate them
I know I have more from my degenerate days

>> No.15544952

>unidentified powder in a dive bar
Personally, while im perfectly enthusiastic about doing drugs when i know what they are, I'd be spooked to take shit I just found. Besides like weed where it's obvious. "bag of white powder in a bathroom stall" is maybe most likely coke but easily any number of other things that you may not be ready for, on a scale from "puking in that bathroom the rest of the night" to "dead".

>> No.15544954

idk which one's worse for your health

>> No.15544963

What did he eat? This is also the reason why I'd be concerned about eating any random food I find outside. You never know why it was left out in the open.

>> No.15544974

one time i was waiting for a friend outside a tim hortons and saw a dude walk out with a jumbo ice cap, got off on his bmx and just dropped his ice cap on the parking lot and yell FUCK really loud.
he went off and i drank half of it.

>> No.15544983


>> No.15544988

>What did he eat?
A filled donut sitting on a paper on top of other paper trash. Perfectly sanitary.

>> No.15545022

Read my post above yours. I took it home and examined it thoroughly before trying a bump. If you’re an experienced coke user, you know what coke looks, tastes, and smells like. Still not the safest or smartest thing to do, I admit.

>> No.15545083

>"hey anon, i can't finish this, would you like some?"
Everyone saying no in this thread is a goddamn liar.

>> No.15545086

If you don't have enough money to feed yourself properly, you are failing at life.

>> No.15545110

A black guy left an unopened pack of expired Sapporo ramen noodles on my porch once. I saw him from my window just walk up the stairs and leave them on the top step. Weirdest thing. Put them in my pantry and ate them a week or so later when I was really drunk. Never saw him again.

>> No.15545148

I think most people interpreted OP to be referring to left over unclaimed food that you may or may not know the source of. I don't eat food like that, but yeah I'll eat someone's leftovers if they offer it. I cut off any bitten parts first, though, I don't want to eat their spit.

>> No.15545352


he was trying to help you

>> No.15545461

I've never found drugs

>> No.15545562

This dude got visited by big nigga sapporo. Rumour has it in times of great need he will appear at your doorstep with an expired packet of sapporo noodles.

>> No.15545571

>have you ever eaten second hand food? Like if someone leaves a few wings left at the bar etc....
I mean, if friends didn't finish their meal and don't want to take it to go, I might ask if I can pack it up for the next day or whatever, but that's it. I've never eaten food non-friends/family left at a bar or whatever.

>> No.15545633

The Big Noodle Nigga. I don’t know what the fuck that was about. There aren’t many black people in my neighborhood so it was very surprising to say the least. I’m also the anon ITT who found all the drugs but I totally forgot about Big Noodle Nigga until I had finished typing all the drug stuff and was racking my brain to remember more. Remembered another one
>found a passed out college kid near a bar way after closing time one night when the streets had emptied. I was walking along and saw some shoes and socks, then a hat, then a belt, then a shirt, some vomit, and finally this passed out kid wearing nothing but pants with his wallet and the newest 2005 or 2006 model iPod right next to him. My friends weren’t pieces of shit so they wouldn’t let me rob him. I’m sure the next person to come along did though. It wasn’t a nice area.

>> No.15545754

>you wanted to rob him
>neither you nor your friends helped him in any way
Seems like you’re all pieces of shit

>> No.15545773

ive stumbled upon drugs once in my life and it was when I was car-hopping and came up on an unlocked car behind a restaurant. Wasn't even drugs come to think of it, was just an empty pipe and 20$. Dude was gonna cop a dub sack after work, I was a shitty ass kid and I really hope I already served my karma for that because its been haunting me ever since. That was my first time smoking and it man was it a great day. We lifted a 6 pack of mikes hard from the grocery store and spent the $20 on fast food, was just enough for me and my shitty lil cohorts to each get a combo meal. Hopefully he deserved it or something because man did I ruin someone's night

>> No.15545792

>whats was way less sanitary about that place and most places was how they would try to get servers to come in when they were minorly sick
oh yeah restaurants don't give a fuck, mine quit even taking temps they don't wanna know. If you call in sick they're gonna say something like "how sick" or "can you just come in for like an hour and a half". pretty fucked up considering restaurants are an easy place for a disease to spread but to be fair someone calling in an hour or so before their shift completely throws a wrench in the entire operation. Atleast someone if not everyone is now going to have a fucking horrible night

>> No.15545812

i mean the dude had 10 stories about finding and doing any half-used substance he came across, I think he is aware and comfortable with that fact

>> No.15545821
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Nope. I recently found an unopened bottle of beer on the street and even though I was already drunk i thought it's too suspicious and just brought it to a party with me and left it there. If I drank it I would have been paranoid about catching super aids

>> No.15545840

I went to King's Island with my friend once. We went into the Brewhouse to cool off, and I saw a table that hadn't been cleaned off with food still on it. There was a pretzel and a basically untouched bowl of mac and cheese there. I ate it in front of him while he insulted me. I even asked a waiter for a fork. They didn't even question it.
I didn't get sick and I do not regret it.

>> No.15546507

u r mostly certainly mah nigga

>> No.15546517
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No but I thought about it once.

>> No.15546524

Oh lord that reminds me of when I was at Kindercare some kids from one room was making salt water taffy and got it all over their hands. When a group of kids from another room saw them about to wash their hands they went over and started licking and sucking the taffy off of their hands.

>> No.15546545

women are the cause of second hand food

>be on a date with a qt3.14
>she orders something that comes with a side of coleslaw
>it shows up, she takes one look at the slaw and immediately wants to auction the coleslaw off to me and refuses to eat it

>be on another date with the same qt3.14
>she orders tortellini
>I order a burger with fries
>my fries disappear before I am finished eating the burger

>> No.15547457

I hate that women think this shit is cute.

>> No.15547489

>second hand food
top lel

>> No.15547490


>> No.15547494

>Isn't that like part of working in a restaurant that's one of the benifits some kid doesn't want to eat his tendies I get the tendies I like second had tendies

But in all seriousness you'd be amazed how many people eat second hand food in restaurants you'd be amazed how much food people don't eat I've seen people leave half of a chicken parm un touched whole sides un opend french fries not even looked at

>> No.15547496

do people in Australia ingore the concept of pockets and backpacks or what?
how can you find so much stuff all the fucking time

>> No.15547508

My problem is that restaurants just provide way too much fucking food and I don't like eating leftovers. I'll tell the server to hold the sides and they just put up a big fight about it.
>You know it won't be cheaper, right?
>Are you sure? Maybe someone else can eat it!
>I can always give you a box!
No, shut the fuck up, I'm not trying to make it cheaper, everyone else at the table is getting their own food, and I don't want leftovers. I just want you to not make a wasteful pile of food I won't finish anyway, now quit arguing and do as you're told.

>> No.15547570

kudos on them for not wasting food

>> No.15547597

i've seen shit like that too, where the fuck do you live?

>> No.15547624

I wish I be this self-contendedly autistic

>> No.15547684

I just wish I had the energy to argue with the servers. Most of the time I just let them bring it out and leave the sides I already told them I planned not to eat on the table. But I really hate how wasteful our society is.

>> No.15547695

When I was a kid in school I'd often spot leftover minibags of chips and such, sometimes even forgotten sealed bags. But I was at a phase where I suspected everything was poisoned and left there on purpose.
It's not food, but in elementary, I picked up a used orange-flavored chapstick and started using/eating it over the next few days.

>> No.15547851

your school bus was really short in comparison to the other buses?

>> No.15548048

no. burgerclap, but thanks. I don’t know, I guess when you’re a degenerate wastoid who wanders your large coastie city at all hours for 15 or so years, you come across a lot of things.

>> No.15548275

I'm going to assume no one goes out to eat with you if you pull this autistic behavior. Jesus.

>> No.15548279

The people who go out to eat with me sympathize with my request to not be given food I already know I won't eat.

>> No.15548306

So it's a whole squad of autisms

>> No.15548332

Why is it autistic to just not want to be wasteful? You're acting as if that last line in my post is a quote of something I would say out loud rather than just my internal frustration at having to negotiate over not wasting food for no reason.

>> No.15549649

Don’t be a bitch and say it out loud. Servers respect customers who know what they want.

>> No.15549677

where do you live where you can make a living selling drugs you casually find on the street?

>> No.15549679

I make my request known and clear, I just don't get aggressive about it. Sometimes some servers literally just can't handle it and won't do what I ask so I give up and let them do whatever.

>> No.15549687



>> No.15550027

I once saw an abandoned pizza cardboard, opened it and the pizza was full of maggots


>> No.15550042

Big coastie city. Drug dealing is absolute degeneracy.

>> No.15550076

yeah, one time i was at breakfast with a group of people i was doing something later that day with, most everyone only ate half of the food they ordered. before i left i ate some of the stuff that i knew wasn't touched like pancakes, and bacon or sausage.

also when i was in high school we had a culinary program and we made food for guests and there was some leftover garlic bread that was just gonna get thrown out so i grabbed a few pieces of that before it got put in the trash

>> No.15550084

yeah man i drink second-hand alcohol on the regs. the alcohol kills the germs.

how is ~5 people hitting the same bong without disinfecting any better than eating second-hand food?

>> No.15550167

I worked in a bar and one of my fellow busboys would smoke the half finished cigarettes tossed on the ground. He literally said "one mans trash is another mans treasure" lol. Fucking rank

>> No.15550175

>eating mysterious pills
anon you're not supposed to do that

>> No.15550191

this is literally the normal communal smoke session. is it not? i hate wet blunts but hey it happens and i need my fix.
also if you smoke them chillum style it's not that bad.

>> No.15550213

I can understand passing around a joint but would I kiss every nasty fucker who smokes darts outside the front door? I mean I'm sure it's actually fine as far as health goes but nah I'll smoke my own

>> No.15550228
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>At anime cons
>Go down hotel halls drunk as fuck and eat a bunch of leftovers people leave outside their hotel rooms whenever I see them
>In the years I've attended cons, haven't gotten sick post con while my friends all suffer from con flu

>> No.15550249

hahah okay fair enough obviously im arguing the fringe side of things.

i've just breen in smoke sessions where yeah i had reservations about the germs of the smoking apparatus but didn't want to go "ewwwwwwww" publicly and fell to peer pressure.
ciggies from the ground are pretty rank but im just saying that in my book, it doesn't rank SUPER high on the disgusting tier list. but still nasty.

>> No.15550267

you know what man, you're 100% right.

>> No.15550316

I knew exactly what they were and this was well before pressed fentanyl pills. But, yeah eating dirty street pills is retarded.

>> No.15550375

well i know im doing something sorta disgusting but came to terms with it and just do it

isn't it common for people to take "pop"s AKA not letting a bottle touch your mouth and drinking after someone possibly inviting backwash? that was common in high school for me but looking back on it maybe it was a weird half-gay bonding ritual more than anything else.

on the topic of food though, it kinda depends on which food... like a sandwich gets a lot of spit on it. but fries and like other finger-food appetizers are pretty easy to share without spreading too many germs.

>> No.15550397 [DELETED] 

>be my friend
>enjoy playing a game where you try to steal people's half finished drinks
>it's pretty easy at certain clubs because people get up to dance and leave nearly full drinks unattended
>this one bar sells small buckets that they mix a bunch of booze in
>target acquired, he steals what seems to be a 3/4 full bucket of booze
>takes a sip
>it's literally vomit
>he drank a full sip of somebody's vomit
>pukes back into the bucket
>leave it

>> No.15550400

>be my friend
>enjoy playing a game where you try to steal people's half finished drinks
>it's pretty easy at certain clubs because people get up to dance and leave nearly full drinks unattended
>this one bar sells small buckets that they mix a bunch of booze in
>target acquired, he steals what seems to be a 3/4 full bucket of booze
>takes a sip
>it's literally vomit
>he drank a full sip of somebody's vomit
>pukes back into the bucket
>leave it

>> No.15550448

he was playing russian roulette

>> No.15550479

I'm fat but I only did it because amusement park food is insanely overpriced.

>> No.15550483

When I was a min-wagie dishpit slave I’d eat things off of finished plates.

>> No.15550507

played with fire and got a little burn

>> No.15550530

When i was a dishwasher at a tex mex
restaurant on a really busy weekend night I'd scoop a handful from plates and shove it into my gob. I was young and felt invincible. I wouldn't do it now.

>> No.15550599

how is this a gif you have? It's incredibly specific

>> No.15550679

it's a classic seinfeld moment

>> No.15550697

Yes and I still do this now. Just a few hours ago too

>work as janitor
>people throw away half eaten food all the time
>cut off the nasty parts and enjoy

If it’s sloppa I won’t eat it but if it’s a sandwich or something more tangible I have no problem eating it. Saves money and less food goes to waste!

>ewwww yucky germs
Sure but how’s it any different from sharing food with a friend or spouse? You were strangers at one point too

>> No.15551288

when i go to the kinoplex i always stay after people leaves to search for money or clean snacks, always find loose change, sometimes unopened candy, ive found phones, rings, clothes even purses

>> No.15551297

I was staying in a hotel and I thought it had free breakfast so I wandered down and ate some mediocre bacon and toast only to find out it was actually meant for a tour group that left like an hour ago lmao.

>> No.15551303

Northern Virginia