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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15541626 No.15541626 [Reply] [Original]

Would this be worth buying?

>> No.15541628

yes of course

>> No.15541917

Why is is only reusable for five years? What happens to it in the sixth year? Am I expected to retain purchase receipts of all my ramen cookware such that I know when it's time to replace?

>> No.15541928

4.99 is a pretty good deal for it.

>> No.15541939

you can reuse it for 5 years
costs $5
so it costs $1 a year to use this
what happens if you try and use it more than 5 years?

>> No.15542003

>Why is is only reusable for five years?
>what happens if you try and use it more than 5 years?

The plastic breaks down and puts little plastic tidbits into your premium quality top ramen.

Honestly, it's a waste.
Any square sandwich box (I like Rubbermaid takealongs) that will hold a brick works pretty good.
Boil water in microwave, pour over noodles in box, wait 5 minutes.

>> No.15542006

Heating plastic full of hot water repeatedly for 5 years presumably starts leeching enough plastic into your food that it needs a warning even in America.

>> No.15542013

you literally don’t have any microwaveable bowls that you see a shit-tier one at the store made out of plastic for $5 and wonder if you need to own it?

>> No.15542018

>Buy ceramic bowl
>Place ramen in, fill with water until ramen is barely floating
>Microwave for 5 minutes
>Bowl last forever, not just 5 years
Simple as.

>> No.15542022

>he has to consult others to make a 5 dollar purchase
no it's not worth buying, you're too poor. break up the noodles while they're in the bag and season your ramen chips with the packet.

>> No.15542139

Bro you can't boil some water in a pot?

>> No.15542160

He hasn't got a pot to piss in.

>> No.15542179

>plastic container
Why not just use a Pyrex bowl or something? Whats so special about that thing?


>> No.15542470

People who make a habit of eating instant ramen don't have glass cookware.

>> No.15543523
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>cooking in a microwave

>> No.15543533

Really great price. Only 1 dollar a year

>> No.15543585

This is what I do. What is the $5 plastic thing for?

>> No.15544003

No. Look in the food storage section of your grocery store, where they sell tupperware type shit. You'll probably find, next to the tupperware type shit, the glass equivalent of tupperware, with lids and shit.
One of these is bowl shaped and the PERFECT size for a ramen block. You will typically be able to crunch down the ramen block into it by force, just shaving a fraction of an inch off the corners of the block when you do this, and the block will fit perfectly in the bowl.
After this, add just enough water to cover the ramen block. This amount of water will end up being close to the recommended amount of water for ramen, so it works out perfectly.
Microwave for 4 minutes at 1100 watts. Done.
The glass bowl/storage thingie will be around $5, about the same as that plastic thing.
BONUS: no cancer from regularly microwaving food in fucking plastic!
I've been making ramen this way for years and it's by far the most convenient way.

>> No.15544179

>microwaving instant ramen
i hope you cunts dont actually do this.

>> No.15544185

Of course not
I only microwave me Mi Goreng

>> No.15544188

>not pouring hot water over ramen, or microwaving the water then adding ramen

>> No.15544468

Why not? It’s not like it really affects the quality.