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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15524862 No.15524862 [Reply] [Original]

And why aren’t eggs more common in other meals?

>> No.15524876 [DELETED] 

eggs are for niggers

>> No.15524886

Many breakfast foods use eggs, also eggs are good in the mornings because they are quick to make and high in protein
However eggs are used in so many different meals, just not in the “breakfast” style (i.e fried, scrambled, sunny side up)
But that being said there are still many non-breakfast foods that use “breakfast style” eggs, like burgers with fried eggs, Korean bimbibap with a sunny side up egg, ramen with a soft boiled egg

>> No.15524888

This is single most ignorant, most pointless, most absurd post I have ever seen on 4chan outside of /b/ in over ten years.

>> No.15524927

Because in the 1950's the Beech Nut Packing Company wanted to sell more eggs and bacon, so they hired a physician to write a paper about how eggs and bacon are rich in protein and whatnot. The physician then sent the paper around to other physicians who gave their signatures of approval. Beech Nut then took out ads in every major publication in the US advertising bacon and eggs for breakfast until eventually it caught on. Edward Bernays, the "father of modern propaganda", was the brains behind it.

>> No.15524936

people were eating eggs for breakfast well before America was a thing.

>> No.15524952

Because farmers would collect eggs in the morning
What fuck fuck are you talking about, that’s not even close to the reason why eggs are a breakfast food. Eggs were popular in Europe long before any of what you’re saying happened

>> No.15524954
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.15524963

His penis is small and he's mad about it.

>> No.15524968

Maybe he should eat more eggs

>> No.15524978

This guy is right. the full english breakfast didn't include eggs or bacon until America invented it in the 1950's. Before that it only included beans toast and tomato.

>> No.15524990

We don't use that word here

>> No.15525000

Maybe he's afraid that he'll start liking Barry White and finally get laid.

>> No.15525028

It was a fairly common peasant/farmer food, sure, but neither eggs nor bacon were staple breakfast foods in Europe or America until the Beech Nut ad campaign.


>> No.15525074 [DELETED] 

There's a long article about how in the 19th century breakfast was a very meat heavy meal, with foods like leg of lamb and steak being typical and eggs and bacon naturally slotted into this. For various reasons and also chance they stayed when industrial food production and developing nutrition science made breakfast much more carb heavy, it's interesting if anyone wants to look it up


>> No.15525083

It's kind of sad when you think about how so much of what we consider American "culture" was an invention by advertising companies.

>Mothers Day and Valentine's Day (as we currently know them) were invented by advertising companies to sell more cards and candy

>> No.15525102

For a significant part of human history, breakfast was just leftovers from the dinner before, as a way to get rid of the rest of the bread that is going stale at that point.

"breakfast foods" as a separate meal having it's own special items was an invention of the pork industry to sell more bacon and sausages

>> No.15525117

yolks taste good but white are appalling and I don't understand why people obsess over eggs so much

>> No.15525126
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We eat eggs in egg sandwiches, egg salads, as thickeners for soups, dressings, sauces, as toppings, as glazes. The problem is they have a flavor that clashes with some foods, so are best enjoyed in the morning when only simple foods are had like preserved meat, fruit, and bread.

>> No.15525133 [DELETED] 

What? Eggs or Niggers?

What do you call the animal then? Negro or Darkie?

>> No.15525153

That’s correct with Mother’s Day but Valentine’s Day has been celebrated for centuries, and it has been known to be a day of romance since before Chaucer’s time, as he wrote a poem about it

>> No.15525172

>mutts are easily manipulated sheeple
Not surprised. They're hardly human.

>> No.15525182

You say that, but eggs and bacon is just as popular in Europe... so what does that make yuropoors if they get secondarily manipulated?

>> No.15525188


That was random.

>> No.15525302

>You say that, but eggs and bacon is just as popular in Europe
England is not yurop. No one else is used to eating eggs and bacon here.

>> No.15525309

Probably a corporate campaign, just like with breakfast bacon

>> No.15525321

They keep well and are cooked quick. Perfect for a breakfast food. Why does everything have to be a conspiracy.

>> No.15525324
File: 244 KB, 560x481, essential-pepin560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet another thread full of tourists that don't realize /ck/ mods take the board rules seriously

Well, see ya in three days idiots.

>> No.15525325

Because eggs looks like the sun and the sun comes up in the morning retard.

>> No.15525366

>talking about eggs on a food board is against the rules now
you're not the sharpest knife in the dishwasher are ya bud

>> No.15526430

Deviled eggs are a thing that exists, at least for the first few minutes of the potluck.
Hard boiled eggs do turn up in other meals fairly commonly.
There's also that bearnaise sauce stuff, which is a way to serve eggs and butter with steak.

>> No.15526576

England is not EU. It is Europe. Suck it.

And yes, I'm european and we don't eat that shit for breakfast here.

>> No.15526582

That's why you eat black-sausage at night ... Right?

>> No.15526619
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>> No.15526762

But isn’t the term “mutt” a reference to interracial sex itself?

>> No.15526781

Basically how the US of A came about, remember?

>> No.15526798
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How do you cook your eggs?
Only someone who didn't eat enough scrambled eggs as a child would have such a frivolous opinion.

>> No.15526955

>waaaaah I don't eat eggs for breakfast because that's what AMERIMUTTS do
Okay enjoy your pure carbs breakfast hahahahahaha

>> No.15526964

>carbs are bad
Obese Amerimutt detected.

>> No.15526966

Look at the big brain on this anon.
And you can pretty much look at anything nowadays, wonder how it got to be, and follow a thread back to Bernays in some way.
Fuck that guy.

>> No.15526979

They're not bad but it's embarrassing that you're afraid of protein and fat

>> No.15527002

I saw this thread and made some eggs.

>get out eggs
>grab some salt
>see some spices lying around
>turmeric, cumin, onion powder, black pepper, salt
>throw all of that shit in the eggs in conservative quantities
>cooked low and slow, tons of butter, stirring constantly
That is probably the single most delicious thing I've ever cooked in 10 minutes.

>> No.15527496

Wasn't talking about the eggs. Refer to the now deleted and banned idiots.

>> No.15527541
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Whats the best way to extract all the nutriments/broteins/vitamins/minerals from the eggs ?

>> No.15527548

Pasty, inbred euro talking about mutts.

Heterosis is real bitch, your ancestors have been fucking each other for years.

>> No.15527557

My best guess would just be cultural aesthetics. Over the generations people have just correlated eggs with breakfast. At least in the west. A plate of bacon, hashbrowns, and toast just fucking wouldn't look right without eggs.

>> No.15527561

So is coprophagia. Stop practicing it, catamite.

>> No.15527562

Insecurity is ripe with Eurofags. After over a decade here it never ceases to amaze me how much little dick syndrome they have.

>> No.15527565

So much projection I had to turn the lights down to read it.

>> No.15527570

It's just hilarious that any thread as benign as eggs can take an autistic REE spiral into you seething over Americans. Can you say rent free?

>> No.15527573
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>> No.15527578

I'm american retard. Calling you out for screeching about how anonymous text made you leap to the poster having a tiny dick. Absolute projection, mr acorn.

>> No.15527583

16 year old are so smart nowadays. You got me anon, I'm pissed.

>> No.15527597

I'm 40. Come at me faggot. I'll be at the little falls inn every Saturday at noon in paradise, michigan. I'll show you why you're a little boy.

>> No.15527601

Can you meet me tomorrow at noon instead? I have muay thai on saturdays.

>> No.15527602

Now I found that article I mentioned before
It's pretty long but
Read it if you have time


>> No.15527615

Where? Might take me a week or two. But name it, or be a faggot.

>> No.15527618

Meet me at the Inn tomorrow at noon or you're a bitch. I live in northern Indiana but I can make the drive. I'll be wearing blue jeans and a red t with a camo hat. Built like a brick shithouse. You won't miss me.

>> No.15527622

No problem. Wear kevlar.

>> No.15527627

Just remember you started this over eggs.

>> No.15527633

And I'll finish it over a zoomer whimpering in pain and praying in a parking lot.

>> No.15527638

40 year old edgelord who has never had sex.

>> No.15527642

Married, 4 kids. Keep projecting though.

>> No.15527652

Damnit you keep getting me. If I win can you take my v-card? Obviously I'll be top.

>> No.15527663

You won't. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15527770

Good thread guys, I like eggs too

>> No.15527823

Ok, married, 4 kids, has never had sex.

>> No.15528092

You are retarded

>> No.15528098


>> No.15528105
File: 1.45 MB, 540x750, evolution.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets gooooo

>> No.15528703

If you watch Townsends people in America have been eating eggs since the beginning. Classic French omelettes are at least 200 years old.

>> No.15528712

Longer than that. I read somewhere that monkeys have been observed deliberately protecting bird nests so they could eat the eggs.

>> No.15528717

In asian cuisine eggs are often added to dishes. Scrambled, poached, fried, those fuckers add eggs for cheap and easy additional protein to like everything.

>> No.15528743

Quick and easy to do. If you have to be at work in half an hour, you don't want to be cooking something that takes an hour or so.

>> No.15528753

Where the fuck do you people find this nonsense

>> No.15528765

>sees the word lack sausage
>immediately thinks of cock
Yuropoors law

>> No.15528777

>Edward Bernays, the "father of modern propaganda", was the brains behind it.
I believe it

>> No.15528841

still better than the other heavy propaganda options:
>sugary cereals
>orange juice

>> No.15528849

Those who don’t learn from the past, are doomed to repeat it anon.

>> No.15528876

dude, this man destroyed the world. thank you adam curtis for letting me know this
and, brother, you are alert