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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15525926 No.15525926 [Reply] [Original]

I went to naples and ate pizza 3 times and I still believe that a greasy cheap pepperoni nyc slice is superior

>> No.15525941

Agreed fuck noodleniggers and their "pizza" new york jewish slice all the way

>> No.15525996

(((New York slice)))

>> No.15526011
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I've also had authentic Italian pizza. Its garbage compared to a slice of NY style pizza. For the most part, Italians live in poverty. They can't afford to make a good American style pizza. They can't afford all the ingredients. They use small amounts of dough, cheese, sauce, and add no other toppings. They cope by saying "less is more!" Or "it's authentic so its better!"

>thin crusty gets soggy with the thin watery sauce they use
>2 thick globs of mozzarella (that cover 1/4 of the pizza) that slide off when you lift the thin soggy pizza
>random sweet/minty basil ruins the very little taste you get from the thin sauce

>> No.15526468

Rome really makes pizza look bad. It's just endless turkish vans and kiosks selling shitty frozen slices and nothing else. Rome is a really disapointing holiday. The vatican is surrounded by homeless muslims selling water and begging, I saw a woman with no nose begging for pennies next to a shitty burger van selling shitty pizza. I wish I went to naples.

>> No.15526482

Daily reminder that CT makes better pizza than NY

>> No.15526849

Damn that look good

>> No.15526871

Why is a burger van selling pizza? Sounds shady anon. Probably the CIA dickin around gangstalkin n sheeit. You know how they do.

>> No.15527022
File: 247 KB, 2000x1500, italian pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you OP. I was in Rome a few months ago, and I definitely wanted to try out some real Italian pizza. I had met a few people around at some pubs, and one afternoon I got them to take me to a pizzeria for dinner. They order for us, just some basic pizzas (I know enough Italian, but my accent is shite). A bit later, I see pic related come out, one for each of us.
I'm utterly shocked, and I pause a bit as I watch everyone eat theirs like nothing is wrong. I think maybe these guys are just trolling me, right? But no - I looked around, and saw some other people with this garbage too, unless they hired out an entire troupe just to fuck with me. Fuck Italy. Pic related - the fucking "pizza.

>> No.15527031

FUCK im hungry now, fuck you OP

>> No.15527055

>stale pasta
Try harder.

>> No.15527515


>> No.15528144

American pizza is SOULLESS.
Imagine getting pizza from a megacorp like it’s mcdonalds for $20

>> No.15528224

I can get a large pizza for between $5 and $15 in the US.

>> No.15528227

I don't know why people think that something made with the original recipe is always better and throwing away the improvements we made to get to the current iteration is a good idea.

>> No.15528235

But I get my pizza from a fine Mexican family establishment.

>> No.15528242

Making your own pizza is far superior. I always add a dash of ground fennel seed to my dough to make it more fragrant.

Super easy to throw together a pizza if you have breadmaker with a dough kneeding setting.

>> No.15528245

Now that's based, helping minorities and eating a well made pizza

>> No.15528256

>Super easy to throw together a pizza if you have breadmaker with a dough kneeding setting.
Or you could just use your hands? Is a pizza, one of the most basic shit you should know how to make, there is no need for a breadmaker still based homemade pizza anon

>> No.15528265

I've come to agree. Normally I'm a purist with foreign foods but I think america outdid italy with pizza. turned it from a side dish to a main course. But i've really not had much authentic italian pizza so I'd have to try more to be certain

>> No.15528271


>> No.15528495

>be fat fucking tourist mutt
>go to fat fucking mutt tourist trap restaurant
>wonder why get shit tier mutt tourist food

>> No.15528973

The fact that Americans care so much about Italian pizza so much they have to constantly reassure each other that their pizza is better, indicates strong insecurity about themselves.

>> No.15528988

Nobody likes your thin, soggy crust, and bland sauce and cheese outside of your backwards purists.

>> No.15529020
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agreed. pizza is the only 'americans do it better' food.

>> No.15529028

>helping invaders
Fuck off.

>> No.15529043

Little caesars is really pushing it now. That’s not worth five dollars

>> No.15529046

I didn’t have to go to naples. Whole Foods makes it that way, and even theirs is infinitely better than that greasy piece of cardboard

>> No.15529058



>> No.15529079
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>That’s not worth five dollars
Good news, it actually costs SEVEN

>> No.15529095

There's something oddly majestic about this pizza

>> No.15529102

>neapolitan pizza
>side dish
what the fuck are you on, anon?

>> No.15529146
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>I wish I went to naples.
You don't. Naples is an even bigger shithole.

One thing I have to give the dagos credit for is that they somehow convinced multiple generations of dumb teenage girls that their impoverished flaming dumpster fire of a country is somehow a romantic, beautiful, desirable locale to visit and spend extravagant amounts of money in.

>> No.15529226

it’s apples and oranges really, I like american pizza for guilty pleasure, but for more interesting flavors I say Italian wins

>> No.15529232


Is this guy legit?

>> No.15529257

You takin the fuckin piss?

>> No.15529260


>> No.15529295

I went to Rome in 2016 and it was all muslims selling selfie sticks, bottles of water or trying to pickpocket the locals.

It's fucking crazy how shit it is there

>> No.15529322

both are trash.
Who'd have thought, those most vocal are the shittiest at what they claim to be good at.

>> No.15529367


>> No.15529376

hes a nigger

>> No.15529383

that's a bummer I wanted to try his recipe.
as a europoor I have no idea what's na pizza like.

what yt channel should I look up?

>> No.15529397 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 2802x2131, 1606165448219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dear friends, it is my sincere wish to feed a european femboy some savory detroit pizza while rubbing his cute smooth belly and whisper in his ear with my deep voice
>you're being americanized

>> No.15529402

>Provides no alternative
Ok shitposter

>> No.15529407
File: 1.68 MB, 415x212, 1585608014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.15529415

He posts shit like that in every thread.

>> No.15529429

??? i'm literally just expressing that i prefer 'troit 'za to neapolitan or NY 'za

>> No.15529445

nah his vids are fine, the non-gimmick ones where he doesn't try reinventing the wheel at least. a pizza steel is nice to have and has a couple other uses

>> No.15529462
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, 0f0ea0f57fb3b07feaf7cb2cba2bb3b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian pizza is good but for me nothing compares to a nice New Haven slice

>> No.15529488

do they do anything different or is it just the water? also do these places also make the mozz with the ~magical water~ or just the dough?

>> No.15529560
File: 206 KB, 1000x666, Frank_Pepe_bacon_spinach_pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crust is usually thinner and crisper but also chewier than NY pizza. Some people will say the water makes a difference but I think it's just a myth.

>> No.15529630

>look how much of not-other-ingredients you get! wowie!
corporations are so fuggin evil bros why

>> No.15529652

You got it backwards hombre. Please kill yourself thanks.

>> No.15529667

oooh mama cut me off a slice of that

>> No.15529690

in 30 years i've literally only heard of pizza aspiring to be "new york style," and even then only a small portion. i've never heard "just like the italians make" in my life

>> No.15529805

CT is just jew york without the traffic and brown people

>> No.15529909
File: 7 KB, 261x203, jerry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say New York pizza?

>> No.15529915

congrats, you're a pleb and you got filtered

>> No.15529950

The water meme spun by pizzaniggers is literally the last line of defense they have when you point out people who have lived there all their life using the exact same dough, cheese, etc. are making pizzas with identical equipment in other cities. The only thing they can claim at that point that's unique to their city is the water, even though it's complete bullshit.

>> No.15530006
File: 445 KB, 680x731, 3434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made me laugh & i wanted to believe it so much BUT im that type of faggot

>> No.15530020

He's a douchebag but he's not wrong.

>> No.15530038

They entered the country legally, I don’t see why they’re “invaders”.

>> No.15530237

this. especially if one of the waitresses is a spicy bonita femboy. maga incels often do not consider such things.

>> No.15530248

oh yeah ofcourse new york pizza is better but people in sicily are healthier

>> No.15530255

youre a faggot and you should consider suicide

>> No.15530259

i used to be stupid and naive and believe /ck/ until i tried real italian pizza and it fucking annihilates whatever burgerlard american*id contraption you faggots came up over with over in that hole in the ground you call a country. real italian ragu is better than that "meat sauce" shit you fags make too.

>> No.15530284
File: 1.38 MB, 1062x1438, 1588394266271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your taste buds have probably just been gangbanged to extinction by hfcs, lard, mcdonald's and coca cola. you need a pizza with 8 different meats on it, triple the amount of cheese, a stuffed crust and the entire ordeal to be battered and deep fried for you to consider it "cuisine."

>> No.15530297

the entire exchange was clearly satire you retard

>> No.15530310

Damn life is pretty hard in Europe.
Also I can CLEARLY see now that America can claim inventing pizza because this is not pizza senpai this is just ketchup on bread lol.
In America we only use quality ingredients we would never stoop so low as to use artificial ketchup

>> No.15530398

why is only half of it with toppings? some new retarded trend or is this actually sold like this?

>> No.15531859

>obsessing this hard

>> No.15531976

Margherita with day fresh buffalo mozzarella (preferably flown in from Italy) is the go to pretentious pizza.