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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 266x190, Okonomiyaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15504254 No.15504254 [Reply] [Original]

Post comfy pictures of Japanese cuisine, discuss Japanese cuisine and enjoy the banter.

>> No.15504259

Getting pissed and eating Okonomiyaki off the hot plate was my favourite thing about Hiroshima.

>> No.15504267

Stop making this general. The last one was awful.

>> No.15504268

inb4 "bland"
inb4 pasta
inb4 thai

>> No.15504270

Since it seems related enough anyone know of good japanese snack boxes? or should I just piecemeal things that seem interesting to me

>> No.15504276
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a thread is what you make of it.

>> No.15504293

Salty boiled overrated sloppa. Everything tastes like fish
And the rest of it is recipes stolen from the west

>> No.15504349

they're all shameless ruined versions of original american cuisine. Before america discovered japan they were literally eating dirt

>> No.15504413

>Everything tastes like fish
Gee anon, why does this hecking island nation have so many gosh darn fish recipes? What could possibly be the reason for this? Inconceivable!

>> No.15504416

How do you even come up with this factually wrong stuff?

>> No.15504420


>> No.15504423

When even non-fish recipes taste like fish you know you have a problem

>> No.15504493

Got some chicken teriyaki yesterday. Tasted good man

>> No.15504499

>why is this American so fucking retarded?
Truly, a mystery for the ages.

>> No.15504509
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>> No.15504531
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>> No.15504536

Where can one acquire cuts of eel? I’ve been dying to make some homemade broiled eel.

>> No.15504555
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Have you tried a fishmonger?

>> No.15504559

ive never had one of these but they always look so damned good. havent found any place near me that makes them either; theres a few Jap places but none have it on their menu

>> No.15504744

I suppose I’d have to find one. You’d think living on a fucking island there’d be tons but the closest one is like a half hour away.

>> No.15504764

japanese food is shit

>> No.15504776

What Island do you live on?

>> No.15504821

Pen Island

>> No.15504829

do you like soy sauce, sugar, and rice wine?
do you like it 3 times a day
every day
for the rest of your life?

>> No.15504855
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>> No.15504895

I make my own okonomiyaki at home ever since trying it in Tokyo
But mine is ass in comparison

>> No.15504904

I wish where I lived had a population of Japanese that is equal to the Chinese, maybe then there will be more Japanese restaurants, actual Japanese supermarkets, and cheaper Japanese imports somehow.

>> No.15505102
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>tfw Taisho can just glance at your expression/mood as you enter and tell his wife/server what she needs to pour for you, and it’s sitting in your spot before you are

There is no problem in life with cannot be fixed by time spent in your regular ‘dive’ izakaya.

>> No.15505133

>tfw no sweet 'zakayas to chill at and drink yuzushu and highballs in Korea

>> No.15506163

For me it's superior tonkatsu xujatsu Japanese sandwich

>> No.15506183
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for me its just a fucking block of tofu

>> No.15506214

eating okonomiyaki was great! I enjoyed it almost as much as having sex with my friends girlfriend right after
and then him asking me about it and I denied it and he believed me without question and we are still friends and never talked about it again

>> No.15506945

you are human trash buddy; comfy thread anyway

>> No.15506956

girlfriend, not wife.

>> No.15506977
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These lads and other similar treats are quite nice

>> No.15506993

Do Japs have foods with cheese in it? Or some other form of dairy like cheese

>> No.15507024

Japanese people do eat cheese too, though I wouldn't say there are many (or any) natively Japanese dishes that use cheese. Obviously Japan has pizza with cheese on it, there's チーズタッカルビ (which is originally more Korean) and you can get beef bowls and so on with cheese too.

>> No.15507030

They're fine. They mostly just taste like mayonnaise and okonomiyaki sauce with a hint of whatever meat you put in.

>> No.15507050

You're still scum, and a coward. Didn't even have to balls to tell the man you cucked the truth.

>> No.15507179
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It's not proper food but this stuff's enjoyable

>> No.15507414
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>Saataa andagii!

>> No.15507991

As much as I want to love Japanese food, I can't. Outside of Ramen and Okonomiyaki most of the food has the same flavor. It's not bad by no means but it isn't isn't on my bucket list when I think of foods to try out. Why is Japanese food taste the same?

>> No.15508256

i'd eat out Osaka-san if you know what i mean.

>> No.15508258

sugar, rice wine, soy sauce
repeat and repeat

>> No.15509555

i dont, can you clarify what you mean??

>> No.15509633

Does that archiver still come to these threads?

>> No.15509810
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For me, it’s yakisoba.

>> No.15509844
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What a miserable thread full of idiots. Just post more food

>> No.15509856
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>> No.15509869

Yakisoba is home. That shit was incredible at summer festivals.

>> No.15510103

nope, and he's better off for it. Why hurt someones feelings for no reason?
>want to go to the hokkaido festival for the delicious foods
>he didn't want to go
>she wants to go
>went to the festival and hung out
>ate lots of grilled shellfish there
>wanted the ramen too but the line was so long we went somewhere else and got tsukemen
>the next day (maybe it was the day after that)
>she sends me a text saying she wants to watch the rugby game and doesn't have a tv, can she come over and use mine?
>I say ok and she comes over
>the game had some time to start so we walked the alley near my apartment and had tsukimi soba, then brought home some karaage and donuts to have later
>sitting on the couch she turns to me randomly and says "you sink I'm cute?"
>I don't know how to respond so I just said yeah
>"I am very beautiful?"
>"you want to has sex wis me??"
>well I was caught off guard but decided to go along with it and smash it right then and there, I'm leaving japan soon anyway
>few days later I turn in my apartment key and spend my last day in a hotel 90 minutes closer to the airport because I don't want to rush to catch my plane
>she sends a texts asking what hotel I'm staying at
>she actually makes the trip and shows up with an overnight bag
>have okonomiyaki with octopus and bacon at the restaurant next door
>spend the night together in the hotel
>she sees me off at the airport the next day
>I get a text from him one or 2 days later because she had mentioned we were hanging out together a little bit, but she didn't mention what we did
>he said "I know you don't have bad intentions but it makes me a little uncomfortable for you to hang out with my gf when I'm not around"
>I said "hey man you know what, I understand. I should've considered how it might make you feel I'm sorry"
>no hard feelings just wanted to bring it up
>he never finds out the details
>we are still friends and talk almost daily
>I learn okonomiyaki is the best!

>> No.15510106

what jap food can i make without access to jap ingredients

>> No.15510112

based and truth.
i had a little one downstairs from my apartment when I lived in Japan.
used to go down nearly every night and buy a drink cuz i used to steal the fuck out of their wifi lmao

>> No.15510113

i need to learn the secrets of pan-frying noodles without them sticking like fuck

>> No.15510114

you can buy jap mayo, mirin, seaweed and miso paste in literally any supermarket.

>> No.15510117
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I'd prefer a taste of Sakaki's honeypot if I'm honest

>> No.15510220

watching yuru camp season 2 and there was a part in one episode about how expensive eel is now in japan

>> No.15510226

>tfw my izakaya has been closed since last year because cuomo

>> No.15510243
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been watching golden kamuy and boy do they make ainu food look tasty

>> No.15510297

Okinawan sweets.

>> No.15510313

Unfortunately it's been overfished so it makes sense that the price has risen.

>> No.15510323

Yeah pretty much this, nice sushi joints are good but I can't stand fish so it's just beef and chicken and prawn for me inb4 chink creation

>> No.15510364

Just wondering, are there any good Japanese cooking shows? Iron Chef would be one, but for instance I weekly watch this Korean show where the presenter helps out restaurrant owners and teaches them how to cook and organize the restaurant but are there any shows like this in Japan? I am not looking for stuff like Kodoku no Gourmet or Midnight Diner.

>> No.15510371
File: 940 KB, 598x598, Screenshot_2021-02-02 さんいんキラリ auf Instagram „出雲市内で最も注目している「あごう」、行列のできる蕎麦屋として知られています。安来市にある名店「そば処まつうら」で修業された店主�.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its zaru soba. super delicious and also very easy to make at home

>> No.15510444
File: 111 KB, 555x777, __kasuga_ayumu_and_mizuhara_koyomi_azumanga_daioh_drawn_by_sakaki_imasato__9499ace5044ccdd010f9d2444e0cdd4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what jap food can i make without access to jap ingredients
With zero ingredients? None. With what you can find in pretty much any chain grocery? Plenty. Although many people associate Japanese cuisine with seafood almost to the point of exclusivity, there are still out of the way places in Japan even today where you can't easily get fresh high-quality seafood and prior to the advent of refrigeration the availability of fresh seafood plummeted once you started getting into the hills. In those places people ate more venison and poultry than seafood (although preserved seafood was still available, and some freshwater fish and crustaceans on a seasonal basis) and the local ingredients were different.

For me, it's the McYomi.

The NHK's Dining With the Chef isn't what you described (which sounds more like a restaurant show than a cooking show) but in my opinion it's breddy gud.

>> No.15510451

Thanks for the show recommendation, it isn't exactly that but it does teach about cooking which is good.

>> No.15510640

you're absolutely fucking disgusting
how can you go to Hokkaido and not eat miso ramen

>> No.15510643

Believe it or not, Osaka is not from Okinawa.

>> No.15510664

Osaka made a fuss because they wanted to eat Okinawan sweets. It just is the thing.

>> No.15510700
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Japanese food of Japanese. Japanese food imagined by foreigners.
The two may be a little different.

>> No.15510708

Anyone here ever had Takoyaki? Is octopus comparable in flavor to say calamari? It looks so good, and I've watched a ton of videos of it being made, but I don't know if it's going to be a waste of time buying a cooker specifically for it.

>> No.15510717

男ご飯 is another show you could look into if you haven't already

>> No.15510720

Based, it's especially nice on a hot day

>> No.15510723

>"Saataa andagi"

>> No.15510726

octopus doesn't have as strong of a flavor as shrimp or squid. It's a little bit more like chicken or a light fish like tilapia, but it has a much stronger texture, like a very firm shrimp.

>> No.15510742

it's good, the octopus adds a texture and mild sweetness more than anything
I recommend only eating it if you have a source to get more because its weird and obscure but you'll want to have it often for the rest of your life once you've tried it

if you buy a takoyaki pan just remember you could always use it to make pancake balls for breakfast or desserts any time you want

just don't even think about making them without the sauces and the bonito flakes otherwise you miss the whole point

>> No.15510766

>>"Saataa andagi"
Osaka is a Japanese high school girl. Okinawa is a region of Japan.
High school girls love sweets. It is natural that they know Okinawan sweets.

>> No.15510772

>"Saataa andagii"

>> No.15510778

I am Japanese. Osaka is also Japanese.
Of course, I know about delicious local sweets.

>> No.15510781

>"Saataa andagii"

>> No.15510795
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I think Japanese donuts are pretty good quality and value. I find that donut chains like Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts where I am (the UK) tend to be relatively expensive compared to Japan's Mister Donuts, which I found to be quite good value.

>> No.15510805
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"Washoku" "Yousyoku" "Tyuuka" All of them are "Japanese food".
Representatives of "Washoku" are sushi, sashimi, and kaiseki.
Representatives of "Yousyoku" are pork cutlet, curry rice, omelet rice, etc.
Representatives of "Tyuuka" are ramen and grilled dumplings.
Only a small part of "Washoku" is purely Japanese in Japanese food.
The Japanese eat them as a matter of course. They are so commonplace that the boundaries are ambiguous to the Japanese.

Japanese typical home-cooked food "Niku_Jaga".

>> No.15510810

Are you having a stroke, meito?

>> No.15510842
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Curry beef bowl.

>> No.15510846
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Natto miso bolognese spaghetti.

>> No.15510847

Which one did you go to? I used to go in Flushing but I think it closed down from the coof for good.

>> No.15510866
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Croquette curry udon.

>> No.15510888
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Beef steak bowl.

>> No.15510898
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haha, my izakaya never closed. And we had a barbecue last summer, and we made mochi in December. Must suck that your izakaya fell for the corona virus hoax.

>> No.15510905
File: 25 KB, 400x400, psychotic fundamendalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy! This guy understands! He understands comedic timing!

>> No.15510924

Yeeeahhh, I'm thinking based.

>> No.15510956

I live in Hokkaido and I prefer soy sauce ramen to miso ramen.

>> No.15510962

I bet you drink asahi too, you degenerate

>> No.15510985

I only buy Asahi beer occasionally.
I rarely buy Sapporo beer
I always buy Kirin beer

Are you confusing me with someone else?
I'm Japanese.
You can tell by my bad English, can't you?

>> No.15511022

>Not buying Yebisu

>> No.15511046

I wouldn't buy Yebisu or Suntory.
I drink more shochu, bourbon, rum, scotch and chuhai than beer to begin with.

>> No.15511063

>tfw never made a woman make this noise

>> No.15511088

Which of these would you like to try?

>> No.15511174

Yebisu is my fiancée’s favorite.
Mine is Orion; while she does enjoy it too, she is bewildered as to how I could possibly like it more than Yebisu.
Apparently that shouldn’t be possible.

>> No.15512631

I like Asahi super dry more than Sapporo, Kirin, Yebisu or Orion.

>> No.15512680

sounds alright, definitely sounds like a food best enjoyed with a beer

>> No.15512900

What are these

>> No.15512922
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I made anime food a few times

>> No.15512923

They're called momiji-manjuu. Like a lot of Asian desserts, they typically contain sweet red bean paste.

>> No.15512952
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I know it isn't really food either but umeshu, especially pic related, is enjoyable

>> No.15512969
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Make way for the best sake

>> No.15512997
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>do japs really?

>> No.15513010

She will turn into a vegan then you will cry. She will kill you if you are a chink.

>> No.15513013


>> No.15513025

DAE nigori sake?

>> No.15513041

Never had any but I'm interested in trying some. Any recommendations?

>> No.15513047

Take your meds, insecure weeabo.

>> No.15513101

You first

>> No.15513117

Take your meds and dream about a vegan boba, seething weeabo.

>> No.15513200

I prefer soju over sake. Sake has a petrol quality to it that makes me gag
my friends dad became an alcoholic with soju though, its how he started drinking excessively because its pretty strong for such a smooth easy drinking spirit

>> No.15513625

soju:Made in Korea
shochu:Made in Japan

>> No.15513647

where is the dollar bill guy

>> No.15513661 [DELETED] 

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.15513663

(skipping the above post) any advice for good drunk japanese food? >>15504259 is right about okonomiyaki, but what else should I try?

>> No.15513666

Fucking capitalist SHILL. I'd rather have healthcare than cheap donuts, you filthy, dirty fucking shill.

How much is Moon Jae In pay you for this post?

>> No.15513710

is this thread a joke? why does the food look exactly the same?

>> No.15513732

Why are the Japanese too lazy to cook their food?

>> No.15513946
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If there's one thing that's easy to recreate, it's ochazuke.
You can find this product in Japanese supermarkets.
or you can make it yourself.
You can put grilled salmon on top, or tuna or salmon marinated in a mixture of soy sauce and mirin.

>> No.15514292

Tried to make miso soup the other day for the first time...
it was ok...ish.
i don't get the appeal of miso.

I put in dashi and veggies and wakame and stuff, and it tasted like a great fishy~veggie broth, then I added Miso, and it instantly removed most of the great flavour, and just tasted like... a bit sweet... veggie soup.

anything else I can do with a pound of Miso, except ruin great broth?

>> No.15514310
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For me, it’s the yakisoba sandwich.

>> No.15514349
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I fucking love onigiris.
I bought 2 cook books full of onigiri recipes, but my favorite filling is
'Remoulade(instead of mayo), + canned tuna + wasabi, mixed together'
then I put a slap of smoked salmon on top of it...
what onigiris do you guys like?

>> No.15514353
File: 1.22 MB, 640x1136, B2F92ED0-CECC-4078-B24C-315C086A7184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is relevant, I had a bunch of leftover rice and vegetables today, so made a hearty teriyaki chicken donburi bowl.

>maybe someday through cultural appropriation, and the gud succ, I’ll be able to attract a real asian husbando; instead of pretending to make meals made with love for one

>> No.15514383

Miso has a strong taste, so it's best to add less.
However, the strength of the flavour will vary depending on the type of miso.
You may find it more to your liking with a pork broth.

Other uses are
You can replace the soy sauce in the teriyaki sauce recipe with miso.
You can also mix miso and soy sauce for a different flavour.
Another easy way to use it is
Mix mayonnaise and miso with sugar or mirin to taste.
and use it as a salad dressing.

>> No.15514403

Bake the salmon with butter and break it up into pieces.
Add a little pepper and soy sauce.
Add a little mayonnaise if you like.

>> No.15514412

If miso gets boiled or the water is too hot I find it ruins the flavour, so maybe that’s the issue with the flavour ?
Also like that other anon said, less is more, but you should mix the paste in a little dish with the hot dashi stock before adding it to the rest of the soup to prevent the miso clumping and tasting/feeling grainy. And there’s powder form as well if you prefer that kind of consistency.

It’s an acquired taste though, so you may just not like it.

>> No.15514457

Will the unique flavour of miso be accepted by non-Asians?

>> No.15514500

I’m not asian, but miso is one of the reasons I didn’t starve in college.

>> No.15514520
File: 2.16 MB, 3024x3024, 2F90411A-2BEF-4EA3-B06B-95339D62C631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Chicken Katsudon. That is all.

>> No.15514581

I didn't expect that fermented smell to be accepted.
However, everyone has their own taste and it's best to try different ways of cooking.

>> No.15514878

What does natto actually taste like?

I think a lot of haters get put off by its texture. I'm fine with it since I regularly have a bowl of TKG.

I would go buy it myself, but I don't want to take a bus to my nearest Japanese grocery for obvious reasons.

>> No.15514884

What's the closest I can get to takoyaki without a special pan or ready access to octopus?
Also, what's the proper way to make katsu sauce? I tried a recipe once that was basically just ketchup with spices and it tasted like ketchup with spices.

>> No.15514895

>sweet red bean paste.
What the hell is that stuff anyway? It's like crack to me and I never find it outside of the occasional Asian food.

Is a specific type or preparation of rice required to make onigiri? I've tried it before and even though it was standard short-grain rice I still couldn't form it anywhere near as easily as I needed to. Onigiri look delicious.

>> No.15514896

The only times I drink sake is a round of sake-bombs. Probably because beer is the dominant flavor.

I'd rather have a highball or even just a can of Strong Zero.

>> No.15514914

Goddamn straight.

The grated daikon and enough wasabi to give a slight kick to the back of your sinus is heavenly.

Also, apparently, you aren't supposed to dip the entire noodle; just like 40% of it.

>> No.15515000

>What the hell is that stuff anyway?
Exactly what it says on the tin; they cook red beans, mash them and then add sugar.

>> No.15515207

>love Japanese food
>live in an eastern yuropoor shithole where there are no Japanese and as a result almost no Japanese restaurants, no Japanese shops, and no Japanese ingredients sold at regular shops beyond Kikkoman soy sauce

fuck me
Might just have to eventually order some long-lasting ingredients from one of those Japanese import websites, though they are very expensive

>> No.15515213

Just tastes nutty and earthy, a little bland desu, probably why it always comes with a packet of mustard
The texture isn't even that bad, it just looks snotty but you don't really feel it

>> No.15515309


>> No.15515327

Make miso aubergine, it's great
There's probably tons of miso recipes out there that don't involve broth

>> No.15515337

It's bland to me too, like mashed, unseasoned pinto beans. My wife insists that it has an extremely strong smell, like ripe cheese.

>> No.15515493

so you're saying both are made in japan XD

>> No.15515500

WTF? Is this like a genetics thing like cilantro?

>> No.15515526

No, he's saying both are made in China

>> No.15515539

It's not tamago gohan, so what is it?

>> No.15516037
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Maybe this is it?

>> No.15516055

chinese supermarkets in nz atleast have japanese sections and sell kewpie and dashi, bonito, and mirin and bulldog sauce, tonkatsu or okonomoyaki variety, nori, etc etc etc etc
even vac packed unagi.

hell i don't even think it's for japanese people, i think just enough chinese students are weebs to warrant it.

>> No.15516072

you can make a lot of japanese food with just soy sauce and then other western ingredients.
you can pickle things. You can make a tare. You have sugar, you don't -need- mirin, or sake. I'm sure you have rice and fish.

>> No.15516075

The fugetsu near me made me fall in love with okonomiyaki. It's so fucking savory.

>> No.15516077

you could easily make a good okonomoyaki with zero japanese ingredients.

>> No.15516209
File: 262 KB, 1024x1314, 1024px-Matz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15516217

is RS a big guy for jap grub

>> No.15516227


>> No.15516242

install gentoo

>> No.15516259

i know what bootloader is, but how does that make sense in your sentence? actually idGAF, tell me if i can use basmati rice or stfu

>> No.15516260

Those eggs look dry as fuck

>> No.15516266
File: 33 KB, 550x366, morimoto-napa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15516268

>Obtain Soy Sauce, Sake, Mirin
Congrats you now have the entire base of jap cooking. Get some ginger and garlic as well and you can already start to throw some dishes together. None of those things should be hard to get even if you're in fuckin soviet bloc east yuropoor zone.

>> No.15516286

Never seen mirin sold here anywhere, ever

>> No.15516288
File: 20 KB, 338x450, pork-gyoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15516334

That's a matter of taste, I suppose.
This method also looks delicious.
But I prefer this way.

>> No.15516715

The oriental shop in the city where I'm studying doesn't have a meat section so now I can't get thin enough beef for gyudon. :(

>> No.15516731


>> No.15516735


>> No.15516780

Why not slice some beef?

>> No.15516793

I can't get it as THIN thin as the machine-cut ones I get back home.

>> No.15516799 [DELETED] 

Nigger just put a steak in the freezer for like 45 mins to let it get rigid and hard, then slice it thinly yourself.

>> No.15516803

I'm not that good >:(

>> No.15517089

i enjoy okonomiyaki as long as they add fucking fish flakes. holy shit i hate fish flakes so much and okonomiyaki especially gets doused in them some places

>> No.15517152

but...you make it yourself at the table?

>> No.15517215

you don't have a machine for cutting bread? I use it to cut everything...

>> No.15517293

Yeah it is.

>> No.15517425

That’s why you practice, knife skills aren’t an overnight thing

>> No.15517481
File: 22 KB, 350x233, How-To-Slice-Meat-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to be good. This isn't fine skill or some sort of flexing with a knife.
All you need is super cold meat and a sharp knife. Take your time. It's not a race.
Thinly shave the pieces with the knife.

>> No.15518484

As someone in a soviet bloc shithole, mirin is VERY hard to get. Sake can be found in specialised stores. Luckily, both keep well. For context, there's one Japanese restaurant that's not a sushi place that I know. One. The long fingers of Japan haven't reached here yet.

>> No.15518588

fuck pictures, anyone got some japanese recipes?

>> No.15518590

My local supermarket sells mirin but not any other type of rice wine. I imagine your problem is easier to deal with since you can honestly just add more sugar to rice wine and achieve the same thing as mirin.

>> No.15518631
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For me, it's simmered dishes such as nikujaga and umani.

>> No.15520179
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You haven't lived until you've eaten good nabeyaki udon

>> No.15520186
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Eggplant agebitashi

>> No.15520191
File: 77 KB, 600x400, 19COOKING-SOBANOODLES1-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zaru Soba

>> No.15520215
File: 134 KB, 400x300, syun-kujira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale sushi

Similar to tuna, only leaner

>> No.15520236
File: 210 KB, 1024x731, curry-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is so based

>> No.15520296

I thought I had eaten good nabeyaki udon for quite a while.
Then came the day I had some m made with local (to where I was staying) winter vegetables and freshly caught snow crab.
It’s still, hands down, the most amazing bowl of soup I’ve ever eaten.

>> No.15520306

Dangerously based

>> No.15520308

You could try it, but I'm pretty sure it's not sticky enough. It would go great with a curry, though.

>> No.15520311

locals eat it using the spatula, rest of japan uses chopsticks for it.

>> No.15520335

Fun fact mister donuts is a off shoot from dunkin donuts

>> No.15520353

its like japans version of chicken and waffles

>> No.15520489

There is something different about those soba noodles.

>> No.15520539

They're made of buckwheat

>> No.15521200

It may be made from soba noodles, but it looks like pasta.
Maybe the soba noodles are not stretched and cut, but extruded.

>> No.15521208

No, no...
Isn't this a food sample?

>> No.15521220


>> No.15521273

slippery jimmies

>> No.15521331

Are there any easy Japanese (or Asian) recipes that use minced beef? I have some lying around that I don't know what to use for...

>> No.15521597

This dish is easy.
You can also substitute the miso paste with Chinese or Korean miso.
Nikumiso Recipe

You can also serve it over rice, udon noodles or pasta.

>> No.15521730
File: 494 KB, 975x650, tkg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perfect breakfast

>> No.15521797

Interesting, might try it out

>> No.15521809

you have to cook rice retard

>> No.15521815

no one cares. kill yourself larper

>> No.15521884

i had my suspicions that nonamerican redditors were retarded, but this just proves it

>> No.15521914

why is american cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of muttland is burger which is literally just ground beef on bread.
their pizza is just tomatopie
their apple pie is just inferior version of authentic english food
even tacos is mexican and not from america

why could the burgs not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.15522014
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>> No.15522196
File: 253 KB, 1200x1600, 55b5a5b03a69[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good to me. On a related note, kinpira gobo/renkon is one of my favorite side dishes.

>> No.15522560


>> No.15522691

>Live on an island nation
>Have never tasted eel
It looks so good bros.

>> No.15522709
File: 74 KB, 696x660, Global-coastal-and-freshwater-native-distribution-150-countries-of-the-assessed.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most popular species of eels are fished in island nations, so your implication confuses me.

>> No.15522724

Never bothered watching the anime, but did they include that extremely homoerotic nabe scene?

>> No.15522727
File: 53 KB, 640x325, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these any good for making a Hayashi rice or should I seek out a real demi glace?

>> No.15522729

you need to repent for what you've done

>> No.15522737

too boring to read
I no longer think you had sex at all

>> No.15522738

it is, it really is

>> No.15522750


>> No.15522766

>x is just y
it tastes good

>> No.15522885

It’s good enough for millions of Japanese, and I’m sure a few of them know something about Japanese food.
But it’s convenient; you can’t act pretentious about it, so it’s definitely not /ck/-approved.

>> No.15522891

you know what fuck it. ill give you a (you). thats what you were after, right? my big fat juicy (You).

>> No.15522918

it's alright, they usually need to be seasoned at bit to make them taste a bit more homestyle. i only really like boxed curry roux.

>> No.15522946

What would be added to this kind of roux? More beef flavoring like broth/bullion?
Umami boosters like Dashi/Fish Sauce/MSG?
>A hit of rangy BBQ sauce like I add to my curry roux?

>> No.15522977

Curry is disgusting
Grow up

>> No.15522982
File: 9 KB, 238x192, c4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demi-Glace is curry
I'm surprised you're able to actually solve the captcha

>> No.15523033
File: 284 KB, 1300x975, white curry 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me, just posting some random pics from last couple of weeks

>> No.15523036
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>> No.15523042
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>> No.15523049
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>> No.15523057
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>> No.15523060

>curry is curry
LOL that anon is so stupid

>> No.15523067
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>> No.15523074
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>> No.15523078

>Fried beef
The holy grail of tendies

>> No.15523103
File: 269 KB, 1224x918, average tonkatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, despite being like 2500yen(for the australian beef) it was pretty disappointing taste-wise. I should have tried the wagyu version for 4000yen instead maybe, but I'm only a student so I can only afford so much.

>> No.15523123

I can't imagine a steak (other than filet) taking kindly to being fried the way that white meats are.

>> No.15523138
File: 182 KB, 1224x918, just some kushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last post for now as i'm going to bed
It wasn't really fried like other katsu actually, despite being called gyuukatsu. I think it was cooked separately and then given an extremely short fry to get the panko to stick to the meat.

>> No.15523257
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>> No.15523501
File: 635 KB, 444x250, 1612333084029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only Japanese restaurant in my city shut down and got replaced by a chain bar for students

>> No.15523826

what are those little pasta looking things?

>> No.15524150
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, 4316AEFC-63F3-4C1E-A41B-E5F04A4EC06B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admittedly I’m extremely biased because Osaka.
But, I believe Kushikatsu is the true eternal God-Emperor of all katsu, and katsu-like things.
It also rules over all skewer-foods; sorry, yakitori.

>> No.15524705

I tried it once and it was crap. It wasn't rancid or otherwise expired, just it just had that weird "asian-y" taste.

>> No.15524772

This guy eats Asians

>> No.15524992

probably something acidic. i usually put a little balsamic in mine.

>> No.15525035

They give great care to raw food so it may preserve its flavors.
Some ingredients are best eaten raw

>> No.15525040

don't worry about him. some fags on this board think being anti-weebs is cool.

>> No.15525306

I live in Japan and people here genuinely think that corn on pizza is delicious and some sort of hidden italian delicacy. People here are really fucking nuts about italian food but can never remotely cook anything like it. There are loads upon loads of "italian" restaurants here but when you go in it's always some weird fucking japanese ripoff where they fuck up all of the dishes by adding jap shit like raw squid and eel and shit to it and then they try to fucking play it off as "real italian food". It doesn't help that people here don't know what normal bread or cheese is. It's all fucking gross. I have not had any normal-tasting cheese in all the time I've lived here, and good bread is about as rare as a properly paid salaryman. These people are born on this island, they will live their whole lives on this island, and they will die on this island without ever tasting real bread or cheese in their life and that's just sort of sad. The worst part is that because no japanese person actually knows what real italian food is like, nobody can call restaurants out on this bullshit, everyone eats it all up and calls it "honto ni umaiiii uwuwuwu" and everyone thinks this is what real italian food is like. It's just sad. "Oh rettsu addu fishu eggu andu seaweedu to pasta carbonara don't u kno this is how rearu itarian peeporu eat!". The worst part for me is that japan doesn't just massacre classic italian food like this, but they also do it with every other country's cuisine imaginable. French, spanish, mexican, turkish, you name it. They botch everything they come across as "wow foreign so cool" but it's never apparently fucking good enough unless they douse it in soy sauce and raw octopus to make it "authentic european" food. Don't get me wrong I love me some japanese food but fuck this country for ruining foreign food culture and fuck the people for being too retarded to not know what real food is like, even though they kind of can't help it, fuck em it's gross

>> No.15525422
File: 53 KB, 500x324, 565CC741-2B5D-488E-B092-DEBB2B8B39F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wall of pasta

>> No.15525557
File: 33 KB, 396x459, sweet corn on pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corn on pizza
It's like corn is some novelty on pizza. They do this in historical Italian expat cities in places in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, even Australia. I think some people just like corn that much. Its a new world item, but so are tomatoes, to honest. Now in Mexico, there's even Elote pizza, which is utterly delicious complete with the mayo drizzle, which is very Japanese.
Even the British like their corn....42%

>> No.15525567

>Remoulade(instead of mayo)
Same shit

>> No.15525585
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>> No.15525590

if he said "remoulade (instead of mustard) I would agree, but otherwise. fack oof.

>> No.15526170
File: 975 KB, 1139x623, WAKAKO-ZAKE-Episode-1-English-Subs-YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15526188

wow looks good

>> No.15526444

Cute, thanks for sharing, anon!

>> No.15526493

fucking based
too bad the US Kirin isn't the real stuff
Though, tonkotsu ramen is the best ramen

>> No.15526727


>> No.15526753


pick one

>> No.15526764

this is the best looking post ive seen in thread so far

>> No.15526772

ramen is good and all that, but for me it's lamian. chink food is the best east asian food and mogs jap food into the stratosphere

>> No.15526801

not my experience but you do you.

>> No.15526860

I got a bunch of turkey meat to prep for a week. I've made karaage and oyakodon before, while they're good they're not really suited for eating as leftovers

Any ideas?

>> No.15527007

spätzle. its a german influence, like katsu is a copy of schnitzel

>> No.15527050

Maybe it's cheap cheese
It is delicious melted in the heat of the curry.

>> No.15527527

It's "cheese".

>> No.15527688

Idiots freaking out about raw egg:

>if your rice is hot enough, it'll be fine
>demand that standards for safety of eggs/poultry products be higher like japan does

>> No.15527699

What is it about pasta side-dishes in Japanese food that is so off-putting to me? I remember konbini-bento having everything being domestic, and this macaroni drenched in white sauce right next to it.

Is it some kind of import/export market thing? Because I don't really think that a lot of Japanese people would be eating macaroni cheese.

>> No.15527708

That's rough dude. Well, at least there's Bezos Box.

Fuck Bezos

>> No.15527715
File: 41 KB, 750x500, 095f461c8279e69a06320cc043e5dde1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macaroni salad is a popular side in Japan, and you can find macaroni it in some "minestrone soups", but macaroni and cheese isn't popular at all.

>> No.15527717

I love how they have to have English instructions on not to double-dip.

The only thing double-dippers deserve is a shallow grave.

>> No.15527734

>utter retardation not knowing steak tartare

It's clear that he's lacking in braincells and culture.

>> No.15527771

literally just grease your pan well

>> No.15527800

Tastes and feels like you’re eating boogers and shit, sticks in your mouth too so you can’t back out once you’re in
It’s so fucking nasty>>15514884

>> No.15527810

Eel is my favorite fish, it’s so so good

>> No.15527819

It's always fun, when on a bar crawl in Osaka, to go to a takoyaki place.

>> No.15527825

Actually, they cook adzuki beans and mash them with sugar.

>> No.15527829

There are a lot of people that can't deal with the slightly slimy texture of the natto, even in Japan.

>> No.15527833

Not well. The rice isn't sticky enough.

>> No.15527840

Even the picture you posted isn't doing it right, the piece is nowhere near being sliced evenly.

>> No.15527842

I love making this shit with ground meat and potatoes as a quick weeknight dinner.

>> No.15527849

TKG is the shit man. It's a nice, light breakfast to help you get going in the morning.

>> No.15527857

Of course it had an 'asian-y' taste, it's a Japanese product. What you're calling 'asian-y' is probably the ever-present flavor of soy sauce.

>> No.15527882
File: 162 KB, 1280x960, c18a1347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thick-fleshed eel has recently been seen in Japan and is very disgusting!
Do you see it in your country too?

There's about one person in ten who doesn't like it.

>> No.15527911

And sometimes the beans are cooked with the sugar ans sometimes the skins are seived from the beans and the consistency can be anywhere from completely smooth to intact; it's the same difference.

No, it wasn't that. I mean that it had that weird flavor that asian foods sometimes have when they try to imitate western flavors, especially beef dishes. In this case it was somewhere between fish sauce, poor-quality beef and canned lotus root. I even tried another package in case I got a bad one but nope, same deal.

>> No.15527966

>poor-quality beef
It's a cheap product that sells for $1 in Japan, no wonder.

>> No.15527986

But what's weirder about it is that I've had other Jap foods that were beef-flavored but didn't have that taste. Most of the time I encounter that flavor it's in food from China or SEAsia.

>> No.15527994
File: 60 KB, 421x272, hayashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd better go and wash your eyes.

>> No.15527996

Beef-FLAVORED, which it is.

>> No.15528018

Vegan-friendly products

>Japanese Gravy Mix
This label is confusing.

>> No.15528639
File: 390 KB, 1280x853, R0002429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese food is one of the various dishes in the world.
No more, no less.
People all over the world love Japanese food. It is a great honor for the Japanese as well.
However, many Japanese foods are local foods that are not appreciated by people all over the world.

>> No.15528650
File: 201 KB, 679x679, うめえ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fellas are good for a quick snack

>> No.15528690
File: 534 KB, 1600x1062, R0050106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese animation is a wonderful fiction that makes people happy.
Japanese food is a similar illusion.
Natural for Japanese people. A wonder for a world that doesn't know it.
Overestimation is born there.
Homeland cuisine for the people of the world. That loveliness.
Japanese food for Japanese people is the same.
The food of my country. It's a love for my homeland.

>> No.15528708


>> No.15528799

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.15528852

I'm pretty sure the flavorings in the ingredients are just onion and tomato concentrates to make a rich gravy taste. The beef flavor will come through because you're likely expected to cook beef into the sauce and add beef broth to dissolve the roux cubes.

>> No.15529267
File: 58 KB, 600x400, whalemeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an interesting canned food product, basically whale meat al ajillo (cooked with garlic and chili pepper). As pic related shows, it also contains mushrooms. I had it once and it is pretty tasty, making for a quick lunch if paired with something appropriate to soak up the flavourful oils.

>> No.15529820

Is it mayonnaise?

>> No.15530392

the weezer guy?

>> No.15530442

gohan tamago

>> No.15530453

this really should be an Asian food general including westernized versions of Asian food. that's like a solid 25% of this boards discussion on any given day

>> No.15530464

I'm American and even I thought this, dude's just playing his part.

>> No.15530478

check asian grocers and butcher shops. you should visit literally all of these stores in your city to atleast have an idea the kinds of meats they carry. I would include carniceras (mexican grocers) but they aren't going to have eel specifically, still handy to know what the carniceras around you carry.

>> No.15530874

if this dude is letting his gf hang out with this guy alone he knows hes fucking the shit out of her and likes it / doesnt care.

>> No.15530902

Yes, it's typically made with mayonnaise.

>> No.15530937

This pasta is stale, m8.

>> No.15531179

Your pic isn't the brand I tried.

>> No.15531207
File: 2.67 MB, 474x576, omurice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your tricks to get it to do webm related.
I never get it right

>> No.15531417

If you want a gooey omelette it's kind of like french style

>> No.15531755
File: 716 KB, 3840x2560, o44CSaQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15532574

Any good books on cooking Japanese cuisine for a COMPLETE novice? Never even been to the country yet.

>> No.15532682

>consumes every bite optimally sauced in your path

>> No.15532752

>Want to make Okonomiyaki
>Never comes out right. Tastes great but the pancake never finishes
Am I not cleaving the cabbage down into mince enough?

>> No.15532789

>Got this on a whim at the local asia market
>Made curry before with Golden Curry brand, wasn't too impressive but edible
>Made this kind
>Even roommates that hate curry were all over it. Basic bitch carrot, onion, potatoes, beef and rice
Fuck me it's a miracle in a box.

>> No.15532991
File: 3.74 MB, 4032x3024, 31881E18-1BFB-463C-82A5-AE1C57104DA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cabbage isn’t supposed to be minced. It’s supposed to be shreds. The batter isn’t meant to be the primary substance; it’s supposed to simply help the matrix of cabbage shreds hold together.

If it “tastes great” as you say, you’re on the right path. I’d suggest trying a thinner okonomiyaki. Also, even in Osaka (the literal birthplace of okonomiyaki), it isn’t always ‘done’ all the way through. As long as the outside is crispy, it doesn’t matter if the inside has a bit of ‘undone’ batter because it’s going to be topped with copious amounts of sauce and mayo anyway (pic related).

>> No.15533626

im convinced udon is the most superior pasta. such a thick satisfying texture and just absorbs liquid like a sponge

>> No.15533685

Kinpira gobo it's Chad/10. My gf said I liked all of her grandparents favorite foods.

>> No.15533710

ive made this a handful of times. its very bland and boring although if its all you got ingredients for, you just woke up and are starving, it does have its place. Usually find myself adding a bunch of other shit to it since I keep a pretty well stocked spice rack and asian food in general hits better when its spicy imo

>> No.15533714

it grills really well too. grilled eel may be one of my all time favorite asian meat dishes

>> No.15533719

tonkotsu ramen broth is so fucking good its making me salavate just thinking about it.

>> No.15533751

its cute to see you try to speak english :3 =^.^=

>> No.15533770

You don't have to eat it by itself.
It is usually served in Japan with miso soup, seaweed, tofu and fish/meat.