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File: 396 KB, 1500x1125, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15517515 No.15517515 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever happened to the bacon guys from a decade ago? What food are they memeing now?

>> No.15517523

Bacon isn't a meme. It's been enjoyed for thousands of years and will continue to be.

>> No.15517534
File: 26 KB, 229x252, 1578273122996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too young to remember people memeing the fuck out of bacon

>> No.15517563

I'm 40. And bacon isn't a meme. Pretty sad that a boomer a has better grasp on the definition of "meme" than you children do.

>> No.15517566

its a meme granpa

>> No.15517570

14 more like.

>> No.15518527

he referred to the i f*cking love bacon crowd and the idiots that would wrap all they could in bacon
they all died of a heart attack

>> No.15518528

What explains that phenomenon? Bacon tastes good, I suppose, but how did it become extremely popular circa 2010-2012?

>> No.15518538

bearded hipsters who didn't think they were hipsters
it died with them

>> No.15518540

It's always been extremely popular. Just because you seen some youtube videos about it doesn't change the fact that it's exactly as popular as it's always been.

>> No.15518554
File: 60 KB, 555x350, 1605500843577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not about bacon itself, it's about them

>> No.15518565
File: 534 KB, 772x434, Screenshot_2021-02-03 Hatsune Miku 'Hotdog' 2011 Corolla Toyota(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it hit peak meme saturation around 2011-ish when advertisement execs caught on. I get what these other guys are saying about "bacon has always been popular", but it was heavily memed in a pumpkin-spice sort of way for awhile. Bacon popcorn, bacon air fresheners, bacon deodorant, etc.
Kinda glad the fad died down.

>> No.15518595

There was more bacon sold in 2020 than any other year. It saw zero increase in sales during the early 2010s. It follows a direct line with population growth. It's literally exactly as popular as it's always been. Stop thinking the internet is real life.

>> No.15518640

Fried spam is good substitute.

>> No.15518837

Anyone remember the bacon milkshake from Denny's? That's what >>15517534
meant >>15517523
Bacon was pushed heavily as this "manly" delicious food. People made videos on making bacon salad, bacon weaves, etc.

Honestly, I think most of the "bacon" guys are either now heavy left leaning media/social account activists. "Food Journalists" or writing some other lame articles. Or if you are referring to what that crowd would be nowish, would be the off grid tiny house people.. It's one thing to want to live off the land mostly, or have a normal house in the country, but these people are pretty much the same retarded bacon memey crowd from early 2010's.

>> No.15518845

Nobody is saying bacon itself was any more or less popular, but it's clear to me now that you're being absolutely facetious about this. Well played.

>> No.15518863

3 words: epic meal time

>> No.15518871
File: 21 KB, 248x51, 250px-Epic_Meal_Time_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just posted it but I'll reiterate. I can guarantee a massive part of it was these guys getting huge on YouTube. Their entire schtick was bacon strips.

>> No.15518877

You don't know what facetious means.

>> No.15518886

was earlier than that

>> No.15519018
File: 274 KB, 540x1674, ice soap chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Maddox in 2012. (No longer funny, but a great time capsule). Look at the things he puts in the same category.
>Below are a handful of posts from "I fucking love science:" The page is comprised mostly of pictures of space, Neil deGrasse Tyson, pop-science junk, worn out memes, Neil deGrasse Tyson and thinly veiled political agendas. Oh, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. The Internet needs to collectively stop sucking Neil deGrasse Tyson's dick. And add bacon and zombies to that list. I love bacon, but fuck you for ruining it, everyone. Holy shit, just shut the fuck up about bacon. Yeah, it's great, we know. Bacon cups, bacon salt, bacon shirts, bacon gum, bacon, bacon, bacon, WE GET IT. Bacon is your Jesus, we know, now do a shot of bleach and take some buckshot to the face.

At first it was memed as a food for 'manly' hipsters who ate 'badass' meals without caring about no sissy shit like health. Then it became much bigger as a general obsession of "random" and Reddit style humor, like robot monkey ninjas, which is how we got "the narwhal bacons at midnight". Cooking channels learned anything wrapped in bacon got clicks, and it eventually became mainstream.

Hipsters and Redditors are as big as ever but no obsessions come to mind. Smashburgers? Cracking eggs on shit? Memes are short lived now, more about formats than specific 'random' things, and there's less positivity.

>> No.15519289

In the baking world it's sourdough.

>dude sourdough pizza lmao
>dude sourdough donut lmao
>dude sourdough pasta lmao
These are all terrible ideas. Just because you could doesn't mean you should. Baker's yeast was invented for a reason. You don't make everything into a sourdough for the same reason you don't add a squirt of lemon juice over every single meal. Some things don't need to be sour.

>> No.15519363

you've made a horrible mistake showing me this process.

>> No.15520982

If you dont think bacon is a meme than you havn't spent very long on the internet or didnt learn how to use a computer until 2014

>> No.15520990

what, epic meal time? they're still around and still doing the bacon strips meme

>> No.15520992

It was a pretty big food meme for at least 5 years. Just shut up and fuck off

>> No.15521000
File: 188 KB, 688x917, za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bacon craze was replaced with the avocado craze and that morphed into the keto frenzy because people found a way to justify not being afraid of fats anymore

also heres a pizza I made, find a flaw I dare you.

>> No.15521002
File: 127 KB, 686x685, 00_26_43_582_sakamoto_wo_peaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was totally a bacon fad in the late 2000s to early 2010s grandad

>> No.15521056

toppings dispersion ratio to area offered

but you also got trips, so.........

>> No.15521096

>toppings dispersion ratio
not easily seen is the second layer of pep that was laid down under the cheese

>> No.15521106

lol, grandpa, you old. I won't be 40 for like 4 years.

>> No.15521107

Great job. Perfect browning of crust, I'm loving the crispness on the cheese, Only flaw is that you could use a few more pepperoni, or another topping idk up to you
>t. I work at a high end pizzeria.

>> No.15521155

I mentioned this to the other guy, I have a second layer of pep under the cheese. A few more toppings would look more appealing but im really just a cheese and pep guy

>> No.15521171
File: 81 KB, 300x400, 1610707494961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15521423

The main dude was jewish

>> No.15521445

>Then it became much bigger as a general obsession of "random" and Reddit style humor, like robot monkey ninjas, which is how we got "the narwhal bacons at midnight"
The webcomic The Oatmeal is extremely guilty of this. epic coffee bacon engineer humor that appeals to the Chuck Wendigs of the world

>> No.15521824

Your pizza looks like shit


>> No.15522108

Looks delicious. Mind sharing your crust recipe?