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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 220 KB, 800x1066, StrippedPizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15514336 No.15514336 [Reply] [Original]

So im a pizza stripper, I dont like the crust that much.
I buy or make a pizza, and strip 90% of it.

Im looking for recipes on how to cook just pepperoni, sausage, sauce and cheese. Every time I have tried, it turns into a burnt mess and just doesnt work well.
Whats a good substitute for crust?

>> No.15514351

>Whats a good substitute for crust?
Cardboard actually doesn’t catch on fire easily and so you can use it to separate the “toppings” you desire from the heat of the baking tray. You should try it and post results.

>> No.15514355

Butterfly chicken breasts, bake, then top like a pizza.

>> No.15514358

Try thin crust??

>> No.15514370
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try making some pizza-flavoured currywurst, just fry up a big sausage, plop on marinara and top with cheese or whatever fag thing you want since you don't eat the crust

>> No.15514374

Try taking meds.

>> No.15514380
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>pizza stripper

>> No.15514397

Try one of those rubberized cutting boards. They can actually left in an oven under 400, so set it to 375 and melt up some cheesy saucey goodness

>> No.15514405

wtf is wrong with you, keto guido fag?

>> No.15514434

You need to get yourself a pan with really good nonstick, and you can fry cheese crispy. The "ceramic" coated pans are pretty amazing that way, but they only last a couple years.
Just put cheese in the pan. Once it's melted you can add tomato sauce, another layer of cheese, and toppings. Put a lid on it until the bottom is crispy. I recommend pre-cooking the toppings, unless your pan is oven safe and you can throw it under a broiler for a bit once the bottom is crispy.

>> No.15514593

>just make little caesars pizza, bro!

>> No.15514741

Honestly since all you are attempting to eat is saucy cheese with some meat hunks in it, here's what to do:

Get some sort of Corning Ware dish or other ceramic but deep oven safe glazed cookware. Take some pizza sauce put a layer on the bottom. Put in a later of cheese as thick as you want. In a separate pan brown any raw meat (sausage, bacon etc.) add meat on top of cheese. Pop in oven, top rack, turn broiler on check it periodically for the next few minutes. When the top gets crispy and we'll melted, take it out. Leave it to sit and walk into the other room. Load all 7 of your .357 magnum rounds in your smith and wesson model 686 revolver (you'll only need one). Put the muzzle under your chin pointed straight up so the bullet tears through as much brain matter as it can. Cock the hammer and gently pull the fucking trigger.

>> No.15514748
File: 116 KB, 798x809, 1611903958330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitlerchan approves this recipe works 100% of the time.

>> No.15514754
File: 73 KB, 640x480, stupidbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. just make lasagna. or zitti

>> No.15514787

>I dont like the crust that much.
Awful post. Consider suicide, or at least castration.

>> No.15514788

Nice and super based
>Youll only need one

>> No.15514912

......stop being 5 years old or insane?

>> No.15514916

Quintisential /ck/ thread

>> No.15514935

french frys

>> No.15515348

the pepeloni...

>> No.15515396

make sure you're using a good mozz mix, part of it is probably that you're using the wrong cheese

>> No.15515404

"pizza lasagna"

>> No.15515457

>So im a pizza stripper
you should feel embarrassed having written this

>> No.15515495
File: 2.28 MB, 1119x713, mcos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15515499

Hitler shot himself with a .32ACP Walther PPK.

>> No.15515514

And /k/ will tell you that anything less than 9mm is basically airsoft. But .32 killed a god.

>> No.15515544

If you want to remain weird, use baking parchment to line a tray, then bake the sauce+toppings on that.

If you want to go sane keto, Lou Malnati's does a "sausage crust" where they roll out a thin layer of their sausage and then dump all the toppings onto that and bake it.

If you want to go mad 1337 keto, look up "fathead pizza" and follow the recipe -- it's shredded mozzarella, almond flour, and an egg to tie it together. Works very well, tastes neutral, pretty much like a normal crust.

>> No.15515547

>killing himself

>> No.15516384

he didn't shoot himself.
he got away.
of fucking course the media was going to say he is dead, people would be pissed if they said he escaped.

>> No.15516584

Anons DO NOT attempt to make this recipe, it makes mustard gas!

>> No.15516600

Just go to keto diet, then you can justify it

>> No.15516612

I really like pizza too but I don't eat the crust or the toppings.

>> No.15517862
File: 67 KB, 474x719, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15518309

Yeah I thought I was going to see vagina and pizzas
Fucking letdown

>> No.15518352
File: 65 KB, 640x960, 6bxpt1p7sbf21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bake it on a pineapple

>> No.15518600

am i in 2007?

>> No.15518850

lookup keto pizza recipes for cheese crust

>> No.15518880
File: 31 KB, 512x512, Meatball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe stop eating like a fucking child?

Or just pan-fry your meat and whatever other toppings, stir in some sauce and put it on a plate with some thinly shaved cheese on top, shaved not grated so it melts properly just from the heat of the meal. Sprimkle some herbs on as a garnish. You're not gonna oven-bake this shit without a base you fucking spastic.

>> No.15520303

Thats just chicken parm

>> No.15520313

marcos is good
(im not being paid to say this)

>> No.15520317

Family Video went out of business
What will Marcos do?

>> No.15520322

im not sure i understando

>> No.15520365

Marcos and Family Video are the same company
Marcos Pizzas near me are ALL built inside of Family Videos.
Family Video is dead and liquidating

>> No.15520375

huh, i had no idea.
i dont think family videos are/were around me here.

>> No.15520388

They aren't owned by the same company, it's just a partnership.

>> No.15520593

yeah but it's chicken parm with pepperoni. big improvement.

>> No.15520651


>> No.15521347

The best chicken parm improvement?
Chicken parm on tendies

>> No.15521399

Wrong, he made it to Argentina and lived a long and fulling life. Plus he made the trains run on time ;)

>> No.15521411

Try rice paper. My mom made pan pizzas with it once.

>> No.15521422

I love crust. It's such a great palette cleanser after eating such my grease and savory meat.