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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 824x773, shitfee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15509089 No.15509089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You haven't fell for the coffee meme, right?
You're unironically a cuck if you drink this garbage

>> No.15509096

no one cares about your shit thread

>> No.15509102

i care about your shit thread

>> No.15509109

weed doesn't make me happy

>> No.15509110

i care about no one cares about your shit thread

>> No.15509113

and who the fuck are you? some /ck/ thread critique?

>> No.15509123


>> No.15509126

weed is for niggers and woke college aged liberals

enjoy your $25,000 annual salary loser

>> No.15509128

weed doesn't make me happy and i have to work like a robot anyways so i may as well have some coffee so i can concentrate

>> No.15509147
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>weed is for niggers and woke college aged liberals
>enjoy your $25,000 annual salary loser

>> No.15509160

alcohol is for losers too

if you are putting anything in your body other than water, fresh produce and rich meats you are a failure

>> No.15509172 [DELETED] 

i smoke weed and i hate niggers and liberals and i make 90 grand a year

>> No.15509174
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I challenge anyone pro-coffee to try quitting it for a month

>> No.15509197

Why would I try quitting coffee?

>> No.15509218


>> No.15509239


>> No.15509249

i drink a cup of decaf in the morning and then another cup of coffee at 2pm to jack me off before leaving work

>> No.15509254
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I unironically wish I enjoyed both pot and coffee. Pot makes me paranoid and I'm hyper sensitive to caffeine, but holy shit, I'd love to be able to indulge in tasty, legal uppers and downers on a daily basis. As it is I'm stuck with lemon water and maybe a little iced tea in the morning, and mug vodka in the morning and evening and night.

>> No.15509260

To prove you aren’t physiologically addicted to caffeine (which you are)

>> No.15509298

>fresh produce
You're so addicted to sugar that you just NEED those fruits, huh? *ding ding* oh shit it's time for your insulin shot tubby

>> No.15509306
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I challenge anyone pro-meat to try quitting it for a month
See how that works?

>> No.15509307

never said I wasn't

>> No.15509309 [DELETED] 

i meant vegetables but eating the right kind of fruit is good too...damn you are a retard

>> No.15509312

ok spaz we get it caffeine makes you too hyper

>> No.15509321

>right kind of fruit
No such thing. You can get every micronutrient you need from red meat, dairy, cruciferous vegetables, and sunlight

>> No.15509342

Steve Jobs was a pothead and he had more money than half of all of humanity combined.

>> No.15509344
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Caffeine is a CNS stimulant (drug)
Meat provides necessary nutrients
Try again

>> No.15509349 [DELETED] 

moron....literally you are so retarded its hard to carry a conversation with you....is this what weed does to people???

you can get insanely concentrated doses of antioxidants and vitamins from different types of fruit. Is a peach or plum healthy? no, its loaded with sugars, but things like cranberries, raspberries, pomegranates, blueberries, acai, etc etc are really good for your body

>> No.15509354
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I don't feel anything from caffeine. I was that way even the first time I tried it. I drink it because I like how it tastes you prissy faggot

>> No.15509355

It's amusing to read a post from someone that knows jack shit about nutrition try to preach about nutrition. Thanks.

>> No.15509364

Never done weed, fag. And I'm not having a conversation with you. I'm TELLING you to lay off the sugar and go skip some rope or do some push ups for once in your life. Everything you just posted is the most faggy reddit take I've seen today
See above

>> No.15509369

>nnoooooooo I need to eat to liiiiiiiiiive!
Give it up you fucking addict.

>> No.15509375 [DELETED] 

why are you projecting so hard? why are you bringing up reddit? Is it because you are a fat retard pothead that upboats things on reddit consistently?
>nB4 "never even been on reddit"
likely story fuckface, get a grip

>> No.15509376
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It's loaded with sugars complexed in fiber. Very different from eating candy, doesn't cause an insulin spike. Not bad for you at all unless you are highly fat adaptive and thrive on keto-like diets.

Yeah it's not meth, of course you don't "feel" it acutely unless you have zero tolerance. However you will probably notice diminished performance and worse mood after quitting for 3-4 days.
Drink decaf anon

>> No.15509389


>> No.15509392


>> No.15509450

I don't need to prove anything to toddler-palated subhumans like you. I'll keep enjoying my based coffee.

>> No.15509463

Anon I go a day or two without coffee often enough and don't feel any different.You're delusional

>> No.15509465

>Coffee consumption has been associated with decreased mortality in previous studies. As aging, obesity, and lifestyle factors affect the risk of mortality, the association between coffee and mortality needs to be examined in various subpopulations by characteristics of subjects. To quantitatively assess this association, we conducted an updated meta-analysis including stratified analyses by potential modifiers. We searched in the PubMed and Web of Science databases through March 8, 2019, and conducted meta-analysis including linear and non-linear dose-response analyses. We identified 40 studies including 3,852,651 subjects and 450,256 all-cause and cause-specific deaths. Non-linear inverse associations between coffee consumption and mortality from all-causes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancers were found. The lowest relative risk (RR) was at intakes of 3.5 cups/day for all-cause mortality (RR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.82-0.89), 2.5 cups/day for CVD mortality (RR = 0.83, 95% CI 0.80-0.87), and 2 cups/day for cancer mortality (RR = 0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99), while additional intakes were not associated with further lower mortality. An inverse association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality was maintained irrespective of age, overweight status, alcohol drinking, smoking status, and caffeine content of coffee. By region, Europe and Asia showed stronger inverse associations than US. A non-linear inverse association was found for mortality from respiratory disease and diabetes, while linear inverse association was found for mortality from non-CVD, non-cancer causes. Moderate coffee consumption (e.g. 2-4 cups/day) was associated with reduced all-cause and cause-specific mortality, compared to no coffee consumption. The inverse association between coffee and all-cause mortality was consistent by potential modifiers except region.

>> No.15509467

The half life is long enough that you won't feel it for 3-4 days. Unless:
- You aren't self-aware enough to notice
- You drink a very low dose like 50mg

>> No.15509470

Productive people tend to drink coffee, and they also live longer. Obviously not a causal link

>> No.15509480

Meat contains a stimulant too. Also coffee contains nutrients. Retarded weeb, probably a fat fuck too.

>> No.15509484

Elon Musk would like a word except he's too busy being a billionaire

>> No.15509485

>An inverse association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality was maintained irrespective of age, overweight status, alcohol drinking, smoking status, and caffeine content of coffee.

>> No.15509489

yeah cause everyone here is just gonna listen to what you have to say because reasons. kek fuck off and shut down your overactive ego

>> No.15509493

>Meat contains a stimulant too
Not in any significant quantities
I'm 6'3 150lb, cope harder
That disproves 0% of what I said.
>Taking stimulants every day is good for you!!!!!!!
You can get nutrients from literally anything natural, eat some fruit

>> No.15509502

>I'm 6'3 150lb
Shoo shoo hungry skeleton!

>> No.15509515

It's actually weird, I eat as much as I can and I still can't gain weight

>> No.15509516

Cope harder, retard. Unless every non-coffee-drinker is a NEET (which in your case, it probably is true), your "muh productive people" cope is nonsensical. Either post a source proving that evil coffee is bad for you or fuck off, toddler-palated dork. I don't drink coffee for its nutrients, goalpost-moving retard, my balanced diet takes care of that already.

>> No.15509528

My dumbass stepfather fed us coffee when we were like 5, the game was rigged from the start

>> No.15509529
File: 57 KB, 600x600, a98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the one making an outlandish claim -- that long-term psychostimulant administration will not induce tolerance or cause PAWS upon cessation.

Switch to decaf if you are truly confident in your position

>> No.15509538

So you’re an alcohol

>> No.15509544

I never made that claim, I never even talked about tolerance. You brought up stimulants yourself and when confronted on meat containing a stimulant, you backpedalled.
I don't need to prove anything and I don't need to go out of my way to drink a subpar version of coffee. I'll continue to drink based coffee, a healthy drink that makes manchildren like you rage.

>> No.15509568

I am a manchild when you are the one seething in a /ck/ thread? Fucking kek

And how is it backpedaling to say normal meat doesn't contain a clinically significant amount of any stimulant? Which stimulant are you referring to?

BTW I avoid dark chocolate for the same reason I avoid coffee, unironically gives me a high due to the theobromine. Most people aren't that tapped into their body though. And that doesn't happen with normal chocolate either, I just love the high grade 86% cacao

>> No.15509580

I like it, suck my dick gayboy.

>> No.15509866

Lift weights and drink shakes, you'll gain weight.

>> No.15509875
File: 194 KB, 1326x1261, 1607941659938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You haven't fell for the coffee meme, right?
>You're unironically a cuck if you drink this garbage

>> No.15509876

The people who go on about IPAs are the weed smoking college liberals who love niggers, anon

>> No.15509886

I drink coffee while vaping pot in the morning.
>Not mixing uppers and downers

>> No.15509889

Coffee is the cornerstone of my culture. Rude.

>> No.15509907
File: 42 KB, 600x691, 7f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vaping pot

>> No.15509918

>implying that only wagecucks drink coffee

>> No.15509976

I did when I was wageslaving in 12 hour day and night shifts which was impossible to live through without caffeine, now that I'm out of that hellhole I don't need coffee anymore but I still do like the taste but I'll have coffee now like once a week instead of 3 per day or more.

>> No.15509995
File: 103 KB, 1437x908, 1447422063431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15510052

I only ever drink coffee if I have to stay awake and am at risk of falling asleep while standing. if you drink coffee to wake up you're a retard that deserves much more than the health problems your coffee addiction will give you

>> No.15510081

>You haven't fell for the coffee meme

why are Americans too stupid to use the correct tense, with the corect past participle of the verb?

>> No.15510110

native spanish speakers

>> No.15510132

It's not "impossible," you're just a coward.

>> No.15510145

if you never worked a shift job that forces you to constantly break your own circadian rhythm you have no idea how hard it is, but then again I'm probably talking to a neet who never worked a day in his life so not like you'll understand either way

>> No.15510151

This anon gets it. Coffee is fucking disgusting and I'll never understand the hype

>> No.15510289

dude getting blasted on bong rips is totally the same as having a cup of joe in the morning

>> No.15510509

potheads constant screeshing and fragile superiority complex is why you die alone with your dealer "friend".

>> No.15510561

it's easy af, you will be tired af for a few days (or weeks) but nothing worse.

>> No.15510609

What health problems, Karen?

>> No.15510612

It's called having the taste buds of an adult, fattie.

>> No.15510623
File: 137 KB, 1151x790, nestle choco hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee creamer takes the edge off and makes the beverage taste like something else than charcoal bean water. it is an expensive habit so i decided to change over to PWO's in the case i manage to get fit or something.

>> No.15510646

>charcoal bean water.
Either you buy shitty coffee or you're a sugar-addicted obese subhuman. Either way, your opinion is worthless.

>> No.15510647

weed is just coffee for unemployed people

>> No.15510650

it's the same case with alcohol, the more expensive stuff does smell nice (Braastad XO has a very nice fruity aroma) but it ends up tasting like ethanol with some weird shit under it so i just use it on cooking.

>> No.15510658

Anti-coffee types are truly a sad bunch. Not only do they have the palate of a child but they can't even cope by telling themselves they are healthy because studies show coffee drinkers are healthier. They can only repeat yoga-mom-tier memes like pretending that coffee is like heroine or some shit like that.

>> No.15510665

They are both degenerate.

>> No.15510667
File: 154 KB, 720x960, Es7JASWW4AUfRZ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesnt know the amazing feeling of having your morning coffee and taking a beautiful bong rip

>> No.15510680

t. friendless lardass

>> No.15510682

>tfw enjoying both
Suck my dick

>> No.15510779

Not him but I drink decaf, for the taste

>> No.15510797

Coffee is good for you

>> No.15510912

I know 6 people that have died from weed induced paranoia

>> No.15510950

Coffee helps fight off energy drinks which are way worse. I really prefer cold brew though.

>> No.15511061

>he doesnt start his day with weed and coffee

>> No.15511084

Do you people really not just enjoy drinking coffee?
The smell and taste of coffee are really enjoyable to me

>work like robots
My favorite time to drink coffee is in the morning on camping trips, where I am decidedly not working

>> No.15511111

I drink coffee while snorting my hash
fuck you pleb

>> No.15511140

I'm thinking that OP is mixing up coffee and Adderall

>> No.15511151

Have you tried smoking it?

>> No.15511167

don't really like it. tastes bad, I do got a diet coke addiction though.

Like cigarettes I'll never understand the point. Beyond just finding complete distaste for the people who smoke it and their entire personalities. Its just not appealing, there's nothing to be gained from smoking pot other than wasting money on it, getting lung cancer, and hanging out with a bunch of annoying cringe faggots.

>> No.15511196

I hate pot smokers so much. I got my neighbor arrested for it because the smell would drift down to my apartment, I warned him to fuck off but he just started screeching. Normally the police don't give a shit about marijuana here but I called and said he was selling it, that got them to show up to his place and he had enough on him to go to jail.

I hate you OP and I hope you die. I would kill you myself if I could.

>> No.15511227


>> No.15511232
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, 7E5506FA-46D1-426B-B143-046916100AB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the taste. Caffeine has no effect on me, I could have 2 espressos and go right to sleep

>> No.15511247

That's called tolerance. Try quitting and enjoy the withdrawal symptoms, blood vessels in your brain are permanently contracted because of caffeine, they will expand and it will hurt.

>> No.15511270

I regularly go a week or more without caffeine stupid faggot

>> No.15511295

prove it

>> No.15511297

On none the occasions where I've run out of coffee for days have I gotten a headache. Just accept that you have the palate of a child abd that coffee drinkers are artistically likely to be healthier than you, it's more reasonable than telling others how coffee affects them or asking them to quit coffee. This is pathetic.

>> No.15511298

yeah makes feel like im going insane hate it.

>> No.15511306

if i can quit beer for a month i can quit coffee easy

>> No.15511307

Nobody needs to prove anything to you, manchild fatso.

>> No.15511335

No way you go a week or more. Why lie on the internet? is that caffeine withdraw getting to you?

>> No.15511351

>coffee drinkers are artistically likely
u wot mate

>> No.15511361

Keep projecting, faggot

>> No.15511363

What if you're /anticoffee/ and /antiweed/?

>> No.15511468

Are you /proalchool/?

>> No.15511470

Why would I go a week without coffee? I'm not poor, fattie.
Btw, this doesn't even help your point because even if I did somehow get caffeine withdrawal symptoms, they'd not last a week, you mom-science-spouting retard, lmao.

>> No.15511481

Cry harder, obese abomination

>> No.15511494

I drink it in the morning to shit my brains out and go on with my day

>> No.15511769

man, you need to get yourself a cup o' joe! it will add some more cheer in your day.

>> No.15511820

I have quit coffee for a month before, or longer really
I don't drink it regularly, just a cup or two on occasion because I love the taste

>> No.15511841

Sometimes working like a robot and accomplishing something makes me happy.

>> No.15511843

The fuck does it matter

>> No.15511848

>Meat provides necessary nutrients
No it doesn't, you can live entirely without meat. You're psychologically addicted to the flavor of meat. Cope harder.

>> No.15511857

I am the guy you’re replying to. Me too, I also like the taste and drink decaf, but people who drink regular coffee everyday are usually addicts

>> No.15511863
File: 6 KB, 215x81, 2021-02-02 12_21_27-(0) _ck_ - You haven't fell for the coffee meme, right_ You'r - Food & Cooking -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new IP
>"I am the guy you're replying to"

>> No.15511875

I do 12 hour shifts regularly and don't drink caffeine. You're just a faggot.

>> No.15511910

weed is trash and dumb to smoke

>> No.15511936

>hurr durr I don't need substances to live
Say the degenerate anime and internet addicts that frequent this board.

>> No.15511947

I quit for 4 months.

>> No.15511953

Hedonists can chase their "pleasure" in this life. They'll sadly get their reward in the next.

>> No.15511969

>They'll sadly get their reward in the next.
Hedonism isn't a sin as long as you always love God, so you can be happy in this life, AND the next. Faggot.

>> No.15511999

I like the taste faggot

>> No.15512003

coffee is also tasty

>> No.15512015

>Chasing pleasure instead of pursuing a relationship with God and loving your brother.
>If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life? For the Son of man is to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay every man for what he has done.

Stop trying to reconcile the disgusting lies of the world with the righteousness of Christ.

>> No.15512062

stop buying shit coffee

>> No.15512114

not every one is a cumguzzling gymfaggot like you. some of us prefer women

>> No.15512147

>he blames coffee for his shit life
that's a level of cope I've not seen yet
it's the only drug that's ever helped me but the culture surrounding it is toxic
all people seem to care about is getting high for the sake of high

>> No.15512162

I’m phone posting

>> No.15512581
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coffee taste bad

i drink hot chocolate instead

>> No.15512779

weed sucks but you have to die faggot.

>> No.15512789
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>> No.15512871

>X meme
Coffee is a utility beverage. The Starbucks crowd and the people who base their masculinity around how dark they like their coffee are annoying but people like that exist in every possible thing. You're one of those people but I'm sure you don't give a damn that you further drag down the quality of this already awful place.

>> No.15512938

No, I drink Pepsi instead

>> No.15512940

No more coffee, just have a beer.