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File: 2.90 MB, 640x640, american cuisine caloric butter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15504392 No.15504392 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people shill raw milk so hard? Seems to be more expensive and unhygienical than regular milk
pic unrelated, i did not have any pics of milk

>> No.15504410

drinking raw milk is an antisemitic alt-right dog whistle
only racists don't guzzle homo milk

>> No.15504417

chefclub is hilariously violent food art.

also, because brainwashing op.american kids were forced to drink it basically,

>> No.15504419

It's neither more expansive nor unhygenic. You only get ill if you buy from a shady source and have the immun system of a geriatric on his death bed. On the other side your gut health improves and it tastes much better than past and homo milk.

Just try ice cold raw milk and you will understand.

>> No.15504421

>that butter chicken mound
>it actually worked pretty well
I would never make this but it looks good ngl

>> No.15504427

>american kids were forced to drink it basically
literally untrue

>> No.15504431

yeah buttery rice etc. mmm yum

>> No.15505094


>> No.15505149

because it's way more healthy and tastes better.
pasteurized milk is as nutritional as water

>> No.15505188

the amount of raw cream you skim off the top makes it worth whatever price you pay

>> No.15505227

Raw milk means unpasteurized, and it's not legal to sell in stores in most states, and is banned at a federal level, meaning it can't be imported or sold between states.

>> No.15505496

do not recommend drinking it too cold
see aajonus

>> No.15505536

For me, it is about eating whole foods. The idea is something like that the more processing and refinement food items undergo, the more nutritional value they lose; and that the more of the raw food product you consume, the more nutrition you receive. I drink raw goat milk for the same reason that I cook meat bone-in, eat organ meats, almost never peel vegetables, and always eat the greens of root veggies.

Although, I don't actually drink raw milk. I drink kefir, which I make from raw milk. Also, goat milk > cow milk, and by leagues.

>> No.15505539

I used to literally drink milk straight from a cows udder as a kid and nothing happened. However, I never thought about raw milk vs store milk because I honestly never felt a difference between the two. I always found the biggest difference in milk quality was more to do with the type of cows, what they ate and how they were cared for, and also how fresh the milk was. I'm sure it being unpasteurized does increase the amount of good bacteria but I don't remember a sticking difference in taste to be honest. Then again its been a long time.

>> No.15505560

>I don't have pictures of milk
>but here's this picture of a chicken going into 5 pounds of butter

You have problems OP

>> No.15505622

Well, obviously not freezing but straight outta fridge.

>> No.15506302

First time I saw this video I thought it was some troll shit where they make something nasty and stupid. But that actually works out into a nice 1 pan spread

>> No.15506316

Have no idea but honestly i love milk and cheese and yoghurt and simply because people use raw milk to make those things i want to try those things make with raw milk

>> No.15506352

>Why do people shill raw milk so hard?
because they're fucking stupid. pasteurization is perhaps the biggest food safety breakthrough in human history and only a retard would want to get rid of that for no benefits. there is no significant difference between pasteurized and raw milk.

>> No.15506417

>it actually worked pretty well
i highly doubt this was real depiction of the final product, that amount of butter and it's not flooding the tray in fat, I call bullshit
of course the rice soaks some up but the rice doesn't even look yellow tinted

>> No.15506433

>there is no significant difference between pasteurized and raw milk.
really? no more calories and protein?

>> No.15506444

Pasteurization is only needed if you have totransport fresh dairy in allkinds of temperatures to city dwellers. Drinking fresh raw dairy which you can get from most dairy farms is perfecty safe. And if you're sill too chicken because you have been indoctrinated that raw food is deadly, just ferment it. This way the beneficial bacteria prevent the unhealthy colonisation and you get a even healthier product.

>there is no significant difference between pasteurized and raw milk.
Retard take. Why i it always the people shilling for IFLS shit which know the least about microbiology or any resp. scientific topic? Raw milk has by definition a broader bacterial colonisation and therfore more complex taste. If you can't differentiate 4,5% fat raw dairy and 3% "full fat! over the counter past. ones, you're just a tastelet.

>> No.15506522

>4,5% fat
>3% "full fat
that's the real difference you're tasting rawtard, enjoy your listeria

>> No.15506556

No, it's the fact that you can't get actual full fat milk in any shop. The taste if much more than just 1% fat difference. And if you think listeria is such a problem, you should autistially cook every drop of water and all fruits, including berries before consumption, as you are much more likely to get listeria from them than from raw dairy - specifically because the beneficial bacteria, which naturally thicken raw dairy over time, prevent a spread. Only once you fuck up that system or introduce horrible hygiene does i become an issue.

But than again, you have never tasted raw milk to begin with, so why are you talking about a topic you know nothing about? I've milked my own cows, drank industrial tier dairy and am back to raw milk. Never had any issues in 30 years, neither do I know anybody which would have had any. Unlike hyper pseudohygenic americans we also eat raw minced meat and eggs without an issue. Ever thought that your food industry might just be shit?

>> No.15506572

>muh anecdote supersedes established science!
dairy-borne illnesses fucking plummeted after the introduction of mass pasteurization and you don't have a good argument for why we should go back on that

>> No.15506573

>butter 5 lbs
do americans really

>> No.15506602

because people treat modern biology like fucking traditional chinese medicine. the only benefit to drink raw milk is that you know it hasnt been ultra high temp pasteurized, which destroys the proteins. the drawback is that there is a small chance there are deadly bacteria present.

>> No.15506605

They have a chronic illness and they're desperate. Any alternative lifestyle provides them some hope that they'll get better without going into crippling debt. That's why there's so much overlap. The raw milk people will also shill, stainless steel cookware, essential oils, fermented foods, drinking a concoction of honey, garlic, and vinegar when sick, and avoiding anything that produces radio waves.

>> No.15506612

And destroys the enzymes that actually help you process the milk

Raw milk is how people have used dairy for centuries. Grocery store milk is low quality shit milk that nobody should drink.

>> No.15506617

>Raw milk is how people have used dairy for centuries.
and they got sick from that shit all the time

>> No.15506625

So they kept on drinking it to torture themselves?

>> No.15506630

>fermented foods
while the others are unsensible however the fermented foods actually do have some benefits, not gamebreaking but there are some. not just storage and taste benefits

>> No.15506638

>muh science statistics!
Listen retard, if you want to sound intelligent read up on the bacterial colonisation of dairy, what happens if you leave it be by itself and what has to happen for spoiling. I already explained to you, that past. is only usefull when you have to transport and sell your dairy as dairy, not thickened clabbered milk to a consumer days away, especially on unhygienic envoirements.

Dairy poisoning only happened in inner cities for a fucking reason. Nobody is making you drink dairy in the first place but to go around and lie about raw dairy being harmful bcause you are inable to get a fresh product is peak retardation hich only could have come from a cityfag. Just stick to your dystopian almond water.

>> No.15506642

>So they kept on drinking it to torture themselves?
no, they were just stupid and didn't know any better. that's why shit like germ theory and pasteurization were such a big fucking deal and allowed us to improve food safety in unprecedented ways.

>> No.15506653
File: 427 KB, 2518x1024, csas13wne6r11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6000 years of dairy farming
>people get sick during the industral revolution due to shitty food standards
Ah, yes. Obviously it's not hygiene at fault but the food itself.

>> No.15506665

Dairy poisioning was a problem for everyone, but it's a problem we've solved. you rawtards are the anti-vaxxers of food.

>> No.15506676

>somehow people didn't learn to stop consuming harmfull stuff, despite that being the natural evolution of things
Don't you have some pleddit gold to spend, tard? You are being essentially clinically retarded right now.

>> No.15506684

It wasn't and it still isn't. Jesus Christ. Imagine making a thread blaming people as shills, just to spin around and make up shit to fell better about your narrow horizon.

>> No.15506692

I saw once the "what guys vs. girls would do with a time machine" meme where the girl obviously tells her grandmother "I'm your granddaughter" "no way!" and the man goes back in time pointing a gun at a caveman labelled "The Man Who Would Invent Agriculture" and I so dearly wish I could find it again

>> No.15506694

>muh science
>muh industrial quality food
>muh vaccines

>> No.15506705

are you guys flat earthers too? what are your thoughts on 5G?

>> No.15506724
File: 120 KB, 634x815, 1584647338910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero self reflexion on your part.

>> No.15506728
File: 36 KB, 740x415, 13631472_268333776883347_2788416886635446081_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP I tried to find it, but couldn't. You know what they say.

>> No.15506751

Imagine caring this much about milk. This thread is hilarious.

>> No.15506755

It’s snake oil. People are dumb.

>> No.15506765
File: 187 KB, 718x705, 1612128523868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15506825

Imagine the diarrhea from ingesting only 1/4 cup of rice because contains the melted equivalent of an entire stick of butter.

>> No.15506861

Seems to me that if you're after "good bacterial cultures" in your milk you should just be turning the milk you drink into kefir or yogurt.

It has the added food safety that comes with pasteurization and the benefits of beneficial bacteria cultures. Best of both worlds. Nutritionally speaking, the only loss from pasteurization is reduced B12.

>> No.15506864

*that if you're after "healthy" milk

...is what I meant to say.

>> No.15506992

Fresh milk with generous amounts of lactic acid bacteria is one of my favorite things. An earlier poster was correct in saying people advocate for it because of chronic illness. Due to the unique way dairy ferments, it is different to comparable fermented foods and drinks. Raw dairy and kefir are not acidic, like are kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, even fermented grains. Milk is one of the most whole or complete foods. It has a ton of good stuff in it because it's made to feed infants. The bacteria which prevents spoilage does a very good job of preserving the vitamins, proteins, enzymes, lipids which are destroyed by heat treatment. Fresh fermented dairy helps me and plenty of others feel much better whenever there is safe and legal access to it.

>> No.15507033

>Fresh milk with generous amounts of lactic acid bacteria
Thats called yogurt sweetie

>> No.15507081

Indeed, and I love yogurt. I like kefir more but enjoy both.