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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15504108 No.15504108 [Reply] [Original]

USA Chart edition
Previously >>15463634

How do you take your coffee?

>> No.15504114
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Do you take your coffee BLACK?

>> No.15504128
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>tfw grinder was supposed to show up last night and didn't

Shou it is.

>> No.15504475
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Your grinder will arrive soon.

>> No.15504496


Hopefully today. We don't often get snow that sticks where I am and we did yesterday, so I'm betting that just slowed everything down for 24 hours.

>> No.15504503
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Does latte art make the coffee taste better?

>> No.15504647
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taking my coffee without cream or sugar for a week and i want to tell everybody

>> No.15504659

Looks like period stain.

>> No.15504670

Unironically Starbucks’ breakfast blend is the best black coffee I’ve ever tasted. Unfortunately it doesn’t mix with cream/sugar well, but a damn good black coffee.

>inb4 coffee snobs telling me about hand picked Himalayan beans that I’ve probably never heard of

>> No.15504681

What a horribly annoying graphic.

>> No.15504708

I enjoy plain black cold brew the best but I feel like if I tried making it myself it would turn out like ass

>> No.15504712

I've been enjoying my brikka coffee. I also have a jar of sugar with some vanilla beans. Coffee and vanilla sugar is nice

>> No.15504815
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Either black or if i want to go fancy a pharisäer, which is strong coffee, a little bit of sugar, a double shot of dark rum and whipped cream on top garnished with cocoa powder.

>> No.15504917

I broke my French press after daily abuse which gives me a good excuse to switch to another method. I've been looking at Chemex and Hario since they seem to be the standard but they both have their drawbacks. Any recommendations? Harios seem to be out of stock a lot right now.

>> No.15504977

What are folks here willing to pay for beans? The Honduran I got from my friend's roastery was $18 for 12oz, but I'm also seeing a lot of stuff from other well regarded roasters in town for more like $14/lb.

>> No.15505112

For 1lb I've paid anywhere between $14 - $20. It depends on the bean and the location of the store, I guess.

>> No.15505313

for me, it's kroger breakfast blend made in a mr coffee drip machine

>> No.15505348

Is it worth it? Easy to use? How close is the product you get to espresso?

>> No.15505364

How do I enhance my Moka pot coffee?
I have a moka pot and a nespresso milk frother.

>> No.15505382

Alcohol and coffee have no business being in the same cup.

>> No.15505514

Not him but what he posted is an electric percolator. My parents use one

>> No.15505516

No, the issue with starbucks anything is that its preground. You should be grinding your own beans

>> No.15505573

Yeah, it's not any more difficult than a mokapot. Sometimes it stalls and you might need to nudge the weight but that's about it.
The coffee it makes is very dark and bitter, I haven't had espresso in a while, but it's really good for making cappuccino drinks. <= This is with Mt.Hagen organic arabica
A lot of crema, especially if I add a bit of baking soda to the water. Often when you pour into a cup the crema stays in the brikka machine, so you need some skill with it.
I upgraded from a chinese knockoff mokapot, and I'd say it was worth it. I'm the dude who bought the Bialetti grinder, milk frother and brikka a few threads back.

>> No.15505602
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Certainly looks better than a chinese knockoff

>> No.15505675
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has anyone ever tried mixing a shot of espresso into drinkable yogurt/kefir. i'm feeling the urge to try it for some reason even though i suspect it will be terrible

>> No.15505781

This is the most retarded take.

>> No.15505787

>Turkish with steamed milk

>> No.15506158

any good espresso cocktails i can make now that i got my meme lever device?

>> No.15506192
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>cafe au lait
>steamed milk

>> No.15506221

>make a frappe
>cup jumps off table and splatters on the ground

>> No.15506272
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>> No.15507534
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JX Pro came in.

>> No.15507550
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Good timing, too. The Tie Luo Han was starting to get thin. I started at a 28 on the grind just as a general guess, and did 18g/300ml It makes a very pleasant mug of coffee if not super complex, though as I said in the last thread, my friend who works at the roaster says he thinks they over-did it on the batch I got so the tasting notes won't be as distinctive. It's a very round brew with only a bit of brightness on the tip of the tongue in the aftertaste, and some nice deep flavors otherwise. I'll keep grinding it finer and see what that does to it.

>> No.15507654

Try meme hoffman's recipe of putting the water first, quicker brews are usually better. Also if it's roasted too dark I have a barista friend who likes to brew at lower temps 80C-90C,to avoid over-extraction yet still grinding fine enough for flavor. Coffee goes from sour/hollow to sweet to bitter, so just grind finer till you taste bitterness and then move a step back or two to see where you get the most sweetness (which sometimes can come with acidity depending on the bean/roast).

>> No.15507657

>meme hoffman's recipe of putting the water first

>> No.15507684


Yeah I've been doing it that way. I just realized I was actually only just shy of the 30 as I did two of the small clicks finer than 30 instead of two of the numbers on the dial, so I'll make sure it's actually at 28 next time and see how that does it. There was really no trace of bitterness in it and it wasn't particularly sweet, so I'm guessing I have plenty of room to go finer. Thanks for the advice!

Also, as an aside, what are folks' thoughts on single origin stuff vs. blends? Is it similar to tea where the former is going to have really high points but often come out one dimensional, while the latter is going to be more well rounded but have fewer of those super unique characteristics?

>> No.15507814

I bought some Gevalia because it was on sale, I’ve gotten the brand before and it was fine. I got “traditional roast” and after I made it I see it’s “mild.” Holy FUCK it is garbage

>> No.15509178
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>> No.15509212

Snowy weather made me decide to roast up a little batch of my dwindling reserve of Yemeni coffee a couple days ago. This is the only coffee I like taken into second crack, but it is really something else. Smells like a tobacco shop and leather chairs. Tastes like roasted squash/pumpkin, toasted pumpkin seeds, a hint of cocoa, hint of tobacco. Adding cream to it makes it taste like buttered, roasted butternut squash. Fucking remarkable. Poor Yemen. I will buy more of your coffee if/when I can ever get it again.

>> No.15509231

Every sip makes me laugh,
"Oh, wow.."

>> No.15509337

good take

>> No.15509416

I've never heard coffee described as like pumpkin or squash but I've never tasted or even seen Yemen coffee before

>> No.15509444

Yemeni coffee can have some pretty wild flavors. It's traditionally dry-processed, but it tends towards unusual complex savory flavors over fruity ones. God knows what kind of mystery heirloom varietals they're growing there.

>> No.15509479

Is there any trick to making cold brew coffee?

>> No.15509660

I brought an Oracle a few years ago and want something more manual. I plan on selling the very expensive machine.
What grinder & machine could I get for a similar price? $2k +/- $250

>> No.15509813

Is drip coffee really worse than other brewing methods? I want to just make a shitload to coffee at once, you know?

>> No.15509834

the best coffee is the coffee you like to drink

>> No.15509898

Perc is the superior method for large amounts of coffee and no one ITT can convince me otherwise

>> No.15509917

You want it very coarse. Big chips of coffee. The longer you leave it in the fridge, the stronger the taste

>> No.15509922

For me it's a lot of turkish. Turkish makes a lot and is easy to do

>> No.15510181

Imo good coffee is still too inconsistent to make consistently good blends, what you taste in your cup will depend on cherry growing conditions and post harvest processing/fermentation, the quality of roasting, and your grinder/brewing technique. Since it's so variable, it's hard to create harmonious blends if the taste can change from farmer/season/roaster and there is little incentive to do so. Good specialty single origin coffee is the most complex I've tasted and can be well rounded/harmonious if everything went right with the farmer/roaster/brewer. Most blends on the market aren't exercises in blending different coffees to make something harmonious but muddying up some leftover single origin with a cheap brazil to reduce the price, granted I should give more blends a chance but I haven't been impressed yet.

>> No.15510203

Starbucks is none of these.
Just milky, sugary, wank "coffee" drank by American tastelets.

When I travelled from New Zealand to the US a couple of years ago, I couldn't believe how BAD the coffee was over there.
It is bloody swamp water and so expensive.
The rest of the time I was there, I made my own with a kettle and Moccona Instant coffee and actual milk, not that shit you idiots call dairy creamer or whatever the fuck it is.
Fake all the way, that is the American way......

>> No.15510310

My mocca master makes great coffee. If I drank 1 liter per day that's all I would use.

>> No.15510494
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I like coffee the way I like mah wymon, chocolatey & full of cream

>> No.15510500

Im starting barista training tommorow! Wish me luck friends

>> No.15510827

Is there a point to getting an aeropress if I already have a moka pot and an espresso machine?

>> No.15510843

Must've gone to Starbucks or restaurants? We have extremely low standards because it's first and foremost a drug addiction or conspicuous consumption. Our maladaptive freaks love good third wave cafes though. You wasted your vacation drinking instant coffee, m8.

>> No.15510860

Can't give yourself an enema with a moka pot

>> No.15511106
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I found some ground coffee in my freezer with an expiry date of December 2017

I brewed some and it tastes fine

Sure, not the freshest ever, but still better than instant

>> No.15511659

let's say you have to get coffee at Starbucks.
what do you order, /coffee/?

>> No.15511667

I love my Hario, but our stainless steel french press is indestructible.

>> No.15511670

I had been wanting to try this, but haven't yet. I feel like the kefir would have to be really sweet.

>> No.15511676

An aeropress is really great for traveling, but it's not my fav for everyday use.

>> No.15511814
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Hey lads, so I want to start drinking and enjoying coffee more. Right now I just have a cheap little single cup machine with a reusable filter. It's nice, but the taste is pretty meh and having to wash the filter every time I make a cup is tedious. So my question is this - which method strikes the best balance between ease of use/cleanup and taste? I thought about getting a moka pot but it sounds like you have to bring the water to a boil seperately before even starting which seems like a pain in the ass, not to mention I don't have a grinder or really have the space for one.

>> No.15511822

one of their frappuccinos or an iced latte. if you have to be at starbucks, you might as well have fun and get one of their sweet drinks

otherwise if i need a serious caffeine boost then i'll just get a cup of their drip or nitro cold brew. ultimately it's not that terrible, and drinking starbucks on occasion helps me appreciate specialty more

>> No.15511832

the issue with Starbucks is that it's not a coffee place, it's a coffee-themed dessert drink place
treat going to Starbucks as you would getting a milkshake anywhere else

>> No.15511850

Tall filter coffee

>> No.15511855

expiration dates are a meme on most foods

>> No.15511932

where do you buy your coffee online during these times?

>> No.15511976

Is Italian not Spanish but close enough

>> No.15512023

Well there's a difference between "use by" and "best before end"

"Use by" is on things like fresh milk, where you can probably get food poisoning if you consume it too long after the given date

"Best before end" is on cupboard items like crisps ("chips" for Americans) which won't harm you if you consume them after the date; they'll just taste sub-optimal instead

And for the coffee I assume it's "best before end" but I can't be bothered to check

>> No.15512061

Aeropress with preground coffee. Clean up is easy.

>> No.15512311

thanks anon

>> No.15512336

You could also look at the Clever Dripper - I'm not sure how well it plays with preground coffee, though. Might be worth investigating.

>> No.15512351

is there any drip brew coffee makers that do not not have the water sitting in a plastic reservoir? like a metal brewer.

really, any automatic coffee brewer methods that are either metal or glass, so long as it is not plastic throughout.

>> No.15512356

also to add - not a Moka pot.

>> No.15512600
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I think is is too fine for the Clever Dripper. 24 on a JX-Pro. I'll tell ya, I'm having a really hard time dialing things in and figuring out what I'm tasting with coffee, and it's a little bit jarring after being able to do it so easily with tea. I'm hoping it's just this specific batch that's giving me trouble and that once I'm through it and on to something new things will be easier.

>> No.15512638


Like, I'm getting that standard dialing-in method is keep grinding finer until you hit too much bitterness and then back off, but I'm having trouble effectively distinguishing between bitterness, sourness, and inherent acidity, which is really weird, since I've never had that problem in tea. As I'm finishing this cup I'm thinking, "maybe that isn't bitter at all and needs to go finer, even."

Coffee is weird, y'all.

>> No.15512725

Coffee sour-bitter confusion is the first hurdle to pass in developing your palate, in general if you're getting astringency/tannin(over-extracted black tea) like aftertaste then it's bitter and overextracted, if it's hollow and there's no aftertaste then it's sour and under-extracted. If it's just tastes like basic ass coffee then it's way overextracted. Easier to learn the ropes on a perfectly roasted bean, cause you have an easier time finding that sweet spot.

>> No.15512747


Yeah it's wild. I backed off to 27 on a second small cup and I think I'm getting sourness coming through, as I'm very familiar with astringency from young raw puerh and I'm getting none of the mouth drying that comes with that. I'm taking it down to 22 next time and seeing what happens. At some point I'm going to hit something I recognize as definitively bitter and I'll work from there.

>> No.15512776

nice grind, maybe i'll get a JX-Pro or similar hand grinder myself. i don't normally use immersion brewers but i think you're doing great work experimenting with grind settings. just remember that nothing is truly "ideal" other than what you like the most.

even with a refined palate like yours it's hard to wrap your head around nebulous flavor concepts, esp. when you're just starting with specialty coffee. i'm always trying different beans from various roasters and sources, and even after a few years of playing around with specialty i still learn new things regularly when it comes to picking out the subtleties of these descriptors

>> No.15512793

As long as the coffee isn't choking your drawdown to a slow you can grind as fine as you wanna push, like you said at some point it's gonna be obviously bitter. If you're between hollow and bitter between two clicks maybe you can change other variables like brew time and water temp.

>> No.15512809

Keep your brew temp up.

>> No.15512815


Thanks for the encouragement. I think one of the things I'm having to wrap my head around is that there is a universal coffee flavor. With tea, it almost feels like there's no baseline reference point, and that everything can be described wholly in its relation to something else. That Dan Cong hongcha can really be totalized with "peanut skins and raspberries," and a good fukamushicha is easily recognizable as "seaweed and salt air". With coffee, it seems like there's plenty of that to explore, but that, at the end of the day, everything also shares a base coffee flavor that makes picking out the things layered over it a little more difficult.


That 24 grind, using 19.5g/300ml, had a 65 second drawdown. The 27 using 16.2g/250ml had a 50 second. We'll see how a 22 does a little later on.

>> No.15512819


Brewing right off the boil every time so far.

>> No.15512948

Brew at 95C and see where that takes you, you might be brewing too hot.
>everything also shares a base coffee flavor that makes picking out the things layered over it a little more difficult.
There is always a base coffee flavor as you said, yet some coffees can taste quite tea like especially if roasted light and washed. I've had ethiopians taste of earl grey and jasmine. Just a question of finding that sweet spot where all the flavors are out and harmonious.

>That 24 grind, using 19.5g/300ml, had a 65 second drawdown. The 27 using 16.2g/250ml had a 50 second. We'll see how a 22 does a little later on.
What's your total brew time? Smaller brews tend to lose heat quick/have less thermal mass and underextract more often, especially if you use a coarser grind since water just flows right through, you usually have to grind finer. You adjust when you make big 500ml brews too accounting for the longer brew time/bigger thermal mass and grind coarser. Also coffee beans ages/degases causing it to be easier to extract as time goes on(and the staler it becomes 1 week to 2.5 week is peak imo), you adjust your grind coarser again to stay at the ideal level of extraction. It can be a never ending chase.

>> No.15513036


I'm following Hoffman's method basically spot on. Water then coffee, stir to saturate, 2 minute infusion, gentle stir to break the crust, 30 second rest, draw down.

>> No.15513060

Lowering the temp might help if the beans were taken too far.

>> No.15513155
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Got it. I'll give that a shot later on.

This is a 22 on the JX-Pro. 16.5g/250ml, boiling water. Drawdown was 60 seconds on the dot.

That brew is definitely bitter. I'll increment a bit coarser over the next few until I hit a sweet spot and then adjust temp for final dialing in.

Thanks for all the help, everyone.

>> No.15513193

I have way too many bags of coffee to drink for the next few weeks. What's the best way to freeze them?

>> No.15513215

Vacuum sealed bag if you can. Then when you remove some beans you have to let them sit until reaching room temperature before opening the bag or else condensation will ruin everything.

>> No.15513281

Does anyone here own a Lido 3? I think mine might be fake and I want to cross reference mine with someone else's.

>> No.15513406

They only fake good products. You just got OE'd.

>> No.15513481

>Any recommendations?

Aeropress. The only product I've ever bought from Amazon where the reviews matched what I got.

>> No.15513622


>> No.15513868

1. take cup
2. fill 40% water
3. fill 40% milk
4. microwave 2:30
5. wrist flick of sugar out of a box
6. sprinkle in some instant folgers out a jar
7. stir and enjoy

[optional 2a, 3a, 6.5 which are fill 30%, fill 30% and fill to full with bourbon or whiskey respectively]

>> No.15514249
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No one goes to starbucks for the coffee dude

>> No.15514260

Ignore the inventor's video where he claims that aeropress brews "espresso." It just brews normal coffee especially if you use the inverted method, as the business owners currently recommend anyway.

>> No.15514330

That's yank stuff, right?

Do you guys have Nescafe over there?

>> No.15514365


I went for a 32 grind on a whim and it was so much better than everything else. A little weak, but no sourness or bitterness. That's enough coffee for today but when I wake up tomorrow I'm going to try a 28 grind with 95C water and I'm pretty confident it's going to be great.

Again, thanks for all the help and putting up with just-got-into-it energy.

>> No.15514373

No worries. I'd rather help you out with tech 15 times a day than deal with aeropresslets and skertoners.

>> No.15514396


Just wait until I can actually pick out individual tasting notes like I can with tea instead of just identifying a cup as "not garbage". Since it looks like I'll be able to set up a wholesale account through my business I'm hoping to try a decent range of stuff and report here about it. It'll be slow going since I'm still focused on tea as a primary beverage interest but I'm excited to get to know this space better.

>> No.15514409

What do you guys use to boil your water? Electric teapots or what?

>> No.15514435


OXO variable temp electric kettle. It's spot on with temperature and doesn't overshoot, and is built like a tank. My first lasted for 4 years and I suspect the only reason it crapped out was because I had to submerge the entire base in soapy water to clear it of cockroaches from when I lived in an absolute shithole, and it still went for 2 years after that. I had heard about a quality drop-off in recent years but I've been using the new one for a few months now and have had 0 issues.

>> No.15514445

Would you recommend that over this?
I've heard oxo shit is ridiculously durable, but Comfee also made my rice cooker which is super great.

>> No.15514461


Well, the OXO is 3 times as expensive so it's hard to put the two into the same category in terms of use case. One of the things that's important to me is degree increment temperature control that's accurate into the 130F's since I do gyokuro, but if you're just looking for something to bring water to a boil, I suspect a cheaper kettle is a perfectly fine option.

>> No.15514480
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That's understandable. I'm kind of a nooblet when it comes to coffee so I really don't need anything that crazy, just need some really hot water with ease of use. Think I'm gonna go with the Comfee since while I took a look at the OXO and it's indisputably quality it's a bit overkill for my needs right now. Appreciate the suggestion/advice nonetheless.

>> No.15514494


Wait around a bit for other folks' suggestions. I'm the /tea/bro who's been shitting up the thread with grind profile posts since I'm literal days into approaching coffee with any sort of care, so there's plenty of people here with plenty more experience than me .

>> No.15514527


Like you said, I've seen and heard oxos and bonavitas leaking through their welds in the last few years. Could be counterfeit products, could be a marked decrease in quality. I specifically ordered my stagg ekg directly from fellow to avoid any issues with third party sellers. I'm the type to attempt to buy once and cry once over the price, you may be different. Half the justification of it was to have an accurate temp control kettle(with a hold) for /tea/ as well.

>> No.15514542


I'm actually really curious about that. My guess is that maybe OXO expanded production to more factories and that some aren't producing to par. I definitely felt like I was taking a risk going for it again after seeing the recent bad reviews but, as I said, it's been a few months and I have no complaints. EKG seems like a foolproof bet but definitely requires cash-on-hand. I was actually going to go with it but the only one I could find was a more expensive bluetooth version that I really didn't want.

>> No.15514545

Precise temperature isn't super important to me (yet at least), I just need something to hold water and get it hot so yeah I'm snagging the Comfee. It's cheap enough that if something goes wrong or I outgrow it I won't be feeling too bad. Thanks again guys!

>> No.15514558


Also, what's the flow rate of the EKG like? I've heard it's a pretty slow pour which is rough for young shengs. Being able to fill up a 100ml yixing really quickly and then dump it was another reason I went for the OXO.

>> No.15514563

temp control is nice if you want to pony up the money, but ultimately i would recommend you look for a gooseneck kettle first and foremost. even if you're just doing immersion brews, having the pour control is nice for aeropress, and if you want to play with pour-over then the gooseneck is basically necessary

any cheap electric gooseneck on amazon will get the job done, i used a cheap $40 for a year just fine, though be wary of possible rust issues after a while. if you want to upgrade to temp control and get something that is well built, the oxo adjustable temp kettle, brewista, and fellow stagg are your top-of-the-line options.

you can also stick a thermometer through a kettle with steam holes if you care about temperature exact-ness but don't have the money to get a temp control kettle. personally, i would just wait like 20-30 seconds after reaching the boil

>> No.15514582

flow rate for the ekg is quite slow imo compared to the flow rate from my previous cheap kettle. the slow flow rate is amazing for pourover but i have to get used to tilting more to achieve my usual speed. no idea about its suitability for /tea/

>> No.15514607

~8s per 100ml. Not the quickest, but manageable.

>> No.15514634


Thanks. Maybe I'll look into the EKG again if my current OXO ever dies. I do like young sheng so an 8s pour time is a little rough, but if it comes time for a new kettle and OXO's QC is any worse I'll probably have to make the switch.

>> No.15514641
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Is this mold or aluminum oxide in the bottom chamber of my moka pot? It doesn't come off when I scrub with an abrasive sponge

>> No.15514672

Some beans are simply crap, and roasting parameters make big differences. So you might not be able to get clear tasting notes all the time. The one thing to always focus on is getting in the ballpark of ideal extraction strength. There's a sweet spot between under- and over- where it seems a little weak because there's no harsh taste.

>> No.15514736

Oxides. Enjoy your aluminium toxicity.

>> No.15514745

We can't lose you, bro. You need to throw that thing out ASAP.

>> No.15514755

You could always go bigdick and get a corvo ekg for teas + a slower pouring kettle like a hario air($) miyaco($$) or kinto($$$).



>> No.15514831

I was asking last week about ways to solve my jitters from coffee and tea, and some anon suggested L-theanine. I started taking L-theanine supplements after every coffee, and holy shit:
>no jitters
>feel even more alert
>sleeping better
>starting to get caffeine withdrawal symptoms
L-theanine is neutralising the fuck out of caffeine.

>> No.15515235

coof. what are you drinking this morning?

>> No.15515304

A really nice Kenyan that tastes like cocoa puffs with a hint of grape jelly.

>> No.15515316

black with occasional milk if I want to shit immediately

>> No.15515403

Either a double/triple espresso or ristretto. My perfect cup for sure.

>> No.15515474
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Espresso made with this old thing I restored

>> No.15515620
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Usually only drink coffee that I’ve ground myself. However I’m currently drinking pic related and am enjoying it so far.

>> No.15515625

Neither does milk and sugar. You either like coffee for it’s taste or you like coffee flavoured things. Doesn’t also deny the fact whiskey and coffee pair well with each other.
Drink your coffee you own way.

>> No.15515820

My great uncle pours crown royal in his coffee, cry harder faggot

>> No.15515998

AEG EWA7800 I've bought off amazon. You can set it for specific temps so I got it for making matcha.
It doesn't have plastic touching the water which is a bonus.
Bought back in 2017 and it's still going strong.

>> No.15516041

Is it that Yemenia variety people have been sperging over?

>> No.15516049

It makes the day taste better.

>> No.15516054
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>> No.15516058


>> No.15516071

no, fuck off, you don't like coffee

>> No.15516094

It has no effect on the taste but it may make your enjoyment greater.

>> No.15516181

Aricha Lot #2 in French press.

>> No.15516309

Beats me.

>> No.15516370

On weekdays I just drink drip coffee, black that I make myself. On weekends, I like to treat myself to a nice espresso beverage and a cheeky wank

>> No.15516378

I use Lavazza in my Moka pot to good effect.
I'm too lazy and cheap to bother spending all that time and money on a good grinder and sourcing beans so fuck it, Lavazza is alright by me.

>> No.15516654

What's the latest in the day that you'll drink caffeinated coffee?

I've seen things online saying you shouldn't drink coffee past 2pm or something like that, because it will keep you up at night.

I haven't been able to get to sleep the last couple nights, and I wonder if it's because I'm drinking coffee at like 3pm.

>> No.15516953

I bought ground coffee

>> No.15517035

T minus 6 hours before sleep

>> No.15517038

just black 100% arabica stuff, no need to be fancy

if I want something stronger I'll just do a double espresso

>> No.15517049

I try not to drink it too late in the day because I love sleep and love my job but sometimes I can't resist

>> No.15517062

some old Colombians i ground for cold brew while i wait for freshly roasted beans to arrive

>> No.15517086

Sorry you wasted your time with a chain. Local is almost always better. Fuck, I live in the midwest and local roasters and coffee places are pretty good.

>> No.15517093


This is why I always used to have some decaff coffee in the house, I should probably buy some more

>> No.15517100

You are gay.

>> No.15517160
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Nothing special, just some preground drip coffee.

>> No.15517169

>he's never had a good irish coffee
I unironically feel bad for you, it's wonderful.

>> No.15517233
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I think my body is very tolerant of caffeine, so I can go pretty late. 7pm is my hard cutoff.

I've been drinking some Hugh Jackman coffee as a semi-meme gift but this shit is the best coffee I've ever had. Shame it's $18 a bag.

>> No.15517255

is there really a difference between tabbed and untabbed filters practically speaking?
been ordering the tabbed ones since they're cheaper

>> No.15517300
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The difference is the untabbed ones have the crepe texture both inside and outside, which theoretically increases the surface area so fines can't clog it as quickly.
Get the unbleached ones. They come in a 100 pack box that's a much better deal than bleached 40 packs. Just rinse it with boiling water before use.

>> No.15517349
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Organic honduras, moka pot

>> No.15517363

maybe if i want to save money i should get a 01 dripper, been using an 02 one i bought before i knew there were different sizes

>> No.15517366

depends on my energy level but sometimes i can drink a 17g espresso at 8pm and be asleep by 10pm.

>> No.15517406

Well that box is $7 and the 02 filters are $10 so if you drink 1 coffee per day that's 13 months to break even on purchasing a plastic 01

>> No.15517460
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I've been roasting my own coffee for a couple years now, buying 12 lb bags of green beans. Usually Colombian Supremo or Tanzanian AA.

Brewing is Pour Over, or a 15 bar espresso machine.

>> No.15517621

drinking some beans i've had in the freezer for 3 months and it's really not bad at all

>> No.15518195
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what is the white portion that tops all these drinks? i can't find it in the ingredients legend

>> No.15518770


>> No.15519055

Does anyone have a definitive caffeine content guide from bean to roast to prep method? Everything I've seen is really wishy-washy and I don't want to overshoot my caffeine goals too much once I switch to coffee from pills full time.

>> No.15519869

Ok I posted that last night when I've got the parcel but hadn't made any and was planning on drinking it this morning. Holy shit that's fucking amazing.

>> No.15519903

Well, I think I finally got that El Salvador Finca Las Veraneras dialed in about as best I can. On a hunch I messed with a few things at once, taking the grind to 30 on the JX-Pro, temp down to 205F, and ratio up to 70g/L. There aren't any hints of sourness or bitterness, and the brew is silky and round. Still can't pick out any specific flavor notes, but that may just be the beans. I put in an order for Papua New Guinea Baroida Estate beans for next Wednesday so I'll let y'all know what those are like once I get them.

>> No.15519918

So the one negative I have with espresso is that once you're dialled in, especially if you've got beans that are particularly alive and enjoyable, the moment is over so fast and I want to make another and another but three 18g doses is pretty much enough for me on any given day. Anyone else find that?

>> No.15519964

There's really no way to precisely measure this at home. The best you can get is an average range for preparation method. The main two distinct coffee species have different amounts; there are differences in varietals; roast level changes the volume and weight of coffee beans, making that an imprecise measurement; and everybody uses different grind sizes, extraction methods, and water ratios.

>> No.15519986

This is why I don't chase the rabbit.

>> No.15520501

Can someone post the image with grind sizes according to brewing method?

>> No.15520822

I just stretch it out... If I'm absolutely dying - 2-4h sleep after a long, physically demanding day, and I need to be kind of with it, I'll have a double, and then I'll make a large latte with one or two shots later on, between 11 and 4. If this is another killer day, I'll have a single shot around 9 just to keep me going til I can actually crash. This is too much caffeine. When I can rest, I'll have a cortado in the morning and that's it... or nothing - I'll wake up late and skip caffeine. Time away from coffee is helpful in actually enjoying it rather than just needing it. It's very easy to turn it from treat to habit to medication.

>> No.15521063
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I try to limit it to 2 16g shots a day. One in the morning and if its fantastic I'll chase dinner with it. Real clean flush.

Good shit. Like I mentioned earlier don't get locked into one number for your grind right now. Your burrs are factory new so the cutting edges will roll over during the course of several lbs and throw you off. Might not be as big of a deal since you're using a clever with a relatively course grind and I was chasing espresso shots, but worth keeping in the back of your mind. Just roasted up some of this earlier. Took them to 405f, but all that extra sugar in the beans makes them darken up.


>> No.15521149
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>> No.15521160

That's a clitoris

>> No.15521178

buy a grinder, buy whole bean, buy a french press, throw away your sugar and creamer. You are now left with coffee

>> No.15521947

disgusting nigger water, cant even smell it without gagging

>> No.15522464

That's it. Thanks.

>> No.15522788

Why is it so hard to buy size 155 Kalita Wave filters now?

>> No.15523350

hi coof, i have a 6 cup moka pot, is it ok to put half in the frige to serve as ice coffee later?

>> No.15523395

Nothing bad will happen if you try

>> No.15523462

Hot liquid doesn't belong in the fridge. Just put it outside and in the fridge afterwards.

>> No.15523914
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Finally back to fancy fruity coffee after a month of cheap tea and super market "specialty" coffee.

>> No.15524018

This looks sexy as fuck thanks for sharing anon, I might get some

>> No.15524050

What's with brits and not drinking proper coffee? I'm Portuguese and when brits at work saw me putting 3 teaspoons in half a mug they said it was too strong. They only put 1 teaspoon in a full mug, so it's like drinking muddy water and then add milk on top of that.

>> No.15524073

Please make your way to the nearest ledge and do a backflip.

>> No.15524205

Is there a good source for ranges then? I'll be alright if I'm not getting EXACTLY 100mg. Is it realistic to know what you're getting in the +-10 mg range?

>> No.15524391

we're not all like that.

>> No.15524394
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Today I had my coffee by brewing a cup of earl grey and mixing it with a pouch of instant cappuccino

>> No.15524520
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My Aeropress just came in and I had to give it a try
wow, i did NOT know coffee could taste like this

>> No.15524631




>> No.15524640


>> No.15524825

that's some fresh fucking coffee

>> No.15524828

I know, but I bet the majority is. There were about 10 and all 10 were like that. Same shit applies to the joke that Costa is, with their buckets of sugar, milk and 2 beans just so they can call it coffee.

>> No.15524896

They all listen to that guy dude on youtube with the glasses who tells them to make a cup of coffee with 20g. Weak, pissy coffee is not a uniquely British trait. Their weak, pissy, tea probably trained them to prefer it.

>> No.15524901

sorry gay dude. I don't think his name is guy.

>> No.15524904

Or maybe he's not gay? Just very British? I dunno.

>> No.15524955
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>> No.15524956

>that guy dude on youtube with the glasses
No idea who you're talking about.
>weak, pissy, tea
Can confirm this. When I asked what tea they drink, the said "just normal tea". They buy that shitty 100 bag box that makes a light brown, muddy water like color. No wonder they shove milk and sugar on it to mask the flavour.

>> No.15525104

i have a really bad bag of beans so i just throw some cinnamon into the coffee bed while brewing
could be worse, will last me until my new stuff arrives

>> No.15525145

espresso or double espresso

>> No.15525316

Okay I didn't know they sold whole beans. I don't really go into starbucks so I assumed it's all preground

>> No.15525376

Cold brew it or make it very strong and drink it as iced coffee.

>> No.15525404

Is there a way to get decaf that doesn't taste like shit? Do I have to buy the beans outright?

>> No.15525478

i'd look for swiss water decaf beans

>> No.15525530

Any time of the day. I never had trouble sleeping from coffee or felt energetic because of it.

>> No.15525541

>racist is a toddler-palated subhuman
Of course. I bet tears ran down your obese cheeks as you typed this out.