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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15498592 No.15498592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What foods and restaurants give you the worst bowel movements?

For me it’s White Castle. I was in Vegas one weekend and ate nothing but White Castle since it was just downstairs from my hotel room. Idk if it was the lack of fiber or the steam from those burgers but I was clogged up the whole weekend brapping non stop. Then I literally would shit a mountain of clay that nearly filled the entire toilet bowl.

I also refuse to eat frozen pizzas because it always feels like a grenade went off in my stomach and have diarrhea. I went to the gym once after eating one and I thought I let out a fart but I actually shit myself a bit and left a skid mark on the bench. And no I didn’t clean it up. I ran out so fast.

>> No.15498623

Switching to keto does it for me. If you don’t intake enough fiber, you’ll go 2 or 3 days without a movement and then you’re doing nothing but pooping for a whole day.

>> No.15498636
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You faggy bugmen with your delicate little tummies make me sick.

>> No.15498650

>mountain of clay

>> No.15498652

You know you can eat as many veggies as you want with keto, right? Bacon and butter are cool and all but they go even better with brussels sprouts.

>> No.15498667

>You know you can eat as many veggies as you want with keto, right

>> No.15498668

Ground beef and onions are a pretty solid recipe for gas. WC fucks me up too, you can practically set your watch by the explosive diarrhea I inevitably get an hour after having a few sliders.

>> No.15498672

>you can eat as many veggies as you want
False. Vegetables contain natural sugars and starches. Some are obviously worse than others, but I couldn’t just eat carrots all day and stay in keto. I test my ketones with a breathalyzer and pee strip, you’d be surprised how shockingly easy it is to fall out of ketosis.

>> No.15498687

Papa Johns

>> No.15498694

Carl's Jr hands down. Every single time.

>> No.15499587

KFC, I won’t eat there ever again. It’s not that spicy but it sets my ass on fire. I eat even spicier Indian food but I’m fine after that.

>> No.15499604

This literally never happened to me. You guys must just have weak girl butts or something.

>> No.15499605
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have you ever noticed your white castle shit smells just like it tasted!

>> No.15499635

Lentil curry. One of my favorite foods but the day after I always shit like a cow. At least I feel totally clean and relieved after it. This is one reason why I unironically love Indian food. It makes you feel purified. And the best part about doing number 2 is washing your hands after you're done. I have a hipster artisan glycerine soap which lathers up nicely and whenever I wash my hands with it I, again, feel purified.

Indian food + glycerine soap = best combo.

>> No.15499705

fried chicken place called mary brown's. during high school me and some buddies would go up to the cabin and get some chicken. every fucking time i'd be freezing my dick off in the outhouse while i blasted out the chicken from the night before.

>> No.15499859

We have krystals here, we call them gut grenades

>> No.15499942
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Holy shit is everyone in this thread fat? Seems like only fatties get diarrhea from fast food.

>> No.15500069
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>free smells

>> No.15500344

You can eat all the broccoli and celery and leafy greens you like. Not carrot and tomatoes and sugary stuff but you don’t have to live on meat.

>> No.15500351

constipation happens some times when you change your intake of watter from one source to other, the watter they used for their drinks was probably the cause of your constipation

>> No.15500357

For me, it's Digiorno frozen pizzas without fail.
I'll always wake up in the middle of the night with cramps and have to sit on the toilet for 20 minutes while my bowels implode.

>> No.15500374

any fried chicken joint

>> No.15500545

I am a carni loser, lost like 30 lbs felt great, went back to beer and bread now like 40lbs up. I need to do a mostly egg diet again. Pretty easy, I just like cooking interesting things for family so I get fat in the process.

>> No.15500560

Nothing upsets my bowels. I have an incredible bacterial flora that will break down anything. My shits are the consistency of oatmeal 100% of the time.

>> No.15500562

In Navy in Bahrain I had hangover and was on a small gunboat in rough seas. There you can order food and indian dude on motorbike will deliver to pier. Anyways ordered a huge plate of indian curry and had to shit my brains out. It was night time though. Had dude drive boat in circles while I blasted off into the ocean. We called it earning your "brown wings"

>> No.15500563

The fact that you misspelled water twice, verifying it wasn't a typo, is deeply disturbing.

>> No.15500573

bro, not everyone is born speaking and writing english, some of us don't get good enough english classes either. But to be fair, I can't even spell my own language right, kek.

>> No.15500584

Watter is the correct spelling.

>> No.15500594
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>he spells watter "water"

>> No.15500747

If you eat lots of artificial sweetener, your shit will taste sweet.

>> No.15500824

Damn I need to get my girl to load up on some artificial sweeteners then

>> No.15501004

onion and garlic chutney

>> No.15501584

I want to try it badly but I’m afraid of getting cancer from it.

>> No.15503177
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Eating out pretty much anywhere will bring my shit to a halt. I hardly ever eat out and really don't eat a lot of processed stuff at home either, so I wonder if MSG or something is what fucks me up. Not sure.

>> No.15503187

It's not watter or water it's WARTER

>> No.15503217

Ate foodcourt chinese from the mall at lunch while in high school. Got to third period civics and felt my stomach lurch right after bell. Teacher was a hardass "you need permission" to leave class kind of teachers and wouldnt let me go during the lecture. Grabbed my stuff, walked out of class. Nuked the bathroom next to the girls locker room and then went home for the day.

>> No.15503249

The Vegas White Castles are shitty and overpriced since all of them are in tourist areas. We all went on their opening day when the first White Castle opened up and we all got food poisoning.

>> No.15503279

Worst is usually truck stop hot bar pizza by the slice.
"Worst" being uncomfortable and sudden.
White Castle does effect a highly productive and pungent bowel movement, but it lacks the specific discomfort and urgency that a couple of Dan's Famous Big Slice meatlovers induces.

>> No.15503295

Panda Express

>> No.15503372

I'm not fat and rarely ever eat fast food but when I do (like twice a year tops) all the grease or something just lubes up my innards and that shit shoots out as soon as it goes in. Surely fatties who eat this crap all the time would be accustomed to it.

>> No.15503405

My only experience of eating whitecastle was from the vending machine of a hotel and it made me sick for 3 days.

>> No.15503448

If you start immediately blasting out shits from a certain food or restaurant, something is wrong with your digestive system.

>> No.15503453

totinos party pizzas and natty daddies for a guaranteed hot, goopy, high velocity artillery shell that adheres to the back of the toilet bowl

>> No.15503548
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this god forsaken place

>> No.15503613

ITT: people with undiagnosed IBS

For me it's highly processed food like the bun in OP's picture. The meat is greasy shit but it's actually not the problem, actually if anything the ketchup is what does me in.
These days I stay the FUCK away from fast food (french fries with just salt seem ok if I must) and eat rice instead of bread and my gut's perfectly happy with normal meat, veg, spices etc even in large quantities.

Other deadly sins:
-undercooked baking
-chewable vitamins (gummies are fine)
-storebought icing

>> No.15503627

No it's wa'uh

>> No.15503631

I found out a while back that oats give me intense gas and explosive shits for some reason. All this time I thought it was milk I was consuming in my cereal but turns out it was the cheerios.

>> No.15503664

fat people get diarrhea from everything. it's actually a well known problem that's been discussed in the medical literature

>> No.15504186
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>> No.15504241

You should Google "FODMAP diet" just in case.

>> No.15504297
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