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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15495727 No.15495727 [Reply] [Original]

To those that do, why do you work in the food service industry?
Any bad experiences?

>> No.15495738

whenever i see her face, klezmer music starts playing in my head

>> No.15495786
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I like her face, think it's cute. Sexy nose too.
But lets not get distracted.

>> No.15495914


>> No.15496447

>Any bad experiences?
Dozens, maybe hundreds. Is there anything in particular you're looking for?

>> No.15496503
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Anything you think is noteworthy will be appreciated
Abella Danger is a woman

>> No.15496518
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God she is so fucking cute bros?

I wish I could have known her and saved her from porn.

>> No.15496519


>> No.15496529

She may be a biological woman but she still has a man-face and man-hands. Nice ass, though.

>> No.15496561

This tranny again?!

>> No.15496628 [DELETED] 

Once I worked at a Benihana (I know, I know - I was new to a city and it was the first thing I could manage) and a huge pack of about 20 niggers stole the staff meal, ordered additional food, paid without tip, and when they left one of the nigger pack members stole the cash for the bill out of the checkbook. My manager (a very tiny Chinese woman) went out and confronted the entire pack of them in the parking lot. She had contact info from the reservation and called the police to pressed charges, because the bill was quite high it was a big deal. I remember her going to court over it a month later.

Once I worked at a fondue restaurant where you would bring out pots of very hot oil for customers to cook their food in on fondue forks, and when the oil became low after a night of cooking and eating, a very old woman customer decided to top it up by pouring her water glass into the fondue pot, and suffered burns all over her face and arms.

Once I was managing a wine bar and there was an insane woman who would come sit at the bar alone and demand that staff talk to her casually for a very long time. Once she came in visibly agitated and when offered the bill started cursing, claiming that we were all laughing at her and harassing her, and I asked her to leave. She walked across the street to the Fresh Thyme (hip grocery store) and sat in the outdoor cafe staring across the street at us while repeatedly calling.

Once at the same restaurant I saw a fat couple who had stolen two bar glasses and a water pitcher and put them under the woman's shirt. When I confronted them on the sidewalk, she took the glasses out and handed them to me, then picked up the pitcher and threw it defiantly onto the concrete. The motherfucker bounced comedically and I picked it up and told them not to come back. I could see them stand at the next door theater and call my store, asking to complain to a manager about harassment, and I told them to fuck off.

Being a manager is fantastic.

>> No.15496635

you're a sandwich manager at best, hold the mayo faggot.

>> No.15496646

Oooh, he seethin
Were you the fat ginger who put the glasses under her hambags? Very uncouthe of you.

>> No.15496652


>> No.15497756

>Once I worked at a fondue restaurant where you would bring out pots of very hot oil for customers to cook their food in on fondue forks, and when the oil became low after a night of cooking and eating, a very old woman customer decided to top it up by pouring her water glass into the fondue pot, and suffered burns all over her face and arms
Retard here. Please explain.

>> No.15497802

I worked at a pizza place. Our location was a franchise, owned by an elderly couple. I was a supervisor and I was very familiar with our promotions (or rather, the lack thereof). One day a woman calls and says she’s new in town and got one of our free pizza coupons in the mail. People try to scam all the time and my boss was a cheap bastard so I started questioning her and trying to get to the bottom of it. I wasn’t being condescending, but I had no idea how she could have gotten something in the mail if she had never even heard of us, let alone for a free pizza when all of our “promotions” were basically just 5%-10% discounted bundles. The longer the call went on the more furious she was that I wasn’t honoring this clearly fraudulent coupon. She angrily said she’d come in and show me herself, the classic “I’m giving up on this scam” line.

Half an hour later a woman in her 50s and another woman in her 30s come storming in with coupon in hand. It said something like “welcome to the neighborhood, enjoy this pizza on the house” with the legit glossy paper and all of the logos and correct addresses of our store and corporate. I start shitting bricks. I ran to the back to call the owners and what I got was “Oh yeah, sorry, Anon, I forgot to tell you about that” “Boss, she’s in the store and she’s livid. What do you want me to do?” “Honor the coupon, give her a free 2 liter, give her a free delivery for the future”, I sigh and walk out to face the music.

I continued to be polite and apologized, and said we’d honor the coupon. She opened the floodgates. For 15 minutes I had to stand there and be berated by this Karen. Saying what an awful establishment this was, how I’d never amount to anything, everything. I sat there with a smile and nodded. At one point I said “sure” as in “okay” or “I understand”, only to be met with “AND DONT SAY ‘SURE’, THAT MAKES ME FEEL FUCKING THREATENED!”.

>> No.15497805

We made her food and got her address for the free delivery. I really regret not egging her house before I left town a few months later.

It was the day of the first woman’s March back in 2017 (aka Trump’s inauguration). I lived in a pretty lefty Californian city so my impression is that she and her daughter were out marching all day and had a ton of general pent up angst about the world and I just happened to be the outlet.

>> No.15497808

>I wish I could have known her and saved her from porn.
She's an utter halfwit. Seriously, even by porn chick standards she is fucking stupid.

>> No.15497810

Water and oil don’t mix, water is heavier so if sinks to the bottom. Water’s boiling point is also much lower than oil’s smoke point. So when you pour water into oil that is above 212 (100C), the water tries to sink to the bottom while simultaneously immediately evaporating, causing the hot oil on top of it to “explode” outward.

There are tons of videos of idiots doing this on their stove.

>> No.15497814

Indians. If you know you know.
Nothing wrong with a girl that's dumb as a rock

>> No.15497818

>Nothing wrong with a girl that's dumb as a rock
There is if you want to marry one that's made a career out of taking dicks up the ass on camera.

>> No.15497819

It’s actually really frustrating. Dumb people don’t know they’re dumb so they think everything they do is smart. One night stands are one night stands but it gets pretty old pretty quick.

>> No.15497825

Thank you very much for your patient explanation.

>> No.15498982

Do you know of any pornstar whose work is positively affected by their above average intelligence?

>> No.15499039

So, like that NoJumper guy?

>> No.15499073

Belladonna and Abigail Mac have decent personalities. Gia derza too. The rest are moronic cunts. Getting fucked over and over again by strange guys, sucking dick, doing things to manass.. none of that can be good for a girls psyche

>> No.15499882

Have sex.
Also gina valentina is cute and fun to talk to irl

>> No.15499904

He says "save her from porn," you say "hurr durr but she in porn." You're in no position to assess anybody's intelligence.

>> No.15499983

oh cool! I found the designated incel thread

>> No.15499999

This is a tranny, I am a tranny and I can spot other fellow tranners.

>> No.15500010

>faggot janny deletes my post for no fucking reason
delete your life faggot janny that was completely unwarranted

>> No.15500011 [DELETED] 


>> No.15500012

i can assess yours and my god you're retarded and gay

>> No.15500024


>> No.15500035

No. You have already proven yourself inadequate.

>> No.15500053

Who dis tranny?

>> No.15500079

I want to eat abella dangers ass

>> No.15500183

What does having sex have to do with realizing that 99% of porn women are mentally damaged by a career in porn?
They are all on drugs to get through the day and they all realize they will never have a normal life and normal romantic relationships because no one wants to date and marry a pornstar.

>> No.15500742

they are all 80IQ they were never going to live a "normal life" unless you mean stocking shit at walmart

>> No.15500924

At the risk of being told to 'have sex' again- being subjected to numerous men who dont love them cant be healthy..even ignoring all the fucked up shit they're doing with said men

>> No.15500942

Love is pretend. When you start having sex you'll learn that.

>> No.15500962

Oh cool, I found the residential faggot. Did your wife's boyfriend say you could use your good boy points for a couple hours on the internet?

>> No.15500993


>> No.15501031

I put in my two weeks to return to school. Everyone treated me like shit and I don't get calls when I put that establishment as job experience. The whole time I worked there didn't help me build my resume. It was just time I lost.
Nothing I could do about it anyway. Good strategy though, demand fealty from your employees by burning all their future job prospects if they ever try to leave you. (・_・ )

>> No.15501032

and the thread will now die with yours being the only on-topic story

>> No.15501069

Spend more than half a second reading the thread. What the fuck.

>> No.15501081


>> No.15501091

Seems like a lot of work.

>> No.15501106

Abella Danger. Famous for fucking a girl who'd later kill herself and pissing her jorts

>> No.15501595


>> No.15501647

>I wish I could have known her and saved her from porn.
You are fucking pathetic, dude. Simping on literal whores.

>> No.15501697

>having zero empathy for people and accusing others of being pathetic
She is cute. She should have a normal life with a normal career and a normal romantic relationship with someone.
It is sad she isn't.
And I wish I could have known her to prevent her from wasting her life as a pornstar.

>> No.15501704

>t. incel
Yeah they are stupid for going into porn.
And yes a normal life like stocking shelves at Walmart is a million times better than porn where they are degraded and forced to do disgusting shit for a buck to pay for their next fix.
It is sad.

>> No.15501771

She chose her path, and you're white knighting her for no reason knowing nothing about her at all. You will never save her.

>> No.15501772

Sure it's Abelle Danger and not Aaron Danger? Looks like a dude to me.

>> No.15501986

>work in restaurants
>develop smoking habit, cocaine/alcohol problems

>> No.15502098

>work in restaurant
>at most 10% of the employees are even remotely competent.
Only reason I didn't support $15 minimum wage until covid hit.

>> No.15502338

who the fuck do you think you are, captain save-a-ho? jesus christ youre a virgin posting on 4chan lol

>> No.15502369

>not jizzing on all her pizzas in the future

the one good thing about the COOF meme at least in my cunt is that now, FINALLY we are allowed to tell customers like that to leave and can stand up for ourselves instead of taking it up the ass.

>> No.15502425

>Being thi scitzo to think potential employers call places you work.

If your not outright lying on your resume your doing it wrong. I've gotten decent management and bartending jobs by just forging resumes.

>> No.15502433

>he doesn't rate noted intellectual Sasha Grey

>> No.15502734
File: 100 KB, 1237x900, Snapchat-783160218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150 people sitted
>Literally 50 people over capacity
>Boss still is expecting more people
>Line Cook cuts his finger and has to patch it up in a haste to continue cooking
>Only two cooks in the kitchen
>One of our waiters gets sick
>Bartender can't be bothered to help us out
>Nobody was expecting rush hour so half the stuff is on
>Basically ended up serving people, taking orders, changing table clothes and cleaning tables as well as sitting guest
>Another hundred guests are zerg rushed through the dining area from 12am to 3am
>Clean up afterwards and get yelled at because we are out of table clothes
>Fortunately night shift was a graveyard

>> No.15502773

bro... there are a million fish in the ocean and you're worried about a lost cause; you can only help people that want to be helped and want to change for the better.

>> No.15502881


>> No.15503462

Have a good watch jannies you stupid cunts

>> No.15503740

Fake and gay

>> No.15503783

dont like her but understand the appeal, seeing her listed as latina makes me fucking cringe.

the only time i felt this about a pornstar was with august ames and her suicide, she seemed stupid but a good kid.

>> No.15504079

Look up the chick w/ the giant head, her last name is Malkova.. she kept to lesbian porn, got in and got out and seems well adjusted and happy. As psychotic as women are their bodies give. Cock takes, it burrows like a worm and turns it's victims to dirt

>> No.15504136
File: 83 KB, 1023x1024, 1596214780564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look up the chick w/ the giant head, her last name is Malkova

>> No.15504140

Man, that's why I can't work in that industry. I told a customer at Walmart that I would "knock her the fuck out if she disrespected my mother again" when I couldn't sell her a display model TV at a massive discount.
She pulled a Karen rant at me when I said it was against store policy and it was a decision far above my pay grade, I responded "one second, I will call my manager, as I said this is above my pay grade but maybe she can help you ma'am"
The manager comes over and gives her the "no I'm sorry" speech and walks away.
Karen smiles about it until manager lady rounds the corner, then turns back on me and starts chirping off about "how useless are you that you have to interrupt her day to come rescue you, you wasted my time, I bet your mother's proud of the Walmart loser she raise-"
"Listen here you cunt, I already have a new job, I start next week after graduation so trust me when I say I will not hesitate to throw this job away by knocking you the fuck out if your EVER talk about my mother again."
As a 200lb 18 year old, football playing, weight lifting, construction working (every summer since I was 12) prick who grew up boxing, I can say with confidence that I could have pulled a one hitter quitter.

>> No.15504188

I looked her up. Her name is Malena Morgan.

>> No.15504231

Sorry, forgot to finish the story.
Anyway, she was stunned for a moment then something changed in her face and she started screaming profanities at me and my mother so without saying a word I immediately uppercut her, which sent her on the ground unconscious.
I immediately went to the manager's office to quit, changed clothes, then went right home.
A couple hours later I find out from the police at my door that the cunt fucking snitched on me and long story short I had to do 6 months in jail plus 20 months of house arrest and her medical expenses in garnished wages ($67k).
Worth it.

>> No.15504299

your mother is a fucking cunt
that will be 134k please
inflation bitch

>> No.15504311

>Sasha Grey
Her ex-boyfriend convinced her that he was in the "DIA" and needed her to do porn for his cover story.

>> No.15504313

You are clearly the retarded one, mate.

>> No.15504411

Should have killed her desu, sounds like a real parasite

>> No.15504425

100% true. The other woman was her daughter, she sat in the back staring daggers the whole time. As time goes on I forget the specifics of what the mom was yelling at me, I just remember her telling some sob story about how I was a piece of shit and I should feel ashamed for wronging her. They LOVED that I had to eat crow over a mistake that wasn’t even my fault.

This doesn’t even fit into the context of my story.

>> No.15504438


>> No.15504471

To my knowledge she never ordered again (shocking). Believe it or not we never fucked with customers food. Our store was kind of like Subway where half of the restaurant is the kitchen and half is the lobby. Everyone in the store has a clear view of where the pizzas come out of the oven and if you sat at the bar you’d be staring at us (behind glass) as we made food on the line.

I legitimately wanted to egg her house (apartment) though. I left the state a few months later to start a career and the owners of the restaurant sold the business shortly after I left so I had nothing to lose and nobody to trace it back to.

>> No.15504506

I worked there for 3 or 4 years and this is the only time I had a true Karen experience. Another time a couple of college aged boys did an online delivery order for Thai wings, then called to get a refund for it. They claimed they didn’t receive all 12 of their wings and wanted it refunded entirely.

The problem was that this was the middle of the day with nothing going on in the store. I personally had made the wings and expo’d them for the delivery driver. It was standard practice to throw in 13-14 boneless wings to our “dozen” order because some of them came out to be tiny. The driver would have no interest in stealing them from the customer on the drive over because we basically got whatever we wanted for free anyway.

I was on the phone with one guy for 10 minutes and I wasn’t budging. Eventually another guy came on and we went back and forth for another 10-15. I could refund any in-house orders but online orders had to end reversed by the owners since it went directly into the business account. I left a note for the wife owner who did all of the accounting.

She ended up refunding the order and I felt kinda betrayed. It was the right thing to do, it was only a $10 or $15 dollar dispute but I was mad that I had been trained to hold the line only for them to come in and give out refunds at the drop of a hat. I started being WAY more lenient with customers and refunds after that.

>> No.15504532

Pizza bro here again. I’ll tell the story about the time I was setup to get robbed on a pizza delivery.

I was maybe 5 weeks into the job and I came back to the store from another delivery with my supervisor saying “Anon, this sounded really sketchy so make sure to get a copy of their card”. It was policy to get a literal carbon copy of their credit card and their license number and at the time, being the good boy that I was, always did even though no other drivers did and no supes cared.

The address led me to a col de sac with only one way in or out on the feeder street. The address numbers were completely wrong. The address on the order started with 5000 but the street numbers ended at 3000. I walked around with my bag and when I couldn’t find it I called the guy who said he was at the store with his wife and he’d be there shortly. About 45 seconds goes by and an SUV with 2 dudes comes barreling around the corner.

At this point I’m already out of my car with it locked, I exchange the pizza but he doesn’t have the card because “it was with his wife at the store”. He then starts complaining that the pizza is super greasy and protested that I didn’t bring plates or napkins (again, the owner was cheap and didn’t let us unless specifically asked for). He really wanted me to grab napkins out of my car but I didn’t have any, even for personal use. He pushed super hard for me to open my car. We go back and forth for a bit and offer to return it, but at that point he just decides to take it. He and his buddy give me these weird looks and ask if I was new, then shook my hand. The driver offers me a hit of the blunt he was smoking but I politely declined and waited for them to leave before unlocking my car and driving away.

I’m almost certain their intent was to rob me but they just didn’t go through with it. They were sitting on that feeder street waiting for me, I drove past them on the way into the fake address.

>> No.15505325

That story was too scary for me. Thanks, jannies.

>> No.15505355

The hell? You think the references on your resume are just decoration?

>> No.15505380

Asia Carrera is smarter than you.

>> No.15505437

Ah, you must be a straight white man

>> No.15505441

>implying she would have wanted some dorky faggot who posts on a Vietnamese basket-weaving forum to "save her"
Yeah, go try to "save" one of the millions of attractive women who work shit-tier jobs. See if they give you the time of the day, and don't just think of you as some random creep with a savior complex.

>> No.15505445

>This doesn’t even fit into the context of my story

>> No.15505451

What makes you say that?

>> No.15505489

lol what an absolute piece of trash you are

>> No.15505504

Her education and IQ

>> No.15505620

Unless they want to do it and are into it. I know a retired pornstar well, you would know her name and work if you watched any porn between about 2006-2012 (I may be off on the dates, I've known her forever but wasn't aware of the work until about 2009). She fucked and sucked, rimmed and got reamed, by probably hundreds of cocks, white black and miscellaneous, one-on-one or in gangbangs. Fucked tons of hot girls too, ate pussy, ass, sucked toes, drank spit, did BDSM as a domme and a sub. She's out of the industry, has a family, is fucking brilliant, beautiful, and stable. It happens. She was into sex and made bank when she could and has no regrets.

I'm honestly jealous of her -- we're the same age, same social strata pretty much, but she's both wealthier and has a richer sexual experience than me because she's beautiful and was ok with "exploiting" herself.

>> No.15505640

You don't find her situation envious enough to give out her porn name. Why would that be?
It's not like she has anything to be ashamed of, and simply being a friend of hers won't dox you either.

>> No.15505690

Femanon here
One time I clocked in a bad mood. Jamal didn't use enough lube so my ass hurt and he stole the last of my molly so I had to work wrung out and hungover
anyway, some cunt and her whore family only tipped 20 bucks on a hundred dollar meal. So I found their son on facebook and accused him of rape
Tip. Your. Servers

>> No.15505701

No need. There are threads about her on /s/ occasionally, and I feel like knowing her is secret enough for me. I'll go jerk off to her now, I saw her out running Friday and was edging thinking about licking the sweat from her ass crack, I could go for that image once more.

>> No.15505841
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>> No.15505855

Just post the name you LARPing faggot

>> No.15505878

gianna michaels

>> No.15505889

>Nothing wrong with a girl that's dumb as a rock
I've got a law degree, and having a grad degree makes you more attractive to the "career woman." Having had plenty of both, I'll tell you I'd take a girl that's dumb as rocks over an intelligent one 100% of the time.

>> No.15505906

Well the more you want it the less I'm inclined to post it.

Looking over her credits, I guess I found out about her porn pretty early on in her career. She never told me but she confirmed it to me a couple years later. I guess she stopped right about the time she got pregnant the first time (she was a fucking sexy preggo, I would have loved for her to do some scenes with that belly...I saw her in a bikini during her second pregnancy and fuck, I nearly jizzed my pants right then).

No, she's a similar beauty though. I think she is still working?

>> No.15505919

Because you're lying about how together she is. You're just a simping coomer ignoring her deeply broken personality.

>> No.15505922

when I was a teen I worked at a local family-owned clam shack. it was fairly common for people to complain to get free food.

one of the more popular scams was for people to order some fried seafood, eat 90% of it, then come back to the window saying it was bad and they wanted another one. Or they would order a clam stip plate, eat the majority of it, bring it back to the window and say that they ordered a whole clam plate and demand a new one. Whole clams are almost double the cost of strips

a lot of the time we would just make a new plate but sometimes the people working the register would refuse and that was nice.

>> No.15506002

You should have hit that cunt, women have equality, it's fine now

>> No.15506064
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1.) Working at Applebee's as a line cook. Bacon is kept in a locked cooler with the alcohol that management had to open( I don't know why to this day) I'm working orders on a computerized touch screen which is telling me there's over 75 orders that need made at this moment. Service manager Paul ( imagine the manager from Waiting and manager in Office Space had a baby) this dude raises his voice at me " Who left the bacon out?! Why is the bacon out back there?!" I stopped everything I was doing and looked him in the eye. "I dunno dude but I have a ton of orders to cook right now.... you're the only one with keys to the cooler right?"... okay not so fun of a story

2) Just started a new job with some serious promise to it. A wine bar owned by a hot drunk lady and she wants a chef to run the kitchen solo. Business isn't too crazy and the menu is mostly small finger foods and once I get the menu down I can make it my own. What a nightmare it actually was. She could not keep out of anything I was doing. This was only a year or two ago so I've been cooking over a decade professionally at this point. She wanted me to start over pasta because she thought I over salted the water. She would have to taste the meatballs over and over and over and over and over and over again until the batch was nearly depleted to ensure the milk and bread levels were just right (following her recipe... like I get it but not how I would do it) She would handle the grocery shopping in her own way which was throw a couple random ingredients at me and tell me to figure out somewhere to keep it until we needed it. The kitchen consisted of a home refrigerator and portable butane stove and a tiny home use toaster oven. I cleaned her make shift kitchen top to bottom first thing it was in sad shape. I assumed she would stop riding me after I showed her my experience. She continued to ride me over things like how to cut certain cheeses. These cuts changed daily as she was a drunk.

>> No.15506117

3) Worked for a country club's pool kitchen. Not as prestigious as the upstairs kitchen but my friend got me hired in. Him and I did everything. A chef taught us how to make some killer dishes and we performed on the daily. We had no dishwasher we did our own dishes. Sautee was a huge part of the menu. The country club was rich and spent a lot on their kitchen. We had over a hundred pans. One night we were so busy every single dish in the entire restaurant was dirty. We were cleaning by hand the dish system was a single rack forward load that moved super slow and didn't really work too well. It took hours to get everything cleaned and put away. If I were to equate it to full bus tubs I would say it was around 70 full bus tubs of dirty dishes.

4) Working at a new golf club highest rated in the state. The executive chef is notorious for being a hard ass. I show up two hours early to work some event I dunno probably 4th of july or something, but I know these days get crazy no one asked me to show up early i just did. within twenty minutes I'm being rode by the chef to get my shit set up( he really shouldnt of even expected me to be there for another two hours) but I keep at it keep getting shit done. Everyone's set up an outside patio with buffet style tables. All the product is outside so everyone is concentrating on setting up a banquet hall for after the event. Queue massive rain storm. Literally no one goes outside to save anything but me. I get drenched trying to protect everyone's hard work from the weather moving as fast as I can to save what I can. Dozens of people watch from windows. The chef comes out to delegate and yell at me to move faster. The only one reacting the situation.

>> No.15506150

5) My main job at this golf club was to run the line, prep, and do dishes for a kitchen that ran off the golf course. Everything from scratch. So two hours and two people would run this place with a full fancy ass menu. We were popular and we were busy. For whatever reason some trashy dude got hired in above me. He sucked at cooking. It's just as simple as that he sucked at it, but hey I knew the guy that hired me for years, if he wants to hire someone above me go for it. So a little backstory here. My father just passed away. I just came back to work. This was my second day back still dealing with the tragedy. The chef de cuisine got me hired there. He was the chef in charge of me at that last club and I enjoyed working with him. This guy watches as we get rocked. Just blasted with tickets. Busiest day I ever worked at that place in actuality and it was busy often. So this guy just crosses his arms and watches us crash and burn because he's just now realizing how bad this guy he hired sucks. There was a main kitchen that all of the product sat in so if I ran out of something I'd have to take two flights of stairs to a different kitchen to resupply. So after getting absolutely rocked on the line, I go to get some supplies. The chef follows me and he's just pissed bitching about how bad that other guy is. As he was the only other employee employed to help me and this guy just sat and watched I said " I dunno man he helps me out at least" which apparently was the wrong thing to say. He instantly turned beet red and started screaming at me. He took his clipboard and shattered it across a counter top while he yelled at me. I don't even remember what he had to say really. I just remember staring at him blankly and thinking about missing my dad. I took it and continued working.

>> No.15506162

What a fucking stupid and fake story. I will admit you made me laugh though you based retard.

>> No.15506178

Why did you not quit after that shit? I guess the pay was good?

>> No.15506182

That's nuts. It seems like food attracts the hardest of the hard asses

>> No.15506184

6) Same golf club. There's this server that is just a nightmare to work with. I worked with her for three years and she still called me by the wrong name constantly. ( yes she was corrected often) She would promise the members their wildest dreams and I would have to figure out ways to deliver. God knows how many awesome tips she got off my back, but whatever I aim to please it's fine. We're having a busy day she's one of those servers that runs around like a chicken with their head cut off in full panic mode when things get busy. I'm rocking sauté pumping out entrees. Full window of food I see her running to a Coke cooler to get some ketchup. One of those gallon containers you put a pump on. Well she opens and while making direct eye contact with me drops it on the ground. It landed upright without it's lid so a fountain of ketchup just rained down everywhere. While maintaining eye contact with me, she just laughed grabbed a new one and walked away. The mess was left for me to clean later that night.

>> No.15506212

7) Out of order here this one was way back but still haunts me. Working at Steak n Shake. Managers are dealing me drugs I'm dating the server I was eyeing before I got hired things are good. I started as a dishwasher and just absorbed three different employees jobs as they got fired. No big deal the place was a cake walk. I was still new to the industry at this point I'd never replaced the syrup for a drink fountain. So I ask the working manager to show me. He begins talking me through the simple task and I don't even know what he did. I guess he unhooked the wrong one that was full and a server was currently trying to get soda from it. Whatever happened I watched this dude just get completely covered by that syrup. It just unloaded on him the entire full bag. I'm always super cautious and hesitant to mess with those things after seeing that.

>> No.15506263

Imagine lying about knowing a pornstar and how together she is on /ck/

>> No.15506275


>> No.15506298

hospital calls in a 90-cover carryout 5 minutes before close. strip steaks, pan-roasted boneless half-chickens, fucking salmon, burgers, salads, one idiot even ordered quiche from the breakfast menu. i am the only line cook. they tip the server $100 for literally walking the bags up to the counter. you'd think i'd have to go get shitfaced drunk to cope with that, but i decided that destroying my body is not the way.

>> No.15506304

Sheesh have you ever considered another line of work?

>> No.15506338

No, I'd say she's pretty together. She got everything she wanted out of all her experiences, including buckets of cash.

Yeah, it wouldn't make a lot of sense, would it?

>> No.15506365

Yeah, any suggestions?

>> No.15506368

Just shut up now. You're full of shit and everyone knows it. Sitting there desperately googling for someone who might fit that description, but you can't. Doing porn for that long burns everyone out.

>> No.15506386

food distro sales rep. you know what commercial kitchens need and you can easily double your line cook pay by being the guy that sells shitty avocados to the kitchen instead of the cook that gets pissed about shitty avocados.

>> No.15506390

i didn’t think pornstars made that much money. but id like to know who this is

>> No.15506474

even for someone who's kinky, having to swallow spit, loads of cum, getting gangbanged, having to lick the ass of random dudes, etc. That shit has to leave some sort of lasting psychological damage. Are you a close friends? She probably wouldn't like to admit or talk about that type of stuff with someone she doesn't completely trust. It's not hard to put up a façade and project an image of happiness/fulfilment about one's life, when in reality they're dying inside.

>> No.15506484

>having zero empathy for people
>She is cute. She should have a normal life
Your empathy is reserved only for girls you want to fuck, mr white knight?

>> No.15506493


>> No.15506513

She may be burned out of working in porn, but she's pretty happy, stable and settled. Sorry she doesn't fit your worldview.

She partnered with one of the big custom studios in SF and had her own site and production company (produced/directed a couple flicks), just as a performer I think one could make a ton but the smarter ones do all the work eventually.

Fairly close friends. Was actually trying to get with her when we were younger but she was out of my league, and I honestly didn't try too hard. We have had some frank discussions of the work she did, she does not seem damaged at all. I've never discussed it with her and her husband -- I can only imagine his feelings on the whole thing, he knows her history of course but I haven't talked to him about it in-depth. I doubt she *completely* trusts me on everything, but we're both adults who have settled down with our own spouses and remained close, so I feel as if I have a good handle on her outlook. I mean, you never truly know anyone, but you do get a feeling when something's off--nothing is with her.

>> No.15506766

i always thought it was just acting.

>> No.15506792

Jesus fucking christ can you coomer retards stop talking about porn and porn actresses in a food board

>> No.15506854

Mechatronic Engineering

>> No.15507102

Kill yourself. You keep saying things but don't listen to what we're saying. We're telling you to end your miserable boring life and become an hero. Stop being a LARPING pile of dog feces and end your life. Nobody wants you.

>> No.15507112

Oh, my mistake, I didn't get your meaning. Fuck off as well.

>> No.15507294

It is just acting. What I meant was that the life of a pornstar, after years of sucking dick, getting jizzed on, getting fucked in every possible way, must take it's toll, even after they retire. Even if the pornstars are degenerate whores themselves, the things they have to do sometimes must come back to haunt them, especially if they do all the niche and weird porn. Plus if they want to move on with their lives and forget that portion of their past (especially when they have kids and settle down), everything they have done is on the internet for everyone to see and remind them forever. I've seen a few interviews with former porn actresses and many seem to have regrets regarding their time in the industry.

>> No.15507327

Which is why Larp Lad can't even give a name to identify his pretend friend. No matter what name he gives, he would be immediately found wrong.

>> No.15507455

Thata clearly a man.

>> No.15507500

You are a fucking idiot kid. That entire situation could have been avoided if you put her on hold for 2 seconds to ask your superior about it. That woman had every fucking right to be angry and you deserved to be berated.

>> No.15507532

Or maybe shes pissed off because some retard who works at a pizza shop made her drive all the way there to place an order for a pizza she obviously wanted delivered? Even if you didnt have a code system for your coupons you should have asked your boss before accusing her of scamming you and arguing with her for so long you fucking moron. If I were that woman I would have knocked your bitch ass the fuck out clean. Its disgusting and embarassing how much you try to shift the blame towards a "karen" in a situation that was 100% you and your bosses fault.

>> No.15507565

>screw up at your easy as fuck job and waste a customers time
>have urges to vandalize her property because she yelled at you for it
Seek help.

>> No.15507598

Not really but I was strapped for cash and i managed to pull through until the owner changed

>> No.15507599

Wow the jannies deleted my post... fucking cucks

>> No.15507795

>be me
>pay abella danger 830$ for an entire night
>do everything to her
>fuck every hole, get decent blowjob and a great handjob in morning
>at one point have her pee for me
>she braps and I pick her up and kiss her because shes so cute
Shes definitely a woman you genital blond retard

>> No.15508243

It's not the big things that sucks it's constantly and consistently being treated like subhuman scum all the while you're sucking dick to get a decent tip so you can feed yourself that night.
Life is hell anons stay in school

>> No.15508343 [DELETED] 

>paying a jew for sex
oh you really showed him

>> No.15508436

I've paid many escorts. Another famous one Is Abigail Mac.
Why shouldn't one of them be a hot little jewess w/ a fatass?

>> No.15508454

Jesus there is some serious projection here.
All I meant was to be her friend in high school or whatever and dissuade her from pursing whatever decision made her do porn.
There is nothing white knight about that. It is about helping someone who obviously made bad choices.

>> No.15508475
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>> No.15508602

uh thats 20%
is that a problem, ?, 20%

>> No.15508649

Why are there so many jews in the porn industry? I swear every second porn star or porn producer is jewish

>> No.15508791

>paid 800 dollars to fuck a man faced jew with a painfully average body

>> No.15508831

I work at a steakhouse with a very high Price Per Guest, around $100 average. On a good night, I'll make 4-500 dollars; on a bad night, I'll make 100. I get paid an average of $45/ hr to kiss ass and fuck off. Granted it is much more serious than some college broad slinging eggs at a diner for 12/hr. I am college educated but my job got 'rona'd, so now I'm doing this and it's pretty comfy.

>> No.15508865

wow talk about pent up anger bro

>> No.15508868
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As a newcomer to this board I'm pleased to see that you too engage in ironic porn shitposting

>> No.15508912
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She was cute as a button padding around barefoot in all her tiny naked fatassed perfection for 16 hours.

>> No.15508938

You have shit taste in women, that's all.that other escort you said youd paid for is old hag too. You could find better on leolist for 100 bucks.

>> No.15508995

It'll really tick you off when I tell you I licked her salty, wet piss flaps clean. Shit tasted like matzoh ball soup.

>> No.15509400

I guess you're mother isn't proud of Walmart loser she raised.

>> No.15509455

Bump. We cant let this thread die, bros. Lots of good stuff

>> No.15509483

>no u
You don't know what that word means, dummy.

>> No.15509491

The fuck is it with this place and it's obsession with trannies?

>> No.15509496

Google 'abella danger vagina' and you can see shes not a tranny

>> No.15509520

>Nothing wrong with a girl that's dumb as a rock
They vote

>> No.15509539

>All I meant was to be her friend in high school or whatever and dissuade her from pursing whatever decision made her do porn.
And then milady would giventh unto thee her pusseh, young sir?

>> No.15509571

last time i got hit up by a hooker in an american city, she asked 500 and she was just some rando at the bar of a high end place

>> No.15509583
File: 105 KB, 300x449, 0e6ca3c8f4aab0fe0d6e62b5d3222021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Abella serving you and picking wedgies out of her sweaty ass crack

>> No.15509635

So you and your boss fucked up.

Every job I've ever had I've had very few problems with customers. It's the coworkers and bosses that fucking ruin it.

>> No.15509655

It doesnt really bother me at all. If you want to be a literal simp for used up whores that's your prerogative. One day you'll eventually learn that being an enabler is a bad thing.

>> No.15509663

>Just a crumb of pussy, m'lady?

>> No.15509673

She was young af and I'm not bad looking. I came in her ass.

Whatever faggot

>> No.15509752

Learned something new.
Thank you.

>> No.15509774

I had sexual intercourse with a real woman once. True story, guys.

>> No.15509818

Did you eat her ass?

>> No.15509828

Ew. I had sex with her, she wasn't food. Don't be yucky.

>> No.15509900

Then you can get right the fuck off this board

>> No.15510064

Pls no lewd service staff

>> No.15510118

i meant fair price for like celebrity hooker bro

>> No.15510131

Had a dishwasher pull a knife on me.

>> No.15510160
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>> No.15510165

Did you have to wear a rubber?

>> No.15510178
File: 111 KB, 417x606, 6EC27A37-8A91-44F3-8763-C78B1469B8DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t that customer

>> No.15510182

Yeah it was a great price. It was gf experience for almost 16 hours, (She slept for 5.) she was sweeter than I expected, not too bright and that probably shielded her from what she was doing. She considered herself an actress and that kind of bled into the escort area; she was more detached than the avg pro. We were in NY and it started snowing and she sperged out. We got a movie and she wanted hunger games- She was like a little kid.. diamonds thinking about it

>> No.15510185

Vag yes. Blowjob and anal no

>> No.15510186

you are a massive cuck kid holy shit

>> No.15510188

why were you working at fucking walmart if you did construction jobs

>> No.15510197

How am I a cuck? She wasn't my gf. Do you even know what that word means?

>> No.15510198

>pissing her jorts

>> No.15510204

i often wonder how much productivity is lost every year in this country to businesses that get started just so the owner has someone to order around

>> No.15510211

I've seen two vids of her; one where shes having sex w/ august ames and one where she pisses herself

>> No.15510213

I don't work in a restaurant but I work for a place that is also a restaurant.

>walk to the bathrooms
>some one just took an absolutely foul-smelling shit
>real concentrated sewerage kinda shit
>owner walks out without washing his hands
>"how's it going anon?"
>he proceeds to go upstairs and continue working at the bar with his unwashed hands

Thank god he doesn't touch the food. Never let him make me a drink or a coffee again though.

>> No.15510217

Yes, I do. Do you? We aren't speaking Shakespearean English. Words change over time.

>> No.15510235

not correct but close enough

>> No.15510236

Fuck off, you gay boomer. Probably listen to Howard stern or some shit.
If you dont want to hear about some naked porn starlet making me get hunger games and watching it while I play with her ass than I dont even know why your on /ck/

>> No.15510306

Mad af lol

>> No.15510312

>t. Minimum wage worker who blames others for their fuckups

The meaning of cuck hasn't changed just because retards on the internet like to parrot eachother without knowing what they're saying.

>> No.15510315

Literally never heard of this manish looking goblin until you started simping for her.

>> No.15510317

Lmao you cant read the internet

>> No.15510336

Dead eyes. How can you guys get into it?

>> No.15510341
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I've never simped for her. My bro met her on the set of a Mexican soap opera, hes a boom mike operator who works in porn too. He brought her to NY to meet someone. I was drunk and I got her for a not outrageous sum.
That's not simping and I was in no way cucked .
How to is she ugly too? She reminds me of one of those girls who played the friend on icarly or whatever

>> No.15510345

food was taking too long so we all wanted to leave except one autist with us who refused to go
after an hour and a half waiting there the staff started closing up
idk how but they had forgotten we were even there and rather than try to apologize they just told us to leave

>> No.15510616


>> No.15510676

Not every ugly woman is a man.

>> No.15510879

>stupid to go into porn
It's more than just stupid, it's manipulation. You can't you assume that someone with an 80 iq has the agency to make that kind of choice.

>> No.15511018

No, YOU can get the fuck off this board you degenerate coomer

>> No.15511024

>If you dont want to hear about some naked porn starlet making me get hunger games and watching it while I play with her ass than I dont even know why your on a cooking board
Please kill yourself for the good of humanity

>> No.15511235

>They are all on drugs to get through the day and they all realize they will never have a normal life and normal romantic relationships because no one wants to date and marry a pornstar.
That's not true, lots of pornstars retire and get married. I remember being pretty bummed when Alexa Grace retired to get married, she quit before ever taking it up her big pale ass. That was a sad day.

>> No.15511258

>Got my first job at 16
>Dishwasher in a cajun place
>Pay was pretty good, $10/hr paid weekly
>Got hired on the spot, no interview, no application
>Don't suspect anything because I'm 16 and stupid
>After my first week, I don't get paid
>Boss says some bullshit about him having run out of checks
>Again, 16, naive and retarded, I believe this
>Next week passes, still no paycheck
>Boss says he's still waiting for more checks to come in the mail
>I ask my coworkers if they're getting theirs
>Now I'm a little suspicious
>Week three comes and goes
>Still haven't seen a cent despite this being a job that's supposed to pay every week
>Tell my parents about it because I'm definitely suspicious now
>Mfw they tell me that businesses don't order checks by mail
>Mfw I find out I never signed a full W-4 tax document, so I was never even employed
>Mfw my mom goes up there and threatens to call the union on him for not paying someone that's been working for almost 4 weeks
>Mfw he says "if you wanted stable pay, you could have worked at McDonald's"

>> No.15511281

That's how language works, dickbrain. Words are defined by usage, not by dictionaries.

>> No.15511313

>pent up angst about the world and I just happened to be the outlet
Working at a vegan place i've HAD A TON of that one

>> No.15511347

>Words are defined by usage, not by dictionaries.
Prescriptivist faggot. Just because I start using the word "soap" to mean "run" doesn't change the meaning of "soap"

>> No.15511358


Well did they eventually pay you??

>> No.15511414

>If your not outright lying on your resume your doing it wrong.
Perhaps I should stop pretending the nature of natural selection is anything other than what it is. Scratch, claw, and bite your way to the top. Step on their throats. Thank you for opening my eyes, Anon.

>> No.15511482


>> No.15512078

wow if that happened to me at 16 i would have burned that place to the ground and killed his dog

>> No.15512189

Dude, you're a fucking faggot

Shes a braphog too, did I mention that. One if her favorite youtubers farts all the time and she thinks it's cute and funny and it is. Her ass tasted like someone dipped tendies in root beer. Suck on that you closet homo.

Holy shit you're fucking stupid. Couple that w/ catty faggotry re: young, attractive women w/ unbelievable bodies and you're champion of the gay retards

Fuck you. The dog is innocent

>> No.15512232

Lol your retardo degenerate brain is completely incapable of divorcing any thought from porn consumption. You're obsessed and addicted. Get help.

Wouldnt surprise me if you thought about fucking the dog too.

>> No.15512261

Not if you do it, but if the critical mass of people start doing it the meaning does change. That's descriptivism, not prescriptivism. Idiot.

>> No.15512277

Imagine being such an insecure, retarded coomer that you brag to weeaboos on an anime imageboard about paying to eat the asshole of a celebrity prostitute. If this isn't a larp: reevaluate your life.

>> No.15512335

Yes I am an idiot, but I'm still smarter than you because at least I don't think the retarded, uneducated and unwashed masses should dictate how we speak because they're too stupid to understand the words they are choosing to use

>> No.15512378

That's how it has always worked and how it will always work. Your word usage would be bewilderingly confusing to an educated man 300 years ago.

>> No.15512449

>Your word usage would be bewilderingly confusing to an educated man 300 years ago.
And this is ok? Language adapting and catering to the stupids is a good thing to you?

>> No.15512451

People spamming “cuck” to imply “you let people fuck your wife/girlfriend” to the point of retards like you picking up on it and using it as a meaningless general insult doesn’t take away from the original meaning or implication behind the insult.

>> No.15512536

Totally untrue

Wasn't bragging. Why does it make you so mad tho?

>> No.15512540
File: 86 KB, 798x672, uh oh retard alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasn't bragging.

>> No.15512572

Used to work in a gay friendly restaurant, given it was there to feed all the drunken bums from the gay bars across the street. Owner was best when he stayed the fuck out of the way as he actually hired a chef far too competent to be there to run it. Mostly dealt with picky fags and dykes that never tipped but overall chill place to work. Worse thing was the drunks after the bars closed. Drunk fags were worse than straight ones, less violent but fuck did they throw a bitch fit. Only nice thing was you can be rude as you want to a homo and as long as you're a little funny with it they don't stay mad. Saw a lot of trannies that'd bring their john's in for dates, usually nicer people than /pol/ would have you think but fuck do they got issues and most of them are addicts. The owner tried turning one of the gay bars of his into a sports bar for a year to catch the wave of some huge sports hosting event the city had planned. Biggest failure. Sure he brought in a lot of new straighter customers for the happy hour during the games but he'd immediately switch back to drag shows and the $2 vodka and the gays would always come out around the time the games ended so at the bars it'd be this horrible mix of shit faced macho sports guys and drunk queens and all it took was one bumping into the other and saying "ew fag" for a bunch of drag queens to jump some drunk idiot who didn't know he was in front of a gay bar. We'd stand out there watching the fights, watch some guy get beat up, watch security do nothing but walk them out, and then that drunk dumbass would come up to our door and ask for another drink and some nachos.

Stupidest shit. Learned most gays are functioning alcoholics that'd drink a frat boy in his prime under the table and do more coke than any linecook. Also working with homos they have a fucked up sense of humor and little sympathy for even each other.

>> No.15512645

Some stories, mostly bout drunk assholes
Bartender and server mostly though I would pick up boh prep shifts when theyd let me.

Sundays were hell. We do a brunch with jazz trio followed by drag brunch thatd fill up with homos bringing their moms out as it was a drag show you could bring family too, no cursing and pg-13 compared to the real gay bar drag shows where theyll flash you and make jokes about their dicks. In the evening it's a more raunchy, yet still pg-13, drag show run by some charity lgbt church. So basically the whole day is setting up for something, switching between mimosa and hh specials, and four different menu changes. Servers either hate sunday's or love them for the money they can make depending on how lazy you are. All boh hates brunch and drinks the shift away. Im cutting some fuckers off by 1pm they're so fucking drunk today no holiday reason why. I'll give free chips and salsa to nicer regular drunks. Someone sitting at a table with a shit server whines she wants nachos, has been cut off at her table by management's call but she's with a bunch of high paying regulars so we're being nice. Give her some nacho fries that got rang in wrong and we're gonna get chucked to appease her as she's slurring and should just sit the fuck down. She waddles away, I go back to slinging drinks and pancakes to elderly gays, which made up my regulars at the bar on Sundays. She walks past, stops by the host stand, drops her fries, I ask her "what you don't like them?" as a joke, she projectile vomites all over the pathway from the entrance to the bar. Does it again. Full ass restaurant, busiest day of the week, just keeps vomiting doesn't even make an attempt for the door out that's maybe a couple meters away. None of the servers intervene, they're all just staring, one runs away. A friend from her table tries to help her, they both fall. Finally a server tried to help them get up. Lady showed up often still after that surprisingly.

>> No.15512668

You better demand the server hand you that tip or you're walking out

>> No.15512672

Uhh they are? You have some friends put their numbers down, and you do the same for them and you just bullshit.

>> No.15512691

Another evening saw a 6'6 black drag queen beat the shit out of a shorter mexican drag queen with a floor fan. Idk specifically what the drama was, despite having heard both sides after the fact numerous times. What I can sum up is: both of them were drug addicts but black drag queen was high for the show. Short drag queen made some bitchy comment to her about her shitty make up before the set, 6'6 drag queen does her set and then goes and finds her, in front of my bar as I was cashing her check, and straight up sparta kicks her down. I'm stupidly confused, the fuck, shout for her to get the fuck out, she picks up the floor fan by the host stand (those 3x3 feet cheap industrial metal ones most restaurants seem to buy in bulk), tells her stay down or she's gonna bop her. Think no way she's gonna swing that big fan like it's nothing, short drag queen tries to get up, 66 drag queen bops the fan on her head. Three fucking male servers, two of whom weren't sissy fag boys but actually supposedly straight and pretty buff dudes, stand there and watch and do nothing. Security guard out front, doesn't do shit, drag queen that's the host (and also a manager and in charge of the drag queens) yells at them with her mic on, still doing her drag show shit, and the 6'6 drag queen runs out the door. Later that night see her across the street crying at the one bar not owned by the same owner as ours about being banned but at least she got a new job DJing at the new bar.

>> No.15512778

Food stories for days. Fuck are gay men picky. Food at this place was a lot of slightly fancy americana comfort foods but there was always a vegan/gluten free/healthy option. Greasy street tacos? How about in a lettuce wrap so you can have an extra drink? Fatty three pork burger? Put it on a gluten free bun, everything off to the side, sub quinoa for the fries. Dieting fags annoyed me with that shit, annoyed the cooks worse, but head chef was strict about the customer can have what they want so long as we have the supplies and he'd always have the supplies. If a late night cook didn't give a drunk fucker his gluten free bean pattie substitute at 3:45am because he didn't feel like getting out the vegan cheese the chef would find out and bitch them out and tell servers to push bean patties on customers when that cooks working till he learned not to be a pussy. One of those nice chefs till he's pissed and throwing things but since he can tell three cooks to go home and do their job like nothing no one tests him. And the ones that do tend not to last.

So I'm ringing in some fish tacos but on a lettuce wrap but the customer also wants the fish beer batter fried even though they're grilled and we never had battered fried fish on the menu. Fuck don't wanna ring it in. Don't feel like hearing the cooks bitch, try to push customer to something else, nah. Tell the cook, cook refuses as he's busy and chef won't notice today maybe, fuck em I got five other tables I'm gonna tell them we're out of that fish and push the seafood salad instead. Shit that chef is on the floor talking to them why wtf. Asks me if I rang in their order yet. Nah. Rings it in for me. Stares at the cook across the line. Cook says heard. Chef goes back there, says he'll do it personally. Makes beer batter, fries the fish, whole kitchen is tense as it's busy and whenever that chef has to go to the line it usually means shits gone wrong in the kitchen but he's not yelling yet.

>> No.15512788
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> Badmouthing Mia

>> No.15512800

Chef not only plates it beautifully, making it look even nicer than the standard fish tacos, but also changes out the oil for the fryer since, again, we never fuck with beer batter.

Run it immediately, been keeping that customer happily buzzed with his constant double well vodka water orders cause of course anyone that orders fish tacos deep fried in a lettuce wrap is a psychopath in all taste. Customer picks at it. Literally just eats the fried skin and half the fish of one taco before asking for the bill. Tell the cooks. Chef helps me clear the table, throws the whole plate angrily in the trash, bans that guy that ordered the fish tacos for a year next time we see him, says it's cause he was with a bunch of drunk assholes but we all know that's not why.

>> No.15512840

hell, don't stop Anon. I'm enjoying these.

>> No.15512846

It was Malena Morgan, not Mia Malkova

>> No.15512851

What game is this image from looks familiar.

>> No.15512916

Last thing. Pride is the worst day of the year for the restaurant. Best for the owners I'm sure but the place becomes ridiculously packed, everyone works 13 hr shifts, and we're right in front of the parade so reservations for patio seating are sold out months in advance despite $100+ deposits just to sit at a two seat table. Idk why people like pride so much. I mean I'm gay too but it's just a big gay expensive party it's not that serious. Cool thing is everyone is so stupidly drunk and loud and business is so high you can tell every customer to fuck off and still make bank as the turnover is so high. I'm barbacking half the shift before serving the patio bar so lucky yay. Patio bar is the money maker especially on pride, no official split tips, mostly drinkers so little food orders, and get to see titties from drunk girls flashing on the street. Dumping out some ashtrays I see I dump out a customer's roach. They look at me upset. I realize my bad, but also you can't really complain to management about that can you now? Weed isn't legal here even if the cops can't give a fuck to enforce it during a parade. But I like this customer they've been chilling sipping his drink and tipping decent all night so feel bad. Catch a break and go back to the trash, find some cooks smoking that good devil's grass, ask if I can have the roach and they say sure. Give it to my customer with a wink. Customer is smiling ear to ear as I go back to slinging drinks at drunks and wings at cut off drunks. Past the parade couple girls come in, no id, falling down shit faced, asking for a drink. Nah. They ask a server in front of me for a drink, server rings it in, nah. Roach dude at the bar is laughing as they cry. These girls ask me if I like girls. Of course babe. "If we flash our tits can we have a drink". No but you're welcome to try. They flash me and the full patio bar.

>> No.15512947

I almost lost my job! Keep it SFW next time.

>> No.15512964

I hate every single off topic poster in this entire shit thread. Fuck all of you.

>> No.15513018

(2) did you bang that broad?

>> No.15513052

Roach guy cheers. Drunk girls shout yaaaaaaaaaay. I give them no drinks so they get sad and sit down. Not ten minutes later they're up at my bar asking me again if they flash me will I give them a drink. Lol no but honey keep doing it y'all got nice tits and it's entertaining the customers. One passing fag get annoyed with them by the third time, starts throwing his ice cubes at them. Legit I think these girls are just at the short term memory phase of being drunk and have no clue what they're doing but they are hot and pathetically will put up with annoying bullshit if a girl is hot enough. I like eye candy so sue me but I should probably kick them out before this escalates. Roach guy gets up, asks the girls if they smoke, shows them his lil roach and offers to smoke them out. Pays out his tab with them following him across the street excited for drugs. He stops middle of the street, this disgusting rainbow and glitter covered dirty street with people vomiting and stumbling in since the parades over, moons the girls, almost falls laughing at his own joke, then runs into the gay club across the street and tells them to try flashing their asses instead of tits in a gay bar they'll have better luck. The girls were confused and wondered off but fuck that had me dying on a long day.

Other noteworthy pride stories:
Saw some drag queens fall of their parade float, good laffs
Got the number of one of those red bull girls and got to be a part of her experimental phase, they had a booth on pride and would drop off redbulls for the restaurants and bars workers and every straight man and lesbian loved them in a pure and horny way. God bless those sluts.
Some fat bitch got mad I wouldn't let her sit in the reserved patio seating so she tried to break some glasses but because she called me a dyke on pride day three homos stood up to call her various fat names till she cried.

>> No.15513074

>I'm barebacking half the shift
That's extremely unsafe but kudos for the multitasking.

>> No.15513097

Me too, but I also hate every on topic poster, and you as well, but especially me.

>> No.15513184

The best type, I have them too. We have forsaken idealism by clinging to something that can fulfill our necessity for feeling needed by another human being

>> No.15513216

Lol you're here assuming you're not one of the stupids. Language is defined by the language users, always works like that. God imagine having your head THIS far up your ass. And I guarantee you're a sub-$60k a year no degree having "smart guy," too. Retard.

>> No.15513217

this guy knows, holy fuck I wish I'd known it earlier

>> No.15513283


>> No.15513374

What an absolutely cringe post, it’s only getting worse every single time you type

>> No.15513384

Like I give a shit what a bunch of chinks, trannies, homos, boomers and persnickety zoomer wannabe food snobs think.

>> No.15513396

Damn I can feel that. Dude went way out of his way to make a special beer-battered dish for the guy, and he just fucking doesn’t eat it. Sad.

>> No.15513400

Where is this fucking Palm Springs?

>> No.15513506

Wow threatening violence on a woman you’re so cool anon. Post pics when you kill your wife you fucking psychopath.

>> No.15513521


>> No.15513534
File: 19 KB, 236x213, ACE769D4-9A60-42C0-9633-305C63128E1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you fucking geeks take this seriously
Retards need to be gassed

>> No.15513562

These are the stories that make me love being rich and knowing I’ll never have to deal with this miserable shit. I was talked down to once as an adult. I beat the fucking shit out of the guy. And not the “I gave him a black eye” kind, the “this man couldn’t identify me in a line up or speak to describe me anymore” kind.

>> No.15513576

I talk down to all rich people I encounter and never get beaten up. You're just insecure.

>> No.15513583

You are a fucking lunatic for seriously considering violence because of a mix up lmao. Are you posting from prison because you beat the fuck out of a waitress for getting your order wrong?

>> No.15513584

Can confirm true, I made him my bitch when he was behind bars

>> No.15513588

cool story bro

>> No.15513590

>Vag yes. Blowjob and anal no
I would very much enjoy putting my penis inside Abella's butthole without a condom and ejaculating inside her, if you catch my drift.

>> No.15513600

Stop simping over celebrity prostitutes who have taken literal miles of black dick

>> No.15513601

This guy gets it.
Thread validated

>> No.15513620

Just another mexican filled city in texas. Our pride isn't even shit compared to Austin's or even Denton but it's a party city and will go hard on any holiday given the city let's pedestrians day drink in the street. Fucking mlk day they throw a fucking city long block parties with musicians and niggas smoke blunts in the park and cops can't do shit. I hope lockdown never ends I never wanna go back to that constant bullshit.

>> No.15513631

And remember steam has something like 600 times the volume of liquid water. Hence the explosion when converting the liquid to steam in the same sized space.

>> No.15513716

One more before I gotta make coleslaw.

Ok chefs a beast in the kitchen. Even if he's an asshole you generally respect him cause he's never talking shit if he's wrong and he's always willing to call your bet to walk out and do your job and unlike other managers that say that shit he will actually do it ridiculously over professionally, do it fast and make you look like shit and still have time to go talk to customers about what a fired loser you are. Plus he worked like 12 hour days minimum every day idk how that old fuck did it.

Besides he'd drink a lot. He'd have some whiskey at work, of course bartenders never charged him shit, could go across the street drink some more again for free they all had worked for him at some point, and then some rough nights you could catch him at another bar sipping away. And you'd never know besides a flush in his cheeks. But he's came back on because fucking two cooks and a manager were short for Saturday closing for fucks sake and the morning cook had already been there since open and was pissed. So he's drunk and angry and the whole line is acting on their best behavior as he brings them out of the weeds while servers are staying out of view except to run. Except me cause I also have to clock out and he's the only manager able to do it so I've basically done all the side work by now and done whatever's he's shouted. Silently waiting for someone else to piss him off first so I can then ask for my clock out politely and gtfo as I'm the last opening server left near midnight cause I'm dumb.

And then some dumb server thot rings in some egg benedict off the special only brunch menu and I'm like fuuuuuuuuck yes.

We are 10 min till late night drunk fucks menu only limit, this cunty server choose immediately after ringing it in to go on a smoke break cause she's a coward, the customer understands it's a specialty menu item but technically we everything prepped for brunch tomorrow for eggs benny soooooo....

>> No.15513768

>she called me a dyke on pride day three homos stood up to call her various fat names till she cried.
That sentence made my night lol
Thx for the stories based faggot

>> No.15513849

Wow you're so cool! Do you think I could be as AWESOME SAUCEM as you one day? XD

>> No.15513852

Go jack off together faggot coomers, stop polluting the board.

>> No.15513910
File: 17 KB, 252x252, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This porn thread is more active and has more food discussion than any other thread on the board currently
Stay mad, faggot

>> No.15514006


>> No.15514155

I enjoyed your stories, based barbacking bull dyke. May our paths never cross.

>> No.15514183

i dont think it's possible to work in a restaurant and have everyday be anything but another horror story im glad i got out and im NEVER going back

>> No.15514198
File: 66 KB, 683x1024, Abella-Danger-1-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these stories are ok but what would you do to young Abella's sweet little no-no?

>> No.15514237
File: 155 KB, 1057x800, 567f02c2-2982-4787-b4b5-89b8e6c66267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Np virgins
Can't believe someone would save an image of a girl so plain with no tits. But to each their own

>> No.15514332

yeah that price is like just upgrading your hotel room like why not?

>> No.15514482
File: 30 KB, 420x615, Aria_Giovanni_2007_2_t1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an aria giovanni man myself but I have no /ck/ related stories.
Also, I know you're not a real bulldyke.. you can't be. Because you will never be a woman

>> No.15514487

anyone ever dealt with the ranch maiden (aka springs1)

>> No.15514488

Exactly how I saw it.

>> No.15514711


>> No.15514828

>This porn thread is more active and has more food discussion than any other thread on the board currently
>this porn thread
Literally obsessed. Turn internet off for a month and I promise your life will improve.

>> No.15514853
File: 222 KB, 768x1024, 33C0A95C-94DE-4245-9450-3C0C95B8BF48-1066-000000D643F9571C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be me. poor college kid. go to steak n shake and get the same thing every time. i pull up give my usual order and they give me my total, it's a dollar higher than it should be.

i'm a lil perturbed. i pull up to the window and it's some 40 year old black dude who is fresh out of prison. have never seen him before. dude looks like a problem. he tells me the total without looking me in the eyes. i say i want to see the receipt. i start telling him it's wrong. he says oh my bad and tries to play it off. totally guilty body language. i'm a lil pissed.

i go back about a 3 or 4 weeks later. i pull up. give my usual order. its the prison nigga. this time he adds 2 dollars to the real total. i'm like mothafucka. you just tried to rip me off like a month ago.

i pull up to the window heated. i ask him to tell me the total. show me the receipt, etc. he plays the ol' my bad nigga routine. but this time they were busy and he asked me to pull up to the side and they will bring the food out to me.

before he told me that, i saw on the glass window a customer complaint line. then i go pull up behind another waiting car and dial the number. some black woman is on the line and she's asking me what's happening. i tell her this prison nigga tried to rip me off a month ago and he just tried to rip me off again.

i had my window down because it was summer. she asks me his name. and i tell her. and just as i said his name he was walking by to the other car. he stops when he hears his name and said you need something? and im talking to the woman. she's like is that him. i said yeah. he was just standing next to me. she goes: is he mad? i said bitch wtf. IM MAD. this mothafucka just tried to rob my ass. like i give a fuck if he's mad.

i never saw his ass again. glad i could clean up the place. imagine the hundreds of people he ripped off and they never dropped a dime on his ass. hope he went back to prison.

>> No.15514904

I was the supervisor. I told you that I was familiar with all of our promotions, I had every reason to suspect that person was lying. There would be literally no point in being middle management if I just called the owners every time a customer tried to rip the restaurant off. I got paid extra to make those judgement calls. My boss simultaneously trained me not to let scams through the cracks and neglected to inform me of the best promotion our restaurant has ever put out.

You’re nit very smart, are you.

>> No.15515018
File: 8 KB, 285x319, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway, femanon here, covid had me lose a barbacking job and after fire season was over (i worked the water services at camps) i had to go back to being a faggot server because the money was just too easy
i hate my life and want this coof over i would do almost anything else than serve
except probably retail

>> No.15515032
File: 1.54 MB, 500x375, giphy (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy autismal

>> No.15515069

>hairy arms
Nah I’m straight

>> No.15515079

Girls can't be gays, stop appropriating our pronouns, cunt.

>> No.15515082

give me $200 and eat my pussy cheese

>> No.15515215

Sorry but you're wrong.

Take a physics class son.

>> No.15515236


Can you fucking infants stop giving this loser attention? For fucks sake

>> No.15515251

This is the most nigger thing I've heard today

>> No.15515366

based knowledge poster

>> No.15515380

oh people arent just platonic projections of your stereotypes, huh?

>> No.15515391

white girl at Staples added about twenty to my bill once - but id done the math in my head beforehand. check your racism bro.

>> No.15515452 [DELETED] 

Shut up nigger lover

>> No.15515453

"Alright hang on a second ma'am... 'HEY ROSS, YOU PRINT OUT ANY COUPONS LATELY?'"

>> No.15515456


>> No.15515461

Shut up fag lover

>> No.15515471

um hello based department?

>> No.15515483

>this porn thread

>> No.15515497

were you able to anal her? was it nice?

>> No.15515508

you're such a beta cuck, honestly you deserve the buse you get for not standing up for yourself. I'd have put that bitch in her place

>> No.15515509

get the fuck off my board you little dweeb

>> No.15515517

I'd totally swallow spit and loads of cum

>> No.15515521

go back to r*ddit faglord

>> No.15515634

It's Bobbi Starr.

>> No.15515730

I'm the least redditous, least faggy poster on this board and you fucking know it
>hey everyone look at me, I eat simple, healthy, nutritious meals!
>wheeee look at meee
>soda is really bad for you doncha know
>my favorite dish is pork and turnips
>its pork and turnips
>and that's it!
The cunting self-satisfaction of /ck/ posters is unbearable

>> No.15515752


>> No.15515785

Yes- I got married at 20, divorced at 23. I was still getting over that at the time . She had all kinds of papers saying she was free of STDs (she was meeting some porn guy in NY.)
The rest is history. I dropped two loads in that ass, no condom.
Kid had a great ass ofc, amazing hips. I dont know what it is but her look drove me crazy (not so much now)

>> No.15516407

How did she know you were clean too before letting you bareback her?
Did you have papers too?

>> No.15516427

Jazz does porn now??

>> No.15516567 [DELETED] 

No. I had been married for years and been w/ that succubus for almost my whole life. We started going out when we were 12. She let me have sex w/ another girl when I was 18 and another when I was 20. We got married at 20, divorced at 23.
So basically I told her I had been w/ one girl my whole sexual life and she believed me. I wasn't lying either.

>> No.15516578

IRL she has (or HAD) a cute, open face that was in no way masculine and could never be imitated by a dude

>> No.15516663
File: 85 KB, 551x964, 1604007807376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only time i felt this about a pornstar was with august ames
she was an amateur nobody and no one had heard about her until she died.

>> No.15516790


I don't really get drag and don't understand the appeal of it

t. homo

>> No.15517063
File: 464 KB, 1324x992, 1517700502774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>femanon here
>posts blurry picture of man
Checks out

>> No.15517295

If she believed you then she probably believed other guys as well.

>> No.15518156


>> No.15518314

Well why deny it? She would never be on /ck/ (or 4chan in general). Yep. Still fucking beautiful, an excellent mom, and stable as the day is long.

>> No.15518552

Things that never happened

>> No.15518589

Say that to his face not online see what happens.

>> No.15518750

Worked at In-N-Out for 5 years, never had anything bad to say about the company, quality is top notch and probably better than most actual restaurants. The store manager was shit at hiring people, he'd hire these idiotic high schoolers. On the plus side, my friends and I walked around giving roman salutes to our minority coworkers and he didn't care

>> No.15518773

I hope you get hit by a bus retard coomer

>> No.15518796

have sex, incel

>> No.15518965

what racism? i told you exactly what happened. you think that i think only black people steal? how could you draw that conclusion? you must be a dumb 80 iq nigger. wear two masks faggot

>> No.15519007
File: 36 KB, 500x373, tumblr_lcr7coH0vz1qc6p9ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first job is a summer job at mcdonalds. i'm a teen. i come in on one of my day's off to get some ot to buy video games.

i go into the freezer to get something and as i'm in there the door shuts behind me and i hear the bolt lock. i say wtf. i run over and it's locked. i start screaming and pounding on the door for like 10 minutes. nobody hears me. i start kicking the walls. nothing. i came in for ot and the other employees don't know i'm there.

i'm lterally about to freeze to death. got a damn short sleeve shirt on. i pull out a lighter and start lighting cardboard on fire. start kicking and screaming more and more. nothing.

finally after about an hour the door opens. i'm like wtf. run out. immediately get on the phone and call my dad. come pick up me. fuck this shit. i think i need to go to the hospital.

>> No.15519108
File: 187 KB, 466x492, 1526936122305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quads, tranny

>> No.15519663

Sometimes pranks on the newbies end in near death experiences. Quit being a pussy.