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15499332 No.15499332 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/

If I practice really hard, can I speed up how much alcohol my liver can process per hour?

Also, do different types of alcohol give you different states of drunkenness?

Or is it all the same and your level of intoxication that differs?

Currently I can drink 8 x 500ml of 4.3% beer in a night and wake up by 8am a little hung over but functioning.

>> No.15499344

>not going to beer drinking academy

>> No.15499351
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>4 litres of calories and carbs every night
Drink liquor instead, fatass

>> No.15499371
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I prefer beer but I also drink whiskey and Cognac I exercise a lot, but I have noticed I've put on a bit of weight.

>> No.15499766

Not really. I think if you drink on an empty stomach you'll process it more rapidly, but you're more likely to end up with a hangover.

>> No.15499770

this is the trick i use to get really fucked up, just like dad used to

>> No.15499780

>practice really hard, can I speed up how much alcohol my liver can process per hour
Yes but it takes years of hard drinking to get there. Switch to spirits and find one that won't give you a hangover.

>> No.15499782

Basically I want to be able to drink more, but process the alcohol faster so I don't have to worry about driving in the morning.

>> No.15500578

You can, you just need to drink a shit load of vodka each night and then when you drink beer you won't even notice.

>> No.15500618

university of iowa’s legendary “vodka samm” had a bac of .341 when she was arrested so anything’s possible

>> No.15500632

Not practically. You will get a higher tolerance but your liver still processes it at the same rate. Just make sure to eat well while drinking and to drink a glass of water before going to sleep .

Different alcohol give different drunks, but its mostly the cheap and nasty stuff giving worse angry drunk cause its full of sugar and impurities, Get some bum wine, or the cheapest plastic bottle gin and youll see. But anything passing the bare minimum of decency is mostly the same,

>> No.15500634

I've blown that before on a personal at home. I blew a .350 after a night on beer and tequila...

Regardless, I want to know if I can speed up the processing of the alcohol, not my tolerance of it.

>> No.15500646

Isn't eating just going to slow it down by giving the liver more work to do?

>> No.15500678

>spending more $$$ on alcohol

>> No.15500690

then why don’t you blow me sometime?

>> No.15500733

It will give your body nutrients which it needs to process the alcohol. Eggs are great cause you need a lot of b vitamins. Theres multiple parts of the hangover. Dehydration, nutrient and mineral salt deficiency, and a pile of acetylaldhyde in your bloodstream from alcohol breakdown. You can help with the first 2 so you only have to deal with the third.

>> No.15501145

Yellow fizzy and seltzer can make me stumble around and cry because I drink fast, so it hits quickly.

Wine and spirits just take longer to get shitfaced but you have a pleasant buzz.

Buzzed and drunk when your slurring your words and going to the bathroom are the best. Getting blackout drunk and on the verge of vomiting sucks dick.

>> No.15501183

What is yellow fizz? sparkling wine?

>> No.15501214

Yellow fizzy beer like Coors, Budweiser, etc

>> No.15501220

We're talking about dropping BAC sooner, not eliminating hangovers. The tradeoff may be a worse hangover.

>> No.15501242
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This. I want my liver to process the alcohol faster, not mask it with less of a hang over.