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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15497434 No.15497434 [Reply] [Original]

Is life worth spending time preparing meals, cooking them and then cleaning afterwards?

>> No.15497437


>> No.15497445

being a homeless bum traveler really i spent most of my day just waiting to be hungry to eat again. very comfy

>> No.15497456

Im having a hard time justifying all the work I put into food when I dont really enjoy life all that much. My situation is a product of my own choices though.

>> No.15497490

always cook for 4.
if you're single you can freeze the other 3 portions so you can be lazy 3 more times in the future.
cooking 1 portion or 4 portions takes the same amount of time so you may as well.
either you have a dishwasher, so cleaning takes 30sec of rinsing the dishes and putting them in.
or you just clean them yourself, so you just do that, takes 1min
or you go the real chad bachelor route and go with paper plates and disposable chopsticks. no cleanup needed.

>> No.15497493

What would you rather be doing. Its important to care about the basic things, it makes it easier to care about bigger things. Life has few joys; your food should at least taste good. You have to eat, so mindswell do it right. Sure if you are rich, you can get other people to cook you tasty food and be a hedonist, but anon, we aint rich.

>> No.15497511

I dont really like eating and consuming reheated food just makes it worse.
Id rather lay in bed and stare at the ceiling.

>> No.15497522

You sound terribly boring

>> No.15497524

I don't think so, and it's why I order in or eat out for most meals.

>What would you rather be doing.
Personally, desperately trying to forget how much brainpower I put into work, how much more work is always on the horizon, and how none of my life is worth it by some kind of escapism. Booze, TV, and videogames until I force myself to sleep with a pill.

>> No.15497816

You don't belong here, you must be from out of state

>> No.15497830

You just sound depressed right now. It makes it impossible to find joy in the little things, every action feels like a chore.

>> No.15497847

If you can't enjoy the act of cooking a meal then it's not for you. If you do enjoy the act of cooking a meal you will learn to be efficient in the kitchen.

>> No.15497857

What's your situation, roughly speaking?

>> No.15498215

I extremely gay, it's destroying my life

>> No.15499844

Aight keep being a fag then.

>> No.15499849

People take enjoyment from doing those thibgs?? Fuck, guess I'm depressed. Don't have the motivation, just thinking of doing shit is exhausting and I dread it.

>> No.15499869

Alone? Every day, every meal? Not really.

>> No.15499870

>Personally, desperately trying to forget how much brainpower I put into work, how much more work is always on the horizon, and how none of my life is worth it by some kind of escapism. Booze, TV, and videogames until I force myself to sleep with a pill
Same here. I wake up every day just waiting for evening so I can take sleep aid to go to sleep so the day can be over. Fuck life.

>> No.15499872

Nah. The only thing worth that kind of effort is suicide.

>> No.15499895
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Just remember /ck/ loves you, and it will make sense at the right time.

>> No.15499939

yeah it can seem like a crazy burden
used to be you could get a wife to keep house but now? well... that whole scene went the way of the dodo

>> No.15499968

If you weren't a shitty cook, your leftovers would taste good. Making a big dish to feed yourself over a couple of days is a lovely thing to do. Why would you ever cook a single portion of a slow dish?

>> No.15499973

Cooking is fun, just like painting or writing. It's a creative process.

>> No.15500247

If you don't want health issues when you are older, then yeah. It's kicking my boyfriend's butt. He's in his late thirties and is now having to cook everything himself anyway. If he'd started when he was younger he wouldn't be on meds and be constantly worried about getting sicker.

>> No.15500363

Maybe he's worn down and sick of your shit, not cooking FOR him.

>> No.15500409

It's just all so futile. Do thing, then thing is done, then do other thing and eventually you just die anyway so you might as well have saved the effort. Tedious.

>> No.15500421

>lists stuff that isn't fun
Nothing is fun.

>> No.15500446

Its worth not not doing that.

>> No.15500506

I think the problem here is not cooking, anon

>> No.15500595

No, get rich enough to pay someone else to do that for you