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File: 275 KB, 1500x1534, chocobeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15493145 No.15493145 [Reply] [Original]

>Chocolate flavored beer
I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.15493252

Dessert digestif, similar in concept to various liqueurs or alcoholic coffees (bitter and sweet - tastes like dessert and makes you shit)

>> No.15493257

Stouts are already chocolatey as it is, I'd try it.

>> No.15493274

left hand brewing milk stout is my favorite meme beer

>> No.15493292

One of my top 5 beers is Ballast Point’s Victory at Sea, a coffee and vanilla porter. If all you drink is shit tier Pilsner or Hefeweizen then it’s no surprise that a dark beer turns you off. You don’t have to be a beer snob to appreciate different types and flavors.

>> No.15493297

tastes way better than it sounds

>> No.15493359
File: 470 KB, 1000x667, Choco-Shake-6-Pack-Angle+small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try it before you knock it, it's great

>> No.15493367

keep hoping loser because i do it all the time

>> No.15493378

I don't get this obsession with fruit and chocolate flavored alcohol, just admit it, your a man child and can't enjoy the taste that a good beer or whiskey has, and need something sugary.

>> No.15493385

>other people can't like things

>> No.15493389
File: 11 KB, 400x600, ci-duclaw-sweet-baby-jesus-porter-8244a715c6afabf5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spill one of these
>Kitchen smells like candy no matter how much you clean

>> No.15493390

the problem i have with whiskey is that i'm poor and cheap whiskey tastes awful. i really only buy beer when i can't afford a 30+dollar bottle of whiskey

>> No.15493393
File: 628 KB, 1620x1620, IMG_20181117_223133_552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocolate stout is yummy

>> No.15493400

it's not even sugary, it's just beer with added flavor

all alcohol is already made from fruits and sweet grains so saying that a beer can't be flavored with adjuncts or you can't have a fruit wine is really just reddit posturing to appear as a big boy

>> No.15493408

I like simpler times basic lager and I really like botswainn IPA, some hate it cuz it does taste a little funky but it's the most unique IPA I've had, it has a lot of character

>> No.15493431

>cocoa powder
Not really chocolate-y with just that is it?

>> No.15493436

well that's what chocolate is

>> No.15493441

I've had a chocolate stout and it just tasted bitter to me.

>> No.15493444

Stouts have bitter cocoa flavor, not sweet herseys vomit that you're probably thinking of, fatty.

>> No.15493455

yeah if you want something more like a dessert with extra residual you should try something like a lefthand or southern tier flavored nitro

generally they are pretty bitter with that roasted hops flavor alone, even more with stuff like chocolate or coffee

>> No.15493522

the hops shouldn't be roasted - it gives a weird broccoli flavour.

>> No.15493538

chocolate is bitter

>> No.15493663

As cheap beers go, this is surprisingly good.

>> No.15493706

Barley is fairly sweet, especially when you let it steep at warm temperatures for a while. You can add cocoa and a bit of lactose and make some pretty convincing chocolate flavours with some mid-lovibond malts.

>> No.15493959
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>> No.15493980

>330ml beer

>> No.15493986

That says 355ml............

>> No.15494119

A lot of eurobeers come in 3.3 dL bottles.

>> No.15494183

might as well make the beer dildo shaped the masses would still guzzle it down their fucking mouths

>> No.15494197

I drink miller and I don't care who knows it

>> No.15494216
File: 154 KB, 490x686, smorebeer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever try this? Is it any good?

>> No.15494510

>goes in the mouth
Mass media has wronged you, brother.

>> No.15494521
File: 1.16 MB, 1728x2304, IMG_20201205_202903056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.15494525

I almost guarantee it's cloying, but the flavours (chocolate, vanilla, honey, biscuit) would not only go well with a sweet porter, it's entirely possible to draw them out of the malt and yeast alone. Depending on the hops used to bring it back a notch (tiny bit of hops, added about halfway through), you could even get a touch of buckwheat or clover to the "graham cracker" honey and biscuitiness of the lighter malts.

>> No.15494532
File: 151 KB, 149x550, shiner-smore-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had that one but I have had a smores brew before, pic related. Was pretty unique, I enjoyed it.

>> No.15494534


woah wut never seen that before . is that a PA exclusive ?

>> No.15494556

I live in PA and I think it is regional and seasonal. This is the first year they bottled it, it was only available on tap for the past few years. I went the other day to get more and it was already sold out for the season.

>> No.15494593

you have. chubby fingers.

>> No.15494615

I meant barley whoops

>> No.15494768

have sex.

>> No.15494778

That one in particular is literal swill. I threw away a six pack of that, could only see maybe using a bit in a chili or something. Absolutely the worst beer I’ve ever had.

>> No.15494882

I kinda gotcha, but I figured just in case. I learned the hard way (I was trying to get a skunky flavour into a pale lager)... small amounts of roasted hops blended with fresh/dried wouldn't be bad, but on it's own, it's basically damp weed with steamed broccoli.

>> No.15494892

Based PA bro

>> No.15494894

this shit was good. i dont care what anyone says especially alcohol snobs
i live in TN and they had it here around the holidays

>> No.15494901
File: 161 KB, 341x442, laughingsatania05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw stout under 9% ABV

>> No.15494922

Sometimes a thick, rich imperial dessert stout's just what the doctor ordered. Other times, half a dozen 4%ers do the trick. Sometimes I'm better off with a rum manhattan or a few doubles of scotch and my own dark thoughts.

>> No.15494931

They get bored easily and want something to spice up their beer

>> No.15494953

It's not about the alcohol for me, it's about the flavor. Higher ABV = more flavor.
Low ABV beer = 404 flavor not found.

>> No.15494967
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>> No.15494971

This and Glenfarclas 105 are so fucking good. I wish there were more great, affordable cask strength sherry bombs.

>> No.15494986

Not exactly true for things like stouts. The flavouring malts make up very little of the grain bill. The base malts (can) add body, sweetness, and alcohol percentage (depending on mashing and yeast choices), but the darker malts actually don't contribute much fermentable sugars.

>> No.15494988
File: 302 KB, 512x338, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans PLEASE explain

>> No.15494993

someone had a bad idea and went through with it.

>> No.15495001

soy + liberal arts colleges + social media

>> No.15495007

>Not exactly true for things like stouts.
My tongue tells me otherwise.

>> No.15495055

I don't know what to tell you other than Guinness is very thin. O'Hara's is creamy, sweet with quite a bit of dark caramel to it, which turns into a bitter finish that's like a shot of espresso. St. Ambroise Oatmeal Stout is somewhat dry, but the roast pops through without being overwhelming, and the oats add a flavour that's kind of like roasted chestnuts.

It's possible to make a drier high-abv stout, but higher gravity yeasts can freak out and give all kinds of fruity esters. My current batch is 12% and tastes like I made it with plums. It's not bad, but I don't think it would sell.

>> No.15495079
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, YuengHCP-Revised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like it

>> No.15495098

>spelling flavoring with a u
opinion discarded

>> No.15495113

>Spells flavouring without a 'u'
Do Americans really?

>> No.15495120

this guy fucks

>> No.15495125

wine is a fruit flavored alcohol retard
brandy is a fruit flavored alcohol

>> No.15495128

I bet these are good. Never seen it here unfortunately

>> No.15495131

That Trader Joes brand in particular is very bad.

>> No.15495132

How do they taste?

>> No.15495141

>aged in butts
now i know where the flavor comes from

>> No.15495144
File: 38 KB, 400x700, guinness-anniversary-export-stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did they stop selling this? This was unironically my favorite beer.

>> No.15495155

Tasted like Hershey's syrup but not overpowering. I wouldn't drink a whole 12 pack in one sitting but a 6 pack was good. Don't listen to these idiots here that says it tastes like puke, literally just the opposite.

>> No.15495164

So I should mix chocolate syrup with chocolate stout, got it.

>> No.15495172

friend of mine made cannabis beer that actually tasted like weed, it was great if you appreciate the taste of weed. a few people complained they didnt like it.

also once infuses eevo with flower and it came out soooo delicious, but then the times i tried it again with trim/shake, it had a strong chlorophil taste, barely any weed flavour/aroma

>> No.15495180

also sometimes ill throw an oz or two of coffee into a warm cheap pilsner fallen soilder and it taste like a stout! good for a half a beer or so but just tooo weird to be pounding them down all day

>> No.15495183

No you should mix ethylene glycol with tap water.

>> No.15495192

>left hand brewing milk stout is my favorite meme beer
the left hand nitro milk stout? i fuck with it too my nigger i got one left in the fridge still i'm about to drink it

>> No.15495290

>scots drink in spanish casks
the /his/fag in me is intrigued, only thing better would be if it was in french casks

>> No.15495332

As far as I know they were limited brewed for the anniversary only, however I've seen some still around haunting liquor store shelves. Loved 'em, they were really great beers.
If you are looking for something similar, look for Shakespeare Stout from Rogue (yeah I know Rogue is way overpriced but that one is worth the money)

>> No.15495374

me on the right

>> No.15495392

They never taste good

>> No.15495403

We've gotten some pretty great things from stupid or bad ideas, even if they usually end up exactly as should be expected.
Never let bad ideas stifle your ambition. Explore the possibilities of the universe.

>> No.15495410

>Shakespeare Stout from Rogue
Unfortunately it looks like this isn't available near me.

>> No.15495413

Costs less to print.

>> No.15495438

Flawless equation

>> No.15495526

I usually let my senses guide me on whether or not to release my discoveries to the world. Ruby Quad? Great idea, easy execution. Dry-hopped hazelnut kolsch? Not so much.

>> No.15495567

Then let's stick to the facts - roasted malts contribute very little fermentable sugar and no amylase.

>> No.15495682
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x1908, 20210130_212715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink it pussy


>> No.15496257


do you live in ohio? I got this shit at jungle jims in cincinnati and I keep going back for it too

>> No.15496283
File: 224 KB, 1080x1512, FCEAF460-1635-472F-9B43-05DB97FC3821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I guess someone better tell the Belgians they’re all manchildren then!

>> No.15496328

You're missing out on a variety of interesting flavors in lagers. Bavarian lagers can have crackery flavors with fruit like flavors from the yeast. Amazing refreshing stuff.

>> No.15496340

So it tastes like shit then?

>> No.15496347

chocolate goes with stout well, why could anyone possibly be mad about this?

>> No.15496388

Yes I do, sadly NWO ran out so I think you can only get them out of the keg at local bars close to the brewers. On my last can

>> No.15496436

A lot of “chocolate” beers are just normal beers that happen to have chocolatey notes from the roasted malts

>> No.15496441

Now this is a meme beer that probably tastes like mop water

>> No.15496444

>cheap whiskey tastes awful

>> No.15496462

Yeah or they use cacao nibs. Dessert stouts are sweet, chocolate stouts are not necessarily dessert stouts.