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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15482934 No.15482934 [Reply] [Original]

I made a thread about chicken biscuits the other day, and I was motivated to buy a Father's country ham by a Southernfag. It arrived today. About 15 pounds divided into a hock for beans/greens, a shank for to bake, and slices for frying. Should I make beans or greens with the hock? Also, ham thread.

>> No.15482943
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This is the shank end. I threw it in the freezer to have on Easter.

>> No.15483367

please post in my ham thread

>> No.15484270

fuck you /ck/

>> No.15484417

lol nobody posts in your thread

>> No.15484431

Make some red eye gravy for breakfast. Goes well with grits and eggs

>> No.15484442

I had that for dinner earlier, just on a piece of toast. Gonna make grits on Saturday, and pancakes on Sunday, and my gf's gonna make biscuits next Sunday.

>> No.15484685
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>I threw it in the freezer to have on Easter.
Confused. Don't the label on all of those say to refrigerate AFTER opening? The very nature of a "Country Ham" should allow for it to sit out with no real degradation. Hell, I have some plastic pack prosciutto in similar condition just sitting out staring back at me telling me to eat it. But I yield.

>> No.15484730

It's already sliced.

>> No.15484798

Yes, but assuming it is vacuum packed, it should still be fine.

>> No.15484816

It's not a perfect vacuum seal, and most manufacturers - including the people I bought it from - recommend freezing large hams for baking when you're not gonna eat it within a month or so. If this were an intact ham I'd definitely just leave it out.

>> No.15484888
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>> No.15484893

anyway should I make beans or greens?

>> No.15484912

How about green beans?

But really maybe some split peas

>> No.15484924

I just made ham and lentils last week, which are basically split peas. I like the green bean idea. Maybe with some chicken and noodles.

>> No.15484946


>> No.15484972

Yeah lentils are pretty much the same, never thought of that desu.

And the ham is def good in any braise or soup , have fun and enjoy anon

>> No.15485224

with the ham hock you dummy

>> No.15486184

Long live OP:s ham thread!

>> No.15486719


>> No.15487057

long term storage

>> No.15487077

so it doesn't spoil because it's giant hunk of meat. city ham is for morons.

>> No.15487103

And why would you not want it spoil? What happens then?

>> No.15487118

When it spoils, you can't eat it anymore. Wet ham is for people who like to eat spoiled meat.

>> No.15487153

Precisely, you can't eat it. Ladies and gentlemen, let the record show on this day that it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that ham is indeed, for eating.

>> No.15487159

Yes, and you can't eat spoiled meat, and wet ham spoils very quickly. Wet ham defeats the purpose of ham because you can't eat it.

>> No.15487168

>Wet ham defeats the purpose of ham because you can't eat it.
You literally can eat wet ham.

>> No.15487172

For like a week, then it's spoiled. Enjoy your food waste.

>> No.15487175

So you concede, the purpose of ham is to eat.

>> No.15487181

The only point I care to make is that wet cured ham defeats the purpose of ham, whatever that purpose may be.

>> No.15487188

It does not defeat the purpose of ham, because the purpose of ham is to eat. If you can eat it, the purpose is not defeated.

>> No.15487202

You can't eat spoiled food without getting sick.

>> No.15487227

It sounds to me like the point your trying to make but are too retarded to is wet cured ham defeats the purpose of CURING it, not the purpose of the ham itself.

>> No.15487247

Ham is a cured meat product.

>> No.15487268

Very good anon. Ham is a cured meat product and its purpose it to be eaten. Curing is a process of which the purpose is to make meat last long.

>> No.15487272

I'm glad you finally admit you agree with me. That'll be all.

>> No.15487280

Country ham is so fucking shitty
Just tastes like salt
The only thing it's good for is throwing in fucking green beans, inedible on its own

>> No.15487302

I don't agree with you. Your original point was that wet cured ham defeats the purpose of ham. You were incorrect, the purpose of ham it to eat. What you meant was wet cured ham defeats the purpose of curing it, which isn't entirely true because its cured like that to make it taste that way, not necessarily to make it last long, therefore not defeating its purpose of tasting like ham.

>> No.15487312

transitive property. you agree with me; you just used more steps to say what I was saying

>> No.15487319

you lost this one m8

>> No.15487322

Lost what? There was no argument. It was just two people agreeing with each other.

>> No.15487340

No, I agree with the point that you were too retarded to articulate properly by saying shit like "you can't eat wet cured ham".

>> No.15487344

I said that'll be all. We're in agreement, and this is the last (You) you'll be getting from me.

>> No.15487363
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>act like a retard
>bro you can't eat wet cured ham
>bro we're both right, trust me
I hope for your sake you were only pretending to be retarded all along

>> No.15487409

>bro you can't eat wet cured ham
nobody said that lol. based schizoposter

>> No.15487526

>Wet ham defeats the purpose of ham because you can't eat it.

>> No.15487533


>> No.15487538

>continues to act retarded

>> No.15487541

>bro you should have known what I meant when I said that retarded shit, use your critical thinking
How about don't be retarded in the first place

>> No.15487588

based samefag

>> No.15487597

I wasn't trying to pretend those both weren't me, I though of a better post right after I posted the first one. Coincidentally, the point of both is that you're retarded.

>> No.15487607

>confused old man continues to ramble, still thinks he's in a non-existent argument
kek, please never stop posting

>> No.15487623

>retarded anon doesn't realize he's retarded and keeps posting out of anger after saying he wouldn't post anymore
Please do stop posting

>> No.15488180

Just got back from running errands. Please make another post so I can continue to be intrigued by your unique - anne frankly, mesmerizing - mind.