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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15481488 No.15481488 [Reply] [Original]

So if you putting olive oil in your boiling water is a meme, and you're not supposed to wash the pasta after it's cooked, then how do you prevent it from sticking?

>> No.15481489

stir it NOOB

>> No.15481493

I meant after it's out of the water

>> No.15481498

How fucking long does it take you to add the sauce?

>> No.15481500


>> No.15481502

Anon, are you boiling the water before you add the pasta or letting it sit in water before it boils?

There's a difference.

>> No.15481516

I boil the water and then put the pasta in. But with some pasta brands I've noticed it sticks more often

>> No.15481520

After it's out of the water, you mix it with the sauce.

>> No.15481529

I would say shorten the boiling time. Sticky or gummy pasta can be the result of taking in too much water.

>> No.15481725

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.15481743

Alana Haim

>> No.15481819
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Just buy it pre-prepared.

>> No.15481825

is that slut eating on the bed?

>> No.15481827

That looks awful.

>> No.15481848

Save some of the pasta water before you dump it out, mix it with that when you put it back in the pot.

Also put some of the that water into your sauce, it's salty and starchy and can make your sauce better

>> No.15481865

the haim sisters always look so trashy

>> No.15481875

As soon as your pasta is 80-90% of the way cooked, you take it and mix it with your sauce to finish cooking. The only exception is for sauces that are very temperature sensitive, like carbonara, in which case you should fully cook the pasta and then mix it with the sauce.

Sticking comes either from overcooking or from allowing the pasta to sit in the colander or whatever and start to cool- put it into the sauce straight away and it won't be an issue.

>> No.15481882

no to both, yes; it sticks because you boil it in small volume of water

>> No.15481892

I pull it when its almost cooked and drain it in a collander. Pour olive oil over it in the collander. It wont stick.

>> No.15481933

lower the quality on image and reveal booba!

>> No.15481938

Not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.15481956

either pam or white lithium if they are real stubborn

>> No.15481980
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i really don't understand when foreigners make this question, it leads me to think that pasta abroad is of scarce quality

>> No.15482016

it's definitely different because i see cooking times are way shorter than here but abroad most people are not used to eat pasta al dente, so pastamakers probably use differents types of semolina to adapt to foreigner taste

>> No.15482054

What's normal cooking time for say, course spaghetti?

>> No.15482098
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14 minutes and it's still al dente

>> No.15482108

UN food rations are a lot more glamorous than I thought...

>> No.15482121

is this a joke or something anon

>> No.15482124

Rapeseed oil spray.

>> No.15482125

>olive oil in water is wrong
>I am too retarded to realize why

people like you who cook by these one sentence rules will never make it
if you understand why it is wrong to put it into the water, you got your answer
same with "don't wash the pasta"

>> No.15482156

There's nothing funny about living in a 3rd world shit hole. :^)

>> No.15482183

seethe more

>> No.15482186

Oh sweatie, calm down now. :^)

>> No.15482206

i am not the one who is sperging out

>> No.15483721

once it drained, drizzle olive oil and stir. alternatively you could just cover it all with the sauce, but I like to mix them on a per-plate basis

>> No.15484312

shut up nigger

>> No.15484344


>> No.15484404


>> No.15484500

stir oil/butter into the pasta AFTER cooked and drained. droplets of oil floating around in the water that you're just going to be dumping doesn't do anything

>> No.15484518

fuck bros I love horsefaced skanks so fucking much

>> No.15484539

Just salt in boiling water, add pasta and stir every few minutes.

>> No.15484542
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knew it

>> No.15485807

Ladle a bit of sauce in, stir it around. That can keep the pasta fresh and unstuck for hours on the stove. Stupid fucks itt never had food before.

>> No.15486076

stir the pasta
if youre serving immediately, dont add anything, just sauce it and hand it out
if u need a little bit of time, just a splash of cold water and a drizzle
if youre doing day prep, completely cool it in cold/ice water and a good glug of oil

oiled pasta wont absorb sauces as well though

>> No.15486128

They say gatekeeping is bad, but you have to ask yourself, wtf are you doing with your life if you can't even fucking cook pasta.
Just stick to cereal.

>> No.15486162

Only americans would go to asian fastfood resto to eat spaghetti with fries on the side. Uncultured

>> No.15486513

It's not a meme. When you boil the water for pasta you use a liberal amount of olive oil and a lot of salt.

>> No.15486690

It's because it is a waste of olive oil. It doesn't do anything, and if you cook the pasta correctly, you don't need anything to prevent sticking. Pour oil into a standing glass of water and tell me what that does to the bottom of the glass where the pasta sits.

>> No.15486918

It's when you take the pasta out of the water it coats it you fucking retread.

>> No.15486926

Roasties are fuckin hideous lol. This bitch looks like Adam Driver

>> No.15486947

put salt in the water.

>> No.15486950

You add the sauce to the pasta right after draining it you stupid fucking retard. Only white trash shitdickinsons boil pasta and then leave it out undressed like they do with their whore trailer park butt daughters. Kill yourself and get raped on the way down dickfucko also thqt OP looks like some reddit goblin. Disgusting and unforgivable

>> No.15486959

no it doesnt you dumbfuck

>> No.15487067

Hot pit

>> No.15487075

flour the noodles before boiling

>> No.15487090
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>> No.15487135

A lot of people say they add oil to the water specifically to stop it from sticking while it cooks. And if it was just meant to coat the pasta after it's done cooking, you could drain it and then add it back to the pot with some oil to avoid pouring oil down the drain every time.

To stop the pasta from sticking while it cooks, just keep stirring it for the first few minutes after you put it into the boiling water. The reason it sticks is because some starch gets released during cooking and bonds with nearby pasta, forming a solid mass. If you keep stirring the pasta, then the starch doesn't have time to stick to anything else. And then just keep stirring it every minute or two until it's done. I never have pasta stick when just regularly stirring it.

To stop it from sticking after it's done cooking, put your sauce on it right away. Or if you're going to be using it for pasta salad or something, that's when it's okay to rinse it and get the extra starch off which also prevents sticking.

>> No.15487161

Nicole? Wtf? Is that really you? WHY ARE YOU EATING SPAGHETTI IN BED?! AAAAAAA that would something you'd do

>> No.15487224


>> No.15487244

This. If your pasta is sticking together after you remove it from the pan it's probably overcooked. Aim for a little more than al dente (the pasta continues to cook for a minute or so after you remove it from the water) and your issue should be resolved.

>> No.15487253

Filipino cuisine is one of the world's worst. Actually worse than British or American cuisine.

>> No.15487288

what is it like? British cuisine is truly terrible. American cuisine isn't a very meaningful category. It is true that an inordinate amount of american's eat dogshit food, but I'm not sure that amounts to their "cuisine". There's too many different kinds of food there.

>> No.15487353

They put hotdogs in spaghetti. They eat eggs with chicks inside of them, look up balut. My school cafeteria was owned by Flips and served Filipino food basically exclusively. Every day was a new adventure in how Filipinos would try and fail to replicate Western culinary traditions.
Jollibee's is a Filipino ethnic restaurant, so the best Filipino food you could get would be there and even that is absolutely bizarre imitations of mutt grub.

>> No.15487365

I'd try balut. Didn't know it was specifically Filipino. It sounds like what you're saying is Filipino attempts at serving americans their own cuisine sucks. They don't just eat balut everyday. So what exactly is their cuisine and what makes it the worst?

>> No.15488458
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> you need to mix two preparations that need to be prepared separately and require different time
> One of them cannot wait once it's finished
> OMG how do I solve this sphinx like riddle

I'm starting to think that amerimutts are really all retarded. It's not even a matter of cooking, just basic reasoning

>> No.15488657

get your eyes checked

>> No.15488688

Only because it's fake. There's no way that's real food, it has to be a prop. Even the coke looks weird.

>> No.15488689

How the fuck do you make it stick, is the real question. It has literally never happened to me in my whole life. How long are you leaving it in the pan, 40 minutes? And you should put the sauce in just after it's cooked, and eat it straight away.

>> No.15488705

she needs to wash her hair

>> No.15488716

We don't have "pasta" in the southern United States. If it's plain, people call it noodles. If it has a red sauce, people call it spaghetti. If it has a white sauce, people won't eat it. I'm aware of how stupid this is, but being a food elitist is cringe.

>> No.15489727

What tiny no-horse town do you live in? I live in the south and we have some legit Italian restaurants with marsalas and carbonaras and shit. It's no New Jersey/ New York, but it gets the job done.

>> No.15489829

What a pack of horse-faced uggos. This thread sucks.

>> No.15489871


>> No.15489872

I bet she'd let you cum on her tits. You can tell because she doesn't twirl her noodles. She'd definitely twirl yours though.

>> No.15490348

Harlingen, Texas. Basically every restaurant is Mexican. Most people don't even know where Italy is. I've been to a few other states and the same rules apply when it comes to pasta.

>> No.15490443
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>> No.15490452
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checked heil hortler

>> No.15490967

people who eat in bed are horrible, horrible people. few things unnerve me more

>> No.15490971

she's getting sauce on the bed

>> No.15491490

when did this become so complicated?
just boil some water, add salt, add pasta, scroll the interwebs for 10 min, take out the pasta, add hot sauce.

>> No.15491493

you lube it with some butter

>> No.15491499

Why would you want it not to stick? If it all gloms together you can eat it like a pizza.

>> No.15491503 [DELETED] 
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Do you ever just make a big pot of stew and slowly devour it all over the course of an hour?

>> No.15491509

Sticky pasta is awful

>> No.15491513

>Most people don't even know where Italy is
the problem isnt with pasta

>> No.15491519

oil it afterwards
do you really think the oil floating on the water will coat it as you pull it out?

>> No.15491963

I want to smell her dirty hair.

>> No.15493534

Can you imagine eating spaghetti off her bare tits in bed

>> No.15493567

Do people seriously pull pasta out of boiling water instead of draining it?

>> No.15494199

Mix the pasta and the sauce in a pan. Make sure to throw a little bit of the pasta water alongside the pasta to make sauce of a better consitency

>> No.15494345

Here's my method:
1. Boil water
2. Add a decent amount of salt
3. Add pasta
4. Drain pasta when it's done
5. Add sauce

Literally never sticks