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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 600x400, The-Effects-of-Drinking-Black-Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15477855 No.15477855 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people pretend to enjoy their coffee black? Milk and sugar at least make the dirty bean water taste tolerable. I thoroughly convinced by this point that black coffee enthusiasts are pretentious masochists.

>> No.15477865

I thought the same but it turns out good coffee tastes fine on its own.

>> No.15477878

I know who you are and we've done this song and dance like a thousand fucking times now. Decent coffee has more complex flavours than "bitter" and it also depends on how you brew it.

>> No.15477882

Yeah. And so?

>> No.15477901

>Why do people pretend to enjoy their coffee black?
Because not all coffee tastes like bitter shit when black.

>> No.15477907

buy better coffee poorfag

>> No.15477927

Why do you pretend you're not a toddler-palated subhuman?

>> No.15477931

What are you rambling on I like my coffee black with plenty of milk and sugar? This is how I order it at my local cafe

>> No.15477936

I know it's garbage, but I like that garbage.

>> No.15477944
File: 32 KB, 720x727, vya7qb3yrwk41[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black coffee makes my tummy hurt. I just need a splash of half and half/cream

>> No.15477951
File: 335 KB, 438x678, 1595874515153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the type of coffee you drink. If you're at hortons or mcdicks, it's swill and you should do as you wish. But a local roaster, you owe them to try it as is at least once. Just flatly dumping two creams and sugars in anything is insulting to a complex roast; take a sip and think about what you're missing before you chug it down. I personally don't like sweet coffee. Its a bitter drink, and like alcohol, it should taste like what it is rather than be hidden in something else, but the only way I got there is because I was too cheap for cream in college and learned to drink it. In fact, I usually prefer room temperature coffee thats sat out for a bit so its less acidic.

Long story short, either you like things for what they are, or you should get something else. Some like espresso and Turkish coffee, others like Kirkland breakfast blend k cups. The only insult is in not trying something new and nuanced.

>> No.15477959

good coffee tastes best black, it's nice, mellow and complex. the burnt, bitter, stale shit most people are used really is better with milk though.

>> No.15478015

I've got the same problem as you. I like black coffee but I usually don't drink it first thing in the morning as the acidity of the coffee without milk makes me stomach churn.

Any way to remedy this?

>> No.15478024

Because I hate everything that's white.

>> No.15478041

adjust your brew to extract less acid

>> No.15478080
File: 67 KB, 640x474, And just think of the braps after ^.^.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're dieting.

>> No.15478089

>I dont like x
>that means people who like x, are pretending!

>> No.15478094
File: 176 KB, 744x1092, autistic child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't laugh at OP, anon, he can't help it...

>> No.15478107
File: 50 KB, 600x450, 1599868041887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I need to shake off an opiate high in the early morning then black coffee quickly down the hatch would help.
I don't enjoy coffee, it's purely functional.

>> No.15478122

dangerously based

>> No.15478124

Maybe you buy shit coffee and you get what you deserve as a tastelet poorfag.

>> No.15478148

i drink a lot of coffee so adding milk or sugar every time is too sweet throughout the day or just too much dairy for me

>> No.15478150

I literally started drinking coffee black because I didn't want to dirty a spoon to bother cleaning afterwards to stir it. Just pour and go. I legitimately like it black now, but if I'm ordering it from somewhere I will opt for a latte/cappuccino or w/e

>> No.15478160

black coffee is fine lately ive been using heavy cream tho ayylmao

>> No.15478173

>Complain about black coffee drinkers on a Hawaiian totem-carving board
>They just be pretentious

Sure, whatever you say, tranny.

>> No.15478183

>i don't know how to brew
>i don't know what specialty coffee is
>isn't starbucks salted caramel great coffee guise?

Kys shitty troll, now go back to plebit

>> No.15478187

Do they? I like it but it must be a good espresso, otherwise I do a little sugar, or depends on mood sometimes you just don't want it sweet

>> No.15478225

i like my coffee 65 coffee and 35 milk

>> No.15478285

Toddler-palated subhumans are taking back their comfort.

>> No.15478347

If you like it, why do you consider it "garbage"?