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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15472363 No.15472363 [Reply] [Original]


Fuck Nestlé particularly, I hope they burn in hell

>> No.15472371

I like nestea

>> No.15472390

Won't that make the slaves unemployed?

>> No.15472391

>$6 for one 6.5 oz bar

LMAO for that price I'll keep contributing to the slave labor thanks

>> No.15472411

>remove the secret ingredient
>sell product anyway
Enjoy your shitty slave-free chocolate

>> No.15472413

Just like those filthy leftists to stab the working man in the back while saying they're on his side.

>> No.15472449

Where can I buy chocolate made with extra slaves?

>> No.15472466

where can i buy the female slaves?

>> No.15472473

Why are you trying to take the only work that 3rd word peasants have away from them? Now they’ll just actually die

>> No.15472475

surely as far as slave labor goes making kitkats has to be pretty comfortable

>> No.15472496

Based value signalling dutch jews.

I don't quite see how picking a couple lottery winners in Ghana/Ivory coast and paying them more than their neighbours really helps much ... but keep throwing money at Tony.

>> No.15472533

You're going to want to look for Chocolonialism
Heart of Darkness 95% is pretty excellent

>> No.15472552

Why do people always hate on nestle?

>> No.15472560

tony is very good fuck you nazi

>> No.15472565

because they think, wrongly, that the belgians were too harsh in their treatment of the congolese

>> No.15472573

Stealing clean drinking water from the Great Lakes is a start

>> No.15472577

they offered African babies an alternative to hiv aids milk

>> No.15472582

Slaves should all die
I am glad my chocolate will have nothing to do with such disgusting creatures

>> No.15472583

why do people on 4chan care about that?

>> No.15472596

nestle chocolate is shit chocolate
everything they make is shit
they destroy everything they touch

>> No.15472627

Like I'm going to pay Tony's prices for a KitKat.

>> No.15472643

>give dirt farmers “free samples” of powder milk
>A free sample which lasts for just enough time for women to stop lactating
>Sell them powder milk
>Buy doctors to shill your product and say that it is better than real mother’s milk
>Actually, your powder milk is so shit that manny children die of malnutrition
>Buy property upstream
>Close the river
>sell overpriced bottler water extracted from the source of the river to the people downstream, currently in a drought

To be fair, most are crimes against brown people

>> No.15472647

But im pro slavery

>> No.15472684

>they destroy everything they touch
one of the most profitable companies in the world, creating jobs, infrastructure and driving innovation.

>> No.15472694

Nigger that's my lake, Nestle can fuck off.

>> No.15472702

>Midwestern faggots poison and polute the Missouri, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers.
>Have the gall to bitch about Nestle taking some water from the Great Lakes.

>> No.15472720

this is your chance to rub libtard's noses in their own hypocrisy, and you are wasting it on being ironic

>> No.15472733

stealing or purchasing?

>> No.15472736

how do we know Tony doesn't use slaves too?

>> No.15472757

So it's just more expensive? No thanks.

>> No.15472829

Why do corporations think their customers want to be morally chastised?

>> No.15472832

Fact: all great nations and trades were built on the backs of slavery.
Slavery is a good thing.

>> No.15472837

I used to work with people from tony's

>> No.15472842

nestle is legitimately a horrific company

>> No.15472860


>> No.15472862

they make sweets how bad could they possibly be

>> No.15472880

Underrated post.

>> No.15472914

Their products are generally trash.

>> No.15472923
File: 1.78 MB, 1100x619, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their source for cocoa comes from shitty countries where parents sell their kids to have them work on cocoa plantations. you can care or not care but that's what people are butthurt about

>> No.15472941

They won't die, they'll just immigrate into your first world country and become your neighbor.

>> No.15472988

>giving a shit about niggers
I only buy chocolate without additives and make my own bars.

>> No.15472998

this is like point 1 out of 100

>> No.15472999

As long as they don't make too much noise and leave their garbage cans at the curb, I won't really care all that much.

>> No.15473003

Cool but i cant read that word, terrible branding

>> No.15473013

Did nestle violate your back hole?

>> No.15473027
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>implying I don't exclusively buy products made from slave labor
Chocolate, cashews, avocados, iPhones, the list goes on and on.

>> No.15473044


>> No.15473049

>Heart of Darkness 95%
man, that's a really good name for a chocolate

>> No.15473052

>taking pride in the flag of failure
Do Americucks really?

>> No.15473077

just the retarded ones

>> No.15473129

Nothing wrong with slavery. At least someone looks after them because they're property unlike with every-man-for-himself rootless cosmopolitanism. Also it gets me affordable treats.

>> No.15473169

That's a good one

>> No.15473176

I had a paper route and my grandparents started working at age 12, who cares if some darkies gotta work to live in a shithole country

>> No.15473183

they don't get paid and get mutilated if they don't work/attempt to escape. did you?

>> No.15473188

no but I wasn't a slave, you retarded muppet.

>> No.15473196

Wrong nigger. They choose to work a shitty job imported from the west for shit pay because otherwise they just won’t have a job.

>> No.15473219

Exceptional post. Multi-leveled wit. Here's a (you).
This isn't ironic, just giving (you) more (you)'s because (you)'ve earned it.
/ck/ doesn't deserve (you)

>> No.15473251

holy shit, I fucking love nestle now

>> No.15473322
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>> No.15473345

can the entire african population fit tho?

>> No.15473348

buy your chocolate from wallmart

>> No.15473358

hack off enough limbs and it should be doable

>> No.15473363

Did they really think free samples would last forever? Come on, man.

>> No.15473370

>new tax comes in
>nestle pays literally $2.50 for a million liters (not including tax grants)
>citizens pay 10% more for water
Thanks Harper and Trudeau

>> No.15473382

So you are saying that they do family planning for people who cant do it on their own?

>> No.15473404

>LMAO for that price I'll keep contributing to the slave labor thanks
t. voted Biden

>> No.15473437

you know you will lose your phone with that attitude, rght? And all the made in china products you own.

>> No.15473445

sound pretty based.

>> No.15473470

>muh phone
We'd all be better off without shiity smart phones.

>> No.15473779

I would give up my phone away if it meant that slave kind would stop mocking the concept on consciousness with their existence

>> No.15473797
File: 69 KB, 512x512, 38622F16-65BF-4F4B-AFAE-EE7B19DEAA3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nestle had the best chocolate bars but I can’t find them any more :(

>> No.15473820

That's fucking good.

>> No.15474215


>> No.15474248

>made with slaves

I didn't know my favorite chocolate was made of human flesh!

It's made BY slaves you ESL retards

>> No.15474258

>not advocating for WHITE Chocolonialism
one drop rule, Milk Chocolate is not exempt

>> No.15474263

have never bought that brand but definitely won't now. fuck your woke campaign.

>> No.15474294

Tony's is based. Their packaging and bars make me feel like I'm eating a wonka bar from the movies. And their toffee pretzel is good as fuck

>> No.15474406

There was some article that predicted that the world population could fit into america if 100% of the land was converted to urban areas with the density of LA

>> No.15474419

>>Actually, your powder milk is so shit that manny children die of malnutrition
Wtf I love nestle now

>> No.15474741

>Woke campaign
>Not buying slavery chocolate

>> No.15475427

I recently tried Tonys chocolate and it's pretty based desu. The caramel and pretzel one is really good, but it's really not worth the price

>> No.15475455

How? It's good quality and I eat maybe half in a sitting and save the other half for later. I don't buy sweets often so I don't really have an issue with the price

>> No.15475525

>To be fair, most are crimes against brown people
So , no crimes at all?
fuck shitskins

>> No.15475537


>> No.15475548

>dude, this guy wants to own the rain

>> No.15475555


>> No.15475559

Is it employment if you're not paid?

>> No.15475569
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>> No.15475610

I care about saving money not muh fair trade

>> No.15475623

The most evil thing they do is give free baby formula to new moms until their milk dries up and they have to then buy it from them. They also don't pay for bottling water in California which has drought conditions. And then there's the fact that they can't guarantee they don't use child slave labor to harvest cocoa beans in Africa. I think there's more but that's the QRD

>> No.15475653
File: 93 KB, 640x640, 86969887-22FC-45BF-B724-F31341D12383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy so much more chocolonely if they didn’t include the guilt trip with every bar. Love the taste, portions, wrapping (fuck any chocolate bar wrapped in plastic) and variety, but despise them writing their idiotic manifesto on the wrapper.

>> No.15475657
File: 705 KB, 2318x2888, 66967882-26E2-47CB-BB29-A91A0430B4E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that’s the reddit party line

>> No.15475658

what happens to a work horse when it's no longer of use? it gets shot behind the barn

same thing here. You think the salves will be kept alive? nah, they should be grateful someone has some value for them

>> No.15475678

I don't follow

>> No.15475739

>I don't follow
Lol that’s literally all you do

>> No.15475846

anon you aren't making sense

>> No.15475863

If dark chocolate is made from slaves does that mean white chocolate is made from Slavs?

>> No.15475884

> Implying the Midwest is an entire hivemind hellbent on shitting in Lake Erie
Anon, I...

>> No.15475892

The slaves who made that chocolate made minimum wage so it all works out.

>> No.15475909

don't care
just give me chocolate bars that don't cost $5 and are marginally better than big brand one

>> No.15475925

That's actually what they are about.

>> No.15475983

It's not even a hard job. Like picking cotton. Chillin w my niggas

>> No.15476156

but where will daddy and mommy work now?

>> No.15476157

we're about to find out...

>> No.15476180
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libtards eat that shit up

>> No.15476182

>As long as they don't make too much noise

ask how I know you have never had to live in close proximity to African-Americans if u think they are quiet lole ur in for a fun surprise

>> No.15476201

He's a schizo. Kindly suggest that he should take his meds.

>> No.15476264

real shame you didn't have a diet of powdered milk anon

>> No.15476296

That's a hard pass for me. The thought of people suffering and oppressed in order to manufacture my sweet treat makes it all the more sweeter and enjoyable.

>> No.15476305

How did you get this based?

>> No.15476308

>the meek shall inherit the earth
no they shall not

>> No.15476341

There's nothing wrong with this
>clown frog
Never mind you're just a tard.

>> No.15476376

I literally want to repeal the 13th amednment

>> No.15476605

That bearded pepe is never far away from a couple laughs.

>> No.15477966

best post on /ck/, perhaps in all of 4chan, at the moment

>> No.15478377

It should be noted that this happened in Africa.

>> No.15478704

A QRD that was repeated twice already before your reply. Fuck off.

>> No.15478749

can i get a QRD on this post?

>> No.15478878

I love how it melts in your mouth, not in your hands. Because they chop the hands off al their employees.

>> No.15478886

>There's nothing wrong with this
Explain what's good about it.

>> No.15478893

brb getting some more nestle

>> No.15478921
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you mean I have been eating slaves all these years?

>> No.15478954

Cool I'm gonna go buy a crate of Crunch bars.

>> No.15478975

buy your own slaves and make it at home, it's cheaper

>> No.15479016

They are paid in food, it is more than they will have on their own, sadly.

Also, it is quite childish to believe that ending chocolate's involvement in slave labor would somehow end said labor, they will just use the slave for mining camps or as child soldiers or whatever.

>> No.15480061


>> No.15480082
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yes i know the hands have nothing to do with colonialism

>> No.15480124
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The buy and privatize water in 3rd world countries.
Nestle CEO quoted saying "water is not a human right"

>> No.15480143


>> No.15481091
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>> No.15481096
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>Nestle CEO quoted saying "water is not a human right"
They got so tired of people saying this that the CEO actually made a video responding to it.
I'm not defending Nestle, I just don't like it when people repeat shit they heard without checking if it's true.

>> No.15481099

now the pigs have taken over the wolves' jobs too

>> No.15481112


>> No.15481114
File: 474 KB, 240x138, JovialSneakyCrossbill-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get free meals and housing and also exercise and entertainment in the form of mandingo fights. what's to complain about?

>> No.15481119

Why do you think the "chocolate" is brown?

>> No.15481136

Hey, want to come over to my house and be my slave? You can sleep in my garden shed and I'll feed you two unsalted crackers and a half glass of water every day. All you have to do in return is all of my yard and house work. If you do a really good job I won't beat you everyday and I promise I won't shoot you in the head :^) when you start slacking.

>> No.15481139

But what if I like being beaten, master UwU?

>> No.15481146

Yeah, do you need help understanding context?

>> No.15481148

You earned that (You)

>> No.15481155

I purposely buy nestle products. Food made by slaves taste amazing ngl

>> No.15481201

it's literally impossible to break the food oligarchy. There's a reason they get a way with literal slave labor in the first place

>> No.15481257

do you need help not being a nigger and actually sourcing your claims, subhuman?

>> No.15481672

I honestly don't care if any product I consume is made with "slaves".

>> No.15481673

This. I hope it's made with more slaves so hopefully the cost will go down.

>> No.15482627


A former CEO said water being a human right is an "extreme solution".

>> No.15482632

God people are such babies. Either buy it or don't buy it. Simple as.

>> No.15482656

Are you stupid or do you just not understand English/German?

>> No.15482679

He's not even wrong about it if you think about the legal implications of declaring water a "human right" and therefore turning a valuable and limited resource into a good that should be available to everyone for free in undefined/unlimited quantities.

>> No.15482807

It's even funnier when you remind them that certain indian tribes like the Cherokee and Seminole fought for the Confederacy.

>> No.15482819

Peak American.

>> No.15482841

If the alternative was starving on a plot of dirt until a rival tribe came to rape and eat me, that'd be a huge step up. You also get a pension and retirement plan.

>> No.15482843

Bet it costs a lot of money for a fucking bar of that though.
Faggots eat chocolate bars because they're cheap and taste good, no one fucking cares if it was made by some nigger slave, this is just the truth.

>> No.15482848

at least some are probably into BDSM and for them it's gotta be a dream job

>> No.15482871

No but they didnt think their breastmilk would dry up by the time the free sample was done.

>> No.15482891


>> No.15483376

Potable water access is a major concern concern.

>> No.15483389

>delete this you LOST
lmao this pic hit a nerve

>> No.15483532

I am going to exclusively buy Nestlé from now to support slavery

>> No.15483563

Oh no the heckin childrenarinos have to work earn a living woe is me

>> No.15483609

These articles always ignore a million factors which will make their pipedreams impossible.

>> No.15483724
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I do like the Idea of not eating something that has been touched by a Nigger, on the other hand I miss out on the feeling that someone suffered to make the product I'am coonsuming with no second though. Dang
That is not a clever analogy if you are referring to cops...

>> No.15483904
File: 28 KB, 518x280, 1E1E0598-F569-4BB8-89EF-8359250D62A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread will die soon which is unfortunate because I wanted to talk about how fucking HORRIBLE the shape of Tony’s chocolate bars are. You can’t bite directly into the bar because the indents are so thick, nor can you break it apart easily because it’s so irregularly shaped. It’s pretty average tasting chocolate too

>> No.15484196

It's not like I was gonna buy some bullshit called "Chocolonely" to begin with. Fuck you Tony

>> No.15484235

>bitter truth
Bitter is good. Cocoa is bitter. Fuck America.

>> No.15484293

2/3 correct