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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15467432 No.15467432 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate, /ck/?

>> No.15467439

left column are shit but i use both on the right. iodized salt to protect my thyroid gland and lemon juice for sweet tea

>> No.15467449

Wtf bros I use those things

>> No.15467464

minced garlic tasted like fermented cum
Kraft Parmesan "cheese" is just sawdust and salt

>> No.15467471

anyone can make good food with expensive, fresh ingredients. takes a good cook to make good food using shitty ingredients. respect your elders

>> No.15467474

Weird, it says it’s cheese.

>> No.15467475

I think the problem here is not mincing garlic, shredding parmesan or squeezing lemon juice because of laziness

>> No.15467476

oyyyy veyyyy dis salt's not kosha

>> No.15467481

Nice try Moishe, I'm not using your jew salt. Get fucked.

>> No.15467489

>not using iodized salt
You're gonna get goiter

>> No.15467496

i agree with all these besides the minced garlic. that shit is a pain in the ass to mince and has the same flavor you autist.

>> No.15467525

This one made /r/gatekeeping seethe and cope

>> No.15467544

Anyone who has ever worked in a restaurant can confirm we all use jarred garlic, both whole clove and minced. RealLemon was oddly hit or miss. Anyone thinking a pizzeria went with fresh parmesan is fucking retarded. Iodized salt is just plain table salt.

>> No.15467551

Can you stay there please

>> No.15467559

>NooOooOOoOOoo my secret club!!!!!!
Make me faggot

>> No.15467562

If you're cooking in a restaurant I can understand trying to find shortcuts, but home cooks can't take as much time as they want mincing garlic or squeezing lemon
I buy shredded parmesan because it's a lot cheaper

>> No.15467572

You're so dense you think that is what I was saying lol

>> No.15467577

Bro how did you get this pic of my moms fridge?

>> No.15467583
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>> No.15467588

I get the garlic, parmesan, and lemon juice but anyone complaining about iodized salt is just pretentious.

>> No.15467599

THAT minced garlic is filth and more expensive than fresh garlic.
THAT lemon juice sucks cock and lemons are cheap.
Kraft parm is just dried dog cum flakes
Iodized salt is fine though

>> No.15467623

Commit suicide pleeeeeeeeeeease ty

>> No.15467644

preminced garlic is less flavorful, but can still work fine in many recipes if you just add extra, as long garlic is not the star of the recipe. Also there's no one on earth who can tell the difference between different salts apart from finishing sprinkles on top. I love kosher salt but you're the worst kind of faggot if you pretend you can tell a difference when seasoning a soup.

>> No.15467673

I stocked up for corona in Jan 2020 and I still have a huge jar of minced garlic. Shits not great but it’s not inedible

>> No.15467685

Ppl who advocate for copper flavored salt are the same retards who dont realize how cheap kelp/iodine supplements are
Or shit if you dont wanna gulp pills, just eat some kelp if you really wanna be creative

>> No.15467763

Are you complaining about the salt as in people use too much of it, or are you saying people should only use pink salt or sea salt or some other fancy shit?

>> No.15467779

>and lemon juice for sweet tea
buy a real lemon. youre welcome.

>> No.15467780

My point is that there's nothing wrong with using these ingredients. People straight up pay to eat out while those are used.

>> No.15467786

>I think the problem here is not mincing garlic, shredding parmesan or squeezing lemon juice because of laziness
100% this. your food will be 10x better if you stop cutting corners that dont need to be cut.

>> No.15467787 [DELETED] 

use it or loose it so to speak

>> No.15467789

>sea salt: exists

>> No.15467802

>Anyone who has ever worked in a restaurant can confirm we all use jarred garlic
we minced our own because we had a food processor and containers to keep minced garlic in. sucks to work in a shitty restaurant like you, i guess.

>> No.15467812

a plum-size individual lemon with barely any juice=$0.60
32 oz bottle of 100% lemon juice=$2.48

>> No.15467826

>lemon juice
why? a lemon costs just a few cents. Is it too hard to stick a fork inside one and squeeze?

>> No.15467851

Because lemon juice will last forever in the fridge instead of rotting 5 days after you stabbed a handful of drops out of it to go on your scampi

>> No.15467857

lemons like onions last a month or more though

>> No.15467875

Are you a fuckin retard or something? Slice up a lemon into wedges and save the rest in a ziploc bag and put it in the fridge

>> No.15467890

Pussy eat the whole lemon and youll get your moneys worth if youre legit gonna try using economics as an excuse
I eat raw lemons as a snack
As long as you're not bleeding the lemon and leaving it to dry, theres plenty of juice
Just bash lemons into a bowl and use strainer then store in bottle/glass

>> No.15467926

>this was all it took to confuse the reditor sending him into rage

>> No.15467931
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your teeth must be in great shape

>> No.15467971

no matter how hard i try to only get the garlic, and not the juice(i think its citric acid), some juice gets in there and fucks it all up. its not nearly as good as fresh garlic

>> No.15468062

They are
What are you implying

>> No.15468091

Not him but the peels will erode weaker teeth after a while

>> No.15468098

Not him, but yea this. These convenience products might save you a minute or two but the quality is notably worse. Plus, anyone would become faster at these tasks by simply doing them more often, thus saving time.

>> No.15468192


Garlic bulbs lasts for months in the fridge you lazy fucks. Om top of that 90% of all prepeeled garlic comes from China prisons where prisoner's peel them as a form of slave labor where some open them with their teeth because the garlic burned away their fucking fingernails.

That's just the explanation for why most chain restaurants are dead or on life support. They replaced fresh ingredients with pre-made crap while charging like God himself handed them those ingredients.

>> No.15468214

>60 cent lemons.
steal them. dont let stores cheat you out of money like that.

>> No.15468218

Shitty Parmesan cheese has its place on pizza

>> No.15468225

>That's just the explanation for why most chain restaurants are dead or on life support.
this. the anon who worked in a restaurant that used jarred garlic worked in a shitty, poorly managed restaurant.

>> No.15468236

You're not supposed to refrigerate your garlic, nor any other dry allium such as onions or shallots. As to teh OP, all of those have their uses, they're just not direct substitutes.

>> No.15468241

just grate your parm even finer with a microplane.

>> No.15468245


>> No.15468252

I like the powdery texture

>> No.15468261

No. It's fine to use any of those.

>> No.15468263

>iodized salt
that's the only thing that doesn't belong on the list

>> No.15468266
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I use the fuck out of that garlic on my sandwiches.

>> No.15468288
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>> No.15468640

iodine is extremely important for your body you fucking retard

>> No.15468681

Did 'rona destroy your tastebuds? Minced garlic tastes completely different from fresh garlic, it's disgusting.

>> No.15468741

If you have to use any kind of seasoning you’re a shit cook. If you use any kind of oil you’re a shit cook. If you use any kind of appliance you’re a shit cook.
If you can’t put a protein and some vegetables in your oven (not on an oven rack, those are for pussy shit cooks) and make them taste great just from turning on the oven and topping them off with some water, you’re a shit cook.

>> No.15468762

There's nothing wrong with shaking cheese.

>> No.15468787

Anyone who says they can taste the difference between fresh squeezed and packaged lemon juice when just used in cooking and not, like, lemonade, is a pretentious liar and they know it

>> No.15468818

You are a retarded fagot

>> No.15468848

To expensive if you go trough a lemon a day, atleast in my country

>> No.15468855

Wtf are you alaska?
In FL limes are 10 cents and Lemons are 20 cents

>> No.15468885

Forget about his teeth, his butthole must sting like fuck when he takes a shit

>> No.15468888

I'm trans

>> No.15468905

Never trust a cook without a goiter.

>> No.15468958

There is nothing wrong with the salt. Salt is salt. Only difference is if you want to have large crystals for presentation.

>> No.15468982

lemons and limes dont grow year round in places that arent inhospitable swamps filled with jews, faggots, and old people.

>> No.15468998

Botled lemon juice is fine for literally anything besides lemonade, and only children drink lemonade.

>> No.15469010

>mother always used jarred garlic, claiming that fresh garlic went bad too quickly
>moved out and only got fresh
>wondered why the garlic was so strong and good tasting
>realize i never tasted real garlic

>go to their house, start chopping real garlic and mincing it, extremely easy
>mother asks me how to do that

>> No.15469028

Don't forget number five and six, sous vide machine and cast iron skillet with a spout

>> No.15469032

This was the same case for me and fresh ground pepper. Industrialists tried to kill the idea of fresh spices with boomers.

>> No.15469037

>faggot leftie thinks the plandemic is real

>> No.15469039

i get a lot of pre-ground spices but yeah pepper, garlic, kosher salt, she never used em. basically just took the half-assed way to do everything.

>> No.15469044

being poor isn't even an excuse, buying better quality versions of these ingredients is probably the same price if not cheaper

>> No.15469080

i understand garlic, salt and god awful fake parmesan. but why lemon juice? i get its not as good as fresh, but its not easy having things that can rot as easily as lemons sitting around all the time.

>> No.15469092

I have lemons in my fridge for weeks that don’t rot, what a shorty excuse.

>> No.15469101

Lemons cost like 50 cents.

>> No.15469107

I only use the minced garlic if I'm putting it under chicken breast and grilling it, other than that fresh

>> No.15469115

>Garlic bulbs lasts for months in the fridge
enjoy your mold brainlet

>> No.15469267

They’re so fucking expensive and it’s annoying because I love lemons and would gladly use one every day multiple times a day

>> No.15469280

I buy that powdered parmesan but it's specifically to make Sizzler cheese toast.

>> No.15469355

same here, i am not a pretentious cook and sometimes i wont have the fresh ingredients, these will substitute well

>> No.15469388

I live in north eurpope and only see lemons being sold in the summer. sux because I love putting that shit on chicken, salads, fish etc. everything else in that pic i don't do though

>> No.15469409

You cant afford 50cents for a fucking lemon? Get limes they are dirt cheap and you can add sugar too the tea and it tastes the fucking same

>> No.15469414

All those virgins defending kosher salt instead of using iodized and fluorized table salt.

>> No.15469415

lol what? nah man, i worked at nice restaurants. we peeled all our own garlic in out downtime. thats disgusting.

>> No.15469420

at least get actual not-from-concentrate lemon juice/something organic, you can get one for like 3 or 4 bucks and it'll last you months

>> No.15469421

i usually hate jarred garlic, but theres this one organic brand that doesnt have that horrible taste of usual jarred garlic, so in some cases i make an exception to it

>> No.15469435

the fuck is wrong with salt

>> No.15469475

I think it's that it's table salt not kosher salt

(((kosher))) lol

>> No.15469480

There's enough in everything already, kosher salt is great for preparing fish but that's about it.
Definitely need salt for making caramel and regulating bread.

>> No.15469482

are you all poorfags or somethin

>> No.15469485

>saw all four growing up
>mom's a shitty cook
Checks out.

>> No.15469581

Poor enough to know a ripoff when I see it, fresh lemon cuck.

>> No.15469751

The garlic and parm absolutely, the salt and lemon juice are not as big a deal, though fresh-squeezed is better.
Really it's more the sign of an insecure person in the kitchen, nitpicking shit like using iodized salt like that makes them a good cook for parroting shit they've read somewhere. People like this are a scourge and they're the reason why foodtube eceleb faggots always caveat a million things every video, to appease their main subscriber base of people who tune in to watch food get cooked in 5 minutes and assume they know everything about a recipe.

>> No.15469874

I use real garlic, real lemons and real parmiggiano, but I still use iodized salt
insisting on using kosher salt or, god forbid, himalaian salt is the mark of someone who falls for trendy marketing memes

>> No.15469888

>he doesn't have a lemon tree

>> No.15469891

Garlic paste is fine for certain applications tbqf

>> No.15469904

Iodised salt tastes exactly the same. I take iodine drops just in case, no goiter or other thyroid shit in my house. Also fuck thyroid cancer when there's radiation.

>> No.15469924
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>Anon that was fantastic!
>It tasted exactly like what you'd get at that fancy restaurant!
He thinks I made fun of his popcorn condiment collection and now he's being a little asshole

>> No.15469925

it's turning the fucking frogs gay

>> No.15469962

Nothing wrong with lemon juice, also iodine is a necessary part of the human diet.

>> No.15469963

The ol tangy butthole

>> No.15469973

I'm the best cook on /ck/ and have encyclopedic food knowledge and yes this meme is correct

>> No.15469987

bitching about lemon juice is just straight pretention. so is iodized salt. I don't like garlic so I can't comment on that, and kraft parmesan is shit and I love it because I grew up poor.

>> No.15470033

it got stolen

>> No.15470035

the "cheese" is just dog shit.
but the other 3 are fine.

>> No.15470067

Does being a good cook require not valuing ones time?

>> No.15470133
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io salt is good for nutrients, it works sometimes
low grade cheese is just for dogs
who the fuck cant procure some lemons, what is the long term need
this thread has inspired me to go find some pickled garlic, so thanks

>> No.15470139

>minced garlic
don't be lazy
don't be poor
>lemon juice
don't be lazy
>iodized salt

>> No.15470148

yeah because we're all unemployed lazy bums that have hours to cook all their meals every day. kys now!

>> No.15470171

How long do you take to mince two cloves of garlic or squeeze a lemon?

>> No.15470229

They add a shit ton of sawdust to it to prevent clumping. Any shredded cheese contains that and a fuck-ton of salt for preservation and to mask taste. It's cheaper and easier to just buy a paresan wedge and grate it over your food for a better taste. It lasts near forever in the fridge so there's no real excuse.

I keep a thing of lemon juice because sometimes I just forget to buy lemons and for the 3% of things I use it for it's fine. I get the stuff that's not from concentrate though.

>> No.15470233

Eating is something you'll spend most of your life doing. Is it valuing your time to skimp out on preparation for it?

>> No.15470237

>buy citrus juicer
>buy cheese grater
>buy garlic press
>iodized salt is fucking cheaper than gourmet salt
You're the lazy bum here you fucking fool

>> No.15470239

It is real lemon inside those bottles you elitist bitch

>> No.15470242

Hydrated lemon extract isn't real lemon.

>> No.15470250

>Hydrated lemon extract
lol what that even mean?

>> No.15470256

>Wahhh hes gatekeeping me bawww

>> No.15470264

no its called being an am*rican

>> No.15470267

Found the retard.

>> No.15470304

literally only americans buy shit like that

>> No.15470307

Lemon zest. If your not using that you are throwing away your money buying lemons.

>> No.15470308

what is iodized salt and what is wrong with it?

>> No.15470310


>> No.15470323

the biggest sign of a shit chef is a thin pan they get at walmart or cooking non-fish meat in non stick pans

>> No.15470340

Why is branded American food always sold in the ugliest packaging?

>> No.15470373

because americans are stupid and childish

>> No.15470389

Lemons are almost a dollar each where I live and sometimes I just want a little dash in my vodka or whatever.
I am entirely unapologetic about the lemonjuice in my fridge, but I will buy a real lemon for dishes where lemon is a significant component.

>> No.15470534

Weird, it thinks it's not retarded

>> No.15470554

Our culture dominates the world. Seethe forever Eurelevant.

>> No.15470566

we know
you're also going to collapse soon

>> No.15470574

also your culture is not something to be proud of

>> No.15470590
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>> No.15470615

Even our alphabets have more actual culture than you.

>> No.15470626

>thinks putting dots over English characters is culture
>wonders why no one wants to be like the eurosoy’s

>> No.15470662

check if your whole foods has lemon juice. mine has actually real lemon juice, 4.99 for 16oz, taste tested with fresh squeezed they are extremely similar. i use it for cooking, cocktails, and if the expiration date is coming close it's actually quality enough to use for lemonade

>> No.15470674

Fuck peeling garlic.

>> No.15470681

What I do is use the side of the knife to crush the garlic. It makes peeling a lot easier

>> No.15470697

Have crushed and have used the shaken bowl method. Just not worth it when costco sells an enormous jar.

>> No.15470798

Shouldn't that be a GOYter?

>> No.15470868

what wrong with iodized salt

>> No.15470968

here at /ck/ we mine our own salt

>> No.15470985

>iodized salt bad
enjoy your fucking hypothyroidism, you pink salt hipster trash

>> No.15470986

I use enough garlic when cooking that I always keep a jar of pre minced garlic on hand, less of a pain in the ass than going back to the store every 3 days for more garlic.

>> No.15471000

Or you could just eat clam chowder or some blue crab sometimes.

>> No.15471005

Why don't you get a garlic crusher then?

>> No.15471011

Because I'd rather mince garlic by hand than have to clean a garlic press.

Also, I'd still have to go to the store every 3 fucking days for more garlic after I use up what I buy, or buy a giant bag of just garlic.

I cook a lot of Italian and Chinese food so garlic basically goes into everything.

>> No.15471023

Fuck mincing garlic. Peeling is annoying and so is finely chopping it or cleaning a press. Pre minced in oil isnt much different in flavor.

>> No.15471026

I chop garlic on my own. I don't use it that much.
You guys really need an entire jar of it? Wtf do you do?

>> No.15471032

Put it in everything.

>> No.15471040

I believe it to be true. I especially hate that minced garlic because that liquid runs everything if you don't squeeze the fuck out of the garlic before putting it into the food.

I keep Sicilia lime and lemon juice around as backups in case I'm out of fresh citrus, but the stuff in OP is the absolute worst versions of those items.

Only if you eat like crap.

Once upon a time I worked at a restaurant staffed by mostly work release guys and the homeless crack heads who did trash and dish. We used fresh garlic.

>> No.15471042

In the last week I've made:
Mapo Tofu
Stir fried garlic chicken
Slow cooked lemon chicken with garlic and ginger

So three meals in the past 7 days I can think of used a fairly large amount of garlic.

>> No.15471065
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Yeah because we grow them here dipshit. They're going to be more expensive in places where you have to drive them there.

>> No.15471106

These items are fine if you’re cooking for yourself/spouse/immediate family, and just need to make something quick and decent. You don’t use these ingredients when you’re cooking to impress.

>> No.15471119
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The one in olive oil is better, especially if you’re cooking with olive oil anyway

>> No.15471141

Do tell, what the actual fuck is wrong with iodized salt, Spergus Maximus?

>> No.15471160

>cast iron skillet with a spout
What do you lose by having a spout? I'll wait.

>> No.15471176

Why are her fucking tits conjoined?

>> No.15471183

>fermented cum
how do you know this

>> No.15471199


>> No.15471204

Non asshole answer:

Iodized salt has a perfectly round grain. When you salt food, it does not stick to the food, and does not penetrate any meat you use it on, even if you put it on top. Kosher/sea salt/any larger grain salt has jagged edges, making better adherence to food, and provides extra flavor compared to iodized when left overnight (like in a brine, or marinade). It's even worse for salting pasta water, because of the aforementioned grain shape.
The only thing iodized salt is better at is salting soup, when you want a more homogeneous texture.

>> No.15471212

it dissolves in water no matter which shape?

>> No.15471213

Literally not true. See >>15471204

>> No.15471224

Only to an extent. Still sticks to pasta better than iodized. Make the same pasta a couple nights in a row, and test it for yourself.

>> No.15471242

>Garlic bulbs lasts for months in the fridge you lazy fucks. Om top of that 90% of all prepeeled garlic comes from China prisons where prisoner's peel them as a form of slave labor where some open them with their teeth because the garlic burned away their fucking fingernails.
If you do buy pre-peeled, get it from US sources only. Grown, processed, and packaged.

>> No.15471255

Where did you read this, Karen?

>> No.15471261

Hey I watched that garlic documentary too. I can't ever look at precur garlic the same again. Plus I hate the juice smell it comes in.

>> No.15471262

My My Little Pony cum jar fell out of my kitchen window and some fermented cum splashed on my freshly cooked pancakes

>> No.15471271

Read it in every single book on cooking ever, faggot. Iodized salt only fucking exists because of the lack of iodine in the American diet in the 20s. Literally google microscope photos of the grains, and then google your nearest hardware store so you can buy a rope to hang yourself with.

>> No.15471282

is it actually worth the hassle loonking for different salts?
the only difference I've noted is that salads are much better with medium-side salt grains. Nothing about its shape though

>> No.15471289


>All these faggots who defend iodized salt
For them and for those who do not know any better
First, Iodine has an aroma, faggots will say that they can't tell the difference when they put in their tongues, ignoring that aroma =/= taste. For most applications the aroma is not overpowering,
Second, iodized salt is a meme made to stop tastelet flyovers from dying. If you have a varied diet, specially with sea products, then you already consume enough iodine. Consuming too much iodine will make your thyroid grow, just as those living in mountainous regions who drink nothing but ground water. In short, thinking that you must consume iodized salt as a supplement is like thinking that you must consume multivitamins, it is only necessary if you have a shitty diet.
Third, there are more than two types of salt in the world, real life does not reduce itself to "based" and "cringe", there are meme salts but there is also regular non iodized salts.

>> No.15471293

Not really any hassle. The rounded shape of the grain is a result of it being iodized. Every other salt will stick to food, and is personal preference.

>> No.15471307

Thank you based saltanon. These faggots can keep their shitty salt.

>> No.15471314

You're wrong. A good diet will easily be iodine free without supplementation. Eating a lot of seafood just for iodine would be totally insipid behavior. Stop being wrong, you'll feel better.

>> No.15471328

You're actually wrong, though. Normal diets contain sufficient iodine. Quit trying to justify your addiction to shit taste

>> No.15471336

No they do not. The lies stop now.

>> No.15471338

fake tits can lead to an issue where the gap lifts and looks connected

>> No.15471348

>good diet is incomplete
You should reconsider what you think “a good diet” is

>> No.15471355

they're not fake, it's just asian genes

>> No.15471358

It literally is, and you're gay. How the fuck do you think literally every single cook in the world survives? They don't use iodized salt because they're not a gay retard.
Probably taking bait, but oh well.

>> No.15471361

It's one including iodized salt unless you're always stuffing yourself with seafood. Personally, I prefer more range.

>> No.15471363

>only to an extent
No fucktard salt dissolves no matter what, why do chefs think they are above chemistry? I think being a chef should be classified as a pseudoscience, it’s the same a fudd lore.

>> No.15471364

Oh, and I forgot to mention in my other reply that you're a gay fucking faggot retard. Please neck yourself as soon as possible.

>> No.15471372

You don't know anything. Dairy products contain sufficient iodine, as well as most meats.

>> No.15471377

So does iodized salt.

>> No.15471378

If you understood chemistry, you'd know it still matters. What the fuck do you think dissolution is? What the fuck so you think iodine is? You're putting that shit on everything you eat you fucking retard.

>> No.15471380

It has been a long time since iodine was widely used as a disinfectant in the food industry. You can not rely on dairy. As for "most meats," nope.

>> No.15471395

lemon trees are fucking cringe you aspie
literally grow any other fruit tree
avocado? epic. apple? epic. orange? epic.
lemon? cringe

>> No.15471396

>Yes, you should buy Kosher salt

>> No.15471400

>apple? epic
Apple is the worst fruit, its only good for putting into pastires.

>> No.15471401

No, people are just pretentious

Shake cheese has a small amount of sawdust. Would you rather they used some bullshit cancer chemical to keep it from caking up? Or are you just putting on an act over them not using nearly identical tasting cheese with a 1000% price difference imported from some dank cave in Italy?
And no, chopped up garlic in water tastes like chopped up garlic in water, you prissy fucking baby.

>> No.15471403

if they eat it, it has to be good
I'd worry about what's NOT kosher

>> No.15471405

It's literally in the food itself you fucking idiot. Naturally occurring. Why do you think our bodies have use for it? We just magically evolved to need an artificially created version of a natural chemical in our bodies? You might be the dumbest nigger I've ever seen in my entire life. I pray to God that nobody ever has to suffer through a meal you created.

>> No.15471411

It’s funny to see people justify what a “healthy” diet is judging by what DUDE SCIENCE says. Its amazing that we’ve advanced so much as a species but we still can’t agree on what is healthy to put in our bodies or not. 10 years ago? Dude just eat 6-11 servings of grains bro! Actually noooo nevermind here’s a new plate because pyramids are schemes, but on this plate, eat an nearly an equal amount of everything so Big (insert food industry) won’t lose money. You guys are fucking retarded and I don’t trust anything a chef says is a necessity to eat because they all look like shit, at the end of the day, taste is everything they don’t fucking care about nutrition. So quit larping and post bodies you fat fucks.

>> No.15471418

Falksalt sells iodine fortified sea salt and flake/finishing salt.

>> No.15471426

Take your tranquilizers, Karen.

>> No.15471428

Fish, manny vegetables, some fruits, dairy products, sea and rock salt
You only need around 150mcg a day, which 2g of iodised salt represent 102%, too much iodine on the long run will cause thyroid and hormonal issues.

>> No.15471432

We haphazardly evolved to make more of ourselves. We're not some perfect fit in our ecological niche, especially not with modernity.

>> No.15471437

ur such a lazy ass. start fermenting and you basically get two free kegs of hard cider a year

>> No.15471440

>specially with sea products
Sorry m8, I mostly eat cows and chickens

>> No.15471441

Better than shitty iodized table salt. Still have to deal with adding iodine as a flavoring, though.

>> No.15471443

You are such an independent thinker
You really showed those sheeple

>> No.15471445

>dairy products
That's because modern feed salt has about twice the iodine content of salt for human consumption. Which is probably why iodine deficiency is so much rarer nowadays than pre-WW2.

>> No.15471447

Milk also has iodine

>> No.15471453

So why would we need iodised salt in The Year of our Lord 2016+5?

>> No.15471465

You don't. They still sell it because people like the people in this thread are too dumb to read and still think they need it.

>> No.15471467

You might drink milk from some super traditional old timey farmer?

>> No.15471470
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They arguing over iodine so yes I am superior, thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.15471478

By whores?

>> No.15471487

Even then, soil contains iodine, and the shit that grows in it, as well as what's eaten by farm animals, all contains iodine. There's really no reason to ever use iodized salt over any other salt.

>> No.15471505

What if you are a Depression-era urbanite who only eats pickles, white bread and margarine?

>> No.15471518

Pickles are brined with iodized salt, so you don't even need it then. Fuck iodized salt.

>> No.15471542


>> No.15471572

>cheaper to buy parmesan wedge
>parmesan is 100$ a pound in canada

>> No.15471589

LOL 60 cents a lemon? Why not just grow your own? I have unlimited lemons, and most of the time if i dont they're like 10 cents. lmaoooo

>> No.15471595

People who use preminced garlic should be dragged out in the street and put out of my misery

>> No.15471659

>it takes too long to mince garlic
>what is garlic press

>> No.15471899

from these I use only top right because all salt is iodized in my country

>> No.15472080

Huh? A lemon is like 25-30 cents max?

I currently have some organic lime juice in a glass bottle in the fridge. Basically as fancy as that stuff comes. One day I made some lime-cilantro rice with real lime juice and a couple of days later I made the exact same recipe using the bottled stuff. The difference was very real with the highest quality bottled lime juice.

>> No.15472095

A bit drunk so maybe I wasn't clear. What I tried to say is that even the best grocery store lime juice sucks compared to freshly squeezed one.

>> No.15472704

My tip: Keep it around mixed with salt and don't say anything to your guests OR say you're using something Japanese called Ajinomoto. No questions will be asked.
MSG's biggest (= only) flaw is its branding.

>> No.15472742

It makes you look pretentious. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.15472768

>People who use preminced garlic should be dragged out in the street and put out of my misery

I agree, you should be put out of your misery faggot.

>> No.15472775

pretty sure this is a stealth /pol/ bait thread since the other 3 are obvious pleb filter

>> No.15472783

>lemon juice
fuck off, I am not juicing a whole lemon every time I need ~1tsp of juice.

>> No.15472835
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>based digits of trap prevention

>> No.15473068

let's be real here, most people who criticize using iodized salt use some total meme like pink himalaian or kosher salt because some mom science food blog recommended it

>> No.15473098

retard doesn't know that iodine is good for you and you should supplement with pure iodine.

>> No.15474488

yea... we never used jarred garlic

>> No.15474560

Most prepared lemon juices have preservatives that make them taste funky, but there's some frozen and jarred stuff that is great. Nothing wrong with cheap iodized salt, but I typically buy kosher salt just because it's not much more expensive, and I got used to using it in restaurants (easier to tell how much you're adding by feel).

>> No.15474955

If you think proper Italian Parmigiano-Reggiano is even close to being "identical tasting" then something is seriously wrong with your sense of taste. There are half decent parmesan style cheeses made in the U.S., but the shit kraft puts in their bottles is not one of them.

>> No.15474967

Ioded salt has the kosher logo on it

>> No.15475063

In most cases where you just want to add some citrus acidity to a dish, the lemon juice bottle is perfectly fine. It's not worth cutting open a whole lemon for a fucking spritz that you likely won't even notice the flavor of in great detail buried under everything else.

>> No.15475064

>let's be real here [strawman]

>> No.15475219

That's just incorrect. Trump is gone, it's no longer cool to just say whatever you want and expect people to believe it if you keep repeating it.

>> No.15475428

Garlic bulbs last ages in the cupboard

>> No.15475439
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refrigerating onions and garlic

>> No.15475441

salt literally can't be kosher or not kosher it's a mineral look it up

>> No.15475461

That is literally what the msm does.

>> No.15475476

Just eat some seaweed once in a while bud

>> No.15475504

too lazy to look up the doc but damn
can I watch this dude instead? he has more videos like this but I don't know how """informative""" he really is. either way I hope covid fucking ruins china and all exports

>> No.15475530

This. I pretty much always mince my own garlic by hand and it get to be a drag at times because I suffer from tinnitus of the elbow

However, i was cooking a recipe a month or so back that called for 4 whole fucking heads of garlic and that is a super rare occurence, so in that one instance I said fuck it and bought the pre-minced stuff. Turned it fine imho

>> No.15475576

I think my best dishes are the ones I prepare for those people. If you don't do that shit for your family what's the point. Now if it's myself well I usually just make a sandwhich, eat a tin of tuna or, fuck it, just order out

>> No.15475598

Ugh... REAL men put Kraft Slices on their skettys

>> No.15475736


>> No.15475744

Any faggot who claims to be able to taste iodine in the salt is a literal cum guzzling faggot. Even Chef John, from foodwishes.com made a video about this and said there is no difference in flavor.

>> No.15475801

you know it to be true. most people who care about not using iodized salt are people who have fallen for trendy meme salts

>> No.15475832

I can taste it in a side by side but when you put it into a dish it's not detectable honestly

>> No.15475857

lemons are like 60 cents for a bag of 4-5
what the fuck are you guys smoking?

>> No.15475883

kosher salt has blood from orphans added to it.
everything is a satanic ritual for them.

>> No.15475924

>Minced garlic
Noticeably off-taste and less potent in comparison to freshly minced, even in relatively small amounts. Though I'm a stickler for garlic and I usually double whatever a recipe calls for.
>Kraft Parmesan
The worst of the four, I wouldn't even say it tastes like even cheap Parmesan blocks, and I find it more finnicky to cook with.
>Iodized salt
In practice I find no difference between this and other salts apart from texture. Prefer more clumpy salt when adding it as a topping, but that's a minimal difference.
>Lemon Juice
I rarely use lemons in recipes, and I find it to not be a substantial difference in taste.

>> No.15475934

>Second, iodized salt is a meme made to stop tastelet flyovers from dying.
>In short, thinking that you must consume iodized salt as a supplement is like thinking that you must consume multivitamins, it is only necessary if you have a shitty diet.
That doesn't really sound like a meme to me. Sounds pretty based in real-life material consequences, no?

>> No.15475960

>our culture
Your culture is entirely derived from its European roots, and you make the worst of it.

>> No.15475976

cope trumpi

>> No.15476089

I use the parmesan cheese because I live in a piece of shit SEA country and it's hard to find some types of actual cheese. Sorry cookbros.

>> No.15476375

Yeah, I think so. For a time there was a thing called the Goiter Belt because the soil more north in the U.S. doesn't contain iodide. Goiters are basically overgrown thyroid glands that happen when you don't have enough Iodide. Thanks forensic files, I learned something new.

>> No.15476561

If Chef John, from foodwishes.com said it, then who am I to judge?

>> No.15476624
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shelbyville whores

>> No.15476643

And why should you care abut what people in California do? Do what is best independent of others

>> No.15477286

>dont eat salt!
>eat sea dwellers that swim in salty PISS instead!

>> No.15477528

Idgaf what people use as long as it hygienic and tastes good


>> No.15477797

>Consuming too much iodine will make your thyroid grow
you'd practically have to inject pure iodine to develop a goiter from it

>> No.15477828
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the minced jar stuff sucks, but this stuff is an absolute godsend

>> No.15477860

do you know what is a godsend?

>> No.15477977
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Organic lemons aren't that cheap. I can find organic lemon juice in small glass bottles for much less per cl, and while the vitamin C may or may not be entirely gone, the citric acid is going to be in there which is the main reason to buy lemons if your diet is otherwise balanced.
Non-organic lemons are waxed to look more appealing, some of the wax penetrates the skin and you end up consuming it. That's not okay at all so don't buy those.

>> No.15478002

>some of the wax penetrates the skin
Sounds like bullshit, but okay, maybe.
>That's not okay at all
Why not? It's just wax. And it would have to be a truly tiny amount anyway.

>> No.15478045
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>Sounds like bullshit
I know it does considering how thick lemon skin is, but that's the exact reason why absurd amounts of wax are allowed to be used in most countries and, the tests have been done, you do consume a fair amount.
Imazalil is a good reason to avoid non-organic too, but then you become a turbo food autist like me and reject lots of other stuff which is not realistic.
Treating your body like a filter for complex chemicals is always an option I guess. Up to you anon.

>> No.15478084

>A lemon is like 25-30 cents max?
Now factor in gas to go to the store every day to get it dumbass.

>> No.15478390

>every day
you can buy multiple lemons
just walk fatty

>> No.15478471

Ngl you sound autistic as fuck, even by 4chan standards

>> No.15478489

Post body, I want to see if all this diet-related autism has even given you a healthy looking physique lmao

>> No.15478539

keep it classy gaybro

>> No.15478923

If you're talking about the writing style, that's likely just due to me being an ESL. Remarks like this help because I never know when a post reads like something an eccentric would type or not even when it's fine grammar-wise.
Otherwise, recommending organic seems reasonable to me, especially if you live in the US where laws aren't going to do much to protect your health.

>> No.15479003
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When they say
>"100% grated parmesan cheese"
The "100%" is refering to the grated part, not the parmesan cheese part.

>> No.15479242

I only buy lemon juice because our local store only sells lemons in giant fucking bags and I don't have room for that.

>> No.15479266

I agree minced garlic in a jar is a little less flavorful but sometimes I don't want my hand to stink like garlic

>> No.15479279

>using salt makes you a shitty cook
am I being trolled?

>> No.15479307

I have none of those in my house.

>> No.15479358

>some open them with their teeth because the garlic burned away their fucking fingernails
You think I want that shit happening to me? No thanks, I'll take minced.

>> No.15479709

Yeah, my point being that it isn't some of abstract, cultural idea as to why they add it, but because it improved people's lives.
Might not be super-necessary today, though you have to get it from somewhere, and telling people to just eat right is less effective than having those who want to eat right with unfortified ingredients choose their food independently.

Just seems like a dumb reason to trivialize it as something made-up.

>> No.15480048

Kosher salt is pretty damn good

>> No.15480079

ive started using jarred garlic for anything im going to simmer for a while, and when im feeling too lazy to chop up a clove
and lemons are way too expensive half the year to keep on hand

i dont know what the problem with iodized salt is and i dont know which ive got, i think plain

>> No.15480235

the price of one of those lemon juice bottles is definitely better value than the price of the equivalent amount of lemons.

>> No.15480260

I have none of these in my cupboards, but I do have deenz and Cup Noodle.

Last meal I cooked myself were homemade fish goujons which I dipped in a batter I had added copious amount of salt and malt vinegar to.

>> No.15480734

pretty much yes. Using real garlic is trivial and is the easiest upgrade to any cook's results. Iodized salt, I dunno man, I use kosher out of habit but I honestly can't say if I'd notice 90% of the time. I haven't used iodized in like a decade though so maybe I'd notice it now. Canned parm, yes you are a monster. Unless you're making some quick and dirty parmesean fries or some shit. And lemon juice I just don't care.

>> No.15481490

>dude just walk thirty miles in the Alaskan desert to the nearest Walmart lmao
Fuck you.

>> No.15481503

No one whose opinion is worth considering lives 30 miles into the Alaskan desert. You're literally paying for the privilege to live out that far.
Toughen up to urban life you goddamn wilderness pussy.

>> No.15481576

Or don't use lemons since it's not part of your cuisine

>> No.15481632

I'm not squeezing five goddamn lemons every time I make a marinade.

>> No.15481670

Then stop making marinades. You either do or you don't in this world bitch. Which is it gonna be?
*pulls out rifle*
You better hurry up clock is ticking mother fucker.

>> No.15481755

isnt there another way we can settle this? *seductivly shows off cleavage*

>> No.15482020

>soy sauce
>hot sauce

>> No.15483442
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shit, bro, i never even realized. fuck (((their))) legal loopholes

>> No.15483457
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It's literally the easiest thing in the world. slice and press.

>> No.15483850

sorry anon, I didnt was unnecessarily rude

>> No.15483999

>doesn't know what a diacritic is
Amerimutt education.

>> No.15484178

>Iodized salt is bad because reasons

>> No.15484216

I'm honestly surprised that it never once got a nickname, and everyone just kept using the scientific chemical names, even to this day.
Like, boxes of table salt don't have SODIUM CHLORIDE in big lettering across the front, and I'll bet that if they did, a lot less people would like the sound of it.
>Ew what I'm not putting "sodium chloride" in my food, I hear that gives you high blood pressure!