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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 1600x900, online_culinary_school_chicken_liver_pate-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15464895 No.15464895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I will start with liver pate

>> No.15464901


>> No.15464907

Fuck yes. Liver pâté is a food of gentlemen.
My grandfather used to enjoy it with a side of martinis and cigarettes.

>> No.15464914


>> No.15464919

I eat liver pate on toast for breakfast about 50% of the time and my vagina says your theory is fucked

>> No.15464920

Great answer

>> No.15464934

My gf likes it more than I do

>> No.15464938
File: 52 KB, 880x586, 4_880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone eats "leverpostej" in Denmark.

>> No.15464945

just because a doctor carved out a hole between your legs doesn't make it a vagina

>> No.15464948


>> No.15464956


>> No.15464960

Not all women on the internet are trannies contrary to your browser history

>> No.15464976

>i'm sure this is bad for you somehow blood pressure blah blah blah vagina noises
just my experience. if you even let them touch a steak it's ruined.

possibly the best answer. distinct memories of my drunk ass dad standing at the kitchen counter eating deenz late at night so he didn't get bitched at about the smell.

>> No.15464980

My mom loves ot desu

>> No.15465030

My gf loves it. I keep liverwurst in the fridge so she gets extra iron in her diet since she's a child who can't keep a supplement schedule and barely eats otherwise

>> No.15465051

Oh so many my waifu doesn't understand such as organ meat (liver, kidneys, thymus, tripe,... ), cow utter, blood sausage, frying stuff in ox fat, horse meat, cheeks,....

>> No.15465083

stinky soft cheeses
cured pigs face
pickled anything

>> No.15465106

OP pic looks like half the steaks I see posted around here

>> No.15465107


>> No.15465124

Sushi. Every woman in my family gets California rolls or deep fried bullshit.

>> No.15465133

fuck women doe

>> No.15465154


>> No.15465158
File: 45 KB, 474x489, DE9B6F36-E71F-40B1-9208-86BDE13DB190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15465160

whats a good brand of liver pate? picked some up at the local import store and it tasted like cat food. I've had good pate before, so i know its not that i simply dislike pate

>> No.15465164

I highly recommend this combination

>> No.15465175

>and my vagina says
reddit-tier quip
Why are women so reddit?

>> No.15465237

reddit in its early days was the female version of 4ch, like a decade ago if you heard a woman browsed reddit, you knew she was a femcel just like the incels on 4ch.

>> No.15465238

tits or gtfo

>> No.15465259

I'm a woman and I made liver pate for my boyfriend like, less than a week ago. It was my idea. I was sick of liver an onions..

It's delicious. I made it with onions, garlic, and portabella mushrooms. We ate it with homemade biscuits and carrot sticks.

>> No.15465286

You are a whore.

>> No.15465291

Based taste you've got

>> No.15465297

They are on this digital ghetto

>> No.15465305

Back in the day we called them leg beards.

>> No.15465319

At least I'm not a tranny.

>> No.15465323
File: 487 KB, 1170x814, C724CEB3-8E2F-4BDB-B8A5-96E849E2764E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15465333

>this digital ghetto
truthfully a good way to describe this place, reddit, and other gutters of the internet

>> No.15465335

>Not all women on the internet are trannies
I knew this would be case when the Iphone 4 was released.

>> No.15465580

Dirty anal cum dumpster

>> No.15465967

lel it's been so long since I heard that term

>> No.15465995

They’re and enbie retard

>> No.15466003

What’s with the Jewish teen wojak?
I don’t get what his deal is, is it a self hating kike?

>> No.15466092

Not really a food, but homemade stock.

>> No.15466103

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.15466104

Fried clams

>> No.15466126

are we talking about women with penis, or..?

>> No.15466135

any lazy bitch