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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 267 KB, 1024x1024, 071F9B70-E443-46A7-9353-087C5E8736B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15461720 No.15461720 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss cigars, pipe tobacco, cigarettes, snus, snuff, hookah, etc.
Start posting your original tobacco pics for use in future OP’s

Previous thread: >>15421714

>> No.15461799


>> No.15461858
File: 66 KB, 500x500, HnHSM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put in an order for H&H Snowy Mountain. What am I in for?
Also nabbed a few MUWAT Kentucky Fire Cured cigars. Really nice for the price.

>> No.15461861
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x2268, Goteborgs Rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the snuspill.

>> No.15461869

Is it worth it to get a tobacco pouch for my pipe tobacco if I'm not planning on smoking very often (maybe twice a month)? Or should I just get an airtight jar with a two way humidity pack

>> No.15461870

Reminder to subscribe to our local Snuschad and leave a like and comment on his videos

>> No.15461882

Holy shit, fuck off.

>> No.15461902

I think I kinda want some of that stuff.

>> No.15462137
File: 2.54 MB, 4032x3024, 833450E5-1997-418D-A794-C26C072765F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people need the info they’ll find me, and I’m always here
No shilling my channel please, if you want my praise (???) go make some good snus

If anyone is wondering how the toscano cigar clones are going, they’re still very wet. Tobacco is very good at holding on to moisture, despite what boveda would like you to think, so it’ll probably be a day or two longer before the smoke.
If anything, I’ll chuck them in the food dehydrator and let them get nice and crunchy.
Forgot to take a picture of the pigtail I put on the second cigar I rolled. It’s one of those cigar traditions that I think looks so dog shit that it ends up being unique.

>> No.15462151

what lighter do you use for your pipe?

>> No.15462157

Nah. A mason jar really is good enough. If you want to go nuts you can get a gasket lidded jar, but even a weekly smoker doesn’t need a pouch.
If you did want to go have a pipe in your car or at your destination or something, pack the tobacco in the bowl and be on your way. If you’re really horrified at the thought that a SINGLE piece of tobacco might POSSIBLY fall out, put a coiled up pipe cleaner in there (plus, you have pipe cleaner)

>> No.15462181

Looks like you fished out a strip from your toilet bowl

>> No.15462195
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That’s not the worst photo by a long shit

>> No.15462314

The fun is gone out of tobacco in the Ireland.
First they banned advertising, then they banned sponsorship, now they've banned branding.
Everything is sold in the same plain beige coloured packaging with the same lettering font and the only images on them is large photos of autopsy results.

>> No.15462434

But *you* know all brands are different, don't you anon?

>> No.15462532

sounds soulless

>> No.15462599
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Looks pretty funny to me!

>> No.15462640

What's the least unhealthy form of tobacco?

>> No.15462650

Not smoking at all fren, but probably pipe

>> No.15462670

Cigar or Pipe, since you're not supposed to inhale it.

>> No.15462962

Holy shit you're still around? Kek. Those cigars look horrible btw, but you knew that.

>> No.15462977

How is tobacco have anything to do with food and cooking? Fuck off off of the board.

>> No.15462980

Tobacco has nothing to do with food or cooking. Why is this shit allowed

>> No.15463022

Why would you go into a thread and post the same thing twice?
You can see which posts are from a new person, you know that, right?

>> No.15463026
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Just bought a bag of these yesterday (or, well, Saturday), they're better than they have any right to be at their price point.

>> No.15463031

Chew could technically be allowed by your standards, since you literally chew it and put it into your mouth and basically "absorb" the nicotine.

Tobacco has nowhere else to be posted and it does have a cultural niche.You honestly sound just like the faggots that tried to get the alcohol threads banned when alcohol is literally food/cooking.

>> No.15463036
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>he doesn't make fried tobacco onions


>> No.15463037

alcohol threads are great. /alck/ threads featuring miserable snivelling alcoholic fags are rightfully banned. those cunts are as unwelcome here as they are everywhere irl

>> No.15463070



>> No.15463191

I want to take a trip to Kentucky and smoke it in a fresh roll and get fresh ground to taste off of.

>> No.15463196 [DELETED] 
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Why is this /ck/ material, though?
I'm confused.

>> No.15463200 [DELETED] 

What the fuck.I thought I cropped... Dont respond to this post.

>> No.15463212
File: 310 KB, 1079x1250, Polish_20210125_001717928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this /ck/ material, though?

>> No.15463217

I mean, I dont care, I just don't get it.

>> No.15463227

Why? All the best filler tobacco comes from South America.

>> No.15463366

You can't eat that

>> No.15463373

no no no. tobacco is a fine topic for discussion but nobody wants another fucking turbo autistic general. FUCK OFF

>> No.15463804

Now this is sad

>> No.15463936


>> No.15464202

I want to start rolling my own cigarettes, can I do it exactly like in the video above but with unfiltered cigarettes instead of filtered? If so, what kind of rolling paper do you recommend?

>> No.15464810
File: 45 KB, 800x800, Tsubota_Pearl_Eddie_Japanese_Premium_Luxury_Reliable_Pipe_Lighters_Black_2_09069_10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a Tsubota Pearl Eddie lighter which is on of the cheaper japanese lighters. I find it pretty reliable and gratifying to use. Some of the paint started wearing off it pretty quickly,. I was initially pissed off as it was quite an investment to me, but now I actually like the look of it.

>> No.15464827

what's your favorite pipe tobacco blends?

>> No.15464896
File: 6 KB, 259x194, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cigar/tobacco threads are nothing new here and they tend to be low-maintenance and trouble free.
just click "hide thread" if you're unhappy.

>> No.15464917
File: 49 KB, 1000x1000, romeo-y-julieta-no-3-tubed-cigar-p1920-5926_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had one of these once. Quite nice, though I'm too afraid of cancer and poor to want to smoke anything like them even infrequently.

>> No.15465037

There was a study that showed people who smoked one cigar a day had no greater risks of cancer, stroke, or heart problems compared to people who didn’t smoke cigars. And considering most cigar smokers only have have 1 or 2 a week, the risk that cigars pose to your health is practically zero. In fact, cigars actually EXTEND your lifespan because they’re so great at reducing stress, and stress is one of the biggest killers in the modern world

>> No.15465221

Was it a singular study or have there been many which corroborate the results? Genuinely curious

>> No.15465481
File: 66 KB, 473x631, F2CA735B-6CAC-4ED4-808E-71DC2A81F4FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snus and nasal snuff.

>Those cigars look horrible btw
They have SOVL

>> No.15465488
File: 86 KB, 727x1024, russ pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tobacco do Russkies smoke?

>> No.15465505

are vapers welcome here uwu

>> No.15465558


>> No.15465572
File: 45 KB, 205x179, 1505841618_ppee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


vapers unite

>> No.15465636

saw dust
same for bread

>> No.15465644

Are there less expensive lighters in the same style that you think are still worthwhile?

>> No.15465654

you dont need a lighter with a vape

>> No.15465681

I vape but you’re just being an annoying little faggot right now

>> No.15465701

It was probably funded by a tobacco company

>> No.15465738
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>> No.15465740
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I've seen similar chinese produced lighters. I have no idea how well they work. The technology isn't complicated so they may work fine.
Cheaper electric ignition lighters are available that work great.
A cheap bic lighter works well and matches work extremely well

>> No.15465745


>> No.15465787

you can still appreciate tobacco and realize that tobacco companies, and their propaganda, are evil. The devil in damage control

>> No.15465833

Italian cigars are fuckin based. Kentucky fire cured tobacco is delicious. Got some Toscano Originales in the mail. Even the half size flavored options are worth trying. I smoke two or three of the toscanello grappas every day.

Look up mahorka.

The D&R Rimboche lines are great under the radar VaPers. Cheap as hell and each of the three uses a different kind of perique. The AB(Acadian black) is especially great if you can find it.

>> No.15465839
File: 79 KB, 650x444, Luckies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's toasted

>> No.15465841

>tobacco companies, and their propaganda, are evil.
But not alcohol companies that specifically target teenagers with drinks such as 4 loko? Why the double standard for tobacco but not any other company that sells potentially harmful products?

>> No.15466086

Been thinking of picking up some Toscanello cigars.
What Italian brands do you recommend?

>> No.15466111

I use matches and a zippo mostly. Cheap clipper lighters too, which all work fine. I do also want to get that a soft flame pipe lighter, specifically, though. Just looking some up right now; the kiribi kabuto seems nice enough, although still in a higher price range than I feel comfortable with at the moment. Might have to just bite the bullet.

>> No.15466437

This commercial is so fucking kino bros

>> No.15466508
File: 119 KB, 255x192, 1610087332368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell reusable slipcovers that look like the original packaging

>> No.15466516

Lmao don’t those idiots know that will stop literally nobody from smoking

>> No.15466566
File: 162 KB, 617x900, advertisement-for-camel-cigarettes-bettmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its got to be Camel

>> No.15466606

Unequivocally based and Camelpilled

>> No.15467191

I grew my own tobacco this past year, I harvested two crops. Now I've slow-cured it and just today I transferred it into a big glass jar to rehydrate a bit, with a paper towel that I wetted. Tomorrow or the next day, I will take all the leaves out, individually wipe them down with a lint-free cloth to make sure any dirt of foreign debris is cleaned off them, and then stack them into books. After another day, I'm going to briefly stove it all, then rehydrate it again, this time with a weak sugar solution, after which I'm going to put it into my fruit press for a month or so.

Yes kids, I'm making my own flake tobacco from scratch.

>> No.15467212

How can one man be so based?

>> No.15467231

I'm actually torn between making a rope, and pressing it into flake. I was originally going to use my pasta machine to ribbon cut it like a typical pipe tobacco but I decided that it's just better to make it old school style.

Ribbon cut tobacco wasn't very popular in the old days, flake or rope was much more widely appreciated because it was more compact and traveled better.

I actually bought and built one of those kit 12x18 greenhouses this winter, and set it up in my back yard after carefully leveling the ground. It was a "gift to my wife" so we can have cukes all year round but I partly bought it to give my next tobacco crop a good head start. I live in a cool part of the PNW, a hundred yards from the ocean, so even though it's never too cold here it's difficult to grow some things merely because of the constant wind. There's nothing to break the wind here between my house and Asia except Hawaii and my relatively thicc hedge.

>> No.15467267

two wrongs don't make a right.
big tobacco really went out of their way to try to fool people into thinking that tobacco isn't addictive or carcinogenic.
I know these things and still love tobacco.
I don't pretend otherwise

>> No.15467297

i want a pipe to look cool what do you guys recommend

>> No.15467361

meerschaum churchwarden

>> No.15467440

a brass zippo

>> No.15467590

How do I become a master of tobacco like you? I want to learn the sacred arts

>> No.15467720

Snus/snuff is steam pasteurized meaning no fermentation. Fermented tobacco is far far higher in TSNAs, basically proteins known to cause cancer at very high rates.
And burning anything is gonna make it carcinogenic.

>> No.15467749

Go bitch at the /tea/ freaks then. Literally the most autistic bunch on this digital ghetto

>> No.15467796

>scientifically sealed packages
What did they mean by this?

>> No.15467800

You have childish notions of “good” and “evil”.

>> No.15467821

Why did “mellow” tobacco become a thing? Who gets something and says “yeah I love X but can you make it taste less like X and more like nothing. Not a fan of flavor thanks”?

>> No.15467884

Big multi national tobacco companies are evil incarnate. Their whole raison d'être is to get people addicted to a carcinogenic substance for massive profit. They also go out of their way to destroy smaller tobacco companies that make high quality products.

>> No.15467936
File: 31 KB, 550x550, b03a295fdbe6094acccf7f021b986d8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tobacco is not a food, smoking is not cooking, i hate all of you

>> No.15467937

Oh wow an industry went out of it’s way to not claim full legal liability for hundreds of thousands of deaths that it was somewhat sort of kinda responsible for?
People knew the dangers of tobacco. Nobody ever thought it was good for you or benign. The didn’t know about specific diseases but they knew smokers were less healthy and robust than non smokers and they knew it was addictive.
But if you admit that in court it’s a different story because we have a fucked up Judaized legal system made for extracting money from people. Nobody ever held a gun to someone’s head saying they had to smoke.
Social media has a massive body count too when you factor in suicides and deaths in car accidents from retards doing tik tocs while driving. Will they come out and admit fault?

>> No.15467942


>> No.15467962

That’s called “doing business” you poor loser. There’s a market for tobacco that’s hundreds of years older than any of these companies. People are addicted to a lot of things that are bad for them. McDonalds, video games, candy, booze, social media, tv etc. anything enjoyable is also addictive and a lot of those things are bad for your health. Is it Budweiser’s fault that people drunk drive? Everyone knows smoking is harmful and they do it anyways. So whose fault is that?

>> No.15467963

Literally every industry in the world is based around getting people addicted to shit that’s bad for them, including spending money.

>> No.15468018
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Not him, but
>take tobacco
wa la

Pic is a section of lemon Virginia plug I pressed an aged for about a year. Ground it into this snuff:
Never smoked it. Smells very good as a plug, though, and the snuff is excellent.

>> No.15469628

Ordered a new pipe lads, will post soon

>> No.15470580


>> No.15470632

I quit on new years eve (last cigarette was at midnight as the fireworks went off) and I want one so bad bros. Like i just really fucking enjoy them. I'm sleeping fine and shit but when the air is nice and cool and the sun is shining and i'm having my morning coffee i miss having one so much.

Basically i'd been smoking 3-5 cigarettes a day for slightly over a year and apparently studies show that 5 a day can cause almost as much damage to your lungs as over 20 a day (though with lower cancer risk).

Also i only smoked dunhill International or george karelias and sons selected virginia, so they were actually nice as well.

>> No.15470666

If you still want to enjoy combustible tobacco I’d recommend you start getting into pipe or cigars. The health risk is practically zero as long as you don’t inhale and it’ll taste so much better than your cigarettes ever did

>> No.15470677

I like cigars but i don't get much from them. I like the physical sensation of inhaling the smoke. The taste thing is a complete meme.

>> No.15470684

>I like the physical sensation of inhaling the smoke.
Then maybe vaping is the best thing for you if you feel like you might get back on cigarettes again

>> No.15470738

>3-5 cigarettes a day for over a year
>struggling with the cravings
Lel how cute. I was a 2 pack a day smoker for a good half of my 15 year smoking spree, my first cigarette I was 10 and by 16 I was on 2 packs a day. Straight up went cold turkey. The cravings never go away, even after not smoking for 2 years, you're going to have to learn to not cave in.

>> No.15470748

Don't vape, you'll find yourself ingesting significantly more nicotine when you get addicted to vaping. If you really want to stop, it's gotta be cold turkey. Smoke cessation via nicotine substitution is a meme, you'll just get addicted to whatever you're substituting smoking with

>> No.15470843

>Smoke cessation via nicotine substitution is a meme, you'll just get addicted to whatever you're substituting smoking with
In which case vaping or snus is significantly healthier than smoking

>> No.15470869

>haha i smoked more than you

Okay retard?

I'm not asking for a magic solution i'm saying I miss smoking.

>> No.15470874

Also i've been smoking for like a decade it just got to be daily the past year during lockdown. Miss me with trying to talk about craving control faggot I was doing it fine for 9 years.

>> No.15470964

Tasting thing is a thing, but an acquired thing. I'm not saying you should make an effort to acquire it, but it's no meme. If you do want to acquire it the first step would be to stop expecting a cigar to be a cigarette. Anticipate that the pleasure to be derived is different, and then try to pay attention to what that might be for you as you smoke.

>> No.15471015

It seems like a reach to me compared to tasting wine or whisky or other actual food and beverages. After all, a cigar is little more than tobacco, so any notes of 'coffee' or 'pepper' are just how your tongue or brain parses the tobacco. At least with a brandy or something you can taste a certain fruit or something and know it's actually there.

>> No.15471201

>be me, many years ago.
>turn 18, start getting into cigars and eventually get a pipe.
>add it as a like/hobby to my Yahoo chat profile.
>suddenly bombarded with messages from older dudes who want to talk pipes and how they lead "interesting" lives.

Why is the pipe community teeming with older, pervy gays?

>> No.15471217

Lol I’ve noticed the same thing when I look up cigarette reviews on YouTube. Especially on the channel Driver Rob, there’s literally dozens of faggots making sexual comments on each video

>> No.15471290

The reddit tobacco subreddits are pretty good

>> No.15471486

You need to go back

>> No.15471503

Weed is superior, wide range of flavors and gets you high. Cubans are not worth their price,

>> No.15471510

4chan is basically reddit now.

>> No.15471616

It's not really the same thing. I think a lot of people treat tobacco like having a cup of coffee, they aren't looking to get high from it like you can with weed. I've even seen a lot of people look down on trying to use tobacco to get high and using really strong products as just harmful to health and even being something dangerous, saying that's not what tobacco is really for. You don't have to buy really expensive tobacco to get a decent product though.

>> No.15471866

has anybody here added cloves to their tobacco to make kretek?

I want to try clove tobacco

>> No.15471990

I don't understand the whole 'lite' cigar thing like Connecticut. I like them heavy and earthy only. No need for much beyond My Father (plain old My Father) or Oliva V. What 'full' heavy ones you like?

>> No.15472033

All I can tell you is if you taste a bunch of different tobaccos side by side you'll experience notable differences, and out of difference comes distinction, and out of distinction comes preference. Enjoying tobacco beyond satisfying a nicotine addiction is only as complicated as that. And like everything else, it's not for everyone. I'm not trying to sell you some abstraction, but it's no meme.

>> No.15472788

>the taste thing is a complete meme
Of course you don't taste anything you have been off ciggies for less than a month, your tastebuds are shot. Give it a couple months more of no tobaccy and then get into pipes/cigars and I guarantee you will be able to taste the differences between different tobacco.

Boomers are just strangely sexual in many things. Product of their time I guess.

I enjoy Connecticuts mostly for their short finish since I smoke a couple hours before bed and I'm not a huge fan of waking up with odd flavors in my mouth.

>> No.15472819
File: 16 KB, 83x82, b2351f516f27218863aef26c7d52a850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have some questions bros
im a lowly 20 year old in burgerland, but before they took away the grandfather clause i tried a black and mild and it didnt do much for me, felt calmer i guess but it felt coolish
when im 21 shortly do you recommend any cigars for a youngster
and yes i know the risks, parents smoke a pack of cigs a day, just wanna smoke cigars maybe pipes when im older

>> No.15472870

Literally go into a cigar store, tell them you're looking for a mild strength medium flavour cigar and buy a few singles they recommend. Personally I'd avoid any Rocky Patels since they seem to have shoddy QA. Sometimes my favourite smoke or I chuck it across the yard in 2 minutes.

>> No.15472887

learn to retrohale YESTERDAY

Buy some lapacho online if you really wanna get a nicotine buzz

Go into a local cigar store and buy some nice cigarillos, these will be your easiest first time smoke, You probbaly arent ready for a stick that lasts 90 minutes.

Remember, puff at the right rate to get cool smoke, dont burn the tobacco into a flavorless tongue biting mess

>> No.15472899


>> No.15472907

Try Travis Pappenheim’s method of tasting, it blows the retrohale out of the fucking water

>> No.15473234

It was so fucking hard to quit smoking why would you protmote this garbage anon?

>> No.15473273

Why do tobacco threads always pull these posters out of the woodwork?

>> No.15473325

Because commies can’t handle other people enjoying something they don’t

>> No.15473459


these guys seem to have pretty good deals on rustica leaf

>> No.15473853

what a good video, thanks anon

>> No.15473859

some people dont have addiction problems you weak willed faggot

>> No.15473900

Not a problem fren, it was extremely insightfully and led to a whole new dimension of tasting cigars for me. I even autistically wrote down every single step of the process, if you want me to post it

>> No.15473972

please do post your instruction list

>> No.15473994

Will do anon

How to Properly Taste a Cigar

>1. Don’t look for flavor notes until at least 1/2 of an inch in to the cigar
>2. Take long, slow, even draws off the cigar to avoid tainting the flavor
>3. Puff about every 45 seconds
>4. Take 2 or 3 puffs to warm the smoke up
>5. CRITICAL: Hold the smoke in your mouth for 4-5 seconds while puffing your cheeks out
>6. Slowly let the smoke roll out of your mouth while lifting your tongue up, but not touching your pallet
>7. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and rub it around
>8. Take a deep breath in
>9. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth rubbing it around, and rubbing it on the front of your teeth
>10. Think about any differences in flavor you experience
>11. Do this 6-8 times throughout the cigar
>12. For an even deeper and more rich tasting of the cigar, repeat this entire process but with your eyes closed

>> No.15474271


Not OP, but Toscanos overall are very solid.

I got a pack of anticos, and they're great because you get 10 cigars for a pretty cheap price.

>> No.15474305
File: 36 KB, 657x527, api.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you friend

>> No.15474312

The only clove cigarette I've ever tried is Djarum Black, though they're classified as cigars nowadays due to some legal bullshit. Never made my own.

>> No.15474401

I went a little crazy frens. I bought 3 pipes, a bunch of different tobaccos, a zippo and some jars to store my baccy.

I've smoked pipe tobacco once and that was 12 years ago, remember enjoying it. I've never really been a smoker outside of DUDE LMAO, but I could see really enjoying a nice pipe session while relaxing once a month or so.

>> No.15474420

You should not use the zippo to light anything you want to smoke. It is the only wrong choice in lighter. The guys at the cigar shop are going to try to sell you some stupid "99.999999% pure flavorless butane" whatever and that's all bullshit. But a zippo uses naphtha, and naptha does genuinely have a very strong taste and smell. If you flick that zippo open right now and smell it you will smell lighter fluid. If you light it it will smell even stronger. Compare that to how a bic lighter smells like absolutely nothing when you light it, because it uses butane. Use a bic.

>> No.15474436

Thanks for the advice fren, I'll just return it then

>> No.15474625

did it taste like cloves? ive heard new djarum blacks dont even have cloves in them just vanilla and a few other flavors

>> No.15474638

Been a number of years since I've had them so I can't answer definitively, sorry.

>> No.15474655

/out/ has a pipe general, other tobaccos usually welcome. Autists REEEEE there, too.

>> No.15474757
File: 58 KB, 394x450, 9F3D47CC-79C9-4EEC-BBF2-F9995F29F6D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15475625

Any leafs here know a good website to order snus from?

>> No.15475880

qrd on snus? Did chewing tobacco in the Airforce, spit every few minutes. How is snus diff than skoal/coppenhagin?

>> No.15475881

Nicorete inhaler. Pure nicotine (4mg), last a few hours. Get the nicotine w/o the smoke.

>> No.15475888

Snus isn't fermented or fire roasted like dip. It's easier on the stomach which means you can swallow the drip from it without feeling sick. Most studies seem to show that it doesn't cause cancer. And if you stick with regular strength snus and have good dental hygiene it doesn't really seem to cause any other mouth issues either.

>> No.15475890

i'm in usa but snus24 seems pretty good to me, a little cheaper than most other sites

>> No.15476547
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Toscano experiment is finished

>> No.15476584
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A little addendum on the stilonovos, smoking these with a fresh morning palate reveals lots of peat and old leather tastes that I wasn’t getting yesterday afternoon. A really good cigar - not my taste, but if you like the earthier traditional American cigars I can’t recommend these highly enough.

>> No.15476621


>> No.15476758
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A commenter left a link to a forum post about bouchons de la semois. I find these very aesthetically pleasing, so I’ll dump some images.
Does anyone have any experience with bouchons, or semois tobacco? I’m interested in making a snuff and snus with it because I am a lunatic. It should work - it is just a burley varietal, after all.

>> No.15477730

Have you ever grown your own tobacco, or do you mainly just get leaves from others?

>> No.15477760

What meal can I cook utilizing the Tobacco plant?

>> No.15477769

Lel thinturd

>> No.15477778


>> No.15477794

What are some good non-aromatic pipe tobaccos that are on the sweeter side?

>> No.15477935

I’ve grown tobacco in the past. It’s interesting and fun, but the hassle of germination, curing, and keeping tobacco hornworms away makes it not worth it in the end.
The fun for me is in the blending, the production - the growers can handle the boring bit.

>> No.15477993

Hopa Chicken, Snuff eggs

>> No.15478332

What are the best cigarillos you can get in Australia?

>> No.15478376


>> No.15478484

The rebrand of Chuck's?

>> No.15478759

I smoke penises

>> No.15479144

You and me both

>> No.15479346

How exactly does smoking a cigar reduce stress?

>> No.15479563
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Guys I think there is something in my humidor. Is it mold?

>> No.15479654


>> No.15479712

neck yourself plsthx

>> No.15479724

how sticky is that keyboard anon

>> No.15479726

Yeah? I think crack is far superior than weed, gets you doing shit so maybe next time you won't need crack. Weed is not worth their price.

>> No.15479754

>But not alcohol companies that specifically target teenagers with drinks such as 4 loko?
i've never seen anyone die from 4 loko. only people that have killed others in the most awesome ways possible.

>> No.15479758
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It does taste like cloves, very sweet, almost makes you think somebody put sugar in it. Djarum Blacks taste too much of cloves though, way too spicy, I'd rather pic related.
Haven't tried the vanilla or cappuccino ones unfortunately, tried mint, pretty good desu.

>> No.15479873

I'm serious

>> No.15479877

Redpill me on herbal cigarettes. Are they any good?

>> No.15479959

Ever try puer tea smokes?

>> No.15480093
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bro leave me alone it’s a patina :^(

>> No.15480136
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Herbal cigarettes usually come in two camps: ersatz tobacco, and mystical plant blends to open 3rd eye astrology past lives no I don’t like to shave my pussy, I can’t believe you would ask me to do that, it’s too sensitive, you’re so gross

Two world wars have taught soldiers to get crafty with tobacco substitutes. Raspberry leaves, papaya leaves, mullein, and a bunch of other plants are suitable for smoking. Some of them might have a flavor vaguely reminiscent of a cigarette (and if it’s mentholated, the deception goes even more unnoticed), but anyone who has tasted good tobacco, even if they exclusively smoke cigarettes, knows something is up. They also lack the unique pharmacological effects of nicotine and the other tobacco alkaloids, so they’re pretty unsatisfying.

On the other hand, “magic” blends try to recreate the effects of cannabis or hype up the effects of other plants on their own merit. It’s tied into herbology, and while some of these plants do have some effect it’s nowhere near as pronounced or distinct as the deep, heavy, focused calm you get from smoking tobacco. Many of them are phony bologna, though, and almost all of them are bizarre smokes. Steer clear. If you want to smoke pot, smoke pot - if you want to smoke tobacco, smoke tobacco.

>> No.15481117

Not yet, but my coffee stall carries some, I'll try it next time I ran out

>> No.15481120

macarthur classic

>> No.15481431
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Nicotine focuses you and gives you a heavy feeling, especially in the slow and comparatively large dose received from a cigar. Other alkaloids in tobacco act as MAOIs, basically biological antidepressants.
The physical aspects also can’t be ignored. Cigars look cool, smell good, taste good and interesting, and force you to be doing only one thing for about an hour - you can browse your phone or read or watch something, but when you’re smoking a cigar, you’re committed to a pleasant time for a little while.

>> No.15481545

Thanks mate, although I thought the nicotine in a cigar doesn't hit so hard seeing as you aren't inhaling? I did see something about absorbing it through your mouth lining. How bad do you think smoking the occasional cigar is for you?
Personally I am looking at getting a pack of cigarillos.

>> No.15481569

Smoking the occasional cigar will cause no health problems whatsoever. Past two to three cigars a week is when the risks start coming on, but they’re still negligible when comparing with cigarettes.
Cigarillos kind of suck. If you’re going to smoke cigars, smoke larger gauge cigars - less temptation to have more than one a day, and the taste is better.
If you’re set on the form, I can only recommend Toscanos.

>> No.15481597

OK, thanks mate. I'm sort of new to this (I used to smoke weed and one of my favourite ways was rolling it in an emptied out backwoods). I've since been fully (not even alcohol) for a few years but I need SOMETHING.

>> No.15481603

A cigar still has a lot of nicotine in it and even so done like me who has been smoking pipes and cigars for years can sometimes find myself suffering a bit of nicotine sickness after smoking a cigar depending on a few factors. However, the only cravings I've had for tobacco is the same sort of craving you get for a specific meal or a sweet or a certain taste. If you find yourself wanting a smoke just because you feel like you need a smoke, don't touch any tobacco for a month or so and you should be fine. As for nicotine sickness, just take it very slow when smoking a cigar for the first time, puff on it about once a minute or so, smoke after eating and have a sweet drink. Raising blood sugar counteracts the nicotine. First few times I smoked a pipe I was sweating, nauseous and even vomited once and when I got into cigars properly, I felt the nicotine hit despite smoking frequently at the time. One thing is that I've never felt nicotine sickness when I'm smoking and drinking. Of course, alcohol does raise the risk lon term a little by stripping away mucus and mouth flora but tobacco and booze go so well together I'm happy to accept that risk.

>> No.15481609
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Backwoods are alright, if you have nothing else to smoke, then they’re fine. Probably the highest quality you’re going to get out of a gas station cigar, just make sure to try something premium before you pick up backwoods so you know what to look for.
I recommend an Acid Blondie Bellicoso to beginners, since the quality control is good, it’s lightly flavored with botanicals that you can look for in the smoke (helps you get used to tasting cigars), and is affordable (around $7-$8, depending on your state). Also, you can cut the torpedo cap with a kitchen knife so you’re not out $3 for a cutter just yet.
Anything by AJ Fernandez is also good for beginners, but really try the bellicoso. If you don’t know where to find cigars or might feel uncomfortable in a humidor looking like a noob, Total Wine had a nice humidor in nearly every store. Very quiet, and sometimes I’ll go in just to snnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiifffff ohhh god

>> No.15481626

Cheers mate.
I'm aussie so not sure I can get those brands. The only way I even got backwoods was from an online head shop type thing and I have to pay a bit more for them then you guys probably do. I've been looking at Davidoff's.

>> No.15481730

I see a lot of people saying they put in a new pouch every hour or so, but does anyone else leave them in for 2-3 hours? They say after an hour they've lost their flavor but to me it seems like with original portions the pouch itself has lost its flavor but then the tobacco inside starts moistening more and dripping after a bit longer and it doesn't really start to taste stale to me until around 3 hours.

>> No.15481804


I've been using a pipe zippo for years and aside from the odd initial smell of lighter fluid when it's on, I find it doesn't impact the tobacco at all.

>> No.15481932

Please do

>> No.15481941

Some I'll leave in a while if the flavor after that long is pleasant (Goteborgs, General). Extremely strong like Siberia I wouldn't want to leave in that long.

>> No.15482053


>> No.15482119

dude you're funny. Also seconding. my ex wife went nuts after smoking herbal marijuana called spice. did something to her brain I had to get rid of her before I died. stay away from that shit boys.

>> No.15482177

Spice isn't just herbs for smoking, it's whatever kind of plant material mixed with synthetic chemicals. The chemicals mixed with it are what fuck people up like that.

>> No.15482221

Thanks for the explanation, I've been confused by the snus posts because here they call dip in pouches snus. Is this described kind only available in Europe? I dipped copenhagen once in uni 22 years ago and threw up so loudly I woke up the dorm. I tried zyns a few months ago and that was good shit but only nicotine, no tobacco.
Anyways enjoy a tobacco song:

>> No.15482254
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Holy fuck, you're right. How horny do you to be to type out multiple sexually charged comments to some boomer smoking a dart?

>> No.15482417

KYfag here. My tobacconist makes a house blend that is the most wonderful, aromatic flake. There are notes of chocolate, cream, and vanilla with tobaccos like latakia and burley. It smells absolutely wonderful and smokes cool as the autumn breeze.
I like to use just a pinch in the last 5 minutes of an allemande sauce to infuse the flavors. Simply strain immediately and your sauce will be impeccable. Here's the recipe I use.

1 tbsp. butter
1 shallot, minced
2 cups heavy cream
1/4 cup beef stock
1 tbsp. horseradish OR 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
Kosher salt and white pepper to taste
1/8 tsp. msg
One pinch tobacco

melt the butter over medium heat and add shallots
Saute until fragrant, then add cream, stock, and horseradish/mustard
Simmer on medium low heat until reduced by half
Add salt, pepper, and msg
Add small, 3 finger pinch of tobacco
Simmer on low for 5 minutes
Strain through fine mesh sieve

Now even though this is normally used as a veloute, I've used a brown beef stock, because I can. I normally use Dijon mustard, but horseradish is great as well.
This recipe goes great with 1/2 inch thick sliced pork tenderloin.
Score them, season with salt and pepper, let sit for 5 minutes.
Flour, egg, breadcrumb.
Fry until golden/brown
Place on wire-racked baking sheet, drizzle with oil
Finish in the oven for 4 minutes at 425 Fahrenheit

Serve with allemande sauce and veggies. Personally, I'd saute sliced eggplant, squash, zucchini, and Roma tomatoes and de-glaze with red wine vinegar and balsamic vinegar and reduce.

Hope this helps, Anon!

>> No.15482419

No problem. I was confused a bit at first too and accidentally bought dip pouches my first time. I think the only good quality snus comes from Sweden. There are some American brands of snus but nobody is really sure exactly how they're processed and people say they get sick from it. Some varieties of Copenhagen are pretty strong so it's not surprising you got sick from it too lol. As long as you stick with regular strength snus it might make you a little dizzy if you aren't used to it but I've never gotten sick from it. Nicotine pouches are probably a little safer than dip but some people say they're rough on their gums with long-term use and not quite as satisfying as real tobacco since tobacco contains more than just nicotine.

A lot of gas stations in my area carry General brand snus which comes from Sweden though, if you want to give that a try. I think it's the most popular brand in Sweden and it's pretty good quality. Otherwise you can place an order online to import some from Sweden but you basically have to buy in bulk since shipping is about $30 minimum because tobacco products need age verification on delivery. But here's the site link to see if you can find any nearby:


>> No.15482619

There’s literally an entire gay sub-community revolving around smoking cigarettes, it’s the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen

>> No.15482642
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>> No.15482721
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Does anyone like any of the pipe yootoobers ? Or any tobacco youtubers?

Stuff and things is a bit reddit but concise.
dsociald is ok but a bit depressing (he lives in squalor)
Eldritch reviews tobacco and shows you pipes he's working on which I quite like. I don't mind that he's pretty camp.

>> No.15482782

Someone answer >>15464202 please, I’m dying to know

>> No.15482801

Our old friend! Did the surgery go okay? No undue fecal oder? Remembering to dilate regularly?

>> No.15483283

Do they sell this house blend online? If so where can I get it

>> No.15483433

Yeah I mainly just use regular strength General. I haven't tried Siberia but I've seen some people say it smells like ammonia so I can see why you wouldn't want to leave it any longer once you've gotten the nicotine from it.

>> No.15483516 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15483558

I don’t get it

>> No.15483618

sn(eed)'s f(eed) & s(eed)

formerly ch(uck)'s

>> No.15483625

So Chuck’s Feed and Seed?

>> No.15483634

Sweet, sweet, Mahorka

Rustica leaf strong enough to make you break into a sweat even when its 10 below

>> No.15483638

Chuck's fuck & suck

>> No.15483644

But that doesn’t make any sense, how could the Simpsons ever get away with it?

>> No.15483747

the same way south park got away with pretty much saying the N word, by alluding to it but not directly saying it.

>> No.15484017

My wife's niece's boyfriend at the time went through something similar. Ended up in the hospital for ten days and a $350k medical bill that he promptly defaulted on.

>> No.15484051

Spice is an epidemic in UK prisons. One of the dirtiest things you could ever smoke, seriously


>> No.15484088

>My wife's niece's boyfriend
I was worried there for a second

>> No.15484857

Just bought a cheap Meerschaum corn cob pipe and some Captain Black Gold. Gonna pack and smoke my first pipe in the next few minutes, what can I expect tobaccbros?

>> No.15484970

you can expect to learn the nuances of packing and lighting your tobacco, other than that enjoy fren

>> No.15485430
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>> No.15485986

I'm not a fan of sweetened cigars myself but to each his own

>> No.15486135

Just here to say I hate cigarettes. Ones in a pack or tabacco rollies.
But a good cigar, very nice. Especially on a warm day.

>> No.15486155

I smoke pipe, absolutely lovely, great for the flavour, I could go on, I smoke cigars, same dela but cannot smoke them every day nor should you really. Hookahs are some and can get really wild good with friends. Kiseru is just a neat thing to have. Cigarettes are disgusting and people who smoke them should be put down.

>> No.15486472

Based as fuck

>> No.15486528

>Cigarettes are disgusting and people who smoke them should be put down.
Cope more faggot

>> No.15486739


>> No.15487241


>> No.15488164


>> No.15488782

Why don't vapes feel as relaxing as my pipe or a cigar? Placebo?

>> No.15488857

Probably because you have to take a deep breath to inhale vape, whereas with pipes and cigars you’re just inhaling it into your mouth

>> No.15489020

Fuck you WHY was my FUCKING weed thread DELETED, but THIS SHIT CAN STAY UP?????


>> No.15489051

Weed is federally illegal, tobacco is not

>> No.15489135

What's your favorite cigarette? I usually go with Dunhill Fine Cut Black when I can find them, which isn't often.

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.15489498

Weed is gay

>> No.15489501

Unironically based

>> No.15490462

fat black cock

>> No.15490730

Real tobacco contains MAOI compounds which are supposed to act like antidepressants. Vaping pure nicotine is like only getting half of what real tobacco does. You can try finding "whole tobacco alkaloid" or WTA vape liquid which is supposed to be more like the real thing if you want to keep trying it.

>> No.15491119
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Any recommendations for peppery cigars? I want to try a few pepper bombs.

>> No.15491431

The subtle effect of oxygen deprivation and ammonia which is difficult to recreate in avape

>> No.15491478

If you light a cigar, you can't do anything else for about 1-2 hours. The very action of smoking a cigar forces you to remain in place, which promotes thought and contemplation.
The way vape works you will never recreate this.

>> No.15492401


>> No.15492905
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mail finally came in lads, excited to start the pipe journey

>> No.15493163

Looks comfy as fuck, I want to get into pipe but I’m not 21

>> No.15493513


>> No.15493620

where did you purchase the replacement stem for the cob?

>> No.15493627
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>Smoking kills
>Quit now

>> No.15493765

It's the stem that came with the cob, but you might be able to find replacements on Missouri meerschaum

>> No.15494564
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A lil sunset toscanello boys

>> No.15494571

An image for owls I see

>> No.15494573

this... this isn't food

>> No.15494574 [DELETED] 

Hi I just reported this thread as this is not about food and/or cooking.
Have a nice day. :)

>> No.15494599

Read the rules newfriend

>> No.15494610

Pathetic samefag

>> No.15494666

First clip on this video pissed me off so much. Put him on his side ffs!
Are these people even having a good time?

>> No.15494713

In due time fren

>> No.15495106

All the faggots that announce they’re reporting us get b&. Mods are truly on our side

>> No.15495170
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Thanks anon

>> No.15495666

Based mods

>> No.15496045


>> No.15496075


>> No.15496229

Ask your grandad

>> No.15496589

They’re both dead

>> No.15497278

Looks like a black penis you fucking faggot

>> No.15498057

Speaking of which, does anyone know if there's any way of getting Djarum Specials here in Europe? I've seen them in some burger online stores, but they don't ship overseas.

>> No.15498470

No it doesn't. Why are you so obsessed with black men and their penises?

>> No.15498483

That's a nice looking cob.
What model is it?

>> No.15498485

Is just a containment thread, and we don't cause much trouble. We're low maintenance.

>> No.15498684

It was called the Charles Towne Cobbler, got it off the Missouri Meerschaum site

>> No.15499765


>> No.15499830

When you smoke you look like you're sucking on a little black penis. That's gay

>> No.15499890
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No, you look like you're smoking a cigar. You got black dicks on the brain where anything that's a tube looks like a dick to you.

>> No.15499998

>stoogies after burying the hooker

>> No.15500055

Check em

>> No.15500067


>> No.15500309


>> No.15500319
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Trying dark green just for funsies. Don't know what to think, never had menthol before.

>> No.15501127

How was it?

>> No.15501489

The lightest spirit I've had despite being the 'full flavored' menthol. The only spirit I haven't liked is light blue, but this one is probably around the mediums I've tried (hunter and the c word one I can't remember). I normally smoke Turquoise and the occasional black. The menthol taste ain't terrible but I want that nicotine kick.

>> No.15501547

How do you like the unfiltered ones? I’ve been wanting to try every unfiltered in America to see which one is the best

>> No.15501749

Haven't had one and don't know where to get them around me. Browns, right?

>> No.15501783

fuck sakes

>> No.15501831

the unfiltered brown pack is always dry/stale because nobody buys those packs, better off buying the blue pack and ripping the filter off.

>> No.15501926

those taste like cardboard
american spirit are the only good unfiltered I've had

>> No.15501998

Currently trying dunhill, some newer brands of Lucky Strike, American Spirit Brown, Marlboro blend 27, black
they're plenty fresh in the flyover I live in.
The best mainstream unfiltered by far in my opinion. They're too fucking harsh but probably have the biggest kick as being even larger than luckies or camels and being packed pure tobacco
celadon probably

>> No.15502598
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>mfw none of the usual snus websites will ship to the UK now "due to brexit"

Making snus myself might be fun, right?

>> No.15502733

Damn, you're off to a great start. I have that exact cob too. I've relegated it to be my aromatic pipe.

>> No.15502967

Ha! I've delegated it as my aromatic pipe as well

thank fren

>> No.15503003

Why do w'all hate yourselves?

>> No.15503059

Does anyone have an tips on getting cheap cigs or cigars in a high tax state? I live in a high tax state so the prices are ridiculous.

>> No.15503066

Got two GR in right now boys

>> No.15503128

Do you have any Indian reservations in your state? They sell tax free cigs and dirt cheap gas

>> No.15503150

No, IL doesn't have any :(

>> No.15503156
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Other than driving to a different state, you could just buy some some seeds/large pots and get to growing.

>> No.15503861

how do I stop the tobacco from falling out of rolled cigarettes?

>> No.15503871

twist the end like you would with a joint

>> No.15505238


>> No.15506319

Come on niggers start talking

>> No.15506341

don't you need to cure the leaves for a silly amount of time?

>> No.15506388
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Yes, but curing can be as stupid simple as leaving the leaves on your car dashboard or hanging them in your window.

Made some Siberia couple days ago

>> No.15506457
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Havent smoked a ciggy or any tobacco for that matter in at least 5 years, I still think about and miss these guys often. I can still remember how they smell too when you break open a fresh one, kinda like the garden center at home depot.

>> No.15507330 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15508518

They make a butane insert for a zippo. It's only a few bucks, refillable. Works like any butane torch and you can keep your zippo

>> No.15509367

Does it turn it into a torch or is it a soft flame?

>> No.15510427

Can you help me find a nice wood pipe with hidden water filter?
Pretty much a wood pipe bubbler.

>> No.15510447
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>puff your cheeks out
>let smoke roll out of your mouth while lifting your tongue up
>place tongue on the roof of your mouth and rub it around
>rub tongue on the front of your teeth
more like how to look like a proper mong

>> No.15510724


>> No.15510818

For the people that make your own snus have you ever messed around with using tobacco extract as a flavoring agent? There are a few companies that make naturaly extracted taobacco flavored juice and at least a few of them sell their tobacco extracts which i think are in a pg or vg carrier liquid, it seems like it might be a fun way to flavor snus and open up some wider tobacco flavor possibilities

>> No.15511264

If you smoke cigars for the look, cigars aren’t for you

>> No.15511396

I've never had a rolling tobacco that beats the classic Marlboro Red in terms of kick and flavour.

>> No.15511405


>> No.15511590
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Snus maker here. The beauty of smokeless tobacco is that you aren’t restricted to the constrictions of things that vape well. I can be as crude or sophisticated as I want in extraction.
Pic related: chimo is a Venezuelan tobacco that you bake into a prilla or cut a pinch off and stick in your mouth where it dissolves. It is, in essence, a tobacco extraction - green or cured tobacco is boiled into an infusion, the leaf is strained away, and the tea is concentrated into a powerful extract. Water is the superior method for capturing tobacco’s essence.
Unfortunately, flavoring extractions for e liquid fall short of the mark. They have special considerations that make them usable in vapes but remove much of the true body of the flavor.

>> No.15511632

Disgusting consoomers
This thread belongs on plebbit

>> No.15511660

Leave 4chan, you neo-methodist churchwife.

>> No.15512639

Where else would you discuss tobacco on here

>> No.15513350
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>turkish tobacco
>pyramid on the box
>there are no pyramids in tur-
>but wait
>pyramids were presumably used as tombs for kings
>yfw you realize that the pyramids are for the kings who smoke their product

>> No.15513357

Turkish royals are my personal favorites

>> No.15514048
File: 591 KB, 720x712, prince albert in a can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? Should i let him out?

>> No.15514212

Is your refrigerator running?

>> No.15514262
File: 97 KB, 750x734, 3ead7a33-6048-40cf-9bc4-643ec84788be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying some C&D Autumn Morning but it hasn't really wowed me like I expected it to.

Any anons recommend anything similar but with a stronger fire cured flavor?

>> No.15514360

Burley tobaccos are insanely easy to cure. Literally just hang them in a decently ventilated spot for a few weeks, and you have something smokable

>> No.15514366

thats probably all the chems and shit.

>> No.15514371

>hang them
the ripened leaves that is

>> No.15515701

Pipe or cigar with this morning's coffee, /ck/?

>> No.15516105
